52 research outputs found

    Semantic-cognitive structure of social-philosophical discourse of the end of xixth - the beginning of the xxth century

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    The article discusses the features of the Russian religious and philosophical discourse of the late XIXth – early XXth centuries. The subject of study is the archaic meanings of socio-philosophical discourse concepts and their semantic transformations, as well as new meanings that appeared in the late XIXth – early XXth centuries. It is proved that the “EVENT” concept, which includes the composite components “Kingdom”, “Emperor”, “Russians” and “literature”, is structurally-forming

    Levels and criteria for understanding of the scientific text in the pre-university period

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    The article covers the issues concerning the levels and criteria of preparatory department students' understanding of the scientific text. Teaching scientific language presupposes work with scientific texts at a language proficiency level of A1. When teaching how to work with the scientific text, one should consider its pragmatic, contents and cognitive discourse functions. Understanding is a multi-level psychological category, which determines foreign students' way of reading the scientific text. Each of the levels forms certain skills of text understanding. The article proves that comprehension of the depths of meaning is one of the criteria of scientific text understanding

    The role of Russia in the world education market

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    This article considers the features of the education market formation. It is shown that the undoubted leaders by number of foreigners involved in educational projects are Western European countries (Germany, France, Great Britain) and North American countries (USA and Canada).  Currently, the world education market reflects the patterns of interaction between producers, providers and users of educational services. The current education system is aimed at meeting the demand of foreign citizens on educational services through the use of a whole set of technologies related to improving skills and competitiveness of labor market specialists. It is proved that the leading market is associated with attracting foreign students to obtain higher education in Russia. In this article the main trends in the development of Russian education system were analyzed and results of the "Export of Education" program were described

    Building of professional communicative competence in foreign students

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    The Turkish students who study at Russian universities continue learning Russian at the main departments. The main difficulty which foreign students face while learning Russian is scientific style. Those who teach Russian as a foreign language admit that foreign students are often unprepared to learn specific vocabulary. The article covers a completely different approach for presentation of specific vocabulary, developed by the authors of “Training for professional activity in Russian of “Public Relations” speciality foreign students” (L.V. Adonina, S.V. Lazarev, S.V. Smirnova, O.S. Fisenko)

    Formation of motivation to learn the vocation-related language

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    The current situation on the global education market bears the need for new approaches to learning Russian as a foreign language. The innovation concerns both professors and students’ activity. The success in comprehension of scientific language is largely dependent on students’ motivation to study the vocation-related language. The article covers the methodological basis of the approach which may improve preparatory department students’ motivation to study

    “Sonata Kreutzer” l. N. Tolstogo en el contexto del discurso social del siglo XIX: aspecto social y ético

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    “Kreutzer Sonata” L.N. Tolstoy is one of the key works of the late XIX century. The publication of the story served as an impetus that caused a wide discussion of the problems of family, marriage, gender, and the status of women.  The ban on censorship only contributed to an increase in interest in the story. Kreutzer’s sonata was read not only in capitals and large cities but also in remote counties. The object of discussion was family values based on the concepts of marriage set forth in the Bible and the teachings of the Holy Fathers. The words of the main character of Pozdnyshev show flaws in Orthodox marriage.«Kreutzer Sonata» L.N. Tolstoi es una de las obras clave de finales del siglo XIX. La publicación de la historia sirvió como un ímpetu que provocó una amplia discusión sobre los problemas de la familia, el matrimonio, el género y la condición de la mujer. La prohibición de la censura solo contribuyó a aumentar el interés en la historia. La sonata de Kreutzer se leyó no solo en capitales y grandes ciudades, sino también en condados remotos. El objeto de discusión fueron los valores familiares basados en los conceptos de matrimonio establecidos en la Biblia y las enseñanzas de los Santos Padres. Las palabras del personaje principal de Pozdnyshev muestran fallas en el matrimonio ortodoxo