26 research outputs found


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    Baddeley (2007) proposed the Hedonic Detection to explain the connection between emotion and working memory (WM). This review aimed to systematize evidence of the influence of emotion on performance of WM tasks and its association with the Hedonic system on current studies. We carried out a database research that generated 103 papers in a restricted period (2007-2017). Ten papers combining behavioural tests with psychophysiological measures and ten papers using strictly behavioural tasks were selected. In all approaches were observed that the type of cognitive request underlying the task is crucial to understand how WM performance is influenced by emotion. Besides, was possible to detect a trend in the literature to focus on executive process related to a neural model for WM, since just only one behavioural paper explained the results based on Hedonic Detector system

    Disentangling working memory functioning in mood states of Bipolar Disorder: a systematic review

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    Working memory (WM) deficits are often reported in patients with Bipolar Disorder (BD). However, it is not clear about the nature of these WM deficits (update or serial order processes) and their association with each BD states (euthymic, mania, and depressive). This review investigated the association between BD patient's states and the functioning of WM components. For this purpose, we carried out a systematic review fulfilling a search in the databases Medline, Scopus, SciELO, and Web of Science using specific terms in the abstracts of the articles that generated 212 outcomes in the restricted period from 2005 to 2016. Twenty-three papers were selected, completely read, and analyzed using PICOS strategy. The mood episodes predicted deficits in different components of WM in BD patients (the phonological loop or visuospatial sketchpad) and were associated with different WM processes (updating and serial recall). Lower cognitive scores persist even in remission of symptoms. This result suggests that WM deficit apparently is stage-independent in BD patients. Furthermore, findings suggest that the neutral point on Hedonic Detector component of WM could be maladjusted by BD.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Entrenamiento musical numérico para niños escolares con bajo rendimiento en matemáticas

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    The present case-control, double-blind, and prospective study investigated the effects of Numeracy Music Training (NMT) on cognitive skills of primary school children. Participating in the study were 42 children aged 8 to 10 years divided into two groups: Low Achievement in Math (n = 21), and Average Achievement in Math (n = 21). The children underwent two evaluations before and after NMT, where cognitive tests and behavior scales were applied that assessed variables such as school performance, IQ, working memory, numerical cognition, anxiety and stress. NMT was developed in eight group sessions and aimed to stimulate the systems of numerical cognition and integrate basic musical knowledge, and symbolic representations. After the intervention, through musical training, the children in both groups showed significant improvements in school performance, systems of numerical cognition and working memory, as well as the reduction of manifestation of mathematics anxiety.El presente estudio caso-controle, doble ciego, y prospectivo investigó los efectos del entrenamiento musical de numerosidad (NMT; Numeracy Musical Training), sobre habilidades cognitivas en niños de enseñanza primaria. Participaron 42 niños de 8 a 10 años divididos en dos grupos: con Bajo Rendimiento Aritmético (n = 21), y con Medio Rendimiento Aritmético (n = 21). Los niños pasaron por dos evaluaciones, antes y después de la realización del NMT, en las cuales se aplicaron pruebas cognitivas y escalas de comportamiento, que evaluaban variables tales como: rendimiento escolar, CI, memoria operativa, cognición numérica, ansiedad y estrés. El NMT fue desarrollado en ocho sesiones colectivas y tuvo como objetivo estimular los sistemas de la cognición numérica e integrar conocimientos musicales básicos y representaciones simbólicas. Después de la intervención por medio del entrenamiento musical los niños de ambos grupos obtuvieron mejoras significativas en el rendimiento académico, en los sistemas de la cognición numérica y en la memoria operativa, así como una disminución de la manifestación de ansiedad a las matemáticas

    Mudanças motoras, sensorials e cognitivas em crianças com paralisia cerebral espastica diparetica submetidas a intervenção físioterapêutica pelas abordagens Kabat ou Bobath

