8 research outputs found

    Identifying the Relevance of Research Goals through Collecting Citizens’ Voices on Social Media

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    Recent debates on the meaning and use of science are focused on addressing citizens’ needs or concerns of society in different fields. Researchers have developed different methodologies for capturing the relevance of topics to be addressed by research in order to map them. This article proposes a new methodology for identifying the relevance of research goals through collecting citizen’s voices on Twitter and Facebook combing two approaches: top down, starting with already defined research goals priorities, and bottom up, departing from the social media. The article presents the results of the application of this methodology through the research goals of Sustainable Development Goals to identify their relevance and if there are some topics not covered by them. Thus, researchers could integrate this methodology in their daily work and be more in line with the needs expressed by citizens in social media

    Actuaciones de Éxito en la Universidad. Hacia la Excelencia Tomando las Mejores Universidades como Modelo

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    Successful Educational Actions (SEAs) are those that, supported by scientific evidence, produce two results simultaneously: increase academic achievement and improve social relationships. Also SEAs fulfil two essential characteristics: they are universal and transferable, that is, they work in all contexts. We find SEAs at all levels of education, also in universities. In this sense, the study of the teaching actions at the most quality universities in the world has led to identify common actions which are addressed to improve the intellectual training of students and which can make them better professionals. In this sense we speak about Successful Actions in Universities (SAU). This article presents this concept and an initial list of SAU, and examines their need and advantages for achieving deep learning and academic excellence. The case of teacher education programs based on scientific evidence is discussed as an example.Las Actuaciones Educativas de Éxito (AEE) son aquellas que apoyadas por la evidencia científica consiguen dos resultados al mismo tiempo: aumentan el rendimiento académico y mejoran las relaciones sociales. Cumplen además con dos características esenciales: son universales y transferibles, es decir, funcionan en todos los contextos. Estas Actuaciones de Éxito existen en todos los niveles educativos, también en la universidad. En este sentido, el estudio de las actuaciones docentes de las universidades de mayor calidad mundial ha llevado a identificar acciones comunes dirigidas a mejorar la formación intelectual del alumnado y que les puede hacer mejores profesionales. En este caso hablamos de Actuaciones de Éxito en la Universidad (AEU). Este artículo presenta este concepto, un inicial listado de Actuaciones de Éxito en la Universidad y plantea su necesidad y ventajas para conseguir un aprendizaje profundo y excelencia académica. Se muestra como ejemplo el caso de la formación inicial del futuro profesorado de educación obligatoria basada en evidencias científicas

    Identifying the Relevance of Research Goals through Collecting Citizens’ Voices on Social Media

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    Recent debates on the meaning and use of science are focused on addressing citizens’ needs or concerns of society in different fields. Researchers have developed different methodologies for capturing the relevance of topics to be addressed by research in order to map them. This article proposes a new methodology for identifying the relevance of research goals through collecting citizen’s voices on Twitter and Facebook combing two approaches: top down, starting with already defined research goals priorities, and bottom up, departing from the social media. The article presents the results of the application of this methodology through the research goals of Sustainable Development Goals to identify their relevance and if there are some topics not covered by them. Thus, researchers could integrate this methodology in their daily work and be more in line with the needs expressed by citizens in social media

    Vers l’inclusion au-delà des murs de l’école :

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    Garantir l’inclusion éducative de tous les élèves dans un environnement marqué par la diversité constitue un défi majeur. Bien que l’éducation et la pédagogie inclusive aient intégré le besoin d’une compréhension plus large du concept d’inclusion, les liens entre intégration scolaire et sociale afin de garantir le droit de chaque enfant à la réussite scolaire ont été moins explorés. Le présent article examine une approche inclusive fondée sur la communauté, qui montre comment le modèle d’une école inclusive pourrait renforcer l’inclusion sociale. Cette école a développé les Actions Éducatives à Réussite définies par la recherche INCLUD-ED (Sixième programme-cadre de la Commission européenne). En partant des améliorations ayant donné lieu à des interventions dans différents milieux, on souhaiterait attirer l’attention sur la façon dont les pratiques inclusives peuvent favoriser l’inclusion sociale des enfants et des familles issus de milieux défavorisés. Les principales conclusions identifient des stratégies pour l’inclusion dans les écoles primaires, y compris des membres de la famille et participants en dehors de l’école. Les considérations concernant la transférabilité des actions éducatives à réussite permettant de surmonter l’inégalité éducative et sociale font l’objet de débat dans les zones défavorisées.Ensure inclusive education for all students in contexts of diversity is a major challenge. Although the need for a wider understanding of the concept of inclusion has been assumed in education, the links between educational and social inclusion to ensure the right of every child to school success has been less explored. The EU funded research INCLUD-ED (6th Framework Programme) has identified Successful Educational Actions (SEAs) which are achieving school success for all students in contexts of diversity, avoiding any type of segregation, and contributing to inclusive education. Such actions have demonstrated to be successful in the diverse contexts where they have been observed; therefore they can be transferred to other contexts to improve educational outcomes. This paper explores the transferability of the SEAs beyond the field of education. The SEAs have brought educational improvement in socially and economically disadvantaged contexts. We draw on the case of a highly socially degraded neighborhood in Spain to analyze the impact achieved by the SEAs on the improvement of social conditions in the area. This will lead us to discuss the transferability of successful actions on social inclusion to overcome the disadvantage of other marginalized areas in Europe

    Identifying the Relevance of Research Goals through Collecting Citizens' Voices on Social Media

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    Recent debates on the meaning and use of science are focused on addressing citizens' needs or concerns of society in different fields. Researchers have developed different methodologies for capturing the relevance of topics to be addressed by research in order to map them. This article proposes a new methodology for identifying the relevance of research goals through collecting citizen's voices on Twitter and Facebook combing two approaches: top down, starting with already defined research goals priorities, and bottom up, departing from the social media. The article presents the results of the application of this methodology through the research goals of Sustainable Development Goals to identify their relevance and if there are some topics not covered by them. Thus, researchers could integrate this methodology in their daily work and be more in line with the needs expressed by citizens in social media