69 research outputs found

    Women’s Rights and Legislative Reforms: An Overview

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    Towards an E-Government Enterprise Architecture Framework for Developing Economies

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    The growth and uptake of e-government in developing economies are still affected by the interoperability challenge, which can be perceived as an orchestration of several issues that imply the existence of gaps in methods used for e-government planning and implementation. To a great extent, various counterparts in developed economies have succeeded in addressing the method-related gaps by developing e-government enterprise architectures, as blueprints for guiding e-government initiatives in a holistic and manageable way. However, existing e-government enterprise architectures are country-specific to appropriately serve their intended purpose, while enterprise architecture frameworks or methods are generic to accommodate several enterprise contexts. The latter do not directly accommodate the unique peculiarities of e-government efforts. Thus, a detailed method is lacking that can be adapted by developing economies to develop e-government enterprise architectures that fit their contexts. To address the gap, this article presents research that adopted a Design Science approach to develop an e-Government Enterprise Architecture Framework (EGEAF), as an explicit method for guiding the design of e-government enterprise architectures in a developing economy. EGEAF was designed by extending the Architecture Development Method of The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF ADM) to address requirements for developing interoperable e-government solutions in a developing economy. EGEAF was evaluated using two scenarios in the Ugandan context, and findings indicate that it is feasible; its design is understandable to enable its adoption and extension to accommodate requirements for developing interoperable e-government solutions in other developing economies

    Impact Of Taurine Supplementation On Blood Pressure In Gestational Protein-restricted Offspring: Effect On The Medial Solitary Tract Nucleus Cell Numbers, Angiotensin Receptors, And Renal Sodium Handling

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Objective: The current study considers changes of the postnatal brainstem cell number and angiotensin receptors by maternal protein restriction (LP) and LP taurine supplementation (LPT), and its impact on arterial hypertension development in adult life. Methods and results: The brain tissue studies were performed by immunoblotting, immunohistochemistry, and isotropic fractionator analysis. The current study shows that elevated blood pressure associated with decreased fractional urinary sodium excretion (FENa) in adult LP offspring was reverted by diet taurine supplementation. Also, that 12-day-old LP pups present a reduction of 21% of brainstem neuron counts, and, immunohistochemistry demonstrates a decreased expression of type 1 angiotensin II receptors (AT(1)R) in the entire medial solitary tract nuclei (nTS) of 16-week-old LP rats compared to age-matched NP and LPT offspring. Conversely, the immunostained type 2 AngII (AT(2)R) receptors in 16-week-old LP nTS were unchanged. Conclusion: The present investigation shows a decreased FENa that occurs despite unchanged creatinine clearance. It is plausible to hypothesize an association of decreased postnatal nTS cell number, AT(1)R/AT(2)R ratio and FENa with the higher blood pressure levels found in taurine-deficient progeny (LP) compared with age-matched NP and LPT offspring.1614758Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)CNPq [500868/91-3]FAPESP [10/52696-0

    Towards an e-government enterprise architecture framework for developing economies

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    The growth and uptake of e-government in developing economies is still affected by the interoperability challenge, which can be perceived as an orchestration of several issues that imply the existence of gaps in methods used for e-government planning and implementation. To a great extent, various counterparts in developed economies have succeeded in addressing the method-related gaps by developing e-government enterprise architectures, as blueprints for guiding e-government initiatives in a holistic and manageable way. However, existing e-government enterprise architectures are country-specific to appropriately serve their intended purpose, while enterprise architecture frameworks or methods are generic to accommodate several enterprise contexts. The latter do not directly accommodate the unique peculiarities of e-government efforts. Thus, a detailed method is lacking that can be adapted by developing economies to develop e-government enterprise architectures that fit their contexts. To address the gap, this article presents research that adopted a Design Science approach to develop an e-Government Enterprise Architecture Framework (EGEAF), as an explicit method for guiding the design of e-government enterprise architectures in a developing economy. EGEAF was designed by extending the Architecture Development Method of The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF ADM) to address requirements for developing interoperable e-government solutions in a developing economy. EGEAF was evaluated using two scenarios in the Ugandan context, and findings indicate that it is feasible; its design is understandable to enable its adoption and extension to accommodate requirements for developing interoperable e-government solutions in other developing economies

    From the pathophysiology of the human lung alveolus to epigenetic editing: Congress 2018 highlights from ERS Assembly 3 "Basic and Translational Science."

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    The European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress is the largest respiratory congress and brings together leading experts in all fields of respiratory medicine and research. ERS Assembly 3 shapes the basic and translational science aspects of this congress, aiming to combine cutting-edge novel developments in basic research with novel clinical findings. In this article, we summarise a selection of the scientific highlights from the perspective of the three groups within Assembly 3. In particular, we discuss new insights into the pathophysiology of the human alveolus, novel tools in organoid development and (epi)genome editing, as well as insights from the presented abstracts on novel therapeutic targets being identified for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.S