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the motors, sensorial and cognitive changes in children with spastic diparetics cerebral palsy witch were submitted to differentphysiotherapy approaches; Kabat method and Bobath method. Six children with diagnosis of spastic diparetics cerebral palsy, of both sexes, between 6 and 8 years old, without convulsive crises, IQ above 60 and already doing physiotherapy sessions, continued being treats as the same way. They were evaluated through the scales of assessment of muscle tone and static and dynamics functional activities,somatossensory test, sensorymotor test and intelligence Stanford-Binet IV scale. So divide into two groups with 3 children each - Kabat group and Bobath group. They were treats for three months. After this period, The children were evaluated again and group result's were compared. Threenormal children composed Control group. The result related to the muscle tone evaluation showed that did not occur an increase of tone after physiotherapy treatment. This maintenance of initial tone grades at the final evaluation does not agree with the idea that Kabat method would increase muscle tone. In relation to the functional actives, the resultsshowed improvement at children's performance in Kabat and maintenanceof performance for the Bobath group, except for child 5. The results of somatossensory test show significant improvement in the forefinger, abdome and foot the children treated with Kabat method, but not at Bobath group. The sensorymotor test, show significant improvement in the palm of the hand and abdome at Kabat group, and thigh at Bobath group. The results of cognitive test showed improvement more evident in the bead memory, pattern's analyze and object memory at Bobath group. In conclusion, the occurrence of motor and sensorial changes was more evident at Kabat group and the cognitive changes at Bobath group.O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as mudanças motoras, sensoriais e cognitivas em crianças com Paralisia Cerebral (PC) espástica diparética submetidas a intervenção físioterapêutica distintas pelas abordagens Kabat ou Bobath. Seis crianças com PC espástica diparética, de ambos os sexos, de 6 a 8 anos, sem crises convulsivas, QI acima de 60, já realizavam fisioterapia continuaram sendo assistidas pela mesma abordagem. Foram avaliadas através das escalas de avaliação do tono muscular, atividades funcionais estáticas e dinâmicas, teste somatossensorial e escala de inteligência Stanford-Binet IV. Então divididas em 2 grupos de 3 crianças cada - grupo Kabat e Grupo Bobath, foram tratadas por 3 meses, após o qual as mesmas foram reavaliadas e os resultados comparados. 3 crianças normais na mesma faixa etária formaram o grupo controle.Os resultados referentes as avaliações do tono muscular mostram que não ocorreu aumento do tono após ambas as intervenções fisioterapêuticas. Esta manutenção dos graus iniciais do tono muscular na avaliação final contraria idéias de aumento do tono muscular em decorrência da aplicação do método Kabat. Os resultados das atividades funcionais mostram melhora significativa no desempenho dascrianças do grupo Kabat e manutenção do desempenho para o grupo Bobath (exceto em uma criança tratada através deste último método). Os resultados do teste de limiar espacial (somatossensorial) mostram melhoras estatísticas significantes no indicador, no abdome inferior e no pé apenas para as crianças tratadas pelo método Kabat. O teste erro de localização (sensório-motor), revelou melhoras significativas na palma da mão e no abdome inferior no grupo Kabat, e na coxa para o grupo Bobath. Os resultados nos testes cognitivos mostram melhoras mais acentuadas no "bead memory", análise de padrões e memória para objetos para o grupo Bobath. Em conclusão, observamos que a ocorrênciade mudanças motoras e sensoriais foram mais evidentes no grupo Kabat e as cognitivas no grupo Bobath

