941 research outputs found

    Reconocimiento de gestos corporales, utilizando procesamiento digital de imágenes para activar sistema de alarma

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    La investigación realizada a los sistemas de seguridad electrónica de edificios, plantea como objetivo principal el reconocimiento de tres gestos de un lenguaje corporal del personal de vigilancia, y la consecuente activación de alarma en forma automática. Inicialmente se realizó una encuesta dirigida a las administraciones y personal de edificios, para saber cuales eran las ocurrencias que vulneraban la seguridad de un edificio multifamiliar, luego se observaron y analizaron las imágenes capturadas por una cámara de vigilancia ubicada en la recepción, identificando las ocurrencias más vulnerables y gestos asociados a dichos eventos; se seleccionaron tres gestos que en forma inconsciente realizaba el personal de vigilancia ante dichas situaciones. A determinados cuadros que comprenden estas imágenes se le aplicaron técnicas de procesamiento espacial, con ayuda de una iluminación artificial que era más intensa en la parte posterior del sujeto de análisis, consiguiéndose la definición de una silueta binarizada en el entorno Matlab, técnicas como selección del plano rojo, plano de bits más significativo, invertir imagen y transformaciones morfológicas tipo cerradura, definieron una silueta que ayudó a desarrollar un algoritmo matemático para generar una señal eléctrica en el puerto serial USB del ordenador, donde se conectó físicamente una plataforma de hardware Arduino que activa la alarma. La elección de esta plataforma se debió a que Matlab cuenta con un grupo de instrucciones para Arduino, con el objetivo de lograr una comunicación sincronizada entre ordenador e interface. Las técnicas utilizadas reconocieron 62,5% de los eventos descritos en las encuestas realizadas y que no son mencionadas en temas de investigación similar. Para lograr el objetivo fue necesario analizar un cuadro por segundo. The research poses as their main objective the three gestures recognition of a body language of surveillance personnel and the consequent activation of alarm automatically. It was initially carried out a survey of the administration and the offices of the buildings to know which were the occurrences that violate the security of a multi-family building, then were observed and analyzed images captured by a surveillance camera located in the reception, identifying the most vulnerable occurrences and gestures associated with these events; were selected three gestures that unconsciously performs surveillance personnel before such situations; to certain pictures that comprise these images were applied spatial processing techniques, with the help of an artificial lighting that was more intense in the back of the subject of analysis, getting the definition of a silhouette binarized in the Matlab environment, techniques such as plane selection red, more significant bit plane, to invest an image and convolution close type, defined a silhouette that allowed to develop a mathematical algorithm that generated an electrical signal in USB serial port of the computer, where it is physically connected a hardware platform Arduino that active the alarm.This platform choice is due to the fact that Matlab has a group of instructions for Arduino, achieving an orderly communication between computer and interface. The techniques used recognized 62.5 % of the events described in the surveys carried out and which aren’t mentioned in similar research topics. To achieve the objective was necessary to analyze a picture per second.Tesi

    Reconocimiento de gestos corporales, utilizando procesamiento digital de imágenes para activar sistema de alarma

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    La investigación realizada a los sistemas de seguridad electrónica de edificios, plantea como objetivo principal el reconocimiento de tres gestos de un lenguaje corporal del personal de vigilancia, y la consecuente activación de alarma en forma automática. Inicialmente se realizó una encuesta dirigida a las administraciones y personal de edificios, para saber cuales eran las ocurrencias que vulneraban la seguridad de un edificio multifamiliar, luego se observaron y analizaron las imágenes capturadas por una cámara de vigilancia ubicada en la recepción, identificando las ocurrencias más vulnerables y gestos asociados a dichos eventos; se seleccionaron tres gestos que en forma inconsciente realizaba el personal de vigilancia ante dichas situaciones. A determinados cuadros que comprenden estas imágenes se le aplicaron técnicas de procesamiento espacial, con ayuda de una iluminación artificial que era más intensa en la parte posterior del sujeto de análisis, consiguiéndose la definición de una silueta binarizada en el entorno Matlab, técnicas como selección del plano rojo, plano de bits más significativo, invertir imagen y transformaciones morfológicas tipo cerradura, definieron una silueta que ayudó a desarrollar un algoritmo matemático para generar una señal eléctrica en el puerto serial USB del ordenador, donde se conectó físicamente una plataforma de hardware Arduino que activa la alarma. La elección de esta plataforma se debió a que Matlab cuenta con un grupo de instrucciones para Arduino, con el objetivo de lograr una comunicación sincronizada entre ordenador e interface. Las técnicas utilizadas reconocieron 62,5% de los eventos descritos en las encuestas realizadas y que no son mencionadas en temas de investigación similar. Para lograr el objetivo fue necesario analizar un cuadro por segundo. The research poses as their main objective the three gestures recognition of a body language of surveillance personnel and the consequent activation of alarm automatically. It was initially carried out a survey of the administration and the offices of the buildings to know which were the occurrences that violate the security of a multi-family building, then were observed and analyzed images captured by a surveillance camera located in the reception, identifying the most vulnerable occurrences and gestures associated with these events; were selected three gestures that unconsciously performs surveillance personnel before such situations; to certain pictures that comprise these images were applied spatial processing techniques, with the help of an artificial lighting that was more intense in the back of the subject of analysis, getting the definition of a silhouette binarized in the Matlab environment, techniques such as plane selection red, more significant bit plane, to invest an image and convolution close type, defined a silhouette that allowed to develop a mathematical algorithm that generated an electrical signal in USB serial port of the computer, where it is physically connected a hardware platform Arduino that active the alarm.This platform choice is due to the fact that Matlab has a group of instructions for Arduino, achieving an orderly communication between computer and interface. The techniques used recognized 62.5 % of the events described in the surveys carried out and which aren’t mentioned in similar research topics. To achieve the objective was necessary to analyze a picture per second.Tesi

