187 research outputs found

    Supervised Machine Learning Approaches on Multispectral Remote Sensing Data for a Combined Detection of Fire and Burned Area

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    Bushfires pose a severe risk, among others, to humans, wildlife, and infrastructures. Rapid detection of fires is crucial for fire-extinguishing activities and rescue missions. Besides, mapping burned areas also supports evacuation and accessibility to emergency facilities. In this study, we propose a generic approach for detecting fires and burned areas based on machine learning (ML) approaches and remote sensing data. While most studies investigated either the detection of fires or mapping burned areas, we addressed and evaluated, in particular, the combined detection on three selected case study regions. Multispectral Sentinel-2 images represent the input data for the supervised ML models. First, we generated the reference data for the three target classes, burned, unburned, and fire, since no reference data were available. Second, the three regional fire datasets were preprocessed and divided into training, validation, and test subsets according to a defined schema. Furthermore, an undersampling approach ensured the balancing of the datasets. Third, seven selected supervised classification approaches were used and evaluated, including tree-based models, a self-organizing map, an artificial neural network, and a one-dimensional convolutional neural network (1D-CNN). All selected ML approaches achieved satisfying classification results. Moreover, they performed a highly accurate fire detection, while separating burned and unburned areas was slightly more challenging. The 1D-CNN and extremely randomized tree were the best-performing models with an overall accuracy score of 98 % on the test subsets. Even on an unknown test dataset, the 1D-CNN achieved high classification accuracies. This generalization is even more valuable for any use-case scenario, including the organization of fire-fighting activities or civil protection. The proposed combined detection could be extended and enhanced with crowdsourced data in further studies

    Der ortlose Ort der Träume : Heterotopien und Utopien in Ingeborg Bachmanns Roman "Malina"

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    Tutkimuskohteena on saksankielisen sodanjälkeisen kirjallisuuden merkittävimpiin kirjailijoihin kuuluva, erityisesti lyyrikkona tunnettu Ingeborg Bachmann (1926-1973). Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma luo näkökulman Bachmannin kirjallisen tuotannon ymmärtämiseen tarkastelemalla tilan ja paikan kuvauksia romaanissa "Malina", erityisesti naisminäkertojan unissa. Analyysissä tiloja ja paikkoja tarkastellaan Michel Foucault’n tilateorioiden avulla, joista keskeisimmät ovat heterotopiat ja utopiat. Ne havainnollistavat romaanin minäkertojan suhdetta ympäröivään todellisuuteen. Keskeinen tutkimuskysymys on, miten minäkertoja asemoi itsensä paikassa ja tilassa sekä millaisia diskursiivisia valtasuhteita heterotooppisten ja utooppisten tilojen kuvaukset tekevät näkyviksi. Minäkertojan unissa näyttäytyvät painajaismaiset ja dystooppiset tilat, heterotopiat; ”näyttämöinä” esiintyvät hautausmaat, vankilat, keskitysleirit sekä mielisairaalat, joita hallitsee isä-hahmo ja joissa minäkertojan uni-minä tulee toistuvasti eri tavoin murhatuksi. Tilat symboloivat minäkertojan ulkopuolisuuden tunnetta konkretisoiden tilallisesti, kuinka naisella ei ole paikkaa patriarkaalisessa todellisuudessa. Niiden vastapainona on utopia romaanin keskelle kirjoitetussa sadussa, joka paikantuu kauas myyttiseen menneisyyteen. Utopiassa vastakkainasettelu naiseus/mieheys lakkaa olemasta ja minäkertojasta tulee patriarkaatista vapaa toimija. Tutkielman viitekehyksenä toimivat vuonna 2017 suurelle yleisölle julkaistut Ingeborg Bachmannin kirjeet ja unipäiväkirja, joita käytettiin analyysin tukena

    Investigation on the potential of hyperspectral and Sentinel-2 data for land-cover / land-use classification

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    The automated analysis of large areas with respect to land-cover and land-use is nowadays typically performed based on the use of hyperspectral or multispectral data acquired from airborne or spaceborne platforms. While hyperspectral data offer a more detailed description of the spectral properties of the Earth’s surface and thus a great potential for a variety of applications, multispectral data are less expensive and available in shorter time intervals which allows for time series analyses. Particularly with the recent availability of multispectral Sentinel-2 data, it seems desirable to have a comparative assessment of the potential of both types of data for land-cover and land-use classification. In this paper, we focus on such a comparison and therefore involve both types of data. On the one hand, we focus on the potential of hyperspectral data and the commonly applied techniques for data-driven dimensionality reduction or feature selection based on these hyperspectral data. On the other hand, we aim to reason about the potential of Sentinel-2 data and therefore transform the acquired hyperspectral data to Sentinel-2-like data. For performance evaluation, we provide classification results achieved with the different types of data for two standard benchmark datasets representing an urban area and an agricultural area, respectively

    Glacier Monitoring Based on Multi-Spectral and Multi-Temporal Satellite Data: A Case Study for Classification with Respect to Different Snow and Ice Types

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    Remote sensing techniques are frequently applied for the surveying of remote areas, where the use of conventional surveying techniques remains difficult and impracticable. In this paper, we focus on one of the remote glacier areas, namely the Tyndall Glacier area in the Southern Patagonian Icefield in Chile. Based on optical remote sensing data in the form of multi-spectral Sentinel-2 imagery, we analyze the extent of different snow and ice classes on the surface of the glacier by means of pixel-wise classification. Our study comprises three main steps: (1) Labeled Sentinel-2 compliant data are obtained from theoretical spectral reflectance curves, as there are no training data available for the investigated area; (2) Four different classification approaches are used and compared in their ability to identify the defined five snow and ice types, thereof two unsupervised approaches (k-means clustering and rule-based classification via snow and ice indices) and two supervised approaches (Linear Discriminant Analysis and Random Forest classifier); (3) We first focus on the pixel-wise classification of Sentinel-2 imagery, and we then use the best-performing approach for a multi-temporal analysis of the Tyndall Glacier area. While the achieved classification results reveal that all of the used classification approaches are suitable for detecting different snow and ice classes on the glacier surface, the multi-temporal analysis clearly reveals the seasonal development of the glacier. The change of snow and ice types on the glacier surface is evident, especially between the end of ablation season (April) and the end of accumulation season (September) in Southern Chile

