316 research outputs found

    Evaluación del cultivo de Pleurotus ostreatus y Ganoderma lucidum (Agaricomicetes, Agaricales – Poyporales) empleando sustratos alternativos

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    Con el propósito de cultivar cepas de Pleurotus ostreatus y Ganoderma lucidum se realizaron ensayos con cinco sustratos experimentales realizando mezclas en pro- porciones distintas. Como inóculo se utilizaron semillas de porotos y garbanzos, granos de avena y cebada, utilizando los granos de avena como control positivo de crecimiento del micelio. Se prepararon los sustratos de cultivo en bolsas de poli- propileno con 1/2Kg y 1 kg de sustrato húmedo de virutas de madera, bagazo de caña procesado, hojarascas y granos de avena en baja proporción para enriquecer el sustrato, utilizando las virutas de Cedrela fissilis como control positivo; las bolsas se esterilizaron por dos h a 120°c, 1 atm de presión y luego se inocularon y fueron incubadas en la oscuridad a 18/25°c de temperatura y aproximadamente 70% de hu- medad ambiente, durante 22-35 días. Una vez cubierto de micelio el sustrato, se pasó a la inducción con 12 h de luz y oscuridad, riego de dos veces por día, temperatura y humedad constantes. Al cabo de 30 a 35 días ya se obtuvieron basidiomas. Se evaluó la eficiencia biológica (EB%) desde el momento de la inducción hasta la cosecha. El sustrato con mejores resultados después del control (53,20%EB) fue la mezcla de virutas con avena y hojarascas con una EB (45,20%). Se obtuvieron fructificaciones en todos los sustratos con excepción de bagazo de caña. La utilización de desechos orgánicos para el cultivo de hongos puede resultar una interesante alternativa de reciclaje de materia orgánica para generar cultivos a pequeña o gran escala

    Molecular Characterization of the Glycated Plasma Membrane Calcium Pump

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    We have previously demonstrated (Diabetes 39:707–711, 1990) that in vitro glycation of the red cell Ca2+ pump diminishes the Ca2+-ATPase activity of the enzyme up to 50%. Such effect is due to the reaction of glucose with lysine residues of the Ca2+ pump (Biochem. J. 293:369–375, 1993). The aim of this work was to determine whether the effect of glucose is due to a full inactivation of a fraction of the total population of Ca2+ pump, or to a partial inactivation of all the molecules. Glycation decreased the Vmax; for the ATPase activity leaving unaffected the apparent affinities for Ca2+, calmodulin or ATP. The apparent turnover was identical in both, the glycated and the native enzyme. Glycation decreased the Vmax; for the ATP-dependent but not for the calmodulin-activated phosphatase activities. Concomitantly with the inhibition, up to 6.5% of the lysine residues were randomly glycated. The probabilistic analysis of the relation between the enzyme activity and the fraction of nonmodified residues indicates that only one Lys residue is responsible for the inhibition. We suggest that glucose decreases the Ca2+-ATPase activity by reacting with one essential Lys residue probably located in the vicinity of the catalytic site, which results in the full inactivation of the enzyme. Thus, Ca2+-ATPase activity measured in erythrocyte membranes or purified enzyme preparations preincubated with glucose depends on the remaining enzyme molecules in which the essential Lys residue stays unglycated.Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicad

    Pathways to Equitable and Sustainable Education through the Inclusion of Roma Students in Learning Mathematics

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    Education is a key feature in the development of an agenda for a sustainable world. Education usually is associated with developing a responsible and ethical citizenship, aware of the main challenges for a sustainable development. Mathematics used to play a role as gatekeeper to achieve good educational performance. This article explores six case studies of Roma developing successful learning stories in learning mathematics. We identify five main characteristics in their educational trajectories that may explain Roma students' success in the school. This article moves forward previous studies characterizing Roma cultural features of mathematics learning, reporting stereotypes towards Roma in school. We conclude that in order to promote educational inclusion, successful stories may inform effective educational programs that, ultimately, may lead towards a sustainable education, including students from the most disadvantaged groups, as in the case of the Roma people

    Seismic imaging and modelling of the lithosphere of SW-Iberia.

