291 research outputs found

    Apport croisé de la modélisation déterministe et géostatistique. Exemple des concentrations en nitrates de la Seine.

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    5pages+résuméLe long des réseaux hydrographiques, l'espacement des stations de mesure des concentrations et l' hétérogénéité des mesures compliquent le calage des modÚles géostatistiques nécessaires à l'estimation des concentrations (Bernard-Michel et de Fouquet, 2006). Le recours à un modÚle déterministe peut-il permettre de remédier à la rareté des mesures, en fournissant débit, concentrations sur tout le domaine simulé ? Nous examinons par bief les résultats du modÚle PROSE qui décrit la Seine et la Marne peu avant leur confluence jusqu'à Poses. Temporellement les mesures et la simulation PROSE sont ajustables en modÚle linéaire de corégionalisation. Spatialement, le cokrigeage permet de recaler les conditions aux limites, et donc la simulation, aux mesures de contrÎle. reproduisant la variabilité spatiale, mais faiblement corrélé aux mesures, le modÚle PROSE s'interprÚte alors en terme de simulation non conditionnelle. Enfin, un modÚle de variogramme tri-variable débit-flux-concentrations est ajusté spatialement

    Caractérisation spatiale et temporelle des "Masses d'Eau Cours d'Eau". Spatial and Temporal characterization of "River Water Bodies".

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    International audienceThis article aims to understand how to extrapolate in space and time discrete measurements in order to calculate physico-chemical indicators in rivers, which are required by the Water Framework Directive. Linked to this issue, few questions are addressed. Does the French National Basin Network provide enough information in order to make consistent water quality maps? How does the temporal indicator - the 90 percentile - vary in space? The outputs of the ProSe model applied to the Seine River are used to compare two different methods for calculating the 90 percentile: the classical method based on the empirical percentile function and a method that aims to reduce the estimation bias of the 90 percentile. This second method includes temporal weighting and linearization o the empirical percentile function, and therefore its application is a little more complex. But with this method the bias induced by irregular and/or few measurements is reduced. Three methods for spatializing the 90 percentiles have been tested in order to obtain occurrence percentages of the percentiles for each quality class. The first one is based on the "failure principle" and consists in keeping only the worst site for the considered "River Water Body". The second one respects the proportion of percentiles located in each quality class, while the third one allocates an influence segment to each measurement site. Spatializing temporal percentiles in "River Water Bodies" by influence segments leads to a marked improvement of occurrence percentage estimations and reveals the necessity to take into account the spatial configuration of measurement sites when calculating a quality indicator

    CaractĂ©risation spatiale et temporelle de la qualitĂ© des « Masses d’Eau Cours d’Eau »

