270 research outputs found

    Effective theories for real-time correlations in hot plasmas

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    We discuss the sequence of effective theories needed to understand the qualitative, and quantitative, behavior of real-time correlators in ultra-relativistic plasmas. We analyze in detail the case where A is a gauge-invariant conserved current. This case is of interest because it includes a correlation recently measured in lattice simulations of classical, hot, SU(2)-Higgs gauge theory. We find that simple perturbation theory, free kinetic theory, linearized kinetic theory, and hydrodynamics are all needed to understand the correlation for different ranges of time. We emphasize how correlations generically have power-law decays at very large times due to non-linear couplings to long-lived hydrodynamic modes.Comment: 28 pages, Latex, uses revtex, epsf macro packages [Revised version: t -> sqrt{t} in a few typos on p. 10.

    Lifetime of quasiparticles in hot QED plasmas

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    The calculation of the lifetime of quasiparticles in a QED plasma at high temperature remains plagued with infrared divergences, even after one has taken into account the screening corrections. The physical processes responsible for these divergences are the collisions involving the exchange of very soft, unscreened, magnetic photons, whose contribution is enhanced by the thermal Bose-Einstein occupation factor. The self energy diagrams which diverge in perturbation theory contain no internal fermion loops, but an arbitrary number of internal magnetostatic photon lines. By generalizing the Bloch-Nordsieck model at finite temperature, we can resum all the singular contributions of such diagrams, and obtain the correct long time behaviour of the retarded fermion propagator in the hot QED plasma: SR(t)∌exp⁥{−αT t lnâĄÏ‰pt}S_R(t)\sim \exp\{-\alpha T \, t\, \ln\omega_pt\}, where ωp=eT/3\omega_p=eT/3 is the plasma frequency and α=e2/4π\alpha=e^2/4\pi.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe

    The hard X-ray Photon Single-Shot Spectrometer of SwissFEL - Initial characterization

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    SwissFEL requires the monitoring of the photon spectral distribution at a repetition rate of 100 Hz for machine optimization and experiment online diagnostics. The Photon Single Shot Spectrometer has been designed for the photon energy range of 4 keV to 12 keV provided by the Aramis beamline. It is capable of measuring the spectrum in a non-destructive manner, with an energy resolution of Δ E/E = (2-5) × 10-5 over a bandwidth of 0.5% on a shot-to-shot basis. This article gives a detailed description about the technical challenges, structures, and considerations when building such a device, and to further enhance the performance of the spectrometer

    Bayesian calibration, comparison and averaging of six forest models, using data from Scots pine stands across Europe

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    Forest management requires prediction of forest growth, but there is no general agreement about which models best predict growth, how to quantify model parameters, and how to assess the uncertainty of model predictions. In this paper, we show how Bayesian calibration (BC), Bayesian model comparison (BMC) and Bayesian model averaging (BMA) can help address these issues. We used six models, ranging from simple parameter-sparse models to complex process-based models: 3PG, 4C, ANAFORE, BASFOR, BRIDGING and FORMIND. For each model, the initial degree of uncertainty about parameter values was expressed in a prior probability distribution. Inventory data for Scots pine on tree height and diameter, with estimates of measurement uncertainty, were assembled for twelve sites, from four countries: Austria, Belgium, Estonia and Finland. From each country, we used data from two sites of the National Forest Inventories (NFIs), and one Permanent Sample Plot (PSP). The models were calibrated using the NFI-data and tested against the PSP-data. Calibration was done both per country and for all countries simultaneously, thus yielding country-specific and generic parameter distributions. We assessed model performance by sampling from prior and posterior distributions and comparing the growth predictions of these samples to the observations at the PSPs. We found that BC reduced uncertainties strongly in all but the most complex model. Surprisingly, country-specific BC did not lead to clearly better within-country predictions than generic BC. BMC identified the BRIDGING model, which is of intermediate complexity, as the most plausible model before calibration, with 4C taking its place after calibration. In this BMC, model plausibility was quantified as the relative probability of a model being correct given the information in the PSP-data. We discuss how the method of model initialisation affects model performance. Finally, we show how BMA affords a robust way of predicting forest growth that accounts for both parametric and model structural uncertainty

    On the Quasiparticle Description of Lattice QCD Thermodynamics

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    We propose a novel quasiparticle interpretation of the equation of state of deconfined QCD at finite temperature. Using appropriate thermal masses, we introduce a phenomenological parametrization of the onset of confinement in the vicinity of the predicted phase transition. Lattice results of the energy density, the pressure and the interaction measure of pure SU(3) gauge theory are excellently reproduced. We find a relationship between the thermal energy density of the Yang-Mills vacuum and the chromomagnetic condensate _T. Finally, an extension to QCD with dynamical quarks is discussed. Good agreement with lattice data for 2, 2+1 and 3 flavour QCD is obtained. We also present the QCD equation of state for realistic quark masses.Comment: 20 pages, 10 eps figure

    Numerical optimization of spherical variable-line-spacing grating X-ray spectrometers

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    Operation of an X-ray spectrometer based on a spherical variable-line-spacing grating is analyzed using dedicated ray-tracing software allowing fast optimization of the grating parameters and spectrometer geometry

    A minimal quasiparticle approach for the QGP and its large-NcN_c limits

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    We propose a quasiparticle approach allowing to compute the equation of state of a generic gauge theory with gauge group SU(NcN_c) and quarks in an arbitrary representation. Our formalism relies on the thermal quasiparticle masses (quarks and gluons) computed from Hard-Thermal-Loop techniques, in which the standard two-loop running coupling constant is used. Our model is minimal in the sense that we do not allow any extra ansatz concerning the temperature-dependence of the running coupling. We first show that it is able to reproduce the most recent equations of state computed on the lattice for temperatures higher than 2 TcT_c. In this range of temperatures, an ideal gas framework is indeed expected to be relevant. Then we study the accuracy of various inequivalent large-NcN_c limits concerning the description of the QCD results, as well as the equivalence between the QCDAS_{AS} limit and the N=1{\cal N}=1 SUSY Yang-Mills theory. Finally, we estimate the dissociation temperature of the ΄\Upsilon-meson and comment on the estimations' stability regarding the different considered large-NcN_c limits.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    The Thermal Renormalization Group for Fermions, Universality, and the Chiral Phase-Transition

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    We formulate the thermal renormalization group, an implementation of the Wilsonian RG in the real-time (CTP) formulation of finite temperature field theory, for fermionic fields. Using a model with scalar and fermionic degrees of freedom which should describe the two-flavor chiral phase-transition, we discuss the mechanism behind fermion decoupling and universality at second order transitions. It turns out that an effective mass-like term in the fermion propagator which is due to thermal fluctuations and does not break chiral symmetry is necessary for fermion decoupling to work. This situation is in contrast to the high-temperature limit, where the dominance of scalar over fermionic degrees of freedom is due to the different behavior of the distribution functions. The mass-like contribution is the leading thermal effect in the fermionic sector and is missed if a derivative expansion of the fermionic propagator is performed. We also discuss results on the phase-transition of the model considered where we find good agreement with results from other methods.Comment: References added, minor typos correcte
