6 research outputs found


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    This research is based on low problem solving abilities where students think that trigonometry material is more abstract compared to other material. So, there is a need for contextual learning, namely learning that is linked to everyday life. Qualitative descriptive aims to analyze students' errors in solving contextual trigonometry problems using the Newman method. The subjects in this research were one of the X Islamic Senior High School State Classes in East Lombok, totaling 34 students. The instruments used were tests and interview guides with stages of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that: (1) subjects with very high initial mathematical abilities and high levels of error at the stage process skill and encoding. The difference between the two lies in the causal factor, namely if subjects with very high initial mathematical abilities make mistakes in calculations while subjects with high initial mathematical abilities make mistakes in understanding concepts. (2) Subjects with initial mathematical abilities are making mistakes at this stage comperehension, process skill and encoding. (3) Subjects with low initial mathematical abilities make mistakes at stage comperehension, transformation, process skill and encoding. &nbsp


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    This research is based on low problem solving abilities where students think that trigonometry material is more abstract compared to other material. So, there is a need for contextual learning, namely learning that is linked to everyday life. Qualitative descriptive aims to analyze students' errors in solving contextual trigonometry problems using the Newman method. The subjects in this research were one of the X Islamic Senior High School State Classes in East Lombok, totaling 34 students. The instruments used were tests and interview guides with stages of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that: (1) subjects with very high initial mathematical abilities and high levels of error at the stage process skill and encoding. The difference between the two lies in the causal factor, namely if subjects with very high initial mathematical abilities make mistakes in calculations while subjects with high initial mathematical abilities make mistakes in understanding concepts. (2) Subjects with initial mathematical abilities are making mistakes at this stage comperehension, process skill and encoding. (3) Subjects with low initial mathematical abilities make mistakes at stage comperehension, transformation, process skill and encoding. &nbsp


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    Abstrak : Variasi bentuk dan pola pewarnaan tubuh ikan kerapu (Famili Serranidae) sangat variatif, sehingga pengenalan spesies secara morfologis sering tidak akurat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengautentikasi ikan kerapu dengan menggunakan marka gen COI. Contoh ikan kerapu yang diamati berjumlah 29 ekor yang dikumpulkan dari tiga tempat pendaratan ikan di Perairan Peukan Bada, Propinsi Aceh. Secara karakter morfologis, ikan kerapu tersebut teridentifikasi lebih dari 8 spesies. Untuk analisis DNA, sebanyak 30 mg daging sirip dari setiap ikan contoh diambil untuk dilakukan isolasi dan ekstraksi DNA, kemudian visualisasi elektroforesis dan fragmentasi DNA gen COI dengan metode PCR-sekuensing. Setelah diekstraksi, diperoleh 20 sampel DNA yang tervisualisasi dengan baik, yang dari jumlah tersebut terdapat 16 sampel dapat diamplifikasi. Hasilnya menunjukkan terdapat 6 spesies yang terautentikasi. Kelompok pertama adalah Variola albimarginata, Cephalopholis urodeta, dan C. sexmaculata dengan tingkat kemiripan ≥ 97%. Berikutnya C. boenak, Epinephelus merra, dan Scolopsis vosmeri tingkat kemiripannya ≤ 97%. Bila dibandingkan hasil autentikasi DNA, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 13 sampel atau > 80% tidak teridentifikasi dengan benar secara morfologis. Berdasarkan jarak genetik, pohon filogeni membentuk 2 clade antara Serranidae dan Nemipteridae. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan marka gen COI sangat efektif untuk autentikasi spesies yang dapat dijadikan sebagai instrumen dalam pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan ikan kerapu.Kata kunci : kerapu, variasi morfologi, gen MT-COI, autentikasi.Abstract : The groupers (family Serranidae) show high variability both in body shapes and coloration leads to highly morphological-based misidentification. The research was aimed in autenthication of the grouper species using MT-COI gene. A total of 29 grouper fishes were collected from three fish landing sites of Peukan Bada, Aceh Province. These fishes were morphologically identified from which more than 8 species were obtained. A 30 mg of the fin meat of each sample was taken for DNA extraction, isolation, electrophoresis visualization, and DNA fragmentation of COI gene using PCR-sequenching.  There were 20 DNA samples was clearly visualized of which 16 has been proceeded for amplification. The results showed that V. albimarginata, C. urodeta, and C. sexmaculata showed ≥ 97% similarity, whereas C. boenak, E. merra, dan S. vosmeri with ≤ 97% similarity. Based on phylogenetic tree analysis there was 2 clearly different clades separating family of Serranidae and Nemipteridae. The use of MT-COI gene was effective and accurate tool in species authentication which could be used as an instrument for utilization and management of the grouper species.Keywords : groupers, morphological variation, MT-COI gene, autenthication

