9,783 research outputs found

    A High Reliability Asymptotic Approach for Packet Inter-Delivery Time Optimization in Cyber-Physical Systems

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    In cyber-physical systems such as automobiles, measurement data from sensor nodes should be delivered to other consumer nodes such as actuators in a regular fashion. But, in practical systems over unreliable media such as wireless, it is a significant challenge to guarantee small enough inter-delivery times for different clients with heterogeneous channel conditions and inter-delivery requirements. In this paper, we design scheduling policies aiming at satisfying the inter-delivery requirements of such clients. We formulate the problem as a risk-sensitive Markov Decision Process (MDP). Although the resulting problem involves an infinite state space, we first prove that there is an equivalent MDP involving only a finite number of states. Then we prove the existence of a stationary optimal policy and establish an algorithm to compute it in a finite number of steps. However, the bane of this and many similar problems is the resulting complexity, and, in an attempt to make fundamental progress, we further propose a new high reliability asymptotic approach. In essence, this approach considers the scenario when the channel failure probabilities for different clients are of the same order, and asymptotically approach zero. We thus proceed to determine the asymptotically optimal policy: in a two-client scenario, we show that the asymptotically optimal policy is a "modified least time-to-go" policy, which is intuitively appealing and easily implementable; in the general multi-client scenario, we are led to an SN policy, and we develop an algorithm of low computational complexity to obtain it. Simulation results show that the resulting policies perform well even in the pre-asymptotic regime with moderate failure probabilities

    Data fusion with artificial neural networks (ANN) for classification of earth surface from microwave satellite measurements

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    A data fusion system with artificial neural networks (ANN) is used for fast and accurate classification of five earth surface conditions and surface changes, based on seven SSMI multichannel microwave satellite measurements. The measurements include brightness temperatures at 19, 22, 37, and 85 GHz at both H and V polarizations (only V at 22 GHz). The seven channel measurements are processed through a convolution computation such that all measurements are located at same grid. Five surface classes including non-scattering surface, precipitation over land, over ocean, snow, and desert are identified from ground-truth observations. The system processes sensory data in three consecutive phases: (1) pre-processing to extract feature vectors and enhance separability among detected classes; (2) preliminary classification of Earth surface patterns using two separate and parallely acting classifiers: back-propagation neural network and binary decision tree classifiers; and (3) data fusion of results from preliminary classifiers to obtain the optimal performance in overall classification. Both the binary decision tree classifier and the fusion processing centers are implemented by neural network architectures. The fusion system configuration is a hierarchical neural network architecture, in which each functional neural net will handle different processing phases in a pipelined fashion. There is a total of around 13,500 samples for this analysis, of which 4 percent are used as the training set and 96 percent as the testing set. After training, this classification system is able to bring up the detection accuracy to 94 percent compared with 88 percent for back-propagation artificial neural networks and 80 percent for binary decision tree classifiers. The neural network data fusion classification is currently under progress to be integrated in an image processing system at NOAA and to be implemented in a prototype of a massively parallel and dynamically reconfigurable Modular Neural Ring (MNR)

    High absorption and low splice loss properties of hexagonal double-clad fiber

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    Copyright © 2004 IEEEAn accurate experimental comparison of the pump absorption and the lasing features between Nd/sup 3+/-doped fiber lasers using hexagonal-shaped and D-shaped fiber is reported. The measured slope efficiencies with respect to the absorbed pump power of 805 nm are nearly identical at /spl sim/65.3% for both fibers. Taking advantage of the near symmetrical shape of the hexagonal fiber, the lowest reported splice loss of 0.05 dB is achieved between the double-clad fiber and standard 125-/spl mu/m fiber with the use of the fiber etching techniques. The pump absorption can be improved by bending the hexagonal fibers into a kidney shape.Yahua Li, Stuart D. Jackson, and Simon Flemin

    Simultaneous operation of a Raman fiber amplifier and laser pumped by a dual-wavelength Nd(3+)doped fiber laser

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    ©2005 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.This paper presents an experimental study on the dynamics of Raman fiber lasers that use highly GeO/sub 2/-doped fibers as an active medium and a dual-wavelength (1060 and 1090 nm) Nd/sup 3+/-doped fiber laser as a pump source. The 1090-nm pump wavelength is located within the SiO/sub 2/ Raman gain spectrum relating to the 1060-nm pump wavelength, and competition is observed between Raman amplification of the 1090-nm emission with the 1060-nm emission used as the pump source and Raman lasing, which is independent of the 1090-nm amplification and which is also uses the 1060-nm emission as the pump source. Several pump configurations have been demonstrated to generate specific Stokes emissions generated through Raman lasing or amplification. Changing the gain-to-loss ratio by introducing intracavity loss of Raman emissions or increasing the Raman fiber length within each configuration can force either Raman amplification or lasing to dominate. The maximum slope efficiency as a function of the launched pump power was /spl sim/55% with a total output power of 1.6 W produced. A red shift of both the pump and the Stokes wavelengths is experimentally observed when the launched diode pump power is scaled up.Yahua Li, Stuart D. Jackson, Yucheng Zhao, and Simon Flemin

