80 research outputs found

    The Effect of Pulmonary Surfactant on the In Vitro Activity of Iclaprim Against Common Respiratory Bacterial Pathogens

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    The in vitro antimicrobial activity of iclaprim, a novel diaminopyrimidine, against common respiratory bacteria remained unchanged in the presence of pulmonary surfactant (Survanta®) at concentrations that greatly antagonized the antimicrobial activity of daptomycin. These results indicate that iclaprim could be a potential treatment for pneumonia caused by susceptible and multidrug resistant bacteria

    Schwarzschild spacetime under generalised Gullstrand-Painlev\'e slicing

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    We investigate a foliation of Schwarzschild spacetime determined by observers freely falling in the radial direction. This is described using a generalisation of Gullstrand-Painlev\'e coordinates which allows for any possible radial velocity. This foliation provides a contrast with the usual static foliation implied by Schwarzschild coordinates. The 33-dimensional spaces are distinct for the static and falling observers, so the embedding diagrams, spatial measurement, simultaneity, and time at infinity are also distinct, though the 44-dimensional spacetime is unchanged. Our motivation is conceptual understanding, to counter Newton-like viewpoints. In future work, this alternate foliation may shed light on open questions regarding quantum fields, analogue gravity, entropy, energy, and other quantities. This article is aimed at experienced relativists, whereas a forthcoming series is intended for a general audience of physicists, mathematicians, and philosophers.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, to appear as chapter 9 in Cacciatori, G\"uneysu, and Pigola, eds. (c. 2019), Einstein equations: Physical and mathematical aspects of general relativit


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    U ovom se radu problemski analiziraju obilježja nogometa u hit-romanu Alena Bovića Metastaze (2006) te u dvjema kasnijim obradama tog književnog djela – u kazališnoj predstavi Metastaze i istoimenom igranom filmu. Otuda ideja da se ondje zatečen, devijantnim pojavama obilježen nogomet, koji više baš i nema puno dodirnih točaka s igrom koja mu leži u korijenima, nazove metastaziralim. Umjetnička se stvarnost pritom promatra kao korespondentna društvenoj stvarnosti pa se za takvo etiketiranje nogometa prepoznaju razlozi na objema razinama. Na temelju takvog pristupa Metastazama, ali i na osnovi prethodno ponuđenog komparativnog uvida u nogometnu tematiku u nekim drugim književnim, kazališnim i filmskim ostvarenjima u Hrvatskoj i izvan nje, postavlja se teza o umjetnosti kao dokazu metastaziralog nogometa. No, još je izazovnije utvrditi može li umjetnost istodobno poslužiti i kao utočište metastaziralom nogometu tako da se njome revitalizira ponajprije estetska, ali istodobno i etička dimenzija tog sporta. Iz tih pobuda argumentacija u ovome radu uključuje tekstove i autore u širokom rasponu od književne kritike, antropologije igara i sociologije sporta do semiotike, kulturalnih studija i estetike. U ovom se radu problemski analiziraju obilježja nogometa u hit-romanu Alena Bovića Metastaze (2006) te u dvjema kasnijim obradama tog književnog djela – u kazališnoj predstavi Metastaze i istoimenom igranom filmu. Otuda ideja da se ondje zatečen, devijantnim pojavama obilježen nogomet, koji više baš i nema puno dodirnih točaka s igrom koja mu leži u korijenima, nazove metastaziralim. Umjetnička se stvarnost pritom promatra kao korespondentna društvenoj stvarnosti pa se za takvo etiketiranje nogometa prepoznaju razlozi na objema razinama. Na temelju takvog pristupa Metastazama, ali i na osnovi prethodno ponuđenog komparativnog uvida u nogometnu tematiku u nekim drugim književnim, kazališnim i filmskim ostvarenjima u Hrvatskoj i izvan nje, postavlja se teza o umjetnosti kao dokazu metastaziralog nogometa. No, još je izazovnije utvrditi može li umjetnost istodobno poslužiti i kao utočište metastaziralom nogometu tako da se njome revitalizira ponajprije estetska, ali istodobno i etička dimenzija tog sporta. Iz tih pobuda argumentacija u ovome radu uključuje tekstove i autore u širokom rasponu od književne kritike, antropologije igara i sociologije sporta do semiotike, kulturalnih studija i estetike.This article presents an analysis of the characteristics of football as depicted in the bestselling novel Metastaze (Metastases) (2006) by Alen Bović and in its two subsequent adaptations – the play Metastaze (Metastases) directed by Boris Svrtan and the film Metastaze (Metastases) directed by Branko Schmidt. Football as it appears in these three pieces is metastasized: it is deviant and in fact undergoes so many significant changes that it no longer has much in common with the original game. Artistic reality is seen as corresponding to social reality, and reasons for the metastasized nature of football are found on both levels. Based on the proposed analysis of Metastaze and a comparative analysis of descriptions of football in other books, plays and films in Croatia and abroad a hypothesis is put forward whereby art offers evidence as to the metastasized nature of football. A greater challenge still is to establish whether art might, at the same time, provide refuge to the metastasized football, revitalizing its aesthetic and ethical dimension. Given the scope of these claims, the arguments in the article are based on a wide array of texts and authors ranging from literary criticism, anthropology of games and sociology of sport to semiotics, cultural studies and aesthetics

