166 research outputs found

    Pemeriksaan Karakteristik Simplisia Alga Padina Australis Hauck (Dictyotaceae)

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    Telah dilakukan pemeriksaan karakteristik terhadap serbuk talus Padina australis Hauck. Hasil pemeriksaan mikroskopis menunjukkan talus Padina tersusun dari epidermis dan sel parenkim. Pemeriksaan karakteristik simplisia menunjukkan bahwa kadar abu total sebuk talus Padina adalah 26,5%; kadar abu larut dalam air 10,5%, kadar abu tidak larut dalam asam 3,6%, kadar sari larut dalam air 12,4%, kadar sari larut dalam etanol 8,2%, kadar air 6,4% dan susut pengeringan 8,1%. Pemeriksaan logam menunjukkan bahwa talus Padina mengandung logam kalsium, kalium, natrium, magnesium dan besi dan kadar logam paling tinggi adalah kalsium yaitu 6,15%

    Flavonoid Kuersetin dari Tumbuhan Benalu Teh (Scurulla Atropurpureea BL. Dans)

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    Telah diisolasi senyawa avonoid dari tumbuhan benalu teh (Scurulla artropurpurea). Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode maserasi dan isolasi senyawa flavonoid dilakukan dengan teknik kromatografi. Falvonoid hasil isolasi berupa serbuk amorf berwarna kuning dengan titik leleh 177-179°C. Analisis spektrum UV menunjukkan λmax pita I (348 nm) dan pita II (255 nm). Pereaksi geser NaOH, NaOAc, NaOAc/asam borat, AlCL3 dan AlCL3/HCl menunjukkan bahwa senyawa flavonoid tersubstitusi pada 3,3\u27, 4\u27, 5,7 pentahidroksi flavon. Analisis spectrum IR menunjukkan adanya regang OH (3369 cm-1), regang C=H alifatik (2956 cm-1), regang C=O (1658 cm-1), regang C=C (1606 cm-1) dan ulur C-O (1271-1143 cm-1). Berdasarkan analisis data spektrum UV dan IR dapat disimpulkan senyawa hasil isolasi adalah flavonoid 3,3,4,5,7-pentahidroksi flavon atau kuersetin

    The effectiveness of english song toward students’ speaking ability and motivation at MA Darul Ulum Palangka Raya

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    The aim of this research was to find out the The Effectiveness of English Song toward Students’ Speaking Ability and Motivation at MA Darul Ulum Palangka Raya. This research used quantitative method that belongs to experimental design. For instruments, this study used speaking test and questionnaire. The population of the study were 64 students of tenth grade at MA Darul Ulum Palangka Raya. To analyse the data, researcher used SPSS 21 program. The result of this research showed, the students’ pre-test mean score in experiment class was 67,97 and the post-test mean score was 72,87. In contrary, the students’ pre-test mean score in control class was 71,27 and the post-test mean score was 69,43. In the end, English song is effective way to improve students’ speaking ability and motivation According to the result, it was recommended to use English song in speaking class. English song made the new words stay longer in their mind and help them to adapt to native speaker pronunciation. English song helped them to increase their motivation in speaking. ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Lagu Bahasa Inggris terhadap Motivasi dan Kemampuan Berbicara Siswa di MA Darul Ulum Palangka Raya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan rancangan eksperimen. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes berbicara dan angket. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 64 siswa kelas X di MA Darul Ulum Palangka Raya. Untuk menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan program SPSS 21. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai rata-rata pre-test siswa di kelas eksperimen adalah 67,97 dan nilai rata-rata post-test adalah 72,87. Sebaliknya, nilai rata-rata pre-test siswa di kelas kontrol adalah 71,27 dan nilai rata-rata post-test adalah 69,43. Lagu bahasa Inggris pada akhirnya efektif untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disarankan untuk menggunakan lagu berbahasa Inggris di kelas speaking. Lagu bahasa Inggris membuat kata-kata baru bertahan lebih lama di benak mereka dan membantu mereka beradaptasi dengan pengucapan penutur asli. Lagu bahasa Inggris membantu mereka meningkatkan motivasi dalam berbicara

    Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanol Tanaman Obat Suku Musi di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan

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    Musi tribe community used medicinal plants generally based on cultural heritage. Unproper use of medicinal plants unproperly cause the drug does not work effectively. Ten medicinal plants were selected for antibacterial activity tested using disc diffusion method against two testb bacteria i.e Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus(S. aureus) at concentrations of 125, 250, 500, and 1000 ÎĽg/mL. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) were determined for the active extract which still gives antibacterial activity using well method. The result showed only three test extracts, i.e Coleus scutellarioides, Blumea balsamifera and Lantana camara gave inhibition zone diameter of 11-20 mm against E. coli. Meanwhile, four extracts i.e Coleus scutellarioides, Blumea balsamifera, Dillenia alata and Dimocarpus melayensis gave inhibition zone diameter of 11-20 mm against S. aureus. Determination of MIC values for Coleus scutellarioides and Blumea balsamifera extracts gave the same MIC value of 125 ÎĽg/mL for both test bacteria. Meanwhile, Lantana camara gave MIC value of 250 ug/mL for E. coli. Dillenia alata and Dimocarpus melayensis also provide MIC value of 125 ug/mL againts E. Coli. It was found that there were five active extracts among ten extracts tested. Two extracts which active against both test bacteria were Coleus scutellarioides and Blumea balsamifera. One extract, Lantana camara only active against E. coli and the two others Dillenia alata and Dimocarpus melayensis were active against S. auerus

    An Antihyperuricemia Effect of Ethanol Extract of Tunjuk Langit Rhizome (Helmynthostachys Zaylanica Linn Hook) on Swiss Male Mice

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    Tunjuk langit (Helminthostachys zeylanica) rhizome has been used as traditional medicines. i.e. anticancer and antiinflammation. Other studies revealed that the rhizome of tunjuk langit has antioxidant, anticancer, neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects. The main purpose of this research is to understand the hipouricemia potency of ethanol extract of tunjuk langit compared to that of alopurinol. In this study, 50 mice were divided into 10 groups (n=5 per group). Group I: normal group (CMC-Na 0.5% with dose of 10 mL/kg BB), Group II : negative control, Group III-VI : positive control (alopurinol with doses of 5, 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg BB) and VII-X : Ethanol extract with doses of 20, 40, 80, and 160 mg/kg BB. These groups were treated for 30 days. The uric acid level of their blood was measured on the day-0 and these groups were then inducted with a mixture of chicken liver juice (25 ml/kg BW 2 times/days) and Gnetum gnemon seeds (2g/kg BW per day) from day-0 until day-30. The blood uric acid levels were measured on the 10th and 15th days. Extract tests were orally injected to the groups with each dose starting from the 15th day until 30th day. Meanwhile, chicken liver juice was also still given constantly within these days. The uric acid level and the percentage of its degradation of each group were measured on the 20th, 25th and 30th days. Based on the in vivo study, it could be concluded that the ethanol extract of Tunjuk langit has hipouricemia potency. The hipouricemia effects of ethanol extract with doses of 80 and 160 mg/kg BW are 91.95% and 91.77% compared to those of allopurinol with doses of 20 and 40 mg/kgBW, respectively. Based on relation between percentage of the degradation uric acid level and the extract concentration, ED50 value of the extract is 135.76 mg/kg BW