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    FocalisĂ© sur les indicateurs physico-chimiques soutenant la biologie des cours d’eau, l’article examine l’interpolation de ce type de mesures, dans le temps et l’espace, pour le calcul des indices lĂ©gaux requis par la Directive Cadre EuropĂ©enne sur l’Eau. En effet, le calcul d’indicateurs statistiques, Ă  partir d’une information trĂšs lacunaire, pose problĂšme. DiffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes de calcul du quantile 90 par station sont-elles Ă©quivalentes? Comment cet indicateur varie-t-il spatialement? Le RĂ©seau National de Bassin français fournit-il suffisamment d’information pour une caractĂ©risation pertinente de la qualitĂ© des eaux?Les sorties du modĂšle dĂ©terministe ProSe appliquĂ© Ă  la Seine, Ă  pas de temps journalier, sont utilisĂ©es pour comparer diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes de calcul des indicateurs. Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©duits du modĂšle exhaustif sont comparĂ©s Ă  ceux calculĂ©s aprĂšs un Ă©chantillonnage simulant celui du rĂ©seau de surveillance.Deux calculs du quantile 90 temporel par station sont examinĂ©s : le calcul classique fondĂ© sur la fonction de quantile empirique, et une mĂ©thode lĂ©gĂšrement plus complexe, avec une pondĂ©ration temporelle et une linĂ©arisation de la fonction de quantile, qui attĂ©nue effectivement les biais induits par l’échantillonnage irrĂ©gulier durant l’annĂ©e, ou dĂ©coulant du nombre restreint de mesures.Trois mĂ©thodes de « spatialisation » sont ensuite testĂ©es afin d’obtenir des pourcentages d’occurrence des quantiles par classe de qualitĂ© dans chaque « Masses d’Eau Cours d’Eau » : le « principe de dĂ©faillance » retient la station la plus dĂ©favorable; la deuxiĂšme mĂ©thode calcule la proportion des stations par classe de qualitĂ©; la derniĂšre pondĂšre chaque station par son « segment d’influence ». La spatialisation par segments d’influence des quantiles temporels au sein des « Masses d’Eau Cours d’Eau » amĂ©liore nettement les estimations des pourcentages d’occurrence, montrant la nĂ©cessitĂ© de la prise en compte de la localisation des stations lors du calcul d’un indice de qualitĂ©.This research aimed to understand how to interpolate discrete measurements, in space and time, in order to calculate physico-chemical indicators in rivers, which are required by the European Water Framework Directive. Linked to this issue, several questions were addressed. Are the different methods used to calculate temporal 90th-percentiles at a given site equivalent? How does this legal indicator vary in space? Does the French National Basin Network provide enough information to make consistent water quality characterization?The daily outputs of the ProSe model applied to the Seine River were used as proxies to compare different calculation methods of the 90th-percentile. The results deduced from the exhaustive model were compared to those calculated, after sampling the outputs according to the monitoring network sampling scheme. Two calculations of the temporal 90th-percentile at a given site were examined: the classical method based on the empirical percentile function and a slightly more complex method that includes temporal weighting and linearization of the empirical percentile function. This second method reduced the estimation bias of the 90th-percentile induced by irregular and/or few measurements.Three methods for spatializing the 90th-percentiles were tested to obtain occurrence percentages of the percentiles for each quality class in each “Stream Water Body”: the “failure principle” consists in keeping only the worst site; the second approach calculates the proportion of sites located in each quality class; the third method allocates an influence segment to each measurement site. Spatializing temporal percentiles in “Stream Water Bodies” by influence segments led to a marked improvement in occurrence percentage estimations and revealed the need to take into account the spatial configuration of measurement sites when calculating a quality indicator

    Determination of in-situ biodegradation rate constants of nonylphenolic compounds in the Seine River

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    Assessing the fate of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDC) in the environment is currently a key issue for determining their impacts on aquatic ecosystems. The 4 nonylphenol (4-NP) is a well known EDC. It results from the biodegradation of surfactant nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEO). Biodegradation mechanisms of NPEO are well documented (Giger et al. 2009) but their rate constants have been mainly determined through laboratory experiments. To our knowledge only Jonkers et al. (2005) evaluate NPEO biodegradation rate constants according to field measurements. Their study was carried out in an estuary (salt water) and has to be confirmed for freshwater. This study aims at evaluating the in-situ biodegradation of 4-NP, nonylphenol monoethoxylate (NP1EO) and nonylphenolic acetic acid (NP1EC). Two innovative sampling campaigns were carried out on the Seine River in July and September 2011, from Maisons-Laffitte to Triel-sur-Seine (along a 40km-transect downstream of Paris City). Their results were used for calibrating a sub-model of NPEO biodegradation of the hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model of the Seine River (PROSE, Even et al. 1998). Sampling times were estimated according to the Seine River velocity in order to follow the same volume of water. Simultaneously, during the September sampling campaign, small scale spatial and temporal variabilities of nonylphenolic compounds concentrations were assessed. Biodegradation rate constants of 4-NP, NP1EO and NP1EC between July and September varied greatly. Although the biodegradation rate constants in July were especially high (higher than 1 d 1), those obtained in September were smaller but consistent with the literature. This variability is probably linked to the biogeochemical behaviour of the Seine River. Indeed, the July sampling campaign took place at the end of an algal bloom leading to an unusual bacterial biomass while the September campaign was carried out during an "usual" biogeochemical state. This study provides relevant information regarding biodegradation rate constants of alkylphenols in an aquatic environment. Such data may be very helpful in the future to better understand the fate and transfer of nonylphenolic compounds at the catchment basin scale

