143 research outputs found

    Polimetilmetacrilato no tratamento da lipoatrofia facial associada ao HIV/AIDS : impacto na contagem de CD4 e na qualidade de vida

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, 2011.Texto parcialmente liberado pela autora. Conteúdo restrito: Fotos dos pacientes.INTRODUÇÃO: Os anti-retrovirais mudaram a morbimortalidade associada à infecção pelo HIV/AIDS, mas trouxeram efeitos adversos preocupantes. A Síndrome Lipodistrófica Associada ao HIV/AIDS tem origem multifatorial, mas está fortemente associada ao uso dos anti-retrovirais. Compreende alterações na distribuição da gordura corporal, acompanhada ou não de alterações metabólicas. A perda da gordura da face, chamada lipoatrofia facial, é dos sinais mais estigmatizantes da síndrome. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o tratamento da lipoatrofia facial associada ao HIV/AIDS com implante de polimetilmetacrilato. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo com 44 pacientes de ambos os sexos, maiores de 18 anos, portadores de lipoatrofia facial clinicamente detectável e sem tratamento prévio, atendidos de julho/2009 a dezembro/2010. Foi realizado implante subcutâneo ou supraperiostal de polimetilmetacrilato para preenchimento das áreas atróficas. RESULTADOS: Dos 44 pacientes, 72,72% eram do sexo masculino e 27,27% do feminino, e idade média de 44,38 anos. Antes do tratamento, 82% dos pacientes apresentavam carga viral indetectável, que aumentou para 88,6% após o tratamento, mas sem significância estatística. A contagem de CD4+ antes do implante variou de 209 a 1293, com média de 493,97. Após o tratamento, essa média aumentou significativamente para 548,61. A renda familiar média antes e depois do tratamento não variou significativamente, bem como o percentual de pacientes empregados. Os pacientes satisfeitos ou muito satisfeitos com sua autoimagem aumentaram significativamente após o tratamento, de 5% para 93%. Em escala de 0 a 10, a média de satisfação com a imagem subiu de 4,54 para 8,96. A lipoatrofia era impactante para 93% dos pacientes antes do tratamento e para 2% após. Cerca de 38% dos pacientes apresentavam comorbidades e utilizavam outras medicações além dos antiretrovirais. O índice de lipoatrofia facial médio foi de 9,25, variando de 1,6 a 19,2. O acometimento malar foi o mais frequente, presente em 100% dos pacientes. O volume médio total de polimetilmetacrilato implantado foi de 16,71 ml, variando de 4 a 40 ml, com intervalo médio entre as sessões de 1,6 meses. O número médio de sessões foi 2,4, variando de 1 a 5. Todos os pacientes ficaram satisfeitos ou muito satisfeitos com o tratamento. A qualidade de vida global não melhorou significativamente, mas os setores avaliados referentes à satisfação com a vida e preocupação com o sigilo sim. Em escala de 0 a 10, a média de satisfação com os resultados foi 9,33, e a média para o desconforto do tratamento 5,09. A dor foi a principal dificuldade encontrada, citada por 43% dos pacientes. Para 93% dos pacientes, o tratamento foi impactante ou muito impactante, sendo a relação com os amigos o setor mais beneficiado. Apenas 2 pacientes (4,54%) apresentaram efeitos adversos relacionados ao tratamento, referentes a quadro de herpes zoster e herpes simples após o procedimento, ambos com boa evolução. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento da lipoatrofia facial com implante de polimetilmetacrilato mostrou-se terapêutica segura com altos índices de satisfação e baixa incidência de efeitos adversos. A qualidade de vida melhorou em alguns setores avaliados. O aumento estatisticamente significativo da contagem de CD4 mostrou impacto do tratamento sobre a progressão da doença. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTNTRODUCTION: Antiretroviral therapy has changed the morbymortaliity associated with HIV infection/AIDS, but brought troubling adverse effects. Lipodystrophy Syndrome in HIV / AIDS is multifactorial in origin but it’s strongly associated with the use of antiretrovirals. It includes changes in body fat distribution, with or without metabolic changes. The loss of facial fat, called facial lipoatrophy, is the most stigmatizing syndrome sign. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate HIV/AIDS associated facial lipoatrophy treatment with implantation of polymethylmethacrylate. METHODS: A prospective study with 44 patients including mails and females, over 18 years, suffering from facial lipoatrophy clinically detectable naïve treated between 2009 July to 2010 December. They underwent sessions of subcutaneous or supraperiostal implant of polymethylmethacrylate to fill the atrophic areas. RESULTS: There were 72.72% male and 27.27% female, mean age of 44.38 years. Before treatment, 82% of patients had undetectable viral load, which increased to 88.6% after treatment, but without statistical significance. The CD4 count before implantation ranged from 209 to 1293, averaging 493.97. After treatment, the average increased significantly to 548.61. The average household income before and after treatment did not vary significantly, and the percentage of patients employed didn’t either. The percentage of patients satisfied or very satisfied with their selfimage increased significantly after treatment, from 5% to 93%. On a scale of 0 to 10, the average score for self-image satisfaction has increased from 4.54 to 8.96. Facial lipoatrophy impact on patients' lives was present in 93% before treatment and after on 2%. About 38% of patients had comorbidities and used other medications in addition to the antiretroviral therapy. The facial lipoatrophy score average was 9.25, ranging from 1.6 to 19.2 and 45.46% of patients showed score between 6 and 10, considered moderate lipodystrophy. Malar involvement was the most frequent, present in 100% of patients. The total average volume of polymethylmethacrylate implanted per patient was 16.71 ml, ranging from 4 to 40 ml, mean interval between sessions of 1.6 months. The average number of sessions was 2.4, ranging from 1 to 5. All patients were satisfied or very satisfied with treatment. The overall quality of life showed no significant change, but the life satisfaction and concerns about the confidentiality was significant improvement. On a scale of 0 to 10, the average score of satisfaction was 9.33 and the average score for the discomfort of treatment was 5.09. Pain was the main difficulty related to treatment, mentioned by 43% of patients. For 93% of patients, treatment was impactful or very impactful, and the friends’ relationship benefited most. Only 2 patients had adverse effects, referring to herpes zoster and herpes simplex after the treatment, both with good outcome. CONCLUSION: The treatment of facial lipoatrophy with polymethylmethacrylate implant proved to be a safe therapy with high satisfaction and low incidence of adverse effects. The quality of life improved in some areas evaluated. The statistically significant increase in CD4 count after treatment showed the impact of treatment on disease progression

