13,209 research outputs found

    Energy dynamics in the Sinai model

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    We study the time dependent potential energy W(t)=U(x(0))U(x(t))W(t)=U(x(0)) - U(x(t)) of a particle diffusing in a one dimensional random force field (the Sinai model). Using the real space renormalization group method (RSRG), we obtain the exact large time limit of the probability distribution of the scaling variable w=W(t)/(Tlnt)w=W(t)/(T \ln t). This distribution exhibits a {\it nonanalytic} behaviour at w=1w=1. These results are extended to a small non-zero applied field. Using the constrained path integral method, we moreover compute the joint distribution of energy W(t)W(t) and position x(t)x(t) at time tt. In presence of a reflecting boundary at the starting point, with possibly some drift in the + direction, the RSRG very simply yields the one time and aging two-time behavior of this joint probability. It exhibits differences in behaviour compared to the unbounded motion, such as analyticity. Relations with some magnetization distributions in the 1D spin glass are discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 4 eps figure

    Extended Hubbard model for mesoscopic transport in donor arrays in silicon

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    Arrays of dopants in silicon are promising platforms for the quantum simulation of the Fermi-Hubbard model. We show that the simplest model with only on-site interaction is insufficient to describe the physics of an array of phosphorous donors in silicon due to the strong intersite interaction in the system. We also study the resonant tunneling transport in the array at low temperature as a mean of probing the features of the Hubbard physics, such as the Hubbard bands and the Mott gap. Two mechanisms of localization which suppresses transport in the array are investigated: The first arises from the electron-ion core attraction and is significant at low filling; the second is due to the sharp oscillation in the tunnel coupling caused by the intervalley interference of the donor electron's wavefunction. This disorder in the tunnel coupling leads to a steep exponential decay of conductance with channel length in one-dimensional arrays, but its effect is less prominent in two-dimensional ones. Hence, it is possible to observe resonant tunneling transport in a relatively large array in two dimensions

    Derivation of the Functional Renormalization Group Beta-Function at order 1/N for Manifolds Pinned by Disorder

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    In an earlier publication, we have introduced a method to obtain, at large N, the effective action for d-dimensional manifolds in a N-dimensional disordered environment. This allowed to obtain the Functional Renormalization Group (FRG) equation for N=infinity and was shown to reproduce, with no need for ultrametric replica symmetry breaking, the predictions of the Mezard-Parisi solution. Here we compute the corrections at order 1/N. We introduce two novel complementary methods, a diagrammatic and an algebraic one, to perform the complicated resummation of an infinite number of loops, and derive the beta-function of the theory to order 1/N. We present both the effective action and the corresponding functional renormalization group equations. The aim is to explain the conceptual basis and give a detailed account of the novel aspects of such calculations. The analysis of the FRG flow, comparison with other studies, and applications, e.g. to the strong-coupling phase of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation are examined in a subsequent publication.Comment: 62 pages, 97 figure

    Thermal fluctuations in pinned elastic systems: field theory of rare events and droplets

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    Using the functional renormalization group (FRG) we study the thermal fluctuations of elastic objects, described by a displacement field u and internal dimension d, pinned by a random potential at low temperature T, as prototypes for glasses. A challenge is how the field theory can describe both typical (minimum energy T=0) configurations, as well as thermal averages which, at any non-zero T as in the phenomenological droplet picture, are dominated by rare degeneracies between low lying minima. We show that this occurs through an essentially non-perturbative *thermal boundary layer* (TBL) in the (running) effective action Gamma[u] at T>0 for which we find a consistent scaling ansatz to all orders. The TBL resolves the singularities of the T=0 theory and contains rare droplet physics. The formal structure of this TBL is explored around d=4 using a one loop Wilson RG. A more systematic Exact RG (ERG) method is employed and tested on d=0 models. There we obtain precise relations between TBL quantities and droplet probabilities which are checked against exact results. We illustrate how the TBL scaling remains consistent to all orders in higher d using the ERG and how droplet picture results can be retrieved. Finally, we solve for d=0,N=1 the formidable "matching problem" of how this T>0 TBL recovers a critical T=0 field theory. We thereby obtain the beta-function at T=0, *all ambiguities removed*, displayed here up to four loops. A discussion of d>4 case and an exact solution at large d are also provided

    Higher correlations, universal distributions and finite size scaling in the field theory of depinning

