23 research outputs found

    Towards Health-Care Equality? The Performance of Seguro Popular in Mexico 2003-2013

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    The purpose of this article is to review the performance of a most ambitious initiative for public health care in Mexico, Seguro Popular, which aims to offer financial protection in health to all people not insured by the social security subsystem, around half of the population in Mexico.ITESO, A.C

    La protección social en salud durante el gobierno de Calderón. Avances y rezagos en el diseño y la implementación del Seguro Popular (2006-2012)

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    Se examina el desempeño del Seguro Popular, con énfasis en sus transformaciones y resultados durante el gobierno del presidente Calderón. Sus logros más importantes son la cobertura alcanzada, aproximadamente 44 millones de personas, y el que las transferencias financieras a las entidades ahora dependen del número de afiliados. Esta política aún enfrenta desafíos muy complejos para proveer servicios de salud que sean efectivos y de calidad homogénea en las 32 entidades federativas. Asimismo, la protección financiera en salud no se ha alcanzado, pues el gasto de bolsillo en México sigue siendo elevado (44% del gasto total en salud). Concluimos con recomendaciones puntuales para fortalecer los servicios de salud estatales frente a la posible universalización del sistema de salud.ITESO, A.C

    Trabajo remunerado y de cuidados en la Ciudad de México: Los efectos de la pandemia de covid-19 sobre las desigualdades sociales y la convivialidad

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    Analizamos los efectos de la pandemia de covid-19 sobre las desigualdades sociales y las prácticas de convivialidad en la interacción entre el trabajo remunerado y el de cuidados no remunerado en la Ciudad de México. A partir de una encuesta estratificada original y cuatro grupos focales, estudiamos las diferencias de estos efectos entre hombres y mujeres, y también entre mujeres con características distintas. Respecto al trabajo remunerado, mostramos que la precarización se profundizó: observamos las afectaciones más severas en las personas adultas mayores, las que laboraban en empresas grandes y medianas, y entre las mujeres que trabajaban por cuenta propia. Respecto al trabajo de cuidados no remunerado, las mujeres experimentaron una sobrecarga considerable. La contribución principal de esta investigación es que muestra que la pandemia profundizó las brechas entre grupos de mujeres en perjuicio de las desaventajadas que, en general, disponen de menos recursos para negociar dentro y fuera de los hogares

    Burden of non-communicable diseases and behavioural risk factors in Mexico: Trends and gender observational analysis

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    BACKGROUND: There is scarce gender-disaggregated evidence on the burden of disease (BD) worldwide and this is particularly prominent in low- and middle-income countries. The objective of this study is to compare the BD caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and related risk factors by gender in Mexican adults. METHODS: We retrieved disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) estimates for diabetes, cancers and neoplasms, chronic cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs), and chronic kidney disease (CKD) from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study from 1990-2019. Age-standardized death rates were calculated using official mortality microdata from 2000 to 2020. Then, we analysed national health surveys to depict tobacco and alcohol use and physical inactivity from 2000-2018. Women-to-men DALYs and mortality rates and prevalence ratios (WMR) were calculated as a measure of gender gap. FINDINGS: Regarding DALYs, WMR was >1 for diabetes, cancers, and CKD in 1990, indicating a higher burden in women. WMR decreased over time in all NCDs, except for CRDs, which increased to 0.78. However, WMR was 1 for diabetes and cardiovascular diseases in 2000 and 1 and increasing. CONCLUSIONS: The gender gap has changed for selected NCDs in favour of women, except for CRDs. Women face a lower BD and are less affected by tobacco and alcohol use but face a higher risk of physical inactivity. Policymakers should consider a gendered approach for designing effective policies to reduce the burden of NCDs and health inequities

    El juego de la distribución de recursos en un sistema federal

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    Advisory note submitted to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in the context of its prospective report on the rights of the child and family reunification

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    This advisory note aims at responding to (the first two questions of) the Call for input sent out by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in the context of its prospective report “The rights of the child and family reunification”. Due to the limited scale of this note, we will focus on some key issues faced by TCN unaccompanied minors and separated children in Europe, without attempting to be exhaustive. The discussed preoccupations are mainly related (but not limited) to family reunification procedures. A first chapter discusses the principal preoccupations arising in the light of the right to family life (including issues related to (exercising) the limited right to family reunification, the child’s identity, the right to be heard, etc.). A second chapter deals with the principal preoccupations in light of the principle of the best interests of the child. Finally, in a third chapter some important recommendations are formulated to address the issues discussed in chapters one and two