2,818 research outputs found

    Los cementerios en Europa como lugares de recuerdo y paisajes de la memoria

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    European cemeteries have been places of remembrance for centuries. With their spatial structure, their sepulchral monuments and buildings, they report on the changing ways of dealing with the deceased. The burial sites give a materialized expression to the feeling of mourning, the change of which in the course of history is able to show the manifold interrelationships between death, society and memory. They store biographies, mentalities, ideologies, gender relations, social structures and hierarchies as well as regional historical specifics. Cemeteries are classical memory landscapes, as will be explained using the example of European cemeteries in the bourgeois era –also under political aspects–, military cemeteries and special maritime cemeteries of the North Sea coast.Los cementerios europeos han sido lugares de recuerdo durante siglos. Con su estructura espacial, sus monumentos y sus edificios funerarios nos informan sobre los modos cambiantes de tratar con los difuntos. Los lugares de enterramiento muestran una expresión material del sentimiento de duelo, cuyo cambio a lo largo de la historia es capaz de mostrar las múltiples interrelaciones entre muerte, sociedad y memoria. Reúnen biografías, mentalidades, ideología, relaciones de genero, estructuras y jerarquías sociales, así como elementos históricos regionales. Los cementerios son paisajes clásicos de la memoria, como ilustra el ejemplo de los cementerios europeos de época burguesa –también en aspectos políticos–, los cementerios militares y los cementerios marítimos especiales de la costa del Mar del Norte

    Influence of vitamin B12 and light on the formation of chlorosomes in green- and brown-colored Chlorobium species

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    The specific Bchl a and c content of the vitamin B12-dependent Chlorobium limicola strain 1230 decreased strongly under vitamin B12 limitation. In comparison to a regularly grown culture (20 g vitamin B12/l) the specific Bchl c content of a B12-limited culture was reduced to 20% and the specific Bchl a content to 42%. By ultrathin sections it could be clearly demonstrated that B12-deficient cells contained no chlorosomes. After the addition of vitamin B12 to a deficient culture, chlorosomes were formed and the Bchl a and c content increased again to the level of regularly grown cells. The brown-colored Chlorobium phaeobacteroides strain 2430 (type strain) and the extremely low-light-adapted strain MN1 were compared with respect to the influence of light on the formation of chlorosomes and the Bchl e and carotenoid content. By ultrathin sections it could be demonstrated that strain MN1 produced two-fold larger chlorosomes. Chlorosome dimensions of strain MN1 decreased with increasing light intensities. The number of chlorosomes per cell in both strains did not change with different light intensities. Strain MN1 formed twice as much Bchl e as the type strain when grown at 30 or below 1 mol · m-2 · s-1. Under comparable light conditions strain MN1 formed 14–57% more carotenoids than the type strain. Low light intensities aaused the carotenoid content to increase by 25% in strain 2430 in comparison to high light intensity

    A DAI approach to modeling the transportation domain

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    A central problem in the study of autonomous cooperating systems is that of how to establish mechanisms for controlling the interactions between different parts (which are called agents) of the system. One way to integrate such mechanisms into a multi-agent system is to exploit the technique of cooperation or negotiation protocols. In a protocol we distinguish to essential layers: the communication layer specifying the possible flow of messages between different agents, and the decision layer, which controls the selection of a message (speech-act) that the agent sends in a specific situation. In this report we first give a short introduction of our agent model InteRRap which provides the basis for the modeling of the different scenarios considered in the AKA-Mod project at the DFKI. The techniques we will discuss in the following are located in the plan based component and in the cooperation component of this model. The domain of application is the MARS scenario (Modeling a Multi-Agent Scenario for Shipping Companies) which implements a group of shipping companies whose goal it is to deliver a set of dynamically given orders, satisfying a set of given time and/or cost constraints. The complexity of the orders may exceed the capacities of a single company. Therefore, cooperation between companies is required in order to achieve the goal in a satisfactory way. This domain is of considerable interest for studies with economical background as well as for research projects. We give a short summary of results from economical studies that are concerned with the real-world situation in Germany in the transportation domain. They show the need for the development of new techniques from the field of computer science to tackle the problems therein. Then, an overview on related research is presented. Two approaches are discussed in more detail: the first one being based on OR-techniques and a second one being based on the concept of partial intelligent agents attempting to integrate techniques from OR and DAI. Both approaches are concerned with the situation in a single company. However, our purpose to handle the case of distributed shipping companies requires additional mechanisms, e.g. to cope with the problems of task allocation and task decomposition in multi-agent systems. Mechanisms for distributed task decomposition and task allocation processes in multi-agent systems belong to the core of our studies. Therefore, we will first discuss techniques for these problems in a general setting and then describe their implementations in the MARS system. In this description, particular emphasis is placed on the cooperation within a shipping company. Here, one company agent has to allocate a set of orders its truck agents. The truck agents support the company agents by giving cost estimations based on their route planning facility. Thus, this procedure provides the basis for the decisions of the company agents and is discussed in very detail. Finally, we present results from a series of benchmark tests. The test sets have also been run with OR-implementations and thus, give us the opportunity to compare our implementation against these approaches

    Truth, Partial Logic and Infinitary Proof Systems

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    In this paper we apply proof theoretic methods used for classical systems in order to obtain upper bounds for systems in partial logic. We focus on a truth predicate interpreted in a Kripke style way via strong Kleene; whereas the aim is to connect harmoniously the partial version of Kripke-Feferman with its intended semantics. The method we apply is based on infinitary proof systems containing an ω -rule

    Sharp Hardy-type inequalities for non-compact harmonic manifolds and Damek-Ricci spaces

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    We show various sharp Hardy-type inequalities for the linear and quasi-linear Laplacian on non-compact harmonic manifolds with a particular focus on the case of Damek-Ricci spaces. Our methods make use of the optimality theory developed by Devyver/Fraas/Pinchover and Devyver/Pinchover and are motivated by corresponding results for hyperbolic spaces by Berchio/Ganguly/Grillo, and Berchio/Ganguly/Grillo/Pinchover.Comment: 34 page

    An online NP-HPLC-DPPH method for the determination of the antioxidant activity of condensed polyphenols in cocoa

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    In PressUnroasted cocoa beans are rich in monomeric flavanols and particularly epicatechin-based proanthocyanidin oligomers, with the latter making up to 60% of the total polyphenol content. Although the antioxidant activity of cocoa polyphenols is well known, it is still a challenging analytical field, especially, when it comes to the determination of condensed polyphenols and the evaluation of their single contribution to the overall activity. Therefore, an online NP-HPLC-DPPH assay was developed to separate the homologous series of condensed polyphenols for assessing their antioxidant capacity in relation to their degree of polymerization (DP), simultaneously. In this context, normal-phase chromatography allows separation of polyphenols based on their degree of polymerization. This study showed that an unroasted cocoa extract contains condensed polyphenols with a DP of up to 10 monomer units. By means of the online post-column derivatisation with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), the antioxidant capacity of the separated condensed polyphenols was assessed. It could be shown that, with the exception of the dimers, the contribution to the total antioxidant activity decreased from monomers to decamers. However, