20 research outputs found

    Multimodality in Audio-Verbo-Visual Translation

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    Until the end of the 20th century, a part of applied linguistics, translation still focuses primarily on verbal rendering. Language elements are explored extensively in translationstudies.Theexplorationsincludeconceptsofequivalence,shift,modulation, and untranslatability. That texts are not only in the form of verbal languages but also audio, visual, gestural, and digital ones has triggered translation studies to explain phenomenaarisingfromtherenderingofintersemiotictexts.Thisstudyaimstoexplain the application of multimodality in the translation of verbo-visual text including the degree of accuracy, naturalness, and acceptability of Indonesian texts translated from English. The object of this study is English Audio-verbo-visual texts and their translationsinIndonesian.Thetypesoftextsinquestionincludevarioustextualgenres commonly existing in dubbing, subtitling, comic and comic rendering. The data for this study were obtained through documentatary studies and were analyzed using the conceptofphenomenology.Theresultsofthisstudyindicatethateachtexttypehasits owncharacteristicssothatintersemiotictranslationcanbedifferentfromonerendering to another. The multimodality of translation may bridge the transfer of meaning in intersemiotic rendering, especially from English to Indonesian.     Keywords: intersemiotic translation; multimodality; verbo-visual rendering

    Teachers’ language ideologies and classroom practices in English bilingual education: an ethnographic case study of a senior high school in central Java, Indonesia

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    This dissertation reports on a study that investigated subject teachers’ language ideologies of English, conducted during the implementation of the government’s policy on the use of English alongside Indonesian in teaching Mathematics and Science and habitual language use of English in selected government-owned schools. This was an ethnographic case study of a state Senior High School in a city in the province of Central Java, Indonesia. This study identified and examined subject teachers’ language ideologies about English to gain insight into their language practices in classrooms in enacting the government’s promotion of the use of English in school. Central to the study was exploration of links between subject teachers’ English language ideologies, classroom practices, and the contexts that shape both of these. Drawing on Kroskrity (2010), I used the concept language ideologies as the conceptual framework of this study. Language ideologies, or beliefs about language, play a powerful role in the English bilingual education practice in the school context. The participants were teachers of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, and Information and Communication Technology, and some school executives to enhance the extent and depth of convictions about English language use. This study was carried out using multiple methods of data collection: whole- school observations, pre-lesson interviews, classroom observations, post-lesson interviews with video-stimulated recall, observation notes, and site document review. The interpretation and analysis of the data involved cross-checking different sources of evidence. Braun and Clarke’s (2006) thematic analysis was employed in the analysis of the data. The analysis of the data revealed that subject teachers held multiple and competing language ideologies about English language use which were manifested in classroom practices. However, teachers’ stated language ideologies were not always in alignment with their language practices. The school context impacted on teachers’ actions and decision-making on the use of English in the classrooms and in the school. The multiplicity and contested language ideologies circulating in the school promoted and inhibited teachers’ use of English. The study offers deeper insights into the complexity of the implementation of English bilingual education in the selected government-owned school. With regard to the empirical implications of the current study, I propose some suggestions which should be taken into account when establishing English bilingual education, particularly if it is top-down policy

    Generic structure and appraisal use in English article reviews written by Indonesian EFL doctoral students

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    A journal article review is an academic writing that summarizes and assesses others’ research-based articles. For doctoral students, reviewing a journal article is usually to train them for building their argument and broadening their knowledge of an issue. The purpose of this study is to investigate the quality of article reviews written in English by one class consisting of twelve Indonesian EFL doctoral students in their first semester at a university in Semarang, Indonesia. Twelve reviews written by the students were collected. The evaluation of their writings is based on Systemic Functional Grammar, particularly the interpersonal metafunction analysis, that is, the analysis of generic structure and appraisal. Therefore, this study employs textual analyses. The analysis of generic structure refers to the template from the Writing Centre of Thompson Rivers University, and the analysis of appraisal follows Martin and White’s appraisal system (2005). The discussion of this article explains the generic structure and lexico-grammatical realizations of evaluative stances used by the students. The findings indicate that not all doctoral students can organize their review following the generic structure and optimize the use of appraisal items. This exploratory investigation provides some pedagogical implications for the teaching of academic writings in EFL contexts

    Explanatory Study of Student-Teacher Interactions, Students’ Academic Motivation, and Teacher’s Motivation in English Classes

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between student-teacher interaction, students' academic motivation, and the teacher's motivation in the eighth-grade English classroom.   Quantitative and qualitative data on student-teacher interaction and academic motivation in English learning were collected using a questionnaire, observation, and interview.   137 eighth-grade students at Semarang's Karangturi junior high school in the academic year 2022-2023 were the subjects of this study.  Using an observation sheet from Ottevanger (2001), it was determined to see to what extent the teacher uses student-teacher interaction to increase students' and teachers' academic motivation. A final interview is conducted with the English teacher to determine her perception of student-teacher interaction. The results demonstrate a correlation between student-teacher interaction and students’ academic motivation in English classes. The instructor utilizes these interactions by posing questions and issuing directives. Moreover, the instructor concurred that student-teacher interactions are highly beneficial for both students and instructors


