245 research outputs found


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    Jurnal ini mengulas tentang Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran IPA berbasis Augmented Reality (AR) Untuk Peserta Didik Kelas VII MTs Guppi Bontomanai Kab. Bulukumba. Penelitian ini bertujuan bagaimana merancang, mengiplementasikan Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran IPA berbasis Augmented Reality (AR) Untuk Peserta Didik Kelas VII MTs Guppi Bontomanai Kab. Bulukumba, dan mengetahui tingkat peahaman konsep peserta didik setelah aplikasi ini digunakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) yang terdiri dari 6 tahap yaitu konsep (concept), desain (design), pengumpulan materi (material collecting), pembuatan (assembly), pengujian (testing) dan distribusi (distribution). Hasil penelitian pada tahap perancangan input yaitu Unified Modeling Language (UML) yakni, Use Case Diagram. Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram dan Statechart Diagram dan perancangan output menggunakan software Unity dengan plug in Vuforiah SDK, perancangan Marker diCorel Draw X5 dan Pembuatan Objek 3D untuk planet disoftware Unity. Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran IPA Berbasis Augmented Reality diimplementasikan untuk peserta didik kelas VII MTs Guppi Bontomanai Kab Bulukumba, yang dapat dijadikan sebagai media pembelajaran baru yang berbeda dari sebelumnya. Aplikasi ini diserahkan kepada guru mata pelajaran IPA dalam bentuk Flashdisk beserta buku marker yang dapat disorot ketika memulai aplikasi pembelajaran. Tingkat Pemahaman konsep peserta didik setelah adanya aplikasi ini meningkat, hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil tes dengan rata-rata 74.5 yang masuk dalam kategori Pemahaman “Tinggi” dibandingkan media pembelajaran yang digunakan sebelumnya dengan rata-rata 51.5 yang masuk dalam kategori pemahaman “Sedang”. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa peserta didik lebih banyak menjawab soal dengan benar setelah menggunakan aplikasi dibanding sebelum menggunakan aplikasi atau dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran sebelumnya

    Tanggapan Pengelola Butik Kota Banda Aceh terhadap Kompetensi Mahasiswa Prakerin Konsentrasi Tata Busana Fkip Unsyiah

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    Praktik Kerja Industri (Prakerin) adalah mata kuliah wajib pada Konsentrasi Tata Busana FKIP Unsyiah, yang merupakan suatu upaya mewujudkan visi dan misi Prodi PKK Unsyiah untuk menyiapkan tenaga kependidikan yang unggul serta wirausaha yang berkualitas. Pada pelaksanaan prakerin lembaga pendidikan dan pengelola USAha sudah memiliki kesepakatan tertentu. Jika ditinjau mahasiswa prakerin sudah memiliki bekal yang cukup untuk praktik lapangan, begitu juga halnya pengelola USAha yang sudah memiliki pengetahuan dalam menjalankan USAha. Dalam hal ini kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa prakerin sangat berpengaruh dengan pelaksanaan prakerin. Pelaksanaan prakerin pada penelitian ini yaitu di butik yang berada di Kota Banda Aceh. Butik adalah toko yang menjual busana dan pelengkapnya dengan kualitas tinggi. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 3 orang, yang semuanya merupakan pengelola butik Kota Banda Aceh. Berdasarkan hasil analisis temuan penelitian ini dapat dikemukakan bahwa kecakapan mendesign, membuat pola, memotong bahan, menjahit dan finishing yang dimiliki mahasiswa dalam pelaksanaan prakerin di ketiga butik sudah baik. Simpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa model USAha yang dikembangkan oleh ketiga butik adalah USAha perseorangan; kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa prakerin Konsentrasi Tata Busana FKIP Unsyiah sudah sesuai dengan kebutuhan butik; program prakerin sangat bermanfaat baik bagi mahasiswa yang melaksanakan prakerin maupun bagi butik; Tidak ada faktor penghambat dalam pelaksanaan program prakerin