    Gravitational Lensing from a Spacetime Perspective

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    Real-Life Evidence for Tedizolid Phosphate in the Treatment of Cellulitis and Wound Infections: A Case Series

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    Introduction Tedizolid phosphate 200 mg, once daily for 6 days, has recently been approved for the treatment of patients with acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (ABSSSIs) in several countries; however, clinical experience in real-life settings is currently limited. Here, we report on the use of tedizolid with an extended treatment duration for complex and severe ABSSSIs in real-world clinical settings. Methods Two patients with cellulitis and two patients with surgical site infection (SSI), aged 26–60 years, were treated with tedizolid phosphate 200 mg, intravenous/oral (IV/PO) or IV only, once daily at four different institutions. Results Two morbidly obese patients had non-necrotizing, non-purulent severe cellulitis, which were complicated by sepsis or systemic inflammatory response syndrome plus myositis. One female patient failed on first-line empiric therapy with IV cefalotin, clindamycin and imipenem (3–4 days), and was switched to IV/PO tedizolid (7 + 5 days). One male patient received IV clindamycin plus IV/PO tedizolid (5 + 5 days), but clindamycin was discontinued on Day 3 due to an adverse event. For both patients, clinical signs and symptoms improved within 72 h, and laboratory results were normalized by Days 7 and 8, respectively. Two other patients (one obese, diabetic female with chronic hepatitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) had complicated SSIs occurring 10 days after hernia repair with mesh or 3 months after spinal fusion surgery with metal implant. First patient with previous methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteremia received a 7-day tedizolid IV course empirically. The second patient with culture-confirmed MRSA infection received a 14-day IV course. Both patients responded within 72 h, and local and systemic signs normalized by end of treatment. There were no reports of thrombocytopenia. Conclusion Tedizolid phosphate 200 mg for 7–14 days was a favored treatment option for patients with severe/complex ABSSSIs, and was effective following previous treatment failure or in late-onset infections

    Protocol for a statewide randomized controlled trial to compare three training models for implementing an evidence-based treatment

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    Prevalence of macrolide resistance mechanisms in Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates from a multicenter antibiotic resistance surveillance study conducted in the United States in 1994-1995.

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    Two main mechanisms of macrolide resistance have been described in erythromycin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae (ERSP): a ribosomal methylase, ErmAM, and a macrolide efflux pump, MefE. In this study, we examined the prevalence of these mechanisms in 114 clinical isolates of ERSP from a 30-center study conducted in the United States between November 1994 and April 1995. The isolates were screened by polymerase chain reaction for the presence of known macrolide resistance genes. Seventy (61%) ERSP contained the macrolide efflux gene (mefE), whereas 36 isolates (32%) contained the biosomal methylase gene (ermAM). Isolates that were ermAM-positive had constitutive macrolide resistance. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (for which 90% of isolates were susceptible) of clarithromycin for the efflux-positive strains were much lower than those for the ermAM-positive strains (4 microg/mL vs. >128 microg/mL, respectively). The efflux mechanism is the predominant form of macrolide resistance in the United States

    Lack of induced mutagenesis in E. coli

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