    RGPD (Regulamento geral de proteção de dados): conhecimento e impacto nas organizações

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    O Regulamento geral de proteção de dados (RGPD) é um diploma (2016/679) do parlamento europeu e do conselho de 27 de abril de 2016. Atualmente a Lei nacional de execução 58/2019 assegura o seu cumprimento na ordem jurídica nacional. Este regulamento tem como objetivo primordial servir de reforço à proteção de dados respondendo à carta dos direitos fundamentais da UE e abrange qualquer pessoa singular ou coletiva, pública ou privada que trate de dados pessoais. Dada a livre circulação de pessoas e capitais, a crescente globalização e o avanço tecnológico, o fluxo de dados tornou-se descontrolado. Este regulamento visa assegurar a proteção de consequências negativas da livre circulação de dados na União Europeia. O objetivo é obter ilações sobre o conhecimento e impacto do RGPD nas organizações. Apurar as implicações e constrangimentos que este trouxe e perceber o papel que assume o encarregado de proteção de dados neste âmbito. É ainda objetivo do estudo perceber o contributo das auditorias realizadas neste âmbito. Para este efeito foi elaborado um questionário direcionado aos profissionais das empresas que compõe o PSI-20. O estudo contou ainda com uma pequena análise qualitativa feita através de pedido de opinião profissional sobre a temática. As hipóteses em estudo foram comprovadas em 72%, em média, conforme demonstrado na análise dos resultados. Sendo que se concluiu que existe conhecimento do RGPD nas organizações, a aplicação do regime trouxe algum impacto percebido. O Encarregado de proteção de dados é uma figura conhecida, embora necessite de formação adicional. As auditorias realizadas neste âmbito traduzem-se em apoios positivos e fundamentais.The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal document (2016/679) from the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016. Currently, LNE 58/2019 ensures the implementation in the national legal order of the GDPR. The primary objective of this regulation is to reinforce data protection by responding to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and covers any person or entity, public or private, dealing with personal data. Because of the free movement of people and capital, the increasing globalization and technological advancement, the data flow has become uncontrolled. This regulation ensures protection from negative consequences of free circulation of data in the EU. The prupose is to learn about the perception and impact of GDPR on organizations. Understand the implications and constraints of the regulation and the position of the data protection Officer. It is also the objective of research to understand the contribution of audits carried out in this area. For this purpose, a questionnaire was designed for professionals in the companies of the PSI-20. Additionally it was made a small qualitative analysis made through a professional opinion on the theme. The hypotheses were proven in 72%, on average, as demonstrated in the analysis of the results. It was concluded that there is knowledge of GDPR in organizations, the application of the regime brought some perceived impact. The EPD is a well-known figure, although it needs additional professional training and the audits carried out in this area translate into positive support

    A escassez de recursos e a efetividade do direito fundamental à saúde no sistema jurídico brasileiro

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    This paper deals with the expansion and potential implications for Brazilian society of the judicialization of the fundamental right to health in Brazil. Judicial health decisions tend towards micro-justice and disregard for the costs of rights, and it is not uncommon for the issue to be dealt with under the motto of a collision between the plaintiff's right to health and budgetary issues. The judiciary would ignore the real collision between the right to health in its individual perspective and the right to health in its collective dimension. The research hypothesis is that the judicialization of health is growing in the country and is therefore having an impact on public health budgets.  The research methodology adopted was aligned with a pragmatic approach, using quantitative and qualitative research strategies, based on survey methods and data analysis. The result achieved is that the disregard of the costs of the right to health by the Judiciary is detrimental to the effectiveness of the collective dimension of this right, so a consequentialist perspective contributes to a more adequate jurisdictional provision.Este trabajo aborda la expansión y las posibles implicaciones para la sociedad brasileña de la judicialización del derecho fundamental a la salud en Brasil. Las decisiones judiciales en materia de salud tenderían a la microjusticia y a la desconsideración de los costes de los derechos, y no es infrecuente que la cuestión se aborde bajo el lema de la colisión entre el derecho a la salud del demandante y las cuestiones presupuestarias. El Poder Judicial ignoraría la colisión real entre el derecho a la salud en su perspectiva individual y el derecho a la salud en su dimensión colectiva. La hipótesis de la investigación es que la judicialización de la salud está creciendo en el país y, por lo tanto, está teniendo un impacto en los presupuestos públicos de salud.  La metodología de investigación adoptada se ajustó a un enfoque pragmático, utilizando estrategias de investigación cuantitativas y cualitativas, basadas en métodos de encuesta y análisis de datos. El resultado alcanzado es que la desconsideración de los costos del derecho a la salud por parte del Poder Judicial va en detrimento de la efectividad de la dimensión colectiva de este derecho, por lo que una perspectiva consecuencialista contribuye a una prestación judicial más adecuada.O presente trabalho trata da expansão e das implicações potenciais à sociedade brasileira da judicialização do direito fundamental à saúde no Brasil. As decisões judiciais da saúde tenderiam à microjustiça e à desconsideração dos custos dos direitos, não sendo incomum o tratamento da questão sob os motes de uma colisão entre o direito à saúde do autor e as questões orçamentárias. O Poder Judiciário ignoraria a real colisão entabulada entre o direito à saúde em sua perspectiva individual e o direito à saúde na dimensão coletiva. A hipótese da pesquisa é que a judicialização da saúde estaria crescendo no país e gerando, portanto, impactos nos orçamentos destinados à saúde pública.  A metodologia de pesquisa adotada alinhou-se a uma abordagem pragmática, com o uso de estratégias de investigação quantitativa e qualitativa, a partir de métodos de levantamento e de análise de dados. O resultado alcançado é que a desconsideração dos custos do direito à saúde pelo Poder Judiciário figura como prejudicial à efetividade da dimensão coletiva desse direito, pelo que uma perspectiva consequencialista contribui para uma prestação jurisdicional mais adequada

    Cooking Workshops as a Strategy to Improve the Acceptability of Vegetables for Elementary School Children

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    The research aim was to develop cooking workshops using five health foods least accepted by elementary school children and assess their sensory acceptability and physicochemical composition. Three hundred and thirty two elementary school children aged between 7 and 10 years participated in the research. Food acceptability was evaluated in order to verify the nutritious foods less accepted by children, for use in preparations prepared in cooking workshops. Five products were prepared in cooking workshops: eggplant cookie, chard muffin, cress bread, radish pancake and chayote esfiha. All preparations showed high Acceptability Indexes (> 85%). Higher lipid, calorie and fiber contents and lower ash and moisture contents were found in eggplant cookie. Lower contents of carbohydrate and calories were found in radish pancake, while higher contents of protein and ash were observed in chayote esfiha and chard muffin, respectively. The products with the highest carbohydrate contents were eggplant cookie and cress bread, while chard muffin had the lowest fiber content. It is concluded that cooking workshop is an effective educational strategy to improve the acceptability of vegetables with low acceptability for elementary school children

    Effect of blood contamination on the push-out bond strength of calcium silicate cements

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    ARTICLE Effect of Blood Contamination on The Push-Out Bond Strength of Calcium Silicate Cements Flavia Kolling Marquezan1 Patricia Maria Poli Kopper1 Angela Isabel dos Santos Dullius2 Diego Machado Ardenghi3 Renata Grazziotin-Soares3 1Department of Conservative Dentistry, UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil 2Department of Statistics, UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil 3College of Dentistry, University of Saskatchewan, SK, Canada ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of blood-contamination on the push-out bond strength of BiodentineTM (BD) and MTA Angelus® (MTA-A) to root dentin over time. Twenty-five teeth were sectioned horizontally to obtain 120 root slices. The lumens were filled with MTA-A or BD: 60 for each cement (30 uncontaminated and 30 blood contaminated). Push out bond strength to dentin was assessed at 24 h (n=10), 7 days (n=10) and 28 days (n=10). Failure modes were classified as: cohesive, adhesive or mixed failure. Two-way ANOVA was used to investigate the interaction between blood contamination vs. hydration period. Mann Whitney test compared different materials in each period, and it also compared the contaminated versus uncontaminated material for each period. Friedman, followed by Dunn`s test, compared periods of hydration for each material, regardless of blood contamination. Failure modes were reported descriptively. The interaction hydration period vs. blood contamination was highly significant for MTA-A (P=0.001) and it was not significant for BD (P=0.474). There were no differences between bond strength of uncontaminated and contaminated BD in any of the periods. Bond strength of uncontaminated MTA-A increased at each time of hydration; but it remained stable over time for blood-contaminated samples. BD had higher bond strength than MTA-A in all periods of hydration. Cohesive failure predom

    Effect of fat replacement by fructooligosaccharide in hamburger: physicochemical, technological and sensorial analysis

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of fat substitution by fructooligosaccharide on physicochemical, technological and sensory characteristics of hamburgers. Five hamburgers formulations were prepared: F1 - standard (0% FOS) and the others added 1.25% (F2), 2.50% (F3), 3.75% (F4) and 5% (F5) of FOS. The Acceptability similar to standard sample was found for hamburgers with up to 3.75% prebiotic addition. However, all formulations had acceptability index above 70%. Cooking yield, moisture retention, shrinkage and fat retention have been increased as FOS was added. Substitution of fat by FOS increased carbohydrate and fiber content and decreased lipid and calorie hamburgers content. FOS addition did not change red and yellow values, however it increased brightness of product. FOS is an ingredient with potential for addition in beef hamburger, improving physicochemical and technological parameters and with little influence on sensory characteristics

    Family's perceptions about the way the adolescent takes care of her child

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    Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, que teve como objetivo conhecer as percepções da família sobre a forma como a adolescente cuida do filho. Como trajetória metodológica, utilizamos a fenomenologia, que, como um caminho, um movimento, nos permitiu apreender a essência do fenômeno a partir dos discursos de nove sujeitos que participaram da pesquisa. Os discursos dos familiares mostraram que: as características peculiares da adolescência interferem na forma como a adolescente cuida do filho; que a família é um suporte necessário para o cuidado da criança; e que, apesar dos fatores impeditivos, as adolescentes superaram as expectativas dos familiares, conquistando autonomia no cuidado do filho.Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, que tiene como objetivo conocer las percepcións de la familia sobre la forma como la adolescente cuida su hijo. Como trayectoria de metodología, utilizamos la fenomenología, que, como un camino, un movimiento, nos permitió absorber la esencia del fenómeno a partir de los discursos de nueve sujetos que participaron de la investigación. Los discursos de los familiares nos revelaron que: las características especificas de la adolescencia interfieren en la forma como la adolescente cuida su hijo; que la familia es un soporte necesario para el cuidado del niño; y que, aunque existen factores conflituosos, las adolescentes superaron las expectativas de los familiares, conquistando autonomía en el cuidado de su hijo.This is a qualitative research that had as its objective understand the perceptions of the family on the way the adolescent takes care of this child. As methodology we used phenomenology as a way, a movement that alowed us to learn more about the essence of the phenomenon based on the words of nine subjects that participated in the project. The families showed that there are peculiar characteristics of adolescence that interfere on the way that the adolescent takes care of this child. We also have observed that the family is an essential support for the child care and that, although there are impeding factors, the adolescents overcome the family expectations, conquering autonomy on the care for their children