968 research outputs found

    Measurement of the D-D fusion neutron energy spectrum and variation of the peak width with plasma ion temperature

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    and disposal, in whole or in part by or for the United States govern-ment is permitted. By acceptance of this article, the publisher and/or recipient ac-knowledges the U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper. 1 Measurement of the d-d fusion neutron energy spectrum and variation of the peak width with plasma ion temperature W. A. Fisher*, S. H. Chen*, D. Gwinnt, R. R. Parkert We report a set of neutron spectrum measurements made at the Alcator C tokamak under ohmic heating conditions. It has been found that the width of the D-D fusion neutron peak increases with the plasma ion temperature consistent with the theoretical prediction. In particular the neutron spectra resulting from the sum of many plasma discharges with ion temperatures of 780 eV and 1050 eV have been ob-tained. The width for the 780 eV case is 64 +9,-11 keV and that of the 1050 eV case, 81 +10,-14 keV FWHM, corresponding to ion tempera-tures of 740 eV and 1190 eV respectively

    Fast neutron spectrometer for D-D fusion neutron measurements at the Alcator C tokamak

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    Critical temperature for the two-dimensional attractive Hubbard Model

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    The critical temperature for the attractive Hubbard model on a square lattice is determined from the analysis of two independent quantities, the helicity modulus, ρs\rho_s, and the pairing correlation function, PsP_s. These quantities have been calculated through Quantum Monte Carlo simulations for lattices up to 18×1818\times 18, and for several densities, in the intermediate-coupling regime. Imposing the universal-jump condition for an accurately calculated ρs\rho_s, together with thorough finite-size scaling analyses (in the spirit of the phenomenological renormalization group) of PsP_s, suggests that TcT_c is considerably higher than hitherto assumed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Coronal Fe XIV Emission During the Whole Heliosphere Interval Campaign

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    Solar Cycle 24 is having a historically long and weak start. Observations of the Fe XIV corona from the Sacramento Peak site of the National Solar Observatory show an abnormal pattern of emission compared to observations of Cycles 21, 22, and 23 from the same instrument. The previous three cycles have shown a strong, rapid "Rush to the Poles" (previously observed in polar crown prominences and earlier coronal observations) in the parameter N(t,l,dt) (average number of Fe XIV emission features per day over dt days at time t and latitude l). Cycle 24 displays a weak, intermittent, and slow "Rush" that is apparent only in the northern hemisphere. If the northern Rush persists at its current rate, evidence from the Rushes in previous cycles indicates that solar maximum will occur in early 2013 or late 2012, at least in the northern hemisphere. At lower latitudes, solar maximum previously occurred when the time maximum of N(t,l,365) reached approximately 20{\deg} latitude. Currently, this parameter is at or below 30{\deg}and decreasing in latitude. Unfortunately, it is difficult at this time to calculate the rate of decrease in N(t,l,365). However, the southern hemisphere could reach 20{\deg} in 2011. Nonetheless, considering the levels of activity so far, there is a possibility that the maximum could be indiscernibleComment: 8 pages, 4 figures; Solar Physics Online First, 2011 http://www.springerlink.com/content/b5kl4040k0626647

    Dipolar origin of the gas-liquid coexistence of the hard-core 1:1 electrolyte model

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    We present a systematic study of the effect of the ion pairing on the gas-liquid phase transition of hard-core 1:1 electrolyte models. We study a class of dipolar dimer models that depend on a parameter R_c, the maximum separation between the ions that compose the dimer. This parameter can vary from sigma_{+/-} that corresponds to the tightly tethered dipolar dimer model, to R_c --> infinity, that corresponds to the Stillinger-Lovett description of the free ion system. The coexistence curve and critical point parameters are obtained as a function of R_c by grand canonical Monte Carlo techniques. Our results show that this dependence is smooth but non-monotonic and converges asymptotically towards the free ion case for relatively small values of R_c. This fact allows us to describe the gas-liquid transition in the free ion model as a transition between two dimerized fluid phases. The role of the unpaired ions can be considered as a perturbation of this picture.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    A Simple Model for the DNA Denaturation Transition

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    We study pairs of interacting self-avoiding walks on the 3d simple cubic lattice. They have a common origin and are allowed to overlap only at the same monomer position along the chain. The latter overlaps are indeed favored by an energetic gain. This is inspired by a model introduced long ago by Poland and Sheraga [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 45}, 1464 (1966)] for the denaturation transition in DNA where, however, self avoidance was not fully taken into account. For both models, there exists a temperature T_m above which the entropic advantage to open up overcomes the energy gained by forming tightly bound two-stranded structures. Numerical simulations of our model indicate that the transition is of first order (the energy density is discontinuous), but the analog of the surface tension vanishes and the scaling laws near the transition point are exactly those of a second order transition with crossover exponent \phi=1. Numerical and exact analytic results show that the transition is second order in modified models where the self-avoidance is partially or completely neglected.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX, 20 postscript figure

    Criticality in confined ionic fluids

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    A theory of a confined two dimensional electrolyte is presented. The positive and negative ions, interacting by a 1/r1/r potential, are constrained to move on an interface separating two solvents with dielectric constants ϵ1\epsilon_1 and ϵ2\epsilon_2. It is shown that the Debye-H\"uckel type of theory predicts that the this 2d Coulomb fluid should undergo a phase separation into a coexisting liquid (high density) and gas (low density) phases. We argue, however, that the formation of polymer-like chains of alternating positive and negative ions can prevent this phase transition from taking place.Comment: RevTex, no figures, in press Phys. Rev.

    An Asymmetric Cone Model for Halo Coronal Mass Ejections

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    Due to projection effects, coronagraphic observations cannot uniquely determine parameters relevant to the geoeffectiveness of CMEs, such as the true propagation speed, width, or source location. The Cone Model for Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) has been studied in this respect and it could be used to obtain these parameters. There are evidences that some CMEs initiate from a flux-rope topology. It seems that these CMEs should be elongated along the flux-rope axis and the cross section of the cone base should be rather elliptical than circular. In the present paper we applied an asymmetric cone model to get the real space parameters of frontsided halo CMEs (HCMEs) recorded by SOHO/LASCO coronagraphs in 2002. The cone model parameters are generated through a fitting procedure to the projected speeds measured at different position angles on the plane of the sky. We consider models with the apex of the cone located at the center and surface of the Sun. The results are compared to the standard symmetric cone model

    Quantum-fluctuation-induced repelling interaction of quantum string between walls

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    Quantum string, which was brought into discussion recently as a model for the stripe phase in doped cuprates, is simulated by means of the density-matrix-renormalization-group method. String collides with adjacent neighbors, as it wonders, owing to quantum zero-point fluctuations. The energy cost due to the collisions is our main concern. Embedding a quantum string between rigid walls with separation d, we found that for sufficiently large d, collision-induced energy cost obeys the formula \sim exp (- A d^alpha) with alpha=0.808(1), and string's mean fluctuation width grows logarithmically \sim log d. Those results are not understood in terms of conventional picture that the string is `disordered,' and only the short-wave-length fluctuations contribute to collisions. Rather, our results support a recent proposal that owing to collisions, short-wave-length fluctuations are suppressed, but instead, long-wave-length fluctuations become significant. This mechanism would be responsible for stabilizing the stripe phase