17 research outputs found

    Stuck in mind : the role of catastrophizing in pain

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    Pain catastrophizing emerges in the literature as one of the most important psychological determinants of both pain itself and the negative outcomes commonly associated with it. However, despite decades of research confirming the impact of catastrophizing, there are still areas that remain unexplored or in which the surface has only been scratched. The overall aim of this dissertation was to expand existing knowledge about catastrophizing and to advance the theoretical framework around the concept. The role of catastrophizing was explored in three distinct areas: during pain in childbirth, in exposure treatment for back pain patients, and in a problem solving context. The findings from the three studies confirmed the vital role of catastrophizing in these areas. Firstly, catastrophizing played a critical role in pain in childbirth; women who catastrophized reported labor pain as more intense and the subsequent recovery period as longer than women who did not catastrophize. Secondly, catastrophizing was identified as a moderator of treatment effect in exposure in vivo for back pain patients with pain-related fear; patients who catastrophized were not helped by the exposure. Thirdly, catastrophizing played a role in a problem solving context; although this is in line with contemporary models such as the misdirected problem solving model, the results suggested a somewhat different pathway to this previous model. Taken together, these findings underscore the instrumental role of catastrophizing in diverse areas and imply a need for catastrophzing to be assessed and addressed in clinical contexts. In addition, the findings highlight a need for further development of the theoretical framework around catastrophizing as well as treatment interventions that directly target catastrophizing. Based on these needs, a new model of catastrophizing was proposed – a model of catastrophizing from a process perspective. In this model, the proposed function of catastrophizing is to down-regulate negative affect, as a form of internal avoidance. The model is a complement to existing theoretical models and provides a framework for developing treatment interventions that directly target catastrophizing, for example by problem solving skills training. Successful interventions for people who catastrophize would lead to several gains – for the individual in less suffering and increased ability to handle pain problems, and for society as a whole in reduced costs for health care for these individuals

    Customized CBT via internet for adolescents with pain and emotional distress: A pilot study

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    The aim of this pilot study was to explore the effects of an early and customized CBT intervention, mainly delivered via internet, for adolescents with coexisting recurrent pain and emotional distress (low mood, worry, and/or distress). The intervention was based on a transdiagnostic approach, to concurrently target pain and emotional distress. A single case experimental design (SCED) was employed with six participants, 17–21 years old, who were recruited via school health care professionals at the student health care team at an upper secondary school in a small town in Sweden. The intervention consisted of 5–9 modules of CBT, delivered via internet in combination with personal contacts and face to face sessions. The content and length of the program was customized depending on needs. The effects of the program were evaluated based on self-report inventories, which the participants filled out before and after the intervention and at a six month follow-up. They did also fill out a diary where they rated symptoms on a daily basis. The results were promising, at least when considering changes during the intervention as well as pre- and posttest ratings. However, the results were more modest when calculating the reliable change index (RCI), and most of the treatment effects were not sustained at the follow-up assessment, which raises questions about the durability of the effects. Taken together, this study indicates that this type of program is promising as an early intervention for adolescents with pain and concurrent emotional distress, although the outcomes need to be explored further, especially in terms of long-term effects

    Psychological Inflexibility as a Predictor of Sexual Functioning Among Women with Vulvovaginal Pain : A Prospective Investigation

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    OBJECTIVE: Persistent vulvovaginal pain affects many women and often has adverse effects on sexual functioning. Psychological inflexibility related to pain is associated with distress and functional disability across different types of chronic pain conditions, but little is known about the role of psychological inflexibility in vulvovaginal pain. The present study examines psychological inflexibility related to pain as a predictor of sexual functioning over time among women with vulvovaginal pain. METHODS: Questionnaires including measures of psychological inflexibility, pain severity, and sexual functioning were administered to female university students at two points in time. One hundred thirty women with vulvovaginal pain responded to the questionnaire at baseline and at follow-up after 10 months. A multiple regression model was used to explore psychological inflexibility and pain severity as predictors of sexual functioning at follow-up. RESULTS: Higher levels of psychological inflexibility and more severe pain at baseline were associated with poorer sexual functioning 10 months later. In analysis adjusting for baseline levels of sexual functioning, psychological inflexibility was the only significant predictor of sexual functioning at follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: The findings provide preliminary evidence that psychological inflexibility is associated with sexual adjustment over time among women with vulvovaginal pain and point to the relevance of further examinations of the psychological inflexibility model in the context of vulvovaginal pain.

    Understanding the Etiology of Chronic Pain From a Psychological Perspective

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    The etiology of chronic pain-related disability is not fully understood, particularly from a clinical perspective. Investigations to date have identified risk factors and elucidated some important processes driving the development of persistent pain problems. Yet this knowledge and its application are not always accessible to practicing physical therapists or other clinicians. This article aims to summarize the main psychological processes involved in the development of chronic pain disability and to derive some guidelines for treatment and future research. To this end, the focus is on the paradox of why coping strategies that are helpful in the short term continue to be used even when-ironically-they maintain the problem in the long term. To aid in summarizing current knowledge, 4 tenets that elucidate the etiology of chronic pain are described. These tenets emphasize that chronic pain disability is a developmental process over time, contextual factors set the stage for this development, underlying transdiagnostic psychological factors fuel this development, and the principles of learning steer the development of pain behaviors. With these tenets, an explanation of how a chronic problem develops for one person but not another is provided. Finally, hypotheses that can be empirically tested to guide clinical application as well as basic research are generated. In conclusion, understanding the psychological processes underlying the etiology of chronic pain provides testable ideas and a path forward for improving treatment interventions

