69 research outputs found

    Influence of earthworms on the microbial properties and extracellular enzyme activities during vermicomposting of raw and distilled grape marc

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGThe treatment of winery wastes by using appropriate management technologies is of utmost need in order to reduce to a minimum their disposal and avoid negative environmental impacts. This is of particular interest for grape marc, the main solid by-product of the winery industry. However, comparative studies on a pilot-scale dealing with the impact of earthworms on marc derived from both red and white grape varieties during vermicomposting are still scarce. The present study sought to evaluate the changes in the biochemical and microbiological properties of red and white raw marc in the presence and the absence of the earthworm species Eisenia andrei. The distilled marc obtained through distillation of the red grape marc was also considered under this scenario. Samples were taken after 14, 28, 42, and 63 days of vermicomposting. On day 14 earthworms led to a pronounced increase in most of the enzymatic activities, but only in those vermireactors fed with raw marc from the red grape variety. Alfa- and beta-glucosidase as well as chitinase and leucine-aminopeptidase activities were between 3 to 5-times higher relative to the control, while alkaline phosphomonoesterase was even up to 14-fold higher with earthworm presence. From day 28 onwards the magnitude of earthworms’ effect on the studied enzymes was also dependent on the type of grape marc. Reduced values of basal respiration, ranging between 200 and 350 mg CO2 kg OM h−1 and indicative of stabilized materials were found in the resulting vermicomposts. Moreover, the content of macro- and micronutrients in the end products matched with those considered to have the quality criteria of a good vermicompost. Altogether, these findings reinforce the effectiveness of vermicomposting for the biological stabilization of grape marc with the dual purpose of fertilizer production and environmental protection.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. AGL2017-86813-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. RYC-2016-21231Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431B 2019/038Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431F 2018/0

    Modification of the RothC model to simulate soil C mineralization of exogenous organic matter

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    The development of soil organic C (SOC) models capable of producing accurate predictions for the long-term decomposition of exogenous organic matter (EOM) in soils is important for the effective management of organic amendments. However, reliable C modeling in amended soils requires specific optimization of current C models to take into account the high variability in EOM origin and properties. The aim of this work was to improve the prediction of C mineralization rates in amended soils by modifying the RothC model to encompass a better description of EOM quality. The standard RothC model, involving C input to the soil only as decomposable (DPM) or resistant (RPM) organic material, was modified by introducing additional pools of decomposable (DEOM), resistant (REOM) and humified (HEOM) EOM. The partitioning factors and decomposition rates of the additional EOM pools were estimated by model fitting to the respiratory curves of amended soils. For this task, 30 EOMs from 8 contrasting groups (compost, anaerobic digestates, sewage sludge, agro-industrial waste, crop residues, bioenergy by-products, animal residues and meat and bone meals) were added to 10 soils and incubated under different conditions. The modified RothC model was fitted to C mineralization curves in amended soils with great accuracy (mean correlation coefficient 0.995). In contrast to the standard model, the EOM-optimized RothC was able to better accommodate the large variability in EOM source and composition, as indicated by the decrease in the root mean square error of the simulations for different EOMs (from 29.9 to 3.7 % and 20.0 to 2.5 % for soils amended with bioethanol residue and household waste compost, respectively). The average decomposition rates for DEOM and REOM pools were 89 and 0.4 yr¿1, higher than the standard model coefficients for DPM (10 yr¿1) and RPM (0.3 yr¿1 ). The results indicate that the explicit treatment of EOM heterogeneity enhances the model ability to describe amendment decomposition under laboratory conditions and provides useful information to improve C modeling on the effects of different EOM on C dynamics in agricultural soils. Future research will involve the validation of the modified model with field data and its application in the long-term simulation of SOC patterns in amended soil at regional scales under climate change.This study was performed under the framework of the EUproject FP7 KBBE.2011.1.2-02 FERTIPLUS: Reducing mineral fertilisers and agro-chemicals by recycling treated organic waste as compost and bio-char products, project no. 289853, co-funded by the European Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation within the 7th RTD Framework ProgrammeTheme2:Biotechnologies, Agriculture and Food. This study was possible thanks to Fundación Séneca (Agencia Regional de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Region de Murcia), grant number19281/PI/14. MariaLuzCayuelaissupportedbya“Ramón y Cajal” research contract from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    Effects of seed-applied biofertilizers on rhizosphere biodiversity and growth of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the field