    Continental hydrosystem modelling: the concept of nested stream–aquifer interfaces

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    International audienceCoupled hydrological-hydrogeological models, emphasising the importance of the stream–aquifer interface, are more and more used in hydrological sciences for pluri-disciplinary studies aiming at investigating environmental is-sues. Based on an extensive literature review, stream–aquifer interfaces are described at five different scales: local [10 cm– ∌ 10 m], intermediate [∌ 10 m–∌ 1 km], watershed [10 km 2 – ∌ 1000 km 2 ], regional [10 000 km 2 –∌ 1 M km 2 ] and conti-nental scales [> 10 M km 2 ]. This led us to develop the con-cept of nested stream–aquifer interfaces, which extends the well-known vision of nested groundwater pathways towards the surface, where the mixing of low frequency processes and high frequency processes coupled with the complexity of geomorphological features and heterogeneities creates hy-drological spiralling. This conceptual framework allows the identification of a hierarchical order of the multi-scale con-trol factors of stream–aquifer hydrological exchanges, from the larger scale to the finer scale. The hyporheic corridor, which couples the river to its 3-D hyporheic zone, is then identified as the key component for scaling hydrological pro-cesses occurring at the interface. The identification of the hy-porheic corridor as the support of the hydrological processes scaling is an important step for the development of regional studies, which is one of the main concerns for water practi-tioners and resources managers. In a second part, the modelling of the stream–aquifer in-terface at various scales is investigated with the help of the conductance model. Although the usage of the temperature as a tracer of the flow is a robust method for the assess-ment of stream–aquifer exchanges at the local scale, there is a crucial need to develop innovative methodologies for as-sessing stream–aquifer exchanges at the regional scale. After formulating the conductance model at the regional and inter-mediate scales, we address this challenging issue with the de-velopment of an iterative modelling methodology, which en-sures the consistency of stream–aquifer exchanges between the intermediate and regional scales. Finally, practical recommendations are provided for the study of the interface using the innovative methodology MIM (Measurements–Interpolation–Modelling), which is graphi-cally developed, scaling in space the three pools of methods needed to fully understand stream–aquifer interfaces at vari-ous scales. In the MIM space, stream–aquifer interfaces that can be studied by a given approach are localised. The ef-ficiency of the method is demonstrated with two examples. The first one proposes an upscaling framework, structured around river reaches of ∌ 10–100 m, from the local to the wa-tershed scale. The second example highlights the usefulness of space borne data to improve the assessment of stream– aquifer exchanges at the regional and continental scales. We conclude that further developments in modelling and field measurements have to be undertaken at the regional scale to enable a proper modelling of stream–aquifer exchanges from the local to the continental scale

    Modelling the fate of nonylphenolic compounds in the Seine River -- part 1: Determination of in-situ attenuation rate constants

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    International audienceAssessing the fate of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in the environment is currently a key issue for determining their impacts on aquatic ecosystems. The 4-nonylphenol (4-NP) is a well known EDC and results from the biodegradation of surfactant nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPnEOs). Fate mechanisms of NPnEO are well documented but their rate constants have been mainly determined through laboratory experiments. This study aims at evaluating the in-situ fate of 4-NP, nonylphenol monoethoxylate (NP1EO) and nonylphenolic acetic acid (NP1EC). Two sampling campaigns were carried out on the Seine River in July and September 2011, along a 28 km-transect downstream Paris City. The field measurements are used for the calibration of a sub-model of NPnEO fate, included into a hydro-ecological model of the Seine River (ProSe). The timing of the sampling is based on the Seine River velocity in order to follow a volume of water. Based on our results, in-situ attenuation rate constants of 4-NP, NP1EO and NP1EC for both campaigns are evaluated. These rate constants vary greatly. Although the attenuation rate constants in July are especially high (higher than 1 d− 1), those obtained in September are lower and consistent with the literature. This is probably due to the biogeochemical conditions in the Seine River. Indeed, the July sampling campaign took place at the end of an algal bloom leading to an unusual bacterial biomass while the September campaign was carried out during common biogeochemical status. Finally, the uncertainties on measurements and on the calibration parameters are estimated through a sensitivity analysis. This study provides relevant information regarding the fate of biodegradable pollutants in an aquatic environment by coupling field measurements and a biogeochemical model. Such data may be very helpful in the future to better understand the fate of nonylphenolic compounds or any other pollutants at the basin scale

