5,108 research outputs found

    Turbofan aft duct suppressor study. Contractor's data report of mode probe signal data

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    Acoustic modal distributions were measured in a fan test model having an annular exhaust duct for comparison with theoretically predicted acoustic suppression values. This report contains the amplitude and phase data of the acoustic signals sensed by the transducers of the two mode probes employed in the measurement. Each mode probe consisted of an array of 12 transducers sensing the acoustic field at three axial positions and four radial positions

    Turbofan aft duct suppressor study

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    Suppressions due to acoustic treatment in the annular exhaust duct of a model fan were theoretically predicted and compared with measured suppressions. The predictions are based on the modal analysis of sound propagation in a straight annular flow duct with segmented treatment. Modal distributions of the fan noise source (fan-stator interaction only) were measured using in-duct modal probes. The flow profiles were also measured in the vicinity of the modal probes. The acoustic impedance of the single degree of freedom treatment was measured in the presence of grazing flow. The measured values of mode distribution of the fan noise source, the flow velocity profile and the acoustic impedance of the treatment in the duct were used as input to the prediction program. The predicted suppressions, under the assumption of uniform flow in the duct, compared well with the suppressions measured in the duct for all test conditions. The interaction modes generated by the rotor-stator interaction spanned a cut-off ratio range from nearly 1 to 7

    Visual BFI: an Exploratory Study for Image-based Personality Test

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    This paper positions and explores the topic of image-based personality test. Instead of responding to text-based questions, the subjects will be provided a set of "choose-your-favorite-image" visual questions. With the image options of each question belonging to the same concept, the subjects' personality traits are estimated by observing their preferences of images under several unique concepts. The solution to design such an image-based personality test consists of concept-question identification and image-option selection. We have presented a preliminary framework to regularize these two steps in this exploratory study. A demo version of the designed image-based personality test is available at http://www.visualbfi.org/. Subjective as well as objective evaluations have demonstrated the feasibility of image-based personality test in limited questions

    Crystal Growth Furnace System Configuration and Planned Experiments on the Second United States Microgravity Laboratory Mission

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    The Crystal Growth Furnace (CGF) is currently undergoing modifications and refurbishment and is currently undergoing modifications and refurbishment and is manifested to refly on the Second United States Microgravity Laboratory (USML-2) mission scheduled for launch in September 1995. The CGF was developed for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) under the Microgravity Science and Applications Division (MSAD) programs at NASA Headquarters. The refurbishment and reflight program is being managed by the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama. Funding and program support for the CGF project is provided to MSFC by the office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications at NASA Headquarters. This paper presents an overview of the CGF system configuration for the USML-2 mission, and provides a brief description of the planned on-orbit experiment operation

    Electromagnetic waves in a Josephson junction in a thin film

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    We consider a one-dimensional Josephson junction in a superconducting film with the thickness that is much less than the London penetration depth. We treat an electromagnetic wave propagating along this tunnel contact. We show that the electrodynamics of a Josephson junction in a thin film is nonlocal if the wave length is less than the Pearl penetration depth. We find the integro-differential equation determining the phase difference between the two superconductors forming the tunnel contact. We use this equation to calculate the dispersion relation for an electromagnetic wave propagating along the Josephson junction. We find that the frequency of this wave is proportional to the square root of the wave vector if the wave length is less than the Pearl penetration depth.Comment: 12 pages, a figure is included as a uuencodeded postscript file, ReVTe

    Unequal relationships in high and low power distance societies: a comparative study of tutor - student role relations in Britain and China

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    This study investigated people's conceptions of an unequal role relationship in two different types of society: a high power distance society and a low power distance society. The study focuses on the role relationship of tutor and student. British and Chinese tutors and postgraduate students completed a questionnaire that probed their conceptions of degrees of power differential and social distance/closeness in this role relationship. ANOVA results yielded a significant nationality effect for both aspects. Chinese respondents judged the relationship to be closer and to have a greater power differential than did British respondents. Written comments on the questionnaire and interviews with 9 Chinese academics who had experienced both British and Chinese academic environments supported the statistical findings and indicated that there are fundamental ideological differences associated with the differing conceptions. The results are discussed in relation to Western and Asian concepts of leadership and differing perspectives on the compatibility/incompatibility of power and distance/closeness