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    In order to reduce chemical fertilization and improve the sustainability of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivation, maintaining at the same time high production and quality standards, this study investigated the effects of three commercial biofertilizers on rhizosphere bacterial biomass, biodiversity and enzymatic activity, and on plant growth and grain yield in a field trial. The wheat seeds were inoculated with the following aiding microrganisms: (i) a bacterial consortium (Azospirillum spp. + Azoarcus spp. + Azorhizobium spp.); and two mycorrhizal fungal-bacterial consortia, viz. (ii) Rhizophagus irregularis + Azotobacter vinelandii, and (iii) R. irregularis + Bacillus megaterium + Frateuria aurantia, and comparisons were made with noninoculated controls. We demonstrate that all the biofertilizers significantly enhanced plant growth and nitrogen accumulation during stem elongation and heading, but this was translated into only small grain yield gains (+1%\u20134% vs controls). The total gluten content of the flour was not affected, but in general biofertilization significantly upregulated two high-quality protein subunits, i.e., the 81 kDa high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit and the 43.6 kDa low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit. These effects were associated with increases in the rhizosphere microbial biomass and the activity of enzymes such as b-glucosidase, a-mannosidase, bmannosidase, and xylosidase, which are involved in organic matter decomposition, particularly when Rhizophagus irregularis was included as inoculant. No changes in microbial biodiversity were observed. Our results suggest that seed-applied biofertilizers may be effectively exploited in sustainable wheat cultivation without alteringthe biodiversity of the resident microbiome, but attention should be paid to the composition of the microbial consortia in order to maximize their benefits in crop cultivation

    With or Without You: Altered Plant Response to Boron-Deficiency in Hydroponically Grown Grapevines Infected by Grapevine Pinot Gris Virus Suggests a Relation Between Grapevine Leaf Mottling and Deformation Symptom Occurrence and Boron Plant Availability

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    Despite the increasing spread of Grapevine Leaf Mottling and Deformation (GLMD) worldwide, little is known about its etiology. After identification of grapevine Pinot gris virus (GPGV) as the presumptive causal agent of the disease in 2015, various publications have evaluated GPGV involvement in GLMD. Nevertheless, there are only partial clues to explain the presence of GPGV in both symptomatic and asymptomatic grapevines and the mechanisms that trigger symptom development, and so a consideration of new factors is required. Given the similarities between GLMD and boron (B)-deficiency symptoms in grapevine plants, we posited that GPGV interferes in B homeostasis. By using a hydroponic system to control B availability, we investigated the effects of different B supplies on grapevine phenotype and those of GPGV infection on B acquisition and translocation machinery, by means of microscopy, ionomic and gene expression analyses in both roots and leaves. The transcription of the genes regulating B homeostasis was unaffected by the presence of GPGV alone, but was severely altered in plants exposed to both GPGV infection and B-deficiency, allowing us to speculate that the capricious and patchy occurrence of GLMD symptoms in the field may not be related solely to GPGV, but to GPGV interference in plant responses to different B availabilities. This hypothesis found preliminary positive confirmations in analyses on field-grown plants

    Reconstruction of Original Content of the Kurgan Funeral Vessels Based on Microbial and Enzymatic Parameters

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    The original content of ritual vessels from the burials of the two kurgan cemeteries was reconstructed using the multisubstrate testing system of microbial respiration and enzymatic activity of the soil from the pots. For this purpose, a laboratory model experiment was conducted and the decomposition of protein, lipid and polysaccharide organic materials was studied. Basing on the results of the model experiment, most indicative enzymes produced by soil microbial community under decomposition of each type of organic materials were found. They were nonanoate esterase, alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, and leucine-aminopeptidase. The results of the assessment of enzymatic activity made it possible to reconstruct the original contents of burial vessels from two burial mounds “Beysuzhek-35” (Bronze Age) and “Spokoynyy” (Bronze Age and Early Iron Age). We found that most of the pots contained plant food. Animal proteins and fats were in three out of nine pots. One pot was empty or had water in it. In the male burials of the Yamnaya culture, ritual food in pots was more nutritious and included animal fats and proteins, while in the female burial in pots there was a plant starch and protein food. Multisubstrate testing of the respiratory responses of the soil microbial community and determination of the activities of the enzymes nonanoate esterase, alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, and leucine-aminopeptidase are promising approaches to study the type of ritual food in the pots from ancient burials