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh hasil observasi lapangan yang menunjukan kondisi keterampilan menyimak siswa kelas II Sekolah Dasar yang masih kurang dan belum tersedianya media pembelajaran khusus menyimak dalam materi dongeng. Merujuk hal tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan desain pengembangan Media Audio Visual Rotatoon; dan (2) mendeskripsikan hasil pengembangan media tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan dengan model ADDIE (analyze, design, develov, implement and evaluate). Tahap penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi: (1) tahap analisis; (2) tahap desain; (3) tahap pengembangan beserta validasi para ahli dan (4) tahap evaluasi berupa revisi berdasar hasil validasi para ahli. Data dikumpulkan melalui teknik lembar catatan kerja (work logs) untuk data analisis, desain serta pembuatan produk dan teknik kuesioner untuk data validasi ahli. Partisipan ditentukan menggunakan purposive sampling yang meliputi ahli materi, ahli media dan ahli pembelajaran. Dalam mengolah data dilakukan analisis data model Mils dan Huberman berupa reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dan pembahasan penelitian pengembangan ini menghasilkan draf desain media yang dikembangkan meliputi (1) GBPM; (2) flowchart; (3) storyline; (4) storyboard; (5) audio; (6) buku petunjuk penggunaan media; serta menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran yaitu Media Audio Visual Rotatoon beserta buku petunjuk penggunaan media untuk meningakatkan keterampilan menyimak yang tervalidasi oleh ahli materi, ahli media dan ahli pembelajaran berkategori “Sangat Layak” dengan revisi pengembangan merujuk pada saran perbaikan para ahli. Dengan demikian implikasi penelitian ini Media Audio Visual Rotatoon yang dikembangkan layak dan dapat digunakan oleh pendidik sebagai media pembelajaran materi dongeng untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menyimak siswa kelas II Sekolah Dasar. Kata kunci: media pembelajaran, audio visual, rotatoon, dongeng, menyimak This research is based on field observations that show the condition of listening skills of grade II elementary school students who are still lacking and there is no special learning media available listening in fairy tale material. Referring to this research aims to: (1) describe the development design of The Rotatoon Audio Visual Media; and (2) describe the results of the development of the media. This research uses development research methods with ADDIE models (analyze, design, develov, implement and evaluate). The research phases carried out include: (1) the analysis stage; (2) design stage; (3) the development stage along with the validation of the experts and (4) the evaluation stage in the form of revisions based on the validation results of the experts. Data is collected through work logs for data analysis, product design and manufacturing and questionnaire techniques for expert validation data. Participants were determined using purposive sampling that included material experts, media experts and learning experts. In processing the data is done analysis of mils and huberman model data in the form of data reduction, data presentation and withdrawal of conclusions. The results and discussion of this development research resulted in a draft media design developed including (1)GBPM; (2) flowchart; (3) storyline; (4) storyboard; (5) audio; (6) media usage manual; and produce learning media products namely Media Audio Visual Rotatoon along with media usage manual to remind listening skills validated by material experts, media experts and learning experts category "Very Feasible" with development revisions referring to expert improvement advice. This the implications of this research Media Audio Visual Rotatoon developed are feasible and can be used by educators as a learning medium of fairy tale materials to improve the listening skills of elementary school grade II students. Keywords: media learning, audio visual, Rotatoon, storytelling, listening skil


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    Energi alternative very require to handle crisis of energi. One of the source of energi alternative is solar energy. Energy of sunshine can be turned into thermal energy. Observation early yielding the fact that sand, red brick and soil experience of change of temperature after getting irradiating during selected a time gap. Estimated there is relation between change of temperature absorber with accepted light intensity during a time gap. This eksperimen use solar system of energy simple aim to get profile of transformation light energy of sun become thermal energy able to be permeated by sand materials, red brick and soil. Profile of transformation got from third absorber that is sand, red brick and soil with made box of fairish wood 20 x 10 x 10 cm arranged in layers by sterofoam and alumunium foil. Used system that is closed and opened system (by and without fiberglass) getting sunshine directly and reside in in room. Change of light intensity and temperature perceived during 4,5 hour outside and in room with perception each 15 minute during 6 day. Perception closed system executed on 12 - 14 August 2008 while open system on 15, 16, 18 August 2008. Research result indicate that happened increase of temperature during absorber get direct sunshine and absorber can maintain energy till selected time interval before finally is equal to ambient temperature. Sand earn solar energy become compared to bigger energy thermal red brick and soil. Red brick have ability maintain compared to higher energy both other materials. Factor influencing is difference of specific heat capacity , thermal conductivity and type of materials. Result specific heat capacity of sand type equal to 1744,2 J /kg K, soil 1423,5 J /kg K and red brick 975,5 J /kg K. Value specific haet capcity sand bigger that is 0,1756 W /m K, while soil 0,1343 W /m K, red brick 0,0921 W /m K. Excelsior materials thermal conductivity hence progressively lower ability of materials of saved energy