    The community-centered freshwater biogeochemistry model unified RIVE v1.0: a unified version for water column

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    Research on mechanisms of organic matter degradation, bacterial activities, phytoplankton dynamics, and other processes has led to the development of numerous sophisticated water quality models. The earliest model, dating back to 1925, was based on first-order kinetics for organic matter degradation. The community-centered freshwater biogeochemistry model RIVE was initially developed in 1994 and has subsequently been integrated into several software programs such as Seneque-Riverstrahler, pyNuts-Riverstrahler, ProSe/ProSe-PA, and Barman. After 30 years of research, the use of different programming languages including QBasic, Visual Basic, Fortran, ANSI C, and Python, as well as parallel evolution and the addition of new formalisms, raises questions about their comparability. This paper presents a unified version of the RIVE model for the water column, including formalisms for bacterial communities (heterotrophic and nitrifying), primary producers, zooplankton, nutrients, inorganic carbon, and dissolved oxygen cycles. The unified RIVE model is open-source and implemented in Python 3 to create pyRIVE 1.0 and in ANSI C to create C-RIVE 0.32. The organic matter degradation module is validated by simulating batch experiments. The comparability of the pyRIVE 1.0 and C-RIVE 0.32 software is verified by modeling a river stretch case study. The case study considers the full biogeochemical cycles (microorganisms, nutrients, carbon, and oxygen) in the water column, as well as the effects of light and water temperature. The results show that the simulated concentrations of all state variables, including microorganisms and chemical species, are very similar for pyRIVE 1.0 and C-RIVE 0.32. This open-source project highly encourages contributions from the freshwater biogeochemistry community to further advance the project and achieve common objectives.</p

    Assessing water and energy fluxes in a regional hydrosystem: case study of the Seine basin

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    While it is well accepted that climate change and growing water needs affect long-term sustainable water resources management, performing accurate simulations of water cycle and energy balance dynamics at regional scale remains a challenging task.Traditional Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Transfer (SVAT) models are used for numerical surface water and energy simulations. These models, by conception, do not account for the groundwater lower boundary that permits a full hydrosystem representation. Conversely, while addressing important features such as subsurface heterogeneity and river–aquifer exchanges, groundwater models often integrate overly simplified upper boundary conditions ignoring soil heating and the impacts of vegetation processes on radiation fluxes and root-zone uptakes. In this paper, one of the first attempts to jointly model water and energy fluxes with a special focus on both surface and groundwater at the regional scale is proposed on the Seine hydrosystem (78,650 km2^{2}), which overlays one of the main multi-aquifer systems of Europe.This study couples the SVAT model ORCHIDEE and the process-based hydrological–hydrogeological model CaWaQS, which describes water fluxes, via a one-way coupling approach from ORCHIDEE toward CaWaQS based on the blueprint published by [de Marsily et al., 1978]. An original transport library based on the resolution of the diffusion/advection transport equation was developed in order to simulate heat transfer in both 1D-river networks and pseudo-3D aquifer systems. In addition, an analytical solution is used to simulate heat transport through aquitards and streambeds. Simulated ORCHIDEE surface water and energy fluxes feed fast surface runoff and slow recharge respectively and then is used as CaWaQS forcings to compute river discharges, hydraulic heads and temperature dynamics through space and time, within each of the hydrosystem compartments. The tool makes it possible to establish a fully consistent water and energy budget over a period of 17 years. It also simulates temperature evolution in each aquifer and evaluates that river thermal regulation mostly relies by order of importance on short wave radiations (109.3 W⋅{\cdot }m−2^{-2}), groundwater fluxes (48.1 W⋅{\cdot }m−2^{-2}) and surface runoff (22.7 W⋅{\cdot }m−2^{-2})