    Comportamiento fenológico de Euterpe oleracea (Arecaceae) en bosques inundables del Chocó biogeográfico

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    ResumenEuterpe oleracea Mart. (Arecaceae) es una palma cespitosa y dominante en bosques de zonas inundables de la cuenca del río Atrato, Colombia. Es considerada de importancia económica por el palmito que se extrae de ella y por los múltiples productos que se derivan de sus frutos. Se estudió la fenología reproductiva de Euterpe oleracea en 2 comunidades vegetales: murrapal mixto, donde E. oleracea ocurre junto a otras especies, y murrapal puro, dominado casi en su totalidad por E. oleracea. Los registros fenológicos se llevaron a cabo en 2 periodos: entre octubre de 1999 y diciembre de 2001, en ambos tipos de bosque; y entre octubre de 2006 y mayo de 2009, sólo en el murrapal mixto. La fenología reproductiva de Euterpe oleracea respondió a un patrón anual en ambos ecosistemas; sin embargo, las épocas de mayor producción de flores y frutos no coincidieron entre ellos. Se encontró una correlación significativa entre la precipitación y las fenofases, frutos verdes y frutos maduros en el murrapal puro; lo que sugiere un efecto de la inundabilidad sobre la producción temporal de flores y frutos. En el murrapal mixto no se halló relación significativa entre la pluviosidad y las fenofases reproductivas, probablemente debido a que en esta posición topográfica la inundación durante la estación lluviosa no fue tan severa y, por tanto, no alcanzó a cubrir los neumatóforos de las palmas.AbstractEuterpe oleracea Mart. (Arecaceae) is a clustered palm tree occurring in seasonally flooded areas of the Atrato river basin, where it forms homogeneous forests. This palm has economic importance because of the production of palm hearts and numerous products derived from its fruits. The reproductive phenology of Euterpe oleracea was studied in 2 forest types: mixed murrapal, where other species occur, and pure murrapal, almost totally dominated by this palm tree. Phenological observations were made in 2 periods: from October 1999 to December 2001 in both forest types, and from October 2006 to May 2009 in the mixed murrapal only. The reproductive phenology showed an annual pattern in both ecosystems; however, the timing of flowering and fruiting in each forest type was different. A significant correlation was found between rainfall and reproductive structures (fruits) in the pure murrapal, suggesting an effect of flooding on timing of flowering and fruiting. Contrarily, no significant correlation was found in the mixed murrapal, probably because flooding during rainy season was less severe in this topographic position, and therefore, water did not cover the palm pneumatophores

    Physical characterization of the Guadiana Estuary using a 3D model

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    Guadiana estuary is an intertidal estuary situated in SW of Iberian Península, the latest 50 Km of which constitutes the natural border between Spain and Portugal. Tidal influence extends to about 80 Km upstream. The Guadiana River presents a high seasonal irregularity with wet winters and dry summers. A 3D hydrodynamic model based on the MOHID System has been developed to study the hydrodynamics of the Guadiana Estuary. The model has been validated by comparison the output with in situ data measurements in several points along the estuary.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Video surveillance for monitoring driver's fatigue and distraction