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    Tunjuk langit (Helminthostachys zeylanica) rhizome has been used as traditional medicines. i.e. anticancer and antiinflammation. Other studies revealed that the rhizome of tunjuk langit has antioxidant, anticancer, neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects. The main purpose of this research is to understand the hipouricemia potency of ethanol extract of tunjuk langit compared to that of alopurinol. In this study, 50 mice were divided into 10 groups (n=5 per group). Group I: normal group (CMC-Na 0.5% with dose of 10 mL/kg BB), Group II : negative control, Group III-VI : positive control (alopurinol with doses of 5, 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg BB) and VII-X : Ethanol extract with doses of 20, 40, 80, and 160 mg/kg BB. These groups were treated for 30 days. The uric acid level of their blood was measured on the day-0 and these groups were then inducted with a mixture of chicken liver juice (25 ml/kg BW 2 times/days) and  Gnetum gnemon seeds (2g/kg BW per day) from day-0 until day-30. The blood uric acid levels were measured on the 10th and 15th days. Extract tests were orally injected to the groups with each dose starting from the 15th day until 30th day. Meanwhile, chicken liver juice was also still given constantly within these days. The uric acid level and the percentage of its degradation of each group were measured on the 20th, 25th and 30th days. Based on the in vivo study, it could be concluded that the ethanol extract of Tunjuk langit has hipouricemia potency. The hipouricemia effects of ethanol extract with doses of 80 and 160 mg/kg BW are 91.95% and 91.77% compared to those of allopurinol with doses of 20 and 40 mg/kgBW, respectively. Based on relation between percentage of the degradation uric acid level and the extract concentration, ED50 value of the extract is 135.76 mg/kg BW.Akar tumbuhan tunjuk langit (Helminthostachys zeylanica) sebagai ramuan obat tradisional diantaranya sebagai obat kanker dan mengobati radang. Beberapa penelitian membuktikan bahwa akar tumbuhan tunjuk langit menunjukkan aktivitas antioksidan, antikaker, neoroprotektif dan antiinflamasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efek hipourikemia ekstrak etanol akar tunjuk langit terhadap kadar asam urat darah mencit yang diinduksi dengan jus hati ayam dibanding alopurinol. Penelitian ini menggunakan mencit putih jantan galur Swiss yang dibagi kedalam 10 kelompok (tiap kelompok 5 ekor) terdiri dari Kelompok I : Normal (CMC-Na 0,5% 10 mL/kg BB), Kelompok II : Kontrol negatif, Kelompok III-VI : Kontrol positif (alopurinol dengan dosis 5, 10, 20 dan 40 mg/kg BB) dan Kelompok VII-X : Ekstrak etanol dengan dosis  20, 40, 80, dan 160  mg/kg BB.  Perlakuan terhadap hewan percobaan adalah selama 30 hari. Hewan uji diukur kadar asam urat serumnya pada hari ke-0 kemudian diberi jus hati ayam 25 ml/kg BB dua kali sehari ditambah  melinjo (2g/kg BB perhari)  dimulai dari hari ke-0 sampai hari ke 30. Pada hari ke-10 dan 15 kadar asam urat hewan uji diukur. Pada hari ke-15 sampai hari ke-30 dimulai pemberian sediaan uji per oral masing-masing dosis dengan tetap diberikan jus hati ayam. Kadar asam urat hewan uji diukur  pada hari ke 20, 25 dan 30. Kemudian dihitung persentase penurunan kadar asam uratnya. Hasil uji secara in vivo menunjukkan   ekstrak   etanol   akar   tunjuk   langit dosis 80 mg/kg BB memiliki potensi 91,95% dibanding alopurinol dosis 20 mg/kg BB dan ekstrak etanol dosis 160 mg/kg BB memiliki potensi 91.77%  dibanding alopurinol dosis 40 mg/kgBB. Berdasarkan hubungan persen efek hipourikemia terhadap konsentrasi  ekstrak aktif maka nilai ED50 ekstrak aktif adalah 135,76  mg/kg BB
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