    Using Realia to Teach Physically Disabled Students in Writing Descriptive Texts

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    This case study is focused on teaching descriptive texts by using realia. The writer took the 8th grade students of SMPLB Negeri Ungaran as the subjects of the study. The aim of this research is to know the implementation of teaching descriptive texts that cover parts, qualities, and characteristics of the objects. This study was carried out around four meetings. In each meeting, the researcher observed the situation of the class and the setudents' activities in that classroom. The data collection method used in the research was observation, interview, and documentation. In implementating the research, the researcher found several problems and difficulties in teaching learning processes. One of them is that, the teaching physically disabled students are not easy. It has to be slowly because the students' ability in writing the lesson is limited. The other problem comes from the teacher him/herself that never uses media or tools to teach physically disabled students. It is a matter of fact that teaching physically disabled students needs media to make them easily understand the learning materials. One of the media that could be used is realia. From this research it is expected that the problems could be solved and a new paradigm in teaching descriptive texts for disabled students could be considered

    Safety Assessment of Moso Bamboo Column Under Fire by Using Bamboo as Protection Layer

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    Global warming issue has forced the construction world including architecture to find the green material in order to minimize CO2 which damages to the nature. In the beginning, wood was one of the green material but it has long growth cycle. Lately, bamboo has been chosen for its fast growing cycle and resuming some wood properties, also known as local material and eco-friendly –benign to the nature. Generally, wood and bamboo are composed by carbon-based compound. So, they are combustible and flammable when they are exposed to the fire. Up to now, there are not so many studies regarding the fire behavior of raw round bamboo which is used as the structure. To investigate the effectiveness of bamboo protection layer, the nine-trunk bamboos will be tied up to construct the column. A one bamboo will be placed in the middle and surrounded by the other eight-bamboos –as the protection layer of the center. All of them are with no-fire retardant. By doing this, it is possible to obtain knowledge upon bamboo on its natural properties. Specimen will be exposed to the fire inside the furnace up to 700° C. The temperature changing on the specimen will be measured by thermocouples which are installed inside and outside the wall of main bamboo in the center part. The main bamboo is expected to have lower temperature than its auto-ignition temperature, so that the structure will be able stand out during the fire until the occupants able to be evacuated safely

    Pendekatan Kartesian untuk Sistem Potensial Listrik Geometri Campuran Kartesian - Polar

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    Sistem potensial listrik dengan geometri campuran kartesian – polar dianalisa dengan menggunakan pendekatan kartesian. Untuk penelitian ini hanya dibatasi pada pengaruh jumlah titik data syarat batas pada pendekatan kartesian. Ada beberapa tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu melakukan perhitungan analitik dalam koordinat campuran kartesian – polar, menentukan syarat batas untuk pendekatan kartesian, menghitung potensial listrik dengan pendekatan kartesian pada masing – masing jumlah titik data syarat batas dan membandingkannya dengan hasil perhitungannya secara langsung. Berdasarkan penelitian ini semakin banyak jumlah titik data yang digunakan, maka selisih nilai potensial listrik antara pendekatan kartesian dan perhitungan langsung akan mendekati suatu nilai nilai tertentu. Dari penelitian ini juga diperoleh bahwa perhitungan pada pendekatan kartesian untuk sistem geometri campuran kartesian – polar ternyata diperoleh nilai yang berbeda dari nilai perhitungan langsungnya


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    PT. Hansindo Mineral Persada is a granite mining company located in Peniraman Village, Sungai Pinyuh District, Mempawah Regency, West Kalimantan. This company conducts mining by blasting. Occupational Safety and Health (K3) is an important thing and needs to be considered by the company to minimize and prevent potential hazards and risks in work activities. The method in this study uses the HIRARC (Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control) method. The data analysis is divided into 3 stages, namely, hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control. The results obtained from this study are that there are 26 potential hazards and 28 risks from 4 drilling activities and 6 blasting activities. From the results of the analysis of the risk level, there are 3 levels of assessment with the result that the low risk level is small, namely 7% with 2 risks, the medium risk level is 57% with 16 risks and high the high risk level is 36% with 10 risks. Recommendations for risk control using the hierarchy of controls are obtained, Engineering is 10% with 2 risks, administration is 45% with 10 risks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is 45% with 10 risks