    Coping with provoked vestibulodynia in a relational context-A cluster analysis of coping patterns and their associations with relational cognitions and goals

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    BackgroundProvoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a common pain condition, negatively impacting the relationships and sexual lives of sufferers. Women's coping behaviour has been associated with psychosexual outcomes, yet coping patterns in clinical PVD samples are unexplored, and it is not known how women's coping relates to their relational context.MethodWomen (N = 128) with PVD answered questionnaires about psychosexual function, pain coping (avoidance and endurance), relational- and pain catastrophizing, sexual goals and perceived partner responses. Cluster analysis was used to explore coping patterns; clusters were validated on measures of pain and psychosexual function and compared on catastrophizing, sexual goals and partner responses using multivariate analyses of variance.ResultsThe analysis yielded four clusters: endurance; combined high avoidance and endurance; avoidance; and combined low. The group with high levels of both avoidance and endurance coping displayed the worst psychosexual outcomes and high levels of pain- and relational catastrophizing, approach and avoidance goals and perceived negative partner responses.ConclusionThere are distinct patterns of coping among women with PVD, and these coping patterns are associated with psychosexual outcomes and relational cognitions and goals, and perceived partner responses. Women who alternate between avoidance and endurance are more distressed and report worse psychosexual functioning. This pattern needs to be identified and addressed in the treatment of PVD.Significance StatementThis study extends previous findings on vulvar pain coping patterns to a clinical population of women with PVD. It is further the first study to address the relationship between relational variables, such as partner responses and relational catastrophizing and different coping patterns. Thus, the contribution of this study is the contextualizing of coping patterns among women with PVD. The results showed that a combined pattern of avoidance and endurance coping is associated with high distress, poor psychosexual outcomes, and indications of insufficient relational coping, highlighting the need for clinical assessment and intervention to target both women's individual coping patterns and their relational context

    A Network Analysis of the Fear Avoidance Model of Genital Pain

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    Using a novel data-driven network approach, this study aimed to examine the interconnection between the key elements of the Fear-Avoidance Model of female genital pain - sexual arousal, fear-avoidant cognitions, and motivational coping - and its associated factors to predict the intensity and frequency of genital pain across women over time. Network modeling allowed for a comprehensive evaluation of the Fear-Avoidance model while capturing the dynamic features of genital pain. We estimated a cross-sectional and a temporal, contemporaneous, and between-persons network model on convenience-based data of 543 female students (mean age = 23.7 years, SD = 3.6) collected at three time points. Results showed that lubrication, pain catastrophizing, pain avoidance, fear-avoidance beliefs, sexual satisfaction, anxiety, and frequency of coital and non-coital sex predicted pain, with lubrication being the most consistent predictor across estimations. The network of women with recurrent genital pain showed a similar pattern as the network of the total sample, except that pain avoidance and fear-avoidance beliefs rather than pain catastrophizing predicted pain directly, and frequency of coital and non-coital sexual activities played a more prominent role. These results suggest that the main problem of genital pain centers around women not being sufficiently aroused during intercourse and inadequate ways of pain coping, which are critical targets of cognitive-behavioral therapy treatment and should be developed further

    Understanding Work Ability in Employees with Pain and Stress-Related Ill-Health : An Explorative Network Analysis of Individual Characteristics and Psychosocial Work Environment

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    Purpose: There is a wide range of individual and work environment factors that influence work ability among workers with pain and stress-related ill-health. The multiple interactions and overlap between these factors are insufficiently understood, and a network approach could mitigate limitations of previous research. This pilot study aimed to explore interactions between individual characteristics and psychosocial work environment and potential links to long-term work ability. Methods: Prospective data from a prevention project was used. Individuals (N = 147) with pain and/or stress-related ill-health (95% women) at public sector workplaces filled out baseline questionnaires about a collection of individual and work environment factors, which were used for constructing undirected networks. The model was run in three subsamples of workplaces. Finally, a separate model was established with work ability at 6-month follow-up as outcome variable. A shortest pathway analysis was calculated to identify mediators of work ability. Results: Symptom catastrophizing and perceived stress were the most influential factors in all network models. Symptom catastrophizing and pain-disability risk were found to mediate the relation between perceived stress and long-term work ability. Further, demand-control-support factors were interrelated, and patterns of interaction differed between different types of workplaces. Conclusion: The findings support the importance of individual factors, specifically symptom catastrophizing in an individual’s coping with pain or stress-problems and its influence on long-term work ability. Catastrophizing might play a role in stress-related disorders which should be further investigated. Individual and work environment factors interact and vary across context, which needs to be taken into consideration to prevent pain and stress-related ill-health at work.

    ”A lot to fall back on” : Experiences of Dyspareunia among queer women

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    This study explores the subjective experiences of dyspareunia among queer women in Sweden. Ten semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with five participants who were all interviewed on two separate occasions. Interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Dyspareunia was described as affecting the participants’ sexual activities, intimate relationships, and identity constructs. Reported struggles involved feelings of sadness, guilt, frustration, and fear of pain. Dyspareunia was described as threatening the participants’ queer identities through its effect on their ability to be sexual in idealized ways. However, queer experiences and communities were also found to be associated with advantages in pain management, such as well-developed sexual communication skills, anatomic similarity to their partner, access to non-heteronormative sexual scripts and a focus on nurturing desire. Queer related advantages in pain management are proposed to buffer to some extent against pain interference with sexual function and desire. Findings indicate that it is important to consider the unique relational and social context of queer women to understand their experiences of dyspareunia. More research is needed on the role of differences of normativities, context and communication in dyspareunia