738 research outputs found

    The Corticomedial Amygdala and Learning in an Agonistic Situation in the Rat

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    Social agonistic behaviour of intact male rats is strongly reduced by the experience of defeat by a dominant male conspecific. Small electrolytic lesions in the corticomedial amygdala strongly affected this behavioural change due to defeat. No effects of the lesions were observed before and during the defeat. Some learning is still possible in corticomedial amygdala lesioned animals. A comparison of the effects of lesions made before the defeat with lesions made after the defeat revealed that the lesions primarily produce a retention deficit in social learning.

    The cost of moderate and severe COPD exacerbations to the Canadian healthcare system

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    SummaryBackgroundThe cost of exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has not been well studied. The aim of this study was to identify and quantify the (average) cost of moderate and severe exacerbations (ME and SE, respectively) from a Canadian perspective.MethodsResources used during ME and SE were identified in a year long prospective, observational study (Resource Utilization Study In COPD (RUSIC)). The units of analysis were ME and SE. Unit costs (2006CAN),basedonprovincial,hospitalandpublishedsources,wereappliedtoresources.TheoverallcostperMEandSEwerecalculated.Thepopulationburdenofexacerbationswasalsocalculated.ResultsAmongstudyparticipants(N=609,aged68.6±9.4years,58.3CAN), based on provincial, hospital and published sources, were applied to resources. The overall cost per ME and SE were calculated. The population burden of exacerbations was also calculated.ResultsAmong study participants (N=609, aged 68.6±9.4 years, 58.3% male) there were 790 exacerbations: 639 (80.9%) MEs and 151 (19.1%) SEs. Of the 790 exacerbations, 618 (78.2%), 245 (31.0%) and 151 (19.1%) included a visit to an outpatient clinic, emergency department (ED) or hospital, respectively. For ME, 85.9% and 13.1% involved visits to GPs and respirologists, respectively. Pharmacologic treatment changes in the outpatient setting involved antibiotics (63.1%) and corticosteroids (34.7%). The overall mean costs for outpatient and ED services for MEs were 126 (N=574) and 515(N=105),respectively.TheaverageoverallcostofaMEwas515 (N=105), respectively. The average overall cost of a ME was 641. For SEs, the average hospital stay was 10.0 days. The overall mean costs of outpatient, ED and hospitalization services for SE were 114(N=44),114 (N=44), 774 (N=140) and 8669(N=151),respectively.TheaverageoverallcostofaSEwas8669 (N=151), respectively. The average overall cost of a SE was 9557.ConclusionThe economic burden associated with MEs and especially SEs, in Canada, is considerable and likely has a substantial impact on healthcare costs. The overall burden of exacerbations has been estimated in the range of 646millionto646 million to 736 million per annum

    Optical properties of tissue measured using terahertz pulsed imaging.

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    The first demonstrations of terahertz imaging in biomedicine were made several years ago, but few data are available on the optical properties of human tissue at terahertz frequencies. A catalogue of these properties has been established to estimate variability and determine the practicality of proposed medical applications in terms of penetration depth, image contrast and reflection at boundaries. A pulsed terahertz imaging system with a useful bandwidth 0.5-2.5 THz was used. Local ethical committee approval was obtained. Transmission measurements were made through tissue slices of thickness 0.08 to 1 mm, including tooth enamel and dentine, cortical bone, skin, adipose tissue and striated muscle. The mean and standard deviation for refractive index and linear attenuation coefficient, both broadband and as a function of frequency, were calculated. The measurements were used in simple models of the transmission, reflection and propagation of terahertz radiation in potential medical applications. Refractive indices ranged from 1.5 ± 0.5 for adipose tissue to 3.06 ± 0.09 for tooth enamel. Significant differences (P<0.05) were found between the broadband refractive indices of a number of tissues. Terahertz radiation is strongly absorbed in tissue so reflection imaging, which has lower penetration requirements than transmission, shows promise for dental or dermatological applications

    Business Value Is not only Dollars - Results from Case Study Research on Agile Software Projects

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    Business value is a key concept in agile software development. This paper presents results of a case study on how business value and its creation is perceived in the context of agile projects. Our overall conclusion is that the project participants almost never use an explicit and structured approach to guide the value creation throughout the project. Still, the application of agile methods in the studied cases leads to satisfied clients. An interesting result of the study represents the fact that the agile process of many projects differs significantly from what is described in the agile practitioners’ books as best practices. The key implication for research and practice is that we have an incentive to pursue the study of value creation in agile projects and to complement it by providing guidelines for better client’s involvement, as well as by developing structured methods that will enhance the value-creation in a project

