906 research outputs found

    Seasonal Variability of Saturn's Tropospheric Temperatures, Winds and Para-H2_2 from Cassini Far-IR Spectroscopy

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    Far-IR 16-1000 μ\mum spectra of Saturn's hydrogen-helium continuum measured by Cassini's Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) are inverted to construct a near-continuous record of upper tropospheric (70-700 mbar) temperatures and para-H2_2 fraction as a function of latitude, pressure and time for a third of a Saturnian year (2004-2014, from northern winter to northern spring). The thermal field reveals evidence of reversing summertime asymmetries superimposed onto the belt/zone structure. The temperature structure that is almost symmetric about the equator by 2014, with seasonal lag times that increase with depth and are qualitatively consistent with radiative climate models. Localised heating of the tropospheric hazes (100-250 mbar) create a distinct perturbation to the temperature profile that shifts in magnitude and location, declining in the autumn hemisphere and growing in the spring. Changes in the para-H2_2 (fpf_p) distribution are subtle, with a 0.02-0.03 rise over the spring hemisphere (200-500 mbar) perturbed by (i) low-fpf_p air advected by both the springtime storm of 2010 and equatorial upwelling; and (ii) subsidence of high-fpf_p air at northern high latitudes, responsible for a developing north-south asymmetry in fpf_p. Conversely, the shifting asymmetry in the para-H2_2 disequilibrium primarily reflects the changing temperature structure (and the equilibrium distribution of fpf_p), rather than actual changes in fpf_p induced by chemical conversion or transport. CIRS results interpolated to the same point in the seasonal cycle as re-analysed Voyager-1 observations show qualitative consistency, with the exception of the tropical tropopause near the equatorial zones and belts, where downward propagation of a cool temperature anomaly associated with Saturn's stratospheric oscillation could potentially perturb tropopause temperatures, para-H2_2 and winds. [ABRIDGED]Comment: Preprint accepted for publication in Icarus, 29 pages, 18 figure

    Antifreeze Proteins in the Arctic Shorthorn Sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius)

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    The plasma of shorthorn sculpin caught at Grise Fiord (Southern Ellesmere Island, arctic Canada) during late August contained antifreeze proteins which were essentially identical, with respect to molecular weight, number of components and amino acid composition, to the antifreeze proteins found in Newfoundland populations of shorthorn sculpin. The concentration of antifreeze protein in the plasma of the arctic sculpins during the summer was similar to that observed in the plasma of Newfoundland sculpin during the winter. The results suggest that unlike their Newfoundland counterparts, the plasma of sculpin residing in the High Arctic contains high concentrations of antifreeze protein all year round.Key words: shorthorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus scorpius, antifreeze protein

    Helicopter tail rotor thrust and main rotor wake coupling in crosswind flight

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    The tail rotor of a helicopter with a single main rotor configuration can experience a significant reduction in thrust when the aircraft operates in crosswind flight. Brown’s vorticity transport model has been used to simulate a main rotor and tail rotor system translating at a sideslip angle that causes the tail rotor to interact with the main rotor tip vortices as they propagate downstream at the lateral extremities of the wake. The tail rotor is shown to exhibit a distinct directionally dependent mode during which tail rotors that are configured so that the blades travel forward at the top of the disk develop less thrust than tail rotors with the reverse sense of rotation. The range of flight speeds over which this mode exists is shown to vary considerably with the vertical location of the tail rotor. At low flight speeds, the directionally dependent mode occurs because the tail rotor is immersed within not only the downwash from the main rotor but also the rotational flow associated with clusters of largely disorganized vorticity within the main rotor wake. At higher flight speeds, however, the tail rotor is immersed within a coherent supervortex that strongly influences the velocity field surrounding the tail rotor

    Self-monitoring blood pressure in patients with hypertension: an internet-based survey of UK GPs.

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    BACKGROUND: Previous research suggests that most GPs in the UK use self-monitoring of blood pressure (SMBP) to monitor the control of hypertension rather than for diagnosis. This study sought to assess current practice in the use of self-monitoring and any changes in practice following more recent guideline recommendations. AIM: To survey the views and practice of UK GPs in 2015 with regard to SMBP and compare them with a previous survey carried out in 2011. DESIGN AND SETTING: Web-based survey of a regionally representative sample of 300 UK GPs. METHOD: GPs completed an online questionnaire concerning the use of SMBP in the management of hypertension. Analyses comprised descriptive statistics, tests for between-group differences (z, Wilcoxon signed-rank, and χ2 tests), and multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: Results were available for 300 GPs (94% of those who started the survey). GPs reported using self-monitoring to diagnose hypertension (169/291; 58%; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 52 to 64) and to monitor control (245/291; 84%; 95% CI = 80 to 88), the former having significantly increased since 2011 (from 37%; 95% CI = 33 to 41; P<0.001) with no change in monitoring for control. More than half of GPs used higher systolic thresholds for diagnosis (118/169; 70%; 95% CI = 63 to 77) and treatment (168/225; 75%; 95% CI = 69 to 80) than recommended in guidelines, and under half (120/289; 42%; 95% CI = 36 to 47) adjusted the SMBP results to guide treatment decisions. CONCLUSION: Since new UK national guidance in 2011, GPs are more likely to use SMBP to diagnose hypertension. However, significant proportions of GPs continue to use non-standard diagnostic and monitoring thresholds. The use of out-of-office methods to improve the accuracy of diagnosis is unlikely to be beneficial if suboptimal thresholds are used.This study was funded by the British Hypertension Society and the NIHR. Ben Fletcher receives funding from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) School for Primary Care Research (SPCR) Doctoral Studentship. Richard McManus holds an NIHR Professorship (RP-02-12-015)) and receives funding from the NIHR Oxford CLAHRC. This article presents independent research funded by the NIHR. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Royal College of General Practitioners via https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp16X68703