10,321 research outputs found

    Integrated care and the working record

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    By default, many discussions and specifications of electronic health records or integrated care records often conceptualize the record as a passive information repository. This article presents data from a case study of work in a medical unit in a major metropolitan hospital. It shows how the clinicians tailored, re-presented and augmented clinical information to support their own roles in the delivery of care for individual patients. This is referred to as the working record: a set of complexly interrelated clinician-centred documents that are locally evolved, maintained and used to support delivery of care in conjunction with the more patient-centred chart that will be stored in the medical records department on the patient’s discharge. Implications are drawn for how an integrated care record could support the local tailorability and flexibility that underpin this working record and hence underpin practice

    Contemporary climatic analogs for 540 North American urban areas in the late 21st century

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    It is challenging to communicate abstract future climate estimates. Here the authors utilized climate-analog mapping and they identified that North American urban areas’ climate by the 2080’s will become similar to the contemporary climate of locations hundreds of kilometers away and mainly to the south, while many urban areas will have no modern equivalent analogs under the RCP8.5 scenario

    davos\texttt{davos}: a Python "smuggler" for constructing lightweight reproducible notebooks

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    Reproducibility is a core requirement of modern scientific research. For computational research, reproducibility means that code should produce the same results, even when run on different systems. A standard approach to ensuring reproducibility entails packaging a project's dependencies along with its primary code base. Existing solutions vary in how deeply these dependencies are specified, ranging from virtual environments, to containers, to virtual machines. Each of these existing solutions requires installing or setting up a system for running the desired code, increasing the complexity and time cost of sharing or engaging with reproducible science. Here, we propose a lighter-weight solution: the davos\texttt{davos} package. When used in combination with a notebook-based Python project, davos\texttt{davos} provides a mechanism for specifying (and automatically installing) the correct versions of the project's dependencies. The davos\texttt{davos} package further ensures that those packages and specific versions are used every time the notebook's code is executed. This enables researchers to share a complete reproducible copy of their code within a single Jupyter notebook file

    Lessons from crossing symmetry at large N

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    20 pages, v2: Assumptions stated more clearly, version published in JHEPWe consider the four-point correlator of the stress tensor multiplet in N=4 SYM. We construct all solutions consistent with crossing symmetry in the limit of large central charge c ~ N^2 and large g^2 N. While we find an infinite tower of solutions, we argue most of them are suppressed by an extra scale \Delta_{gap} and are consistent with the upper bounds for the scaling dimension of unprotected operators observed in the numerical superconformal bootstrap at large central charge. These solutions organize as a double expansion in 1/c and 1/\Delta_{gap}. Our solutions are valid to leading order in 1/c and to all orders in 1/\Delta_{gap} and reproduce, in particular, instanton corrections previously found. Furthermore, we find a connection between such upper bounds and positivity constraints arising from causality in flat space. Finally, we show that certain relations derived from causality constraints for scattering in AdS follow from crossing symmetry.Peer reviewe

    New Ultraviolet Extinction Curves for Interstellar Dust in M31

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    New low-resolution UV spectra of a sample of reddened OB stars in M31 were obtained with HST/STIS to study the wavelength dependence of interstellar extinction and the nature of the underlying dust grain populations. Extinction curves were constructed for four reddened sightlines in M31 paired with closely matching stellar atmosphere models. The new curves have a much higher S/N than previous studies. Direct measurements of N(H I) were made using the Lyα\alpha absorption lines enabling gas-to-dust ratios to be calculated. The sightlines have a range in galactocentric distance of 5 to 14 kpc and represent dust from regions of different metallicities and gas-to-dust ratios. The metallicities sampled range from Solar to 1.5 Solar. The measured curves show similarity to those seen in the Milky Way and the Large Magellanic Cloud. The Maximum Entropy Method was used to investigate the dust composition and size distribution for the sightlines observed in this program finding that the extinction curves can be produced with the available carbon and silicon abundances if the metallicity is super-Solar.Comment: ApJ, in press, 9 pages, 5 figure

    Contour-time approach to the Bose-Hubbard model in the strong coupling regime: Studying two-point spatio-temporal correlations at the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov level

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    We develop a formalism that allows the study of correlations in space and time in both the superfluid and Mott insulating phases of the Bose-Hubbard Model. Specifically, we obtain a two particle irreducible effective action within the contour-time formalism that allows for both equilibrium and out of equilibrium phenomena. We derive equations of motion for both the superfluid order parameter and two-point correlation functions. To assess the accuracy of this formalism, we study the equilibrium solution of the equations of motion and compare our results to existing strong coupling methods as well as exact methods where possible. We discuss applications of this formalism to out of equilibrium situations.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1606.0411

    Can explicit training in Cued Speech improve phoneme identification?

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    When identifying phonemes in new spoken words, lipreading is an important source of information for many deaf people. Because many groups of phonemes are virtually indistinguishable by sight, deaf people are able to identify about 30% of phonemes when lipreading non-words. Cued speech (CS) is a system of hand shapes and hand positions used alongside speech to disambiguate similarities in lip patterns. Deaf children exposed to CS from under 3 years of age go on to develop age-appropriate language and literacy skills. However, there are no studies evaluating the explicit training of CS with older deaf children. This study is the first part of a long-term project to develop and evaluate a computer-delivered programme to teach school-aged deaf children to recognize cued phonemes. Sixty-two adult hearing participants were allocated to a single training session in one of three training conditions: cued speech training (CST), lipreading training and auditory training in noise. They were all tested on their ability to identify 13 phonemes in non-words when denied access to sound. The CST group made highly significant improvements in identifying cued phonemes and these changes could not be explained by lipreading practice or familiarization with a closed set of phonemes. Improvements generalized to non-words that were not used in training. This suggests that explicit training in CS could help deaf children to identify cued phonemes in new words. Practical implications of introducing the teaching of CS to selected deaf children are discussed

    Governing the soil: Natural farming and bionationalism in India

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    This article examines India’s response to the global soil health crisis. A longstanding centre of agricultural production and innovation, India has recently launched an ambitious soil health programme. The country’s Soil Health Card (SHC) Scheme intervenes in farm-scale decisions about efficient fertiliser use, envisioning farmers as managers and soil as a substrate for production. India is also home to one of the world’s largest alternative agriculture movements: natural farming. This puts farmer expertise at the centre of soil fertility and attends to the wider ecological health of soils. Despite emerging as a mode of resistance to dominant agricultural systems, natural farming is now being delivered in increasingly bureaucratic ways by India’s state governments. This article offers Himachal Pradesh as a case study in how the soil is governed, drawing on 38 semi-structured interviews with scientists, agricultural officers, non-governmental organisation leaders, and activists. Rather than assess approaches to soil health according to their ecological bottom line, we examine the differing forms of knowledge, expertise and ‘truth’ in the SHC and Natural Farming approaches. Our analysis reveals discontinuities in how farmers are imagined, as well as continuities in how quasi-spiritual language combines in a bionationalist project, positing assumptions about the correct arrangement of life in nationalist terms. We point to a shift toward hybrid and pick-and-mix approaches to soil health, as farmers and their organisers are increasingly invested with the capacities to combine multiple options. We see a fracturing of expertise and the opening up of epistemic pluralism in responses to the soil fertility crisis
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