    Exposure to noise and ototoxic chemicals in the Australian workforce

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    Objective: To determine the current prevalence of exposure to workplace noise and ototoxic chemicals, including co-exposures. Method: A cross-sectional telephone survey of nearly 5000 Australian workers was conducted using the web-based application, OccIDEAS. Participants were asked about workplace tasks they performed and predefined algorithms automatically assessed worker's likelihood of exposure to 10 known ototoxic chemicals as well as estimated their full shift noise exposure level (LAeq,8h) of their most recent working day. Results were extrapolated to represent the Australian working population using a raked weighting technique. Results: In the Australian workforce, 19.5% of men and 2.8% of women exceeded the recommended full shift noise limit of 85 dBA during their last working day. Men were more likely to be exposed to noise if they were younger, had trade qualifications and did not live in a major city. Men were more likely exposed to workplace ototoxic chemicals (57.3%) than women (25.3%). Over 80% of workers who exceeded the full shift noise limit were also exposed to at least one ototoxic chemical in their workplace. Conclusion: The results demonstrate that exposures to hazardous noise and ototoxic chemicals are widespread in Australian workplaces and co-exposure is common. Occupational exposure occurs predominantly for men and could explain some of the discrepancies in hearing loss prevalence between genders

    Identification, replication and characterization of epigenetic remodelling in the aging genome:A cross population analysis

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    Aging is a complex biological process regulated by multiple cellular pathways and molecular mechanisms including epigenetics. Using genome-wide DNA methylation data measured in a large collection of Scottish old individuals, we performed discovery association analysis to identify age-methylated CpGs and replicated them in two independent Danish cohorts. The double-replicated CpGs were characterized by distribution over gene regions and location in relation to CpG islands. The replicated CpGs were further characterized by involvement in biological pathways to study their functional implications in aging. We identified 67,604 age-associated CpG sites reaching genome-wide significance of FWE

    Regional differences in mitochondrial DNA methylation in human post-mortem brain tissue

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    Background: DNA methylation is an important epigenetic mechanism involved in gene regulation, with alterations in DNA methylation in the nuclear genome being linked to numerous complex diseases. Mitochondrial DNA methylation is a phenomenon that is receiving ever-increasing interest, particularly in diseases characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction; however, most studies have been limited to the investigation of specific target regions. Analyses spanning the entire mitochondrial genome have been limited, potentially due to the amount of input DNA required. Further, mitochondrial genetic studies have been previously confounded by nuclear-mitochondrial pseudogenes. Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation Sequencing is a technique widely used to profile DNA methylation across the nuclear genome; however, reads mapped to mitochondrial DNA are often discarded. Here, we have developed an approach to control for nuclear-mitochondrial pseudogenes within Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation Sequencing data. We highlight the utility of this approach in identifying differences in mitochondrial DNA methylation across regions of the human brain and pre-mortem blood. Results: We were able to correlate mitochondrial DNA methylation patterns between the cortex, cerebellum and blood. We identified 74 nominally significant differentially methylated regions (p < 0.05) in the mitochondrial genome, between anatomically separate cortical regions and the cerebellum in matched samples (N = 3 matched donors). Further analysis identified eight significant differentially methylated regions between the total cortex and cerebellum after correcting for multiple testing. Using unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis of the mitochondrial DNA methylome, we were able to identify tissue-specific patterns of mitochondrial DNA methylation between blood, cerebellum and cortex. Conclusions: Our study represents a comprehensive analysis of the mitochondrial methylome using pre-existing Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation Sequencing data to identify brain region-specific patterns of mitochondrial DNA methylation

    DNA methylation and the epigenetic clock in relation to physical frailty in older people:The Lothian Birth Cohort 1936

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    Background: The biological mechanisms underlying frailty in older people are poorly understood. There is some evidence to suggest that DNA methylation patterns may be altered in frail individuals. Methods: Participants were 791 people aged 70 years from the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936. DNA methylation was measured in whole blood. Biological age was estimated using two measures of DNA methylation-based age acceleration - extrinsic and intrinsic epigenetic age acceleration. We carried out an epigenome-wide association study of physical frailty, as defined by the Fried phenotype. Multinomial logistic regression was used to calculate relative risk ratios for being physically frail or pre-frail according to epigenetic age acceleration. Results: There was a single significant (P=1.16x10-7) association in the epigenome-wide association study comparing frail versus not frail. The same CpG was not significant when comparing pre-frail versus not frail. Greater extrinsic epigenetic age acceleration was associated with an increased risk of being physically frail, but not of being pre-frail. For a year increase in extrinsic epigenetic age acceleration, age- and sex-adjusted relative risk ratios (95% CI) for being physically frail or pre-frail were 1.06 (1.02, 1.10) and 1.02 (1.00, 1.04) respectively. After further adjustment for smoking and chronic disease, the association with physical frailty remained significant. Intrinsic epigenetic age acceleration was not associated with physical frailty status.Conclusions: People who are biologically older, as indexed by greater extrinsic epigenetic age acceleration, are more likely to be physically frail. Future research will need to investigate whether epigenetic age acceleration plays a causal role in the onset of physical frailty