398 research outputs found

    Kommunerne og INSPIRE - Er der en sammenhæng?

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    Umiddelbart er kommuneren hverken dataejere eller dataansvarlige i forbindelse Danmarks indberetning af data til Inspire, Men graver man ned i de faktiske dataindberetninger, ser man, at kommunerne i stor stil er leverandører af data såvel igennem FOT som igennem Danmarks Areal-Information, www.arealinfo.dk. Og der er ikke tvivl om, at INSPIRE såvel vil sætte rammer for som give inspiration til den danske kortlægning også i FOT-reg

    Flystyrtet ved Nordenskov den 15. januar 1942

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    The Municipalities and INSPIRE – Any Connection?

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    On the surface, the municipalities are neither data owners nor data systems managers in connection with Denmark's reporting of data to INSPIRE. However, if you dig a little deeper in the actual data reports, you will see that the municipalities are actually suppliers of data on an extensive scale, both through FOT and through Denmark's Area Information, www.arealinfo.dk. And there is no doubt that INSPIRE will provide a framework as well as inspiration for the Danish mapping under the auspices of FOT

    Cuspidal discrete series for semisimple symmetric spaces

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    We propose a notion of cusp forms on semisimple symmetric spaces. We then study the real hyperbolic spaces in detail, and show that there exists both cuspidal and non-cuspidal discrete series. In particular, we show that all the spherical discrete series are non-cuspidal.Comment: Minor corrections, to appear in J. Funct. Ana

    Harish-Chandra's volume formula via Weyl's Law and Euler-Maclaurin formula

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    Harish-Chandra's volume formula shows that the volume of a flag manifold G/TG/T, where the measure is induced by an invariant inner product on the Lie algebra of GG, is determined up to a scalar by the algebraic properties of GG. This article explains how to deduce Harish-Chandra's formula from Weyl's law by utilizing the Euler-Maclaurin formula. This approach leads to a mystery that lies under the Atiyah-Singer index theorem
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