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    [EN]Data from a closely spaced wide-angle transect has been used to study the middle-to-lower crust and the Moho in SW-Iberia. A low-fold wide-angle stack image reveals a highly heterogeneous seismic signature at lower-crustal levels changing laterally along the profile. The lower crust features an irregular distribution of the reflectivity that can be explained by a heterogeneous distribution of physical properties. The Moho discontinuity also features a high variability in its seismic character that correlates with the different tectonic terranes in the area. A 2D finite difference code was used for solving the elastic wave equation and to provide synthetic wide-angle shots. Relatively simple layer cake model derived from conventional refraction interpretation generates the main events of the shot records. However, these models cannot account for the lateral variability of the seismic signature. In order to obtain more realistic simulations, the velocity model was modified introducing stochastic lensing at different levels within the crust. The Moho was modelled as a 3 km thick layered structure. The resulting average velocity models include a high velocity layer at mid-crustal depth, a highly reflective lower crust and a relatively thin horizontal Moho. This heterogeneous model can be achieved by lensing within the crust, a layered mafic intrusion and a strongly laminated lower crust and Moho

    Soft Computing Decision Support for a Steel Sheet Incremental Cold Shaping Process

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    It is known that the complexity inherited in most of the new real world problems, for example, the cold rolled steel industrial process, increases as the computer capacity does. Higher performance requirements with a lower amount of data samples are needed due to the costs of generating new instances, specially in those processes where new technologies arise. This study is focused on the analysis and design of a novel decision support system for an incremental steel cold shaping process, where there is a lack of knowledge of which operating conditions are suitable for obtaining high quality results. The most suitable features have been found using a wrapper feature selection method, in which genetic algorithms and neural networks are hybridized. Some facts concerning the enhanced experimentation needed and the improvements in the algorithm are drawn

    Optimizing the operating conditions in a high precision industrial process using soft computing techniques

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    This interdisciplinary research is based on the application of unsupervized connectionist architectures in conjunction with modelling systems and on the determining of the optimal operating conditions of a new high precision industrial process known as laser milling. Laser milling is a relatively new micro-manufacturing technique in the production of high-value industrial components. The industrial problem is defined by a data set relayed through standard sensors situated on a laser-milling centre, which is a machine tool for manufacturing high-value micro-moulds, micro-dies and micro-tools. The new three-phase industrial system presented in this study is capable of identifying a model for the laser-milling process based on low-order models. The first two steps are based on the use of unsupervized connectionist models. The first step involves the analysis of the data sets that define each case study to identify if they are informative enough or if the experiments have to be performed again. In the second step, a feature selection phase is performed to determine the main variables to be processed in the third step. In this last step, the results of the study provide a model for a laser-milling procedure based on low-order models, such as black-box, in order to approximate the optimal form of the laser-milling process. The three-step model has been tested with real data obtained for three different materials: aluminium, cooper and hardened steel. These three materials are used in the manufacture of micro-moulds, micro-coolers and micro-dies, high-value tools for the medical and automotive industries among others. As the model inputs are standard data provided by the laser-milling centre, the industrial implementation of the model is immediate. Thus, this study demonstrates how a high precision industrial process can be improved using a combination of artificial intelligence and identification techniques

    Optimizing the operating conditions in a high precision industrial process using soft computing techniques

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    This interdisciplinary research is based on the application of unsupervized connectionist architectures in conjunction with modelling systems and on the determining of the optimal operating conditions of a new high precision industrial process known as laser milling. Laser milling is a relatively new micro-manufacturing technique in the production of high-value industrial components. The industrial problem is defined by a data set relayed through standard sensors situated on a laser-milling centre, which is a machine tool for manufacturing high-value micro-moulds, micro-dies and micro-tools. The new three-phase industrial system presented in this study is capable of identifying a model for the laser-milling process based on low-order models. The first two steps are based on the use of unsupervized connectionist models. The first step involves the analysis of the data sets that define each case study to identify if they are informative enough or if the experiments have to be performed again. In the second step, a feature selection phase is performed to determine the main variables to be processed in the third step. In this last step, the results of the study provide a model for a laser-milling procedure based on low-order models, such as black-box, in order to approximate the optimal form of the laser-milling process. The three-step model has been tested with real data obtained for three different materials: aluminium, cooper and hardened steel. These three materials are used in the manufacture of micro-moulds, micro-coolers and micro-dies, high-value tools for the medical and automotive industries among others. As the model inputs are standard data provided by the laser-milling centre, the industrial implementation of the model is immediate. Thus, this study demonstrates how a high precision industrial process can be improved using a combination of artificial intelligence and identification techniques