    COVID-19 contact tracing apps: UK public perceptions

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    In order to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, policymakers around the globe have increasingly invested in digital health technologies to support the ‘test, track and trace’ approach of containing the spread of the novel coronavirus. These technologies include mobile ‘contact tracing’ applications (apps), which can trace individuals likely to have come into contact with those who have reported symptoms or tested positive for the virus and request that they self-isolate. This paper takes a critical public health perspective that advocates for ‘genuine participation’ in public health interventions and emphasises the need to take citizen’s knowledge into account during public health decision-making. In doing so, it presents and discusses the findings of a UK interview study that explored public views on the possibility of using a COVID-19 contact-tracing app public health intervention at the time the United Kingdom (UK) Government announced their decision to develop such a technology. Findings illustrated interviewees’ range and degree of understandings, misconceptions, and concerns about the possibility of using an app. In particular, concerns about privacy and surveillance predominated. Interviewees associated these concerns much more broadly than health by identifying with pre-existent British national narratives associated with individual liberty and autonomy. In extending and contributing to ongoing sociological research with public health, we argue that understanding and responding to these matters is vital, and that our findings demonstrate the need for a forward-looking, anticipatory strategy for public engagement as part of the responsible innovation of the COVID-19 contact-tracing app in the UK


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    Abstrak: Perilaku mengkonsumsi minuman keras (Miras), narkotika psikotropika dan zat adiktif lain (Napza) berdasarkan pada beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku ini mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ketahun serta perilaku ini dimulai sejak usia remaja (12-24 tahun). Perilaku mengkonsumsi miras dan napza jika dilihat dari beberapa sudut pandang berdampak dan sangat merugikan bagi diri sendiri dan juga orang lain disekitarnya, selain itu sangat berbahaya terhadap kesehatan. Tujuan PkM: Untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja terhadap bahaya menkonsumsi miras dan napza di Desa Suluun, Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan. Metode: Kegiatan PkM mengunakan metode penyuluhan dan diskusi. Penyuluhan dipaparkan oleh tim-ahli dari BNN provinsi Sulawesi utara dan anggota tim PkM. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh remaja Desa Suluun yang berjumlah 103 orang, dan dievaluasi mengunakan pre-post-test. Hasil: Kegiatan PkM terlaksana dengan baik dan sesuai dengan jadwal yang direncanakan dengan hasil pre-posttest menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan remaja setelah diberikan edukasi dengan nilai rata-rata pre-test 64.36 dan post-test 75.14. Kegiatan yang dilakukan dirasakan berdampak bagi remaja dan diharapkan dilakukan secara berkelanjutan.Abstract: The behavior of consuming alcohol, psychotropic narcotics, and other addictive substances based on several studies shows that this behavior has increased from year to year and this behavior starts from adolescence (12-24 years). The behavior of consuming alcohol and drugs when viewed from several points of view has an impact and is very detrimental to oneself and also others around them, besides that it is very dangerous to health. PkM Objective: To improve adolescents' knowledge of the effects of consuming alcohol and drugs in Suluun Village, South Minahasa Regency. Methods: The PkM activity used counseling and discussion methods. The counseling was presented by a team of experts from the BNN of North Sulawesi province and members of the PkM team. This activity was attended by 103 adolescents of Suluun Village, and evaluated using pre-post-test. Results: PkM activities were carried out well and in accordance with the planned schedule with pre-posttest results showing an increase in adolescent knowledge after being given education with an average pre-test score of 64.36 and post-test 75.14. The activities carried out are felt to have an impact on adolescents and are expected to be carried out on an ongoing basis
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