    A human factors evaluation of the robotic interface for Space Station Freedom orbital replaceable units

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    An orbital replaceable unit (ORU) is often defined as any orbital unit aboard Space Station with a wearout life of less than 30 years. The capability of successful changeout of these units by remote manipulation is critical to the ORU to telerobot interface design. A human factors evaluation of the selected interface showed certain inadequacies of the alignment target concept that was part of the interface package. Alternative target concepts which addressed these inadequacies were developed and are presented. Recommendations will be incorporated into NASA requirements documents which ORU suppliers and manufacturers must then build to

    Experimental tests of reaction rate theory: Mu+H2 and Mu+D2

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    Copyright @ 1987 American Institute of Physics.Bimolecular rate constants for the thermal chemical reactions of muonium (Mu) with hydrogen and deuterium—Mu+H2→MuH+H and Mu+D2→MuD+D—over the temperature range 473–843 K are reported. The Arrhenius parameters and 1σ uncertainties for the H2 reaction are log A (cm3 molecule-1 s-1)=-9.605±0.074 and Ea =13.29±0.22 kcal mol-1, while for D2 the values are -9.67±0.12 and 14.73±0.40, respectively. These results are significantly more precise than those reported earlier by Garner et al. For the Mu reaction with H2 our results are in excellent agreement with the 3D quantum mechanical calculations of Schatz on the Liu–Siegbahn–Truhlar–Horowitz potential surface, but the data for both reactions compare less favorably with variational transition-state theory, particularly at the lower temperatures.NSERC (Canada) and the Petroleum Research Foundation of the Americal Chemical Society

    J/Psi Production from Electromagnetic Fragmentation in Z decay

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    The rate for Z0J/ψ++ Z^{0}\to J/ \psi + \ell^{+}\ell^{-} is suprisingly large with about one event for every million Z0Z^{0} decays. The reason for this is that there is a fragmentation contribution that is not suppressed by a factor of Mψ2/MZ2M^{2}_{\psi}/M^{2}_{Z}. In the fragmentation limit MZ M_{Z}\to\infty with Eψ/MZE_{\psi}/M_{Z} fixed, the differential decay rate for Z0J/ψ++ Z^{0}\to J/ \psi + \ell^{+}\ell^{-} factors into electromagnetic decay rates and universal fragmentation functions. The fragmentation functions for lepton fragmentation and photon fragmentation into J/ψJ/\psi are calculated to lowest order in α\alpha. The fragmentation approximation to the rate is shown to match the full calculation for EψE_{\psi} greater than about 3Mψ3 M_{\psi}.Comment: 16 pages and 8 figure

    Tips for research recruitment: The views of sexual minority youth

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    Researchers often experience difficulties recruiting hard-to-reach populations. This is especially so for studies involving those who have been historically stigmatized, such as individuals who challenge heteronormative expectations or people who experience mental ill health. The authors aimed to obtain the views of sexual minority adolescents (n=25) about what encouraged their participation in a research project. The authors used a general inductive approach to analyze interview data. Feedback consisted of 2 main overarching themes: tips and suggestions for future research and appreciate participants’ motivation to get involved in research. Strategies for how recruitment can be optimized for studies involving sexual minority young people are discussed

    Performance-based control system design automation via evolutionary computing

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    This paper develops an evolutionary algorithm (EA) based methodology for computer-aided control system design (CACSD) automation in both the time and frequency domains under performance satisfactions. The approach is automated by efficient evolution from plant step response data, bypassing the system identification or linearization stage as required by conventional designs. Intelligently guided by the evolutionary optimization, control engineers are able to obtain a near-optimal ‘‘off-thecomputer’’ controller by feeding the developed CACSD system with plant I/O data and customer specifications without the need of a differentiable performance index. A speedup of near-linear pipelineability is also observed for the EA parallelism implemented on a network of transputers of Parsytec SuperCluster. Validation results against linear and nonlinear physical plants are convincing, with good closed-loop performance and robustness in the presence of practical constraints and perturbations