    Molecular Characterization of the Glycated Plasma Membrane Calcium Pump

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    We have previously demonstrated (Diabetes 39:707–711, 1990) that in vitro glycation of the red cell Ca2+ pump diminishes the Ca2+-ATPase activity of the enzyme up to 50%. Such effect is due to the reaction of glucose with lysine residues of the Ca2+ pump (Biochem. J. 293:369–375, 1993). The aim of this work was to determine whether the effect of glucose is due to a full inactivation of a fraction of the total population of Ca2+ pump, or to a partial inactivation of all the molecules. Glycation decreased the Vmax; for the ATPase activity leaving unaffected the apparent affinities for Ca2+, calmodulin or ATP. The apparent turnover was identical in both, the glycated and the native enzyme. Glycation decreased the Vmax; for the ATP-dependent but not for the calmodulin-activated phosphatase activities. Concomitantly with the inhibition, up to 6.5% of the lysine residues were randomly glycated. The probabilistic analysis of the relation between the enzyme activity and the fraction of nonmodified residues indicates that only one Lys residue is responsible for the inhibition. We suggest that glucose decreases the Ca2+-ATPase activity by reacting with one essential Lys residue probably located in the vicinity of the catalytic site, which results in the full inactivation of the enzyme. Thus, Ca2+-ATPase activity measured in erythrocyte membranes or purified enzyme preparations preincubated with glucose depends on the remaining enzyme molecules in which the essential Lys residue stays unglycated.Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicad

    Urban bicycles renting systems: Modelling and optimization using nature-inspired search methods

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    Urban Bicycles Renting Systems (UBRS) are becoming a common and useful component in growing modern cities. For an efficient management and support, the UBRS infrastructure requires the optimation of vehicle routes connecting several bicycle base stations and storage centers. In this study, we model this real-world optimization problem as a capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) with multiple depots and the simultaneous need for pickup and delivery at each base station location. Based on the VRP model specification, two nature-inspired computational techniques, evolutionary algorithms and ant colony systems, are presented and their performance in tackling the UBRS problem is investigated. In the evolutionary approach, individuals are encoded as permutations of base stations and then translated to a set of routes subject to the constraints related to vehicle capacity and node demands. In the ant-based approach, ants build complete solutions formed of several subtours servicing a subset of base stations using a single vehicle based on both apriori (the attractiveness of a move based on the known distance or other factors) and aposteriori (pheromone levels accumulated on visited edges) knowledge. Both algorithms are engaged for the UBRS problem using real data from the cities of Barcelona and Valencia. Computational experiments for several scenarios support a good performance of both population-based search methods. Comparative results indicate that better solutions are obtained on the average by the ant colony system approach for both considered cities

    Urban bicycles renting systems: Modelling and optimization using nature-inspired search methods

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    Urban Bicycles Renting Systems (UBRS) are becoming a common and useful component in growing modern cities. For an efficient management and support, the UBRS infrastructure requires the optimation of vehicle routes connecting several bicycle base stations and storage centers. In this study, we model this real-world optimization problem as a capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) with multiple depots and the simultaneous need for pickup and delivery at each base station location. Based on the VRP model specification, two nature-inspired computational techniques, evolutionary algorithms and ant colony systems, are presented and their performance in tackling the UBRS problem is investigated. In the evolutionary approach, individuals are encoded as permutations of base stations and then translated to a set of routes subject to the constraints related to vehicle capacity and node demands. In the ant-based approach, ants build complete solutions formed of several subtours servicing a subset of base stations using a single vehicle based on both apriori (the attractiveness of a move based on the known distance or other factors) and aposteriori (pheromone levels accumulated on visited edges) knowledge. Both algorithms are engaged for the UBRS problem using real data from the cities of Barcelona and Valencia. Computational experiments for several scenarios support a good performance of both population-based search methods. Comparative results indicate that better solutions are obtained on the average by the ant colony system approach for both considered cities