    Extent of the Ross Orogen in Antarctica: new data from DSDP 270 and Iselin Bank

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    The Ross Sea is bordered by the Late Precambrian–Cambrian Ross–Delamerian Orogen of East Antarctica and the more Pacific-ward Ordovician–Silurian Lachlan–Tuhua–Robertson Bay–Swanson Orogen. A calcsilicate gneiss from Deep Sea Drilling Project 270 drill hole in the central Ross Sea, Antarctica, gives a U-Pb titanite age of 437 ± 6 Ma (2σ). This age of high-grade metamorphism is too young for typical Ross Orogen. Based on this age, and on lithology, we propose a provisional correlation with the Early Palaeozoic Lachlan–Tuhua–Robertson Bay–Swanson Orogen, and possibly the Bowers Terrane of northern Victoria Land. A metamorphosed porphyritic rhyolite dredged from the Iselin Bank, northern Ross Sea, gives a U-Pb zircon age of 545 ± 32 Ma (2σ). The U-Pb age, petrochemistry, Ar-Ar K-feldspar dating, and Sr and Nd isotopic ratios indicate a correlation with Late Proterozoic–Cambrian igneous protoliths of the Ross Orogen. If the Iselin Bank rhyolite is not ice-rafted debris, then it represents a further intriguing occurrence of Ross basement found outside the main Ross–Delamerian Orogen

    Correlation between ability of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale to agglutinate red blood cells and susceptibility to fosfomycin

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    Twenty five freeze-dried isolates of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale were used for the determination of minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) against the antibiotic fosfomycin (Fosbac, produced by Bedson SA, consisting of a 25% mixture of fosfomycin). The same isolates were tested for their ability to haemagglutinate chicken red blood cells. Ten of the 25 isolates were found to be susceptible to fosfomycin (MIC values below 128 ug/ml). All of these isolates were able to agglutinate red blood cells. This is the first report on the ability of O. rhinotracheale to agglutinate red blood cells. The remaining 15 isolates were resistant to fosfomycin (MIC values above 128 ug/ml). Only five of these isolates were found to have the ability to agglutinate red blood cells. There appears to be a correlation between the ability of O. rhinotracheale isolates to agglutinate red blood cells and their susceptibility to fosfomycin. The ability of certain isolates of O. rhinotracheale to agglutinate red blood cells, raises the questions of differences in virulence between the isolates which can agglutinate red blood cells and those which cannot and the use of this ability to agglutinate red blood cells as an alternative method for serotyping O. rhinotracheale.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat X Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.Foundation of Research Development (FRD)

    Modelling coseismic displacements during the 1997 Umbria-Marche earthquake (central Italy)

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    We propose a dislocation model for the two normal faulting earthquakes that struck the central Apennines (Umbria-Marche, Italy) on 1997 September 26 at 00:33 (Mw 5.7) and 09:40 GMT (Mw 6.0). We fit coseismic horizontal and vertical displacements resulting from GPS measurements at several monuments of the IGMI (Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano) by means of a dislocation model in an elastic, homogeneous, isotropic half-space. Our best-fitting model consists of two normal faults whose mechanisms and seismic moments have been taken from CMT solutions; it is consistent with other seismological and geophysical observations. The first fault, which is 6 km long and 7 km wide, ruptured during the 00:33 event with a unilateral rupture towards the SE and an average slip of 27 cm. The second fault is 12 km long and 10 km wide, and ruptured during the 09:40 event with a nearly unilateral rupture towards the NW. Slip distribution on this second fault is non-uniform and is concentrated in its SE portion (maximum slip is 65 cm), where rupture initiated. The 00:33 fault is deeper than the 09:40 one: the top of the first rupture is deeper than 1.7 km; the top of the second is 0.6 km deep. In order to interpret the observed epicentral subsidence we have also considered the contributions of two further moderate-magnitude earthquakes that occurred on 1997 October 3 (Mw 5.2) and 6 (Mw 5.4), immediately before the GPS survey, and were located very close to the 09:40 event of September 26. We compare the pattern of vertical displacements resulting from our forward modelling of GPS data with that derived from SAR interferograms: the fit to SAR data is very good, confirming the reliability of the proposed dislocation model

    Resonance strength in Ne22(p,γ)Na23 from depth profiling in aluminum

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    A novel method for extracting absolute resonance strengths has been investigated. By implanting Ne22 ions into a thick aluminum backing and simultaneously measuring the Ne22+p and Al27+p reactions, the strength of the Erlab=479 keV resonance in Ne22(p,γ)Na23 was determined to be ωγ=0.524(51) eV. This result has significantly reduced uncertainties compared to earlier work. Our results are important for the absolute normalizations of resonance strengths in the Ne22(p,γ)Na23 hydrogen-burning reaction and in the Ne22+α s-process neutron-source reactions

    Spin-current modulation and square-wave transmission through periodically stubbed electron waveguides

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    Ballistic spin transport through waveguides, with symmetric or asymmetric double stubs attached to them periodically, is studied systematically in the presence of a weak spin-orbit coupling that makes the electrons precess. By an appropriate choice of the waveguide length and of the stub parameters injected spin-polarized electrons can be blocked completely and the transmission shows a periodic and nearly square-type behavior, with values 1 and 0, with wide gaps when only one mode is allowed to propagate in the waveguide. A similar behavior is possible for a certain range of the stub parameters even when two-modes can propagate in the waveguide and the conductance is doubled. Such a structure is a good candidate for establishing a realistic spin transistor. A further modulation of the spin current can be achieved by inserting defects in a finite-number stub superlattice. Finite-temperature effects on the spin conductance are also considered.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure
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