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    Memperkuat Sejak tahun 2016, SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang merintis pengajaran bilingual (yaitu, pengajaran dalam dua bahasa, Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris) untuk mata pelajaran Matematika dan IPA. Tantangan utama program ini adalah kompetensi guru dalam berbahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan pelatihan peningkatan kemampuan guru berbahasa Inggris, khususnya Speaking English for Instructional Purposes. Pelatihan yang bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan penyelenggaraan kelas bilingual ini dilaksanakan dalam lima kali pertemuan. Setiap pertemuan berlangsung selama 2 – 2,5 jam. Teknik kegiatan meliputi: pronunciation drills, group and class discussions, modelling, penyusunan skenario pengajaran (teaching scenario), dan microteaching. Peserta selalu antusias dalam setiap kegiatan. Setiap sesi microteaching berakhir, dilakukan refleksi. Feedback dari peserta lain terhadap guru yang melakukan microteaching sangat supportif dan konstruktif. Pada akhir pelatihan, terdapat peningkatan kompetensi guru-guru peserta pelatihan dalam menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan pengajaran. Mereka tampak lebih percaya diri dan lebih lancar berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Pihak sekolah mengharapkan pelatihan berkelanjutan untuk menyukseskan program pengajaran bilingual di sekolah


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    This article reports on a study aimed at exploring and examining English language teachers’ skills in questioning to enhance students’ verbal repsonses in EFL (English as a Foreign language) classes. This  was a qualitative case study, employing discourse analysis, conducted in one junior high school in a town in Central Java Province, Indonesia. The research participants were two Indonesian teachers of English language. They taught Year Eight students in the academic year of 2015/2016. The data were collected from audio-video recordings, transcripts of the lessons, classroom observations notes, and teachers’ interviews. The transcriptions were analysed by using Wu’s taxonomy of questioning strategies (1993) as it gave a detailed categorization of teachers’ questions to stimulate students’ verbal responses. The findings showed that the teachers used mostly four questioning strategies. The first teacher often applied decomposition strategy where the initial question was elaborated into some questions, while the second teacher tended to use repetition strategy. This study has shown that teachers’ questioning skills is crucial to successfully make students engaged in the classroom interaction, enhance students’ verbal responses, and lead to the comprehension of the lesson. Therefore, it is suggested that teachers should be more aware of their questioning skills to assist students achieve better proficiency in the English language. Keywords: Teachers’ questioning strategies, students’ verbal responses, EFL classes, classroom discourse analysi

    Empowering Classroom English Proficiency through Communicative Peer Assessment

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    Problems of delivering instructions have been faced by student teachers as the prospective EFL teacher candidates in many teaching practicum cases. This phenomenon has led to challenging discussions on how to cope with the problems. It also in one side brings about an awareness of the importance of empowering student teachers with good classroom English proficiency as one of the required skills that should be owned by English teacher candidates. This study reveals how Communicative Peer Assessment (CPA) works for developing the Classroom English proficiency of EFL teacher candidates. Referring to the research result CPA has been proven to give significant contribution to the teacher candidates in terms of some learning experiences, i.e. (a) allowing them to perform intensive communication practice; (b) stimulating the efforts of improving the classroom English performance through the peer teaching reflections; and (c) contextualizing the instructional English expressions

    Expressions of Attitudes in Students’ Narrative Writing: An Appraisal Analysis

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    This article investigated attitude, one of subsystem appraisal, in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) university students’ narrative writings. Five narrative writing was selected purposefully from undergraduate students of the English Department at a local private university in Central Java. The findings demonstrate that the affect is the most dominant subsystem of attitude used in the students’ narrative writing to convey feelings and emotion of characters and events in the stories in order to make the readers involved in the stories. The prominent finding of this research implies that most students used expressions of attitudes which belong to basic English words and repetition of same words. This present research suggests English language teachers and lecturers pay more attention to the explicit teaching of attitudinal words usage in writing, especially narrative writing


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    In this COVID 19 pandemic situation, EFL learners and lecturers must adapt with the situation. They had to learn from home and implemented blended synchronous learning approach to continue teaching learning processes for almost one semester. However, this condition had an impact on genre-based writing courses that writing is a complex skill and requires stages in creating a coherent text. To understand the students’ autonomous learning in genre- based writing class, it is momentous to analyse students’ self-regulatory skills, one of the skills is strategy formation in genre-based writing course. This research has an objective to describe the students’ strategy formation in genre-based writing class through blended synchronous learning. It administered a descriptive quantitative research method by using strategy formation questionnaire Likert scale. The questions consisted 10 questions self-concept indicator. The results showed that more than 40 % they had a good strategy formation in writing genre. Whereas there were some problems in creating text , such as; they sometimes applied mind map or outline before writing, they seldom reviewed their text using plagiarism application, and they sometimes created the ending of the text by reviewing all the text. Therefore, it is practical to create the text by considering strategy formation of self-regulatory skills if the teaching learning process applies blended synchronous learning approach