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    Recently we constructed a renormalizable field theory up to two loops for the quasi-static depinning of elastic manifolds in a disordered environment. Here we explore further properties of the theory. We show how higher correlation functions of the displacement field can be computed. Drastic simplifications occur, unveiling much simpler diagrammatic rules than anticipated. This is applied to the universal scaled width-distribution. The expansion in d=4-epsilon predicts that the scaled distribution coincides to the lowest orders with the one for a Gaussian theory with propagator G(q)=1/q^(d+2 \zeta), zeta being the roughness exponent. The deviations from this Gaussian result are small and involve higher correlation functions, which are computed here for different boundary conditions. Other universal quantities are defined and evaluated: We perform a general analysis of the stability of the fixed point. We find that the correction-to-scaling exponent is omega=-epsilon and not -epsilon/3 as used in the analysis of some simulations. A more detailed study of the upper critical dimension is given, where the roughness of interfaces grows as a power of a logarithm instead of a pure power.Comment: 15 pages revtex4. See also preceding article cond-mat/030146

    Nonequilibrium dynamics of random field Ising spin chains: exact results via real space RG

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    Non-equilibrium dynamics of classical random Ising spin chains are studied using asymptotically exact real space renormalization group. Specifically the random field Ising model with and without an applied field (and the Ising spin glass (SG) in a field), in the universal regime of a large Imry Ma length so that coarsening of domains after a quench occurs over large scales. Two types of domain walls diffuse in opposite Sinai random potentials and mutually annihilate. The domain walls converge rapidly to a set of system-specific time-dependent positions {\it independent of the initial conditions}. We obtain the time dependent energy, magnetization and domain size distribution (statistically independent). The equilibrium limits agree with known exact results. We obtain exact scaling forms for two-point equal time correlation and two-time autocorrelations. We also compute the persistence properties of a single spin, of local magnetization, and of domains. The analogous quantities for the spin glass are obtained. We compute the two-point two-time correlation which can be measured by experiments on spin-glass like systems. Thermal fluctuations are found to be dominated by rare events; all moments of truncated correlations are computed. The response to a small field applied after waiting time twt_w, as measured in aging experiments, and the fluctuation-dissipation ratio X(t,tw)X(t,t_w) are computed. For (ttw)twα^(t-t_w) \sim t_w^{\hat{\alpha}}, α^<1\hat{\alpha} <1, it equals its equilibrium value X=1, though time translational invariance fails. It exhibits for ttwtwt-t_w \sim t_w aging regime with non-trivial X=X(t/tw)1X=X(t/t_w) \neq 1, different from mean field.Comment: 55 pages, 9 figures, revte

    The Two-Dimensional Disordered Boson Hubbard Model: Evidence for a Direct Mott Insulator-to-Superfluid Transition and Localization in the Bose Glass Phase

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    We investigate the Bose glass phase and the insulator-to-superfluid transition in the two-dimensional disordered boson Hubbard model in the Villain representation via Monte Carlo simulations. In the Bose glass phase the probability distribution of the local susceptibility is found to have a 1/χ21/ \chi^2 tail and the imaginary time Green's function decays algebraically C(τ)τ1C(\tau) \sim \tau^{-1}, giving rise to a divergent global susceptibility. By considering the participation ratio it is shown that the excitations in the Bose glass phase are fully localized and a scaling law is established. For commensurate boson densities we find a direct Mott insulator to superfluid transition without an intervening Bose glass phase for weak disorder. For this transition we obtain the critical exponents z=1,ν=0.7±0.1z=1, \nu=0.7\pm 0.1 and η=0.1±0.1\eta = 0.1 \pm 0.1, which agree with those for the classical three-dimensional XY model without disorder. This indicates that disorder is irrelevant at the tip of the Mott-lobes and that here the inequality ν2/d\nu\ge2/d is violated.Comment: 15 pages RevTeX, 18 postscript-figures include

    Localization of thermal packets and metastable states in Sinai model

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    We consider the Sinai model describing a particle diffusing in a 1D random force field. As shown by Golosov, this model exhibits a strong localization phenomenon for the thermal packet: the disorder average of the thermal distribution of the relative distance y=x-m(t), with respect to the (disorder-dependent) most probable position m(t), converges in the limit of infinite time towards a distribution P(y). In this paper, we revisit this question of the localization of the thermal packet. We first generalize the result of Golosov by computing explicitly the joint asymptotic distribution of relative position y=x(t)-m(t) and relative energy u=U(x(t))-U(m(t)) for the thermal packet. Next, we compute in the infinite-time limit the localization parameters Y_k, representing the disorder-averaged probabilities that k particles of the thermal packet are at the same place, and the correlation function C(l) representing the disorder-averaged probability that two particles of the thermal packet are at a distance l from each other. We moreover prove that our results for Y_k and C(l) exactly coincide with the thermodynamic limit of the analog quantities computed for independent particles at equilibrium in a finite sample of length L. Finally, we discuss the properties of the finite-time metastable states that are responsible for the localization phenomenon and compare with the general theory of metastable states in glassy systems, in particular as a test of the Edwards conjecture.Comment: 17 page