    NIHR Global Health Research Group on Vaccines for vulnerable people in Africa (VAnguard): Concept and Launch event report [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background Vaccination is an important public health intervention, but not everyone benefits equally. Biological, social and structural factors render some communities vulnerable and unable to secure optimal health benefits from vaccination programmes. This drives health inequity and undermines wider vaccine impact by allowing the persistence of non-immune communities as foci for recurrent disease outbreaks. The NIHR Global Health Research Group on Vaccines for vulnerable people in Africa (VAnguard) aims to understand how biological, social, and structural factors interact to impair vaccine impact in vulnerable African communities. Methods The VAnguard project will be implemented through three thematic work packages (1-3) and four cross-cutting work packages (4-7). Work package 1 will investigate the biological drivers and mechanisms of population differences in vaccine responses. Work package 2 will support the understanding of how structural, social and biological determinants of vaccine response interrelate to determine vaccine impact. Work package 3 will synthesise data and lead analyses to develop, model and test community-based integrated strategies to optimise vaccine access, uptake and effectiveness. Work package 4 will plan and implement field investigations (community survey and qualitative studies (with support of work package 2) to explore structural, social & biological determinants impairing vaccine impact. Work package 5 will collaborate with work packages 1-4, to engage communities in designing interventions that aim to directly optimise vaccine impact through a process of co-learning and co-creation between them and the researchers. Work package 6 will build capacity for, and a culture of, consultative, collaborative multidisciplinary vaccine research in East Africa. Work package 7 will support the overall project management and governance. Following the project inception on the 1st of September 2022, project launch was held in November 2022. Conclusion Results from this project will contribute to the development of integrated strategies that will optimise vaccine benefits and drive health equity

    Salud global 2035: un mundo convergiendo en el lapso de una generación

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    Con motivo del 20º aniversario del Informe sobre el Desarrollo Mundial 1993, una Comisión de la revista The Lancet reconsideró el argumento a favor de la inversión en salud y desarrolló un nuevo marco de inversión para lograr mejoras dramáticas en materia de salud para el año 2035. El informe de la Comisión contiene cuatro mensajes clave, cada uno acompañado de oportunidades para los gobiernos nacionales de países de ingresos bajos y medios y para la comunidad internacional. En primer lugar, invertir en salud acarrea enormes rendimientos económicos. Las impresionantes ganancias son un fuerte argumento a favor de un aumento en el financiamiento nacional de la salud y de asignar una mayor proporción de la asistencia oficial al desarrollo de la salud. En segundo  lugar, en el modelo creado por la Comisión se encontró que es posible lograr para el año 2035 una “gran convergencia” en salud, consistente en la reducción de las tasas de mortalidad materna, infantil y por infecciones a niveles universalmente bajos. Tal convergencia requeriría la ampliación de las herramientas de salud existentes y un incremento agresivo de nuevas herramientas, y podría ser financiada en su mayor parte con recursos derivados del crecimiento económico esperado de los países de ingresos bajos y medios. La mejor manera en que la comunidad internacional puede apoyar la convergencia es financiando el desarrollo y suministro de nuevas tecnologías de salud, y frenando la resistencia a los antibióticos. En tercer lugar, las políticas fiscales –tales como los impuestos al tabaco y al alcohol– son una palanca poderosa y subutilizada que los gobiernos pueden emplear para detener el avance de las enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT) y las lesiones, a la vez que elevan los ingresos públicos para la salud. La acción internacional sobre las ENT y lesiones debería enfocarse en proporcionar asistencia técnica sobre políticas fiscales, en cooperación regional para el combate al tabaquismo y en financiar investigación sobre políticas e implementación para ampliar las intervenciones que enfrenten estos problemas. En cuarto lugar, la universalización progresiva –una vía hacia la cobertura universal de salud (CUS) que incluya desde el comienzo a los pobres– es una manera eficiente de lograr la protección a la salud contra riesgos financieros. Para los gobiernos nacionales, la universalización progresiva produciría elevadas ganancias en salud por cada dólar que se gaste en ésta, y los pobres serían quienes más ganarían en términos tanto de salud como de protección financiera. La mejor manera en que la comunidad internacional puede brindar apoyo a los países para implementar una CUS progresiva es financiando la investigación sobre políticas e implementación, por ejemplo, sobre la mecánica del diseño e instrumentación de la evolución del paquete de beneficios conforme crezca el presupuesto para las finanzas públicas

    Solid Organ Transplantation During COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Web-based Survey on Resources’ Allocation

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    Background. Solid organ transplants (SOTs) are life-saving interventions, recently challenged by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). SOTs require a multistep process, which can be affected by COVID-19 at several phases. Methods. SOT-specialists, COVID-19-specialists, and medical ethicists designed an international survey according to CHERRIES guidelines. Personal opinions about continuing SOTs, safe managing of donors and recipients, as well as equity of resources' allocation were investigated. The survey was sent by e-mail. Multiple approaches were used (corresponding authors from Scopus, websites of scientific societies, COVID-19 webinars). After the descriptive analysis, univariate and multivariate ordinal regression analysis was performed. Results. There were 1819 complete answers from 71 countries. The response rate was 49%. Data were stratified according to region, macrospecialty, and organ of interest. Answers were analyzed using univariate- multivariate ordinal regression analysis and thematic analysis. Overall, 20% of the responders thought SOTs should not stop (continue transplant without restriction); over 70% suggested SOTs should selectively stop, and almost 10% indicated they should completely stop. Furthermore, 82% agreed to shift resources from transplant to COVID-19 temporarily. Briefly, main reason for not stopping was that if the transplant will not proceed, the organ will be wasted. Focusing on SOT from living donors, 61% stated that activity should be restricted only to "urgent"cases. At the multivariate analysis, factors identified in favor of continuing transplant were Italy, ethicist, partially disagreeing on the equity question, a high number of COVID-19- related deaths on the day of the answer, a high IHDI country. Factors predicting to stop SOTs were Europe except-Italy, public university hospital, and strongly agreeing on the equity question. Conclusions. In conclusion, the majority of responders suggested that transplant activity should be continued through the implementation of isolation measures and the adoption of the COVID-19-free pathways. Differences between professional categories are less strong than supposed