    Number Processing and Calculation in Brazilian Children Aged 7-12 Years

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    Numerical cognition is based on two components - number processing and calculation. Its development is influenced by biological, cognitive, educational, and cultural factors. The objectives of the present study were to: i) assess number processing and calculation in Brazilian children aged 7-12 years from public schools using the Zareki-R (Battery of neuropsychological tests for number processing and calculation in children, Revised; von Aster & Dellatolas, 2006) in order to obtain normative data for Portuguese speakers; ii) identify how environment, age, and gender influences the development of these mathematical skills; iii) investigate the construct validity of the Zareki-R by the contrast with the Arithmetic subtest of WISC-III. The sample included 172 children, both genders, divided in two groups: urban (N = 119) and rural (N = 53) assessed by the Zareki-R. Rural children presented lower scores in one aspect of number processing; children aged 7-8 years demonstrated an inferior global score than older; boys presented a superior performance in both number processing and calculation. Construct validity of Zareki-R was demonstrated by high to moderate correlations with Arithmetic subtest of WISC-III. The Zareki-R therefore is a suitable instrument to assess the development of mathematical skills, which is influenced by factors such as environment, age, and gende

    O estresse do enfermeiro nas unidades de terapia intensiva adulto: uma revisão da literatura

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    Estudo de revisão da literatura que objetivou identificar os fatores geradores de estresse, seus efeitos, sinais e sintomas, presentes nos enfermeiros atuantes em unidades de terapia intensiva adulta. Como metodologia, utilizou-se de artigos publicados na base LILACS e Biblioteca SciELO entre os anos 2006 e 2008. Os resultados mostraram que os fatores predisponentes ao estresse foram: sobrecarga de trabalho, conflito de funções, desvalorização e condições de trabalho. Os sinais e sintomas foram: taquicardia, falta de apetite, calafrios, ansiedade e dores articulares. Conclui-se que é necessário e imprescindível a realização de reuniões de equipe, planejamento das atividades, participação ativa nas decisões da equipe multiprofissional e valorização dos distintos saberes, em prol da saúde dos trabalhadores e da qualidade do trabalho.Estudio de revisión de la literatura que objetivó identificar los factores generadores de estrés, sus efectos, señales y síntomas presentes en los enfermeros actuantes en unidades de terapia intensiva adulta. Se utilizaron artículos publicados en la base LILACS y Biblioteca SciELO, entre los años de 2006 hasta 2008. Los resultados demostraron que los factores que predispusieron al estrés fueron: sobrecarga de trabajo, conflicto de funciones, desvalorización y condiciones de trabajo. Los señales y síntomas fueron: taquicardia, falta de apetito, escalofríos, ansiedad y dolores articulares. Se concluye que es necesaria e imprescindible la realización de reuniones de equipo, planificación de las actividades, participación activa en las decisiones del equipo multiprofesional y valorización de los distintos saberes, en pro de la salud de los trabajadores y de la calidad del trabajo.This literature review aimed to identify the factors that generate stress, their effects, signs and symptoms present in active nurses who work in adult intensive care units. Articles published between 2006 and 2008 were searched in the LILACS database and SciELO library. Results showed that the main stressing factors were: work overload, conflict of functions, depreciation and work conditions. The signs and symptoms were: palpitation, lack of appetite, chills, anxiety and pain in articulation. Results indicate the need of team meetings, activity planning, active participation in the decisions of the multiprofessional team and valorization of the different kinds of knowledge, for benefit of the workers' health and the quality of the work

    Crude corn oil with high acidity in broiler feed

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    This study aimed to evaluate crude corn oil with high acidity (CCOHA) as a surrogate for degummed soybean oil (DSO) in broiler diets. The design was completely randomized, with four treatments and ten replicates. Each box contained 40 birds (male), totaling 1600 Cobb Slow birds. Treatments consisted of two sorghum-based diets, one with DSO (SSO) another with CCOHA (SCO), and two corn-based diets, one with DSO (CSO) another with CCOHA (CCO). At 30 days of age, a digestibility test was performed using total excreta collection to determine apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and nitrogen-corrected AME (AMEn) from test rations. At 42 days of age, we evaluated live weight (LW), feed intake (FI), feed conversion (FC), carcass yield (CY), and the yields of breast with bone and skin (BWBS), skinless boneless breast (SBB), thigh (T), drumstick (D), and wing (W), as well as breast centesimal composition. Neither corn nor sorghum-based diets with CCOHA showed differences between AME and AMEn. Both DSO and CCOHA diets showed no differences in LW, FI, FC, carcass and cuts yields when using CCOHA. Regarding breast composition, no differences in dry matter and in the levels of crude protein, fat, and mineral matter were observed. We may conclude that CCOHA had no effect on the performance variables, carcass and cuts yields, and broiler meat quality