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    Fatigue and distraction effects in drivers represent a great risk for road safety. For both types of driver behavior problems, image analysis of eyes, mouth and head movements gives valuable information. We present in this paper a system for monitoring fatigue and distraction in drivers by evaluating their performance using image processing. We extract visual features related to nod, yawn, eye closure and opening, and mouth movements to detect fatigue as well as to identify diversion of attention from the road. We achieve an average of 98.3% and 98.8% in terms of sensitivity and specificity for detection of driver's fatigue, and 97.3% and 99.2% for detection of driver's distraction when evaluating four video sequences with different drivers

    Combustion Characteristics of Three-component Fuel Blends in a Porous Media Burner at Lean Conditions

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    The increasing energy demand and the growing concern over the environmental impact caused by the combustion of fossil fuels require the development of effective alternative fuel sources. Biodiesels and bio-alcohols are attractive alternatives to liquid petroleum-based fuels. Biodiesels, such as soy methyl ester can be produced from renewable resources by transesterification of vegetable oils. Methyl esters have properties similar to those of petroleum-based fuels which allow them to be blended with petroleum fuels and to be used in existing infrastructure with minimal or no modification. Alcohols can be produced from renewable resources through the distillation of sugar, and starch crops. Adding alcohols such as butanol to a biofuel-petroleum blend extends the miscibility limits of the blend, increases the content of renewable components, and the concentration of fuel-bound oxygen in the fuel. The characteristics of the blends of alternative fuels and petroleum-based fuels (up to 20% content of alternative fuels) did not vary significantly with respect to a neat petroleum fuel in terms of performance indicators such as heating value or adiabatic flame temperature. Porous media combustors offer several unique characteristics and advantages when compared to conventional burners, such as an enhanced heat transfer between the combustion products and the reactants, improved mixing of the unburned mixture, and improved evaporation of liquid fuels. These unique characteristics allows for flame stabilization at lean and ultra-lean combustion conditions which suppress the formation of pollutants like NOx and CO. Porous media burners have been developed for application such as furnaces, gas turbines, steam generators, and heating systems. The porous media burner used in this study consisted two different chambers; a flame chamber fixed on top of a spray chamber with the porous media encased between them. The flame chamber (4.3 cm each side, and 27 cm tall) was manufactured out of stainless steel, it was fitted with tempered glass windows in the front and rear sides to allow flame visualization. In addition, it had two lateral 1 cm wide slots to perform probe or thermocouple measurements. The spray chamber had slightly larger dimensions (5 cm square, and 30 cm high) and was located upstream the flame chamber and the porous media casing. It was fitted with four tempered glass windows in order to observe the quality of the spray. Two silicon carbide porous media were used in the burner; an evaporation porous medium (EPM) was the upstream segment of the porous burner. The EPM had pores of diameter 0.75 mm and a pore density of 31 pores per centimeter. The EPM served to enhance the spray evaporation by transferring trapped combustion heat to the fuel/air unburned mixture. It also functioned as a flashback barrier since the pore diameter was small enough to quench the reactions. The second porous medium was a combustion porous medium (CPM). The CPM was characterized by its low pore density (8 pores per cm) and relatively larger pores (diameter >1 mm). The CPM helped to enhance the mixing and stabilize the reactions. In this study, the flame was located downstream of the CPM. The porous media were held together in a two-part stainless steel casing with an inlet and outlet of square dimensions of 3.75 cm. Both halves of the casing had inner dimensions corresponding to those of the porous media, and outer dimensions of 10 cm on each side. Fuel was injected into a preheated (463 K) co-flowing environment using an air-blast atomizer upstream of the porous media. The experiments were carried using three different fuels Jet-A, a blend of 10% SME with 90% Jet-A (SA 10), and a 10% butanol-10%SME-80% Jet-A blend (BSA 10-10), and their combustion characteristics were studied at three different equivalence ratios, ϕ=0.5, ϕ=0.6, and ϕ=0.7 which were selected based on the stability of the flames in the fuel lean operation regime. Equivalence ratio was varied by changing the fuel flow rate and keeping the total air flow rate constant. Flame appearance was measured by taking photographs of the flame; exhaust global emissions and in-flame species concentration at 25%, 50% and 75% flame height were performed using a NOVA gas analyzer and a quartz sampling probe of 1mm aperture and a body of 6mm ID and 7.2mm OD; temperature measurements were carried using an in-house built R-type thermocouple at 25%, 50%, and 75% flame height; soot volume fraction was measured using a laser and a power meter, and the integrity of the burner after operation was addressed by measuring the pressure drop through each PM after operation. The flames generated in the porous media burner were non-luminous, and blue due to the lean combustion conditions, enhanced evaporation of the reactants, and mixing mechanisms. Additionally, the presence of fuel-bound oxygen in the blend affected the luminosity and visible height of the flames as oxidation of the fuel occurred faster when the concentration of fuel-bound oxygen was higher. The appearance of the flames and the soot volume fraction measurements showed that no measurable amount of soot was being generated by the flames. The emission indices of NOx were comparable for the all the fuel blends at a given equivalence ratio. Peak emission index for NOx was found to occur at ϕ= 0.6. It was concluded that the thermal NOx formation mechanism was the dominant mechanism in all cases studied since the highest peak in-flame temperatures for all fuels were recorded at ϕ=0.6. Radial in flame temperature profiles were uniform through the span of the PM as a consequence of the enhanced mixing, and homogeneous reaction produced by the presence of the porous media. Peak temperatures were similar for all flames, at all conditions, on every flame height recorded. The emission indices of CO were comparable for the all the fuel blends at any given equivalence ratio. Peak emission index for CO was found to occur at ϕ= 0.6. CO emission indices were significantly lower than those of open spray flames, and open flames which demonstrate the effects of the porous media burner in suppressing CO emissions. After 100 hours of operation while using blends the pressure drop across the EPM increased by 59 Pa, while pressure drop increased 2 Pa for the CPM


