2,232 research outputs found

    Errors in device localization in MRI using Z-frames.

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    The use of a passive MRI-visible tracking frame is a common method of localizing devices in MRI space for MRI-guided procedures. One of the most common tracking frame designs found in the literature is the z-frame, as it allows six degree-of-freedom pose estimation using only a single image slice. Despite the popularity of this design, it is susceptible to errors in pose estimation due to various image distortion mechanisms in MRI. In this paper, the absolute error in using a z-frame to localize a tool in MRI is quantified over various positions of the z-frame relative to the MRI isocenter, and for various levels of static magnetic field inhomogeneity. It was found that the error increases rapidly with distance from the isocenter in both the horizontal and vertical directions, but the error is much less sensitive to position when multiple contiguous slices are used with slice-select gradient nonlinearity correction enabled, as opposed to the more common approach of only using a single image slice. In addition, the error is found to increase rapidly with an increasing level of static field inhomogeneity, even with the z-frame placed within 10 cm of the isocenter

    Order of Two-Dimensional Isotropic Dipolar Antiferromagnets

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    The question of the existence of order in two-dimensional isotropic dipolar Heisenberg antiferromagnets is studied. It is shown that the dipolar interaction leads to a gap in the spin-wave energy and a nonvanishing order parameter. The resulting finite N\'eel-temperature is calculated for a square lattice by means of linear spin-wave theory.Comment: 10 pages, REVTEX, 1 figure available upon request, TUM-CP-93-0

    Parameter mismatches,variable delay times and synchronization in time-delayed systems

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    We investigate synchronization between two unidirectionally linearly coupled chaotic non-identical time-delayed systems and show that parameter mismatches are of crucial importance to achieve synchronization. We establish that independent of the relation between the delay time in the coupled systems and the coupling delay time, only retarded synchronization with the coupling delay time is obtained. We show that with parameter mismatch or without it neither complete nor anticipating synchronization occurs. We derive existence and stability conditions for the retarded synchronization manifold. We demonstrate our approach using examples of the Ikeda and Mackey-Glass models. Also for the first time we investigate chaos synchronization in time-delayed systems with variable delay time and find both existence and sufficient stability conditions for the retarded synchronization manifold with the coupling delay lag time. Also for the first time we consider synchronization between two unidirectionally coupled chaotic multi-feedback Ikeda systems and derive existence and stability conditions for the different anticipating, lag, and complete synchronization regimes.Comment: 12 page

    Gaps in the clinical management of influenza a century since the 1918 pandemic

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    This year marks the centennial of the devastating 1918 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic, which killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide. Prevention and control activities were limited in 1918 because global surveillance did not exist, influenza viruses were not yet discovered, and no influenza vaccines had been developed. Diagnostic tests for influenza were unavailable prior to isolation of influenza viruses in the 1930s, so spread of the pandemic virus was tracked by news reports of increased respiratory disease and related deaths. Establishment of the World Health Organization’s Global Influenza Surveillance Network in 1952 has contributed substantially to coordinated surveillance, vaccine development, and influenza vaccine strain selection

    An outflow in the Seyfert ESO 362-G18 revealed by Gemini-GMOS/IFU observations

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    Indexación: Scopus.We present two-dimensional stellar and gaseous kinematics of the inner 0.7 × 1.2 kpc2 of the Seyfert 1.5 galaxy ESO 362-G18, derived from optical (4092-7338 Å) spectra obtained with the GMOS integral field spectrograph on the Gemini South telescope at a spatial resolution of ≈ 170 pc and spectral resolution of 36 km s-1. ESO 362-G18 is a strongly perturbed galaxy of morphological type Sa or S0/a, with a minor merger approaching along the NE direction. Previous studies have shown that the [O III] emission shows a fan-shaped extension of ≈ 10′′ to the SE. We detect the [O III] doublet, [N II] and Hα emission lines throughout our field of view. The stellar kinematics is dominated by circular motions in the galaxy plane, with a kinematic position angle of ≈ 137° and is centred approximately on the continuum peak. The gas kinematics is also dominated by rotation, with kinematic position angles ranging from 122° to 139°, projected velocity amplitudes of the order of 100 km s-1, and a mean velocity dispersion of 100 km s-1. A double-Gaussian fit to the [O III]λ5007 and Hα lines, which have the highest signal to noise ratios of the emission lines, reveal two kinematic components: (1) a component at lower radial velocities which we interpret as gas rotating in the galactic disk; and (2) a component with line of sight velocities 100-250 km s-1 higher than the systemic velocity, interpreted as originating in the outflowing gas within the AGN ionization cone. We estimate a mass outflow rate of 7.4 × 10-2 M⊙ yr-1 in the SE ionization cone (this rate doubles if we assume a biconical configuration), and a mass accretion rate on the supermassive black hole (SMBH) of 2.2 × 10-2 M⊙ yr-1. The total ionized gas mass within ∼84 pc of the nucleus is 3.3 × 105 M⊙; infall velocities of ∼34 km s-1 in this gas would be required to feed both the outflow and SMBH accretion. © ESO 2018.https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2018/06/aa31671-17/aa31671-17.htm