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    A Doença de Parkinson (DP) é caracterizada pela degeneração progressiva de neurônios dopaminérgicos da substância negra, resultando em desordens não motoras e motoras que estão relacionadas com o aparecimento de tremor de repouso, bradicinesia, rigidez articular, instabilidade postural, alterações no padrão da marcha, declínio do equilíbrio. A Fisioterapia em Grupo no formato de Circuit Training (FGCT) é um modelo terapêutico baseado em estações de trabalho dispostos num formato de circuito dirigido que reproduzem atividades físicas. O objetivo foi avaliar a velocidade de marcha rápida, de indivíduos com DP submetidos a sessões de FGTC. Participaram deste estudo 13 pessoas com DP. A avaliação inicial (AV1) foi realizada utilizando o Time up and go (TUG) p e o Teste de velocidade de marcha de 10 metros (TV10M). No TUG, a velocidade de execução média foi de 0,68 ± 0,19 m/s na AV1 e 0,66 ± 0,14 m/s AV2 e no TV10M de 1,36 ± 0,26 m/s na AV1 enquanto na AV2 foi 1,45 ± 0,32 m/s, sem diferença significante entre os dois momentos de medida. Os parkinsonianos não apresentaram melhoras funcionais talvez porque a terapia não teve exercícios com enfoque na velocidade da marcha e o tempo de terapêutica pode não ter sido suficiente para ocorrer mudanças nesse aspecto. Porém sabe-se que a reabilitação em grupo contribui na melhora do estado de saúde global do paciente, permitindo maior socialização entre os indivíduos. Pode-se conclui que protocolo terapêutico utilizado não foi suficientemente para alterar a velocidade da marcha dos pacientes

    Reabilitação neuropsicológica pediátrica

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    Neuropsychology investigates behavioural expression of cerebral dysfunctions, i. e., the interaction between preserved and impaired brain structures and cognitive functions such as language, memory, attention and others. Paediatric neuropsychology has specificities: maturation, cognitive strategies, school and cultural learning, and intrinsic characteristics related to brain reorganisation. The objective of neuropsychological rehabilitation in children is to establish strategies to adapt impaired cognitive functions in contrast to environmental demands. Pediatric cognitive rehabilitation helps children with learning disabilities, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, autistic syndrome, brain tumours, cerebral palsy, etc. The investigation of the rehabilitation program effectiveness depends on many factors. The neuropsychologist must contribute to develop new strategies of cognitive rehabilitation, be qualified to use them and share with the interdisciplinary staff the effective techniques and experiences.A neuropsicologia investiga a expressão comportamental das disfunções cerebrais, isto é, a interação entre estruturas cerebrais preservadas e prejudicadas e as funções cognitivas, tais como linguagem, memória, atenção e outras. A neuropsicologia pediátrica possui especificidades: maturação, estratégias cognitivas, ensino formal e cultura, e características intrínsecas à reorganização cerebral. O objetivo da reabilitação neuropsicológica é estabelecer estratégias para adaptação de funções cognitivas afetadas em relação às demandas do ambiente da criança. A reabilitação cognitiva pediátrica auxilia crianças com deficiência mental, epilepsia, traumatismo craniencefálico, síndromes autísticas, tumores cerebrais, paralisia cerebral, etc. Programas de reabilitação neuropsicológica podem ser voltados para dificuldades acadêmicas ou para funções cognitivas. A investigação da efetividade de programas de reabilitação depende de diversos fatores. O neuropsicólogo deve contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de reabilitação cognitiva, ser qualificado para o uso das mesmas e partilhar, com a equipe interdisciplinar, as técnicas e experiências efetivas