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan model mikroskopik arus lalu lintas dengan menggunakan sistem lorenz dan menjelaskan penyelesaian model mikroskopik arus lalu lintas menggunakan Sistem Lorenz dengan Variational Iteration Method. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membangun model mikroskopik arus lalu lintas menggunakan Sistem Lorenz, kemudian melakukan observasi ke Jalan Ringroad Selatan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta untuk menemukan nilai parameter yang akan digunakan pada saat simulasi model mikroskopik arus lalu lintas. Ketika sudah mendapatkan model mikroskopik arus lalu lintas menggunakan sistem Lorenz, maka akan ditentukan penyelesaian umum model tersebut dengan Variational Iteration Method. Selanjutnya, dengan menggunakan lima nilai awal yang menunjukkan nilai deviasi jarak, deviasi kecepatan, dan waktu percepatan, akan disimulasikan model yang ada, dan ditentukan nilai MSE dari masing-masing iterasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa model mikroskopik arus lalu lintas dengan sistem Lorenz, serta penyelesaian umum model mikroskopik arus lalu lintas menggunakan sistem Lorenz dengan Variational Iteration Method, serta nilai MSE dari simulasi yang dilakukan. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan nilai rata-rata MSE yang sangat kecil, yaitu 0.000001932, artinya model yang digunakan sudah cocok dengan model yang sudah ada . Kata kunci : Model Mikroskopik, Arus Lalu Lintas, Sistem Lorenz, Variational Iteration Method

    Relationship Strategy Coping with Self-Efficacy Drugs in the Period of Rehabilitation at Batam BNN Rehabilitation

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    In 2017, there were 26,540 drug users in Riau Islands. 3 out of 10 people who undergo rehabilitation has experienced relapse. If drug users can use coping strategies effectively, self-efficacy or confidence can develop well. The implication is that drug users can control themselves so as not to relapse. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between coping strategies and self-efficacy of drug users during rehabilitation. This research is correlational research. The instruments used in this study were the coping scale and self-efficacy. These instruments were used after being tested and declared as valid and reliable. The sample in this study were 35 people who were undergoing a program in the primary program and re-entry program at the Rehabilitation Workshop in BNN Batam which taken by cluster random sampling technique. The findings of this study are (1) the majority of the coping strategies of respondents are at a moderate level with a percentage of 88.57%; (2) the majority of respondents have high level self-efficacy with a percentage of 80%; and (3) there is a relationship between coping strategies and drug users' self-efficacy during the rehabilitation period with p value 0,011. It is expected that drug rehabilitation institutions can increase the level of coping strategies and self-efficacy of drug users in the rehabilitation period by teaching the coping skills and relapse prevention as well as exploring sources of self-efficacy

    The Effects of Corporate Image, User Image, and Product Image Towards Purchasing Interest of Suzuki Motorcycle

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    Recently, motorcycle and automotive industry is having a good development in Indonesia. The motorcycle market in Indonesia is still big, because not only facilitating people’s activities, but also the price is still rational. That makes the competition in motorcycle and automotive industry become tighter. There are major companies that dictate the Indonesian market, one of them is Suzuki. Suzuki is a corporate which is annually trusted by consumers and also making some innovations toward its products to upgrade the qualities. This study aims to know the variable effect of corporate image, user image, and product image towards interest of purchasing Suzuki motorcycle. The population of this study is students of Management Department batch 2014-2015, Faculty of Economics in Universitas Negeri Malang, East Java, Indonesia who use Suzuki motorcycle. The sample of this study is 115 respondents. The sampling technique is using proportional random sampling and the data analysis is using statistical descriptive and multiple regression analysis. The result shows that corporate image, user image, and product image positively and significantly affect the interest of purchasing Suzuki motorcycle. The result can be proposed as an input for management party to boost consumer interests.   Keywords: corporate image, user image, product image, purchasing interes
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