    Autentikasi Spesies Ikan Kerapu Berdasarkan Marka Gen Mt-coi dari Perairan Peukan Bada, Aceh

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    Variasi bentuk dan pola pewarnaan tubuh ikan kerapu (Famili Serranidae) sangat variatif, sehingga pengenalan spesies secara morfologis sering tidak akurat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengautentikasi ikan kerapu dengan menggunakan marka gen COI. Contoh ikan kerapu yang diamati berjumlah 29 ekor yang dikumpulkan dari tiga tempat pendaratan ikan di Perairan Peukan Bada, Propinsi Aceh. Secara karakter morfologis, ikan kerapu tersebut teridentifikasi lebih dari 8 spesies. Untuk analisis DNA, sebanyak 30 mg daging sirip dari setiap ikan contoh diambil untuk dilakukan isolasi dan ekstraksi DNA, kemudian visualisasi elektroforesis dan fragmentasi DNA gen COI dengan metode PCR-sekuensing. Setelah diekstraksi, diperoleh 20 sampel DNA yang tervisualisasi dengan baik, yang dari jumlah tersebut terdapat 16 sampel dapat diamplifikasi. Hasilnya menunjukkan terdapat 6 spesies yang terautentikasi. Kelompok pertama adalah Variola albimarginata, Cephalopholis urodeta, dan C. sexmaculata dengan tingkat kemiripan ≥ 97%. Berikutnya C. boenak, Epinephelus merra, dan Scolopsis vosmeri tingkat kemiripannya ≤ 97%. Bila dibandingkan hasil autentikasi DNA, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 13 sampel atau > 80% tidak teridentifikasi dengan benar secara morfologis. Berdasarkan jarak genetik, pohon filogeni membentuk 2 clade antara Serranidae dan Nemipteridae. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan marka gen COI sangat efektif untuk autentikasi spesies yang dapat dijadikan sebagai instrumen dalam pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan ikan kerapu

    Pengaruh Pemberian Aktifitas Fisik (Aerobic Exercise) terhadap Tekanan Darah, IMT dan RLPP pada Wanita Obesitas

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    Based on data from the Indonesian health profile 2011 for the province of Aceh alone prevalence of nutritional status of the adult population (> 18 years) are overweight get into the top ten highest in Indonesia, namely by 10.9% and 13.4% were obese. Granting activity physical (gymnastics healthy heart) is one activity that can affect blood pressure in obese people. Researchers in the United States explains that physical activity at least 15 minutes a day is estimated to decrease by 14% the risk of hypertension obesity which can lead to death. Usefulness study: the development of science can be known benefits of physical activity (aerobic exercise) on blood pressure, BMI and waist-hip ratio in obese women. The study design used was quasi-experimental, with a pre-posttest observational approach, to examine the provision of physical activity (aerobic exercise) on blood pressure, BMI and waist-hip ratio in women Obesity. The results showed that research there is the effect of physical activity (aerobic exercise) for IMT (p = 0,000), and blood pressure (p = 0,000) in obese women but no effect of physical activity on the ratio of the circumference pelvic waist (waist-hip ratio) (p = 0,230). Conclusion: From the results, it can be concluded that there is the influence of physical activity on blood pressure, BMI, and waist-hip ratio, but physical activity does not affect the waist-hip ratio. Keywords: Blood pressure, BMI, waist-hip ratio, obesit

    Pengaruh Pemberian Aktifitas Fisik (Aerobic Exercise) terhadap Tekanan Darah, IMT dan RLPP pada Wanita Obesitas

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    Based on data from the Indonesian health profile 2011 for the province of Aceh alone prevalence of nutritional status of the adult population (> 18 years) are overweight get into the top ten highest in Indonesia, namely by 10.9% and 13.4% were obese. Granting activity physical (gymnastics healthy heart) is one activity that can affect blood pressure in obese people. Researchers in the United States explains that physical activity at least 15 minutes a day is estimated to decrease by 14% the risk of hypertension obesity which can lead to death. Usefulness study: the development of science can be known benefits of physical activity (aerobic exercise) on blood pressure, BMI and waist-hip ratio in obese women. The study design used was quasi-experimental, with a pre-posttest observational approach, to examine the provision of physical activity (aerobic exercise) on blood pressure, BMI and waist-hip ratio in women Obesity. The results showed that research there is the effect of physical activity (aerobic exercise) for IMT (p = 0,000), and blood pressure (p = 0,000) in obese women but no effect of physical activity on the ratio of the circumference pelvic waist (waist-hip ratio) (p = 0,230). Conclusion: From the results, it can be concluded that there is the influence of physical activity on blood pressure, BMI, and waist-hip ratio, but physical activity does not affect the waist-hip ratio. Keywords: Blood pressure, BMI, waist-hip ratio, obesit