    Characterizing Multi-planet Systems with Classical Secular Theory

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    Classical secular theory can be a powerful tool to describe the qualitative character of multi-planet systems and offer insight into their histories. The eigenmodes of the secular behavior, rather than current orbital elements, can help identify tidal effects, early planet-planet scattering, and dynamical coupling among the planets, for systems in which mean-motion resonances do not play a role. Although tidal damping can result in aligned major axes after all but one eigenmode have damped away, such alignment may simply be fortuitous. An example of this is 55 Cancri (orbital solution of Fischer et al., 2008) where multiple eigenmodes remain undamped. Various solutions for 55 Cancri are compared, showing differing dynamical groupings, with implications for the coupling of eccentricities and for the partitioning of damping among the planets. Solutions for orbits that include expectations of past tidal evolution with observational data, must take into account which eigenmodes should be damped, rather than expecting particular eccentricities to be near zero. Classical secular theory is only accurate for low eccentricity values, but comparison with other results suggests that it can yield useful qualitative descriptions of behavior even for moderately large eccentricity values, and may have advantages for revealing underlying physical processes and, as large numbers of new systems are discovered, for triage to identify where more comprehensive dynamical studies should have priority.Comment: Published in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 25 pages, 10 figure

    Increasing alkyl chain length in a series of layered metal–organic frameworks aids ultrasonic exfoliation to form nanosheets

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    Metal–organic framework nanosheets (MONs) are attracting increasing attention as a diverse class of two-dimensional materials derived from metal–organic frameworks (MOFs). The principles behind the design of layered MOFs that can readily be exfoliated to form nanosheets, however, remain poorly understood. Here we systematically investigate an isoreticular series of layered MOFs functionalized with alkoxy substituents in order to understand the effect of substituent alkyl chain length on the structure and properties of the resulting nanosheets. A series of 2,5-alkoxybenzene-1,4-dicarboxylate ligands (O2CC6H2(OR)2CO2, R = methyl–pentyl, 1–5, respectively) was used to synthesize copper paddle-wheel MOFs. Rietveld and Pawley fitting of powder diffraction patterns for compounds Cu(3–5)(DMF) showed they adopt an isoreticular series with two-dimensional connectivity in which the interlayer distance increases from 8.68 Å (R = propyl) to 10.03 Å (R = pentyl). Adsorption of CO2 by the MOFs was found to increase from 27.2 to 40.2 cm3 g–1 with increasing chain length, which we attribute to the increasing accessible volume associated with increasing unit-cell volume. Ultrasound was used to exfoliate the layered MOFs to form MONs, with shorter alkyl chains resulting in higher concentrations of exfoliated material in suspension. The average height of MONs was investigated by AFM and found to decrease from 35 ± 26 to 20 ± 12 nm with increasing chain length, with the thinnest MONs observed being only 5 nm, corresponding to five framework layers. These results indicate that careful choice of ligand functionalities can be used to tune nanosheet structure and properties, enabling optimization for a variety of applications

    Myers' type theorems and some related oscillation results

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    In this paper we study the behavior of solutions of a second order differential equation. The existence of a zero and its localization allow us to get some compactness results. In particular we obtain a Myers' type theorem even in the presence of an amount of negative curvature. The technique we use also applies to the study of spectral properties of Schroedinger operators on complete manifolds.Comment: 16 page

    The interaction of a gap with a free boundary in a two dimensional dimer system

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    Let ℓ\ell be a fixed vertical lattice line of the unit triangular lattice in the plane, and let \Cal H be the half plane to the left of ℓ\ell. We consider lozenge tilings of \Cal H that have a triangular gap of side-length two and in which ℓ\ell is a free boundary - i.e., tiles are allowed to protrude out half-way across ℓ\ell. We prove that the correlation function of this gap near the free boundary has asymptotics 14πr\frac{1}{4\pi r}, r→∞r\to\infty, where rr is the distance from the gap to the free boundary. This parallels the electrostatic phenomenon by which the field of an electric charge near a conductor can be obtained by the method of images.Comment: 34 pages, AmS-Te

    Facility for studying the effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration and increased temperature on crops

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    The requirements for the experimental study of the effects of global climate change conditions on plants are outlined. A semi-controlled plant growth facility is described which allows the study of elevated CO2 and temperature, and their interaction on the growth of plants under radiation and temperature conditions similar to the field. During an experiment on winter wheat (cv. Mercia), which ran from December 1990 through to August 1991, the facility maintained mean daytime CO2 concentrations of 363 and 692 cm3 m-3 for targets of 350 and 700 cm3 m-3 respectively. Temperatures were set to follow outside ambient or outside ambient +4-degrees-C, and hourly means were within 0.5-degrees-C of the target for 92% of the time for target temperatures greater than 6-degrees-C. Total photosynthetically active radiation incident on the crop (solar radiation supplemented by artifical light with natural photoperiod) was 2% greater than the total measured outside over the same period
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