    The Spatial Representation of Angles

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI linkWe investigated whether angle magnitude, similarly to numerical quantities (i.e., the spatial-numerical association of response codes effect), is associated to the side of response execution. In addition, we investigated whether this association has the properties of a spatially oriented mental line, since angles are taught in a right-to-left progression. We tested two groups of participants: civil engineering students (high familiarity with angles) and psychology students (low familiarity with angles). In Experiment 1, participants were asked to judge the continuity of the angles’ arms (continuous vs. dashed). Magnitude of the angles was task-irrelevant. In Experiment 2, they were asked to judge whether the presented angles were smaller or larger than a right angle (90 ). Therefore, the angle magnitude was relevant for performing the task. Overall, engineering students responded faster with their left hand to large angles and with their right hand to small angles. Conversely, psychology students did not show any reliable differences between left- and right-hand responses. In the case of engineering students, the spatial association has a right-to-left (counter clockwise) direction, suggesting the influence of education and practice on the mental representation of angle magnitude

    Soil slope exposure affects physico-chemical and microbiological properties in soil aggregate size fractions

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    Slope exposure is known to affect soil biogeochemical processes in mountainous forest ecosystems, but little attention has yet been paid to its influence at a soil aggregate scale. Therefore, we evaluated the effects of slope exposure (north- vs south-facing slope) on the physico-chemical and microbiological properties of bulk soil and dry-sieved and water-stable aggregate size fractions in both organic (OF) and mineral (AE) horizons in an Italian alpine forest. The changes in organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (ON) fractions were assessed together with a battery of thirteen enzyme activities involved in the main nutrient cycles. In addition, soil biological properties including microbial biomass (estimated as double-stranded DNA content), and microbial activity (assessed as the ratio between the extra-(exDNA) and intracellular (iDNA) fractions of the total soil DNA pool) were determined. The OF horizon at the north-facing slope was enriched in recalcitrant and insoluble OC and ON fractions and characterized by a lower microbial activity, as indicated by the higher exDNA/iDNA ratio with respect to the south-facing slope. On the contrary, exDNA and iDNA contents, microbial biomass, as well as most of the enzyme activities, reached higher levels at the southern exposure in the AE horizon. These exposure-effects were bulk soil- and aggregate size fraction-specific. Overall, lower values of the chemical and microbiological parameters were found in the water-stable fraction. Our findings indicate that slope exposure (and thus topography), soil horizon, and aggregate size distinctly influence soil OC dynamics in mountain ecosystems.Austrian Science Fund | Ref. I989-B16Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad | Ref. RYC-2016-2123

    Soil slope exposure affects physico-chemical and microbiological properties in soil aggregate size fractions

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    Slope exposure is known to affect soil biogeochemical processes in mountainous forest ecosystems, but little attention has yet been paid to its influence at a soil aggregate scale. Therefore, we evaluated the effects of slope exposure (north- vs south-facing slope) on the physico-chemical and microbiological properties of bulk soil and dry-sieved and water-stable aggregate size fractions in both organic (OF) and mineral (AE) horizons in an Italian alpine forest. The changes in organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (ON) fractions were assessed together with a battery of thirteen enzyme activities involved in the main nutrient cycles. In addition, soil biological properties including microbial biomass (estimated as double-stranded DNA content), and microbial activity (assessed as the ratio between the extra-(exDNA) and intracellular (iDNA) fractions of the total soil DNA pool) were determined. The OF horizon at the north-facing slope was enriched in recalcitrant and insoluble OC and ON fractions and characterized by a lower microbial activity, as indicated by the higher exDNA/iDNA ratio with respect to the south-facing slope. On the contrary, exDNA and iDNA contents, microbial biomass, as well as most of the enzyme activities, reached higher levels at the southern exposure in the AE horizon. These exposure-effects were bulk soil- and aggregate size fraction-specific. Overall, lower values of the chemical and microbiological parameters were found in the water-stable fraction. Our findings indicate that slope exposure (and thus topography), soil horizon, and aggregate size distinctly influence soil OC dynamics in mountain ecosystems