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    El presente artículo propone una serie de conceptos a fin de establecer una terminología útil para la descripción y caracterización de contextos arqueológico forense producidos tanto en casos de graves violaciones a los derechos humanos como en casos comunes. No tiene la pretensión de ser un producto acabado y este podrá, y deberá, ser mejorado o simplemente desechado en la medida que su contraste con la realidad así lo determine.The present article proposes a series of concepts to establish a useful terminology for the description and characterization of archaeological forensic contexts produced by Human Rights Violations and common cases . It does not claim to be a finished product and this may, and should , be improved or simply discarded to the extent that its contrast with reality so determined

    Notas de agrosilvicultura

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    Resumen: Escribir sobre agrosolvicultura no es una tarea fácil, en primera instancia por que últimamente en nuestro medio el tema está “de moda” se ha sobreutilizado el termino antes de emprender cualquier proyecto serio de investigación o desarrollo agroforestal o de buscar el esclarecimiento de su potencial real, de la base teórica que la sustenta y los escenarios en los cuales cabe su aplicación. El riesgo de tal aproximación esnobista radica en que muchos esperan de la agrosilvicultura más de lo que puede ofrecer y que en consecuencia esta postura conduzca a muchos fracasos o simplemente al desgaste del tema por sobresaturació

    Ftalatos y efectos en la salud

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    Los plastificantes son aditivos que se mezclan con algunos plásticos, especialmente con cloruro de polivinilo (CPV) para incrementar su elasticidad. Los plastificantes de uso más común son los derivados del ácido ftálico o ftalatos. Sin embargo, al no estar químicamente ligados a la matriz plástica, los ftalatos pueden abandonar el material y provocar daños a la salud y al ambiente. Aunque, es importante considerar que actualmente no existe evidencia clara sobre su toxicidad en seres humanos, en este artículo se presenta una revisión sobre la utilización y el riesgo en el empleo de ftalatos. Se discuten también las evidencias presentadas sobre su toxicidad y con base en lo anterior se recomienda investigar la magnitud de este problema en México, país productor de PCV plastificado

    Precipitation effects on soil characteristics in tropical rain forests of the Chocó biogeographical region

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    Average annual precipitation (AAP) is one of the principal environmental factors that regulates processes in terrestrial ecosystems. The effect of AAP on the availability of edaphic nutrients is poorly understood, especially in tropical zones with high rainfall. In order to evaluate the effects of high AAP on the availability of soil N, P, and K, physicochemical parameters were measured in soils of three tropical rainforests in the Chocó biogeographical region with different AAPs (7,500, 8,000, and 10,000 mm yr-1). Furthermore, a bibliographical review was carried out that including studies for distinct tropical Ultisols and AAP ranging from 1,800 to 10,000 mm yr-1. The evaluated soils presented extreme acidity with high contents of Al, organic matter (OM) and total N, and low quantities of P, Mg, and Ca. The K concentrations were intermediate and the effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) was low. On the other hand, in the evaluation of the influence of the AAP on the availability of N, P, and K in the soil, contrasting tendencies were observed. On one side, a positive curvilinear relationship was found between the availability of N and the increase in the AAP. On the other side, the available P content significantly decreased with increasing AAP. In conclusion, the excessive AAP resulted in increases in total N and low availability of P, thereby altering the dynamics of the nutrients and the carbon balance of the tropical fores