30 research outputs found

    The artificial intelligence as a tool to guide foreigner employment policies?

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    The global migration is one of the most significant challenges facing global society today. Exactly the same statement can be applied to the phenomena related to the development of artificial intelligence. Therefore there is no doubt that the areas where migration and artificial intelligence meet, require the attention of researchers. The analysis of this article will focus on the phenomenon of labour migration in the context of creating the policy of employing foreigners by means of, or with the use of, artificial intelligence. In view of the current lack of any integrated national migration policy, it is possible to attempt to determine the directions of its creation in the future, taking into account artificial intelligence tools, the proper regulation of which poses a particular challenge, in view of the threat against human rights violations

    Pandemia COVID-19 jako papierek lakmusowy sytuacji migrantów ekonomicznych z krajów trzecich na polskim rynku pracy

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    Pandemia koronawirusa wywarła realny wpływ na wiele, jeśli nie wszystkie, obszarów ludzkiej aktywności. W sposób znaczący oddziałuje na rynek pracy i migracje, co z kolei skutkuje wpływem na zatrudnienie migrantów. Na polskim rynku pracy szczególną ich grupę stanowią migranci ekonomiczni z krajów trzecich. Warto przyjrzeć się ich sytuacji na rynku pracy w czasie przedpandemicznym, porównując ją do okresu pandemii. Pozwala to w pewien sposób sklasyfikować istniejące realia oraz określić czynniki na nie wpływające. To z kolei umożliwia prognozowanie skutków występowania określonych mechanizmów w przyszłości. Artykuł skupia uwagę na wskazanych powyżej wątkach ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem obszarów związanych z zatrudnianiem migrantów z krajów trzecich, które uznać można za dysfunkcyjne


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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Uniwersalizm postanowień Europejskiego Filaru Praw Socjalnych w zakresie sprawiedliwych warunków pracy - realny kierunek zmian czy fantasmagoria? Zagadnienia wybrane

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    Europejski Filar Praw Socjalnych koncentruje szereg swoich regulacji wokół uczciwychwarunków zatrudnienia. Dotychczasowy dorobek prawodawstwa unijnego gwarantowałwiele praw w tym zakresie, nie wydaje się jednak, aby ich realizacja była wystarczająca.W świetle powyższego zasadne staje się zidentyfikowanie wyzwań stojących przedprawodawcą unijnym jak i krajowym w kontekście zabezpieczenia stosownego poziomuuczciwych warunków zatrudnienia.A wide range of regulations of the European Pillar of Social Rights are focused on fair employment conditions. The hitherto achievements of EU legislationguaranteed a number of rights in this respect, yet their implementation still appears insufficient. In the light of the above, it is justified to identify the challenges that the EU and national legislator are facing in the context of securing an adequatelevel of fair employment conditions

    Selected differences between civil law and employment law contracts related to work on the grounds of the Polish legislation

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Developments in Labour Law from a Comparative Perspective

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    The “Labour Law Education Society”, established in 2012, is one of the academic networks which were brought to life to study labour law from a comparative perspective. This monograph is a result of research made by LLES Members. In its contents latest issues of labour law are being presented. Hence, the essence of the presented studies would be interesting for those who analyze labour law from a comparative perspective. A dynamic development of labour law, connected with its social, political and economic conditions is a reason to study it from many different views. This monograph attempts to accomplish this objective

    Peripheralisation of migrant workforce in Poland : inbetween policy paths and regulatory approaches

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    Migration of people is a multidimensional phenomenon that combines various aspects. Complexity of migration processes, its variability in time, diversity of economic, demographic, political or cultural determinants pose considerable challenges on the European labour market on many levels, starting from theoretical ones-related to the adoption of a uniform definition of migrant workers, and ending with the practical ones-relating to the establishment of the sustainable migration policy measures that would aim at safeguarding their fully-fledged participation in it guaranteed by various regulatory norms and standards. The article aims at presenting a rudimentary analysis of the specificity of labour migration in Poland against the background of European countries, in order to elucidate the deficiencies of the present regulatory approaches in addressing the phenomenon of sui generis peripherilization of migrant workforce in Poland. Its content has been enriched with comparative overview of the results of the case studies conducted in one of the key sectors for European labour market exposed to this phenomenon-namely pork meat value chain. Notably, problems related to wage levels and working conditions of migrant workers observed in this sector are as much industry-specific, as exemplary of wider global trends in industries that offer low pay, low status, little career advancement and stressful work environment

    Umowa o pomocy przy zbiorach — nowa podstawa prawna zatrudnienia

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      THE HARVEST HELP CONTRACT — A NEW LEGAL BASIS OF EMPLOYMENT The labour market policy that has been developed in previous years seems to promote employment based on the labour law relationship over civil law employment. The exact opposite direction is set out by the introduction of the harvest help contract. The rationality of its introduction into the legal system is explained by economic reasons — the need to help farmers with jobs which are characterized by increased seasonal intensity. Therefore, it is important to discuss the scope of its application both in terms of subject and object matter and the conditions under which farmers’ helpers should provide their work. Their differentiation of the working conditions in comparison to other employed persons should be rationally justified by axiological reasons.  THE HARVEST HELP CONTRACT — A NEW LEGAL BASIS OF EMPLOYMENT The labour market policy that has been developed in previous years seems to promote employment based on the labour law relationship over civil law employment. The exact opposite direction is set out by the introduction of the harvest help contract. The rationality of its introduction into the legal system is explained by economic reasons — the need to help farmers with jobs which are characterized by increased seasonal intensity. Therefore, it is important to discuss the scope of its application both in terms of subject and object matter and the conditions under which farmers’ helpers should provide their work. Their differentiation of the working conditions in comparison to other employed persons should be rationally justified by axiological reasons

    COVID-19 and Labour Law: Poland

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    The COVID-19 pandemic was a shock for the Polish economy, which in many sectors has almost ceased to operate, while in others it has largely limited its previous activity. This has negatively impacted masses of employees, persons employed under civil law contracts or self-employed people. Therefore, the Polish legislator has taken steps to prevent destabilization of the labour market, doing so mainly by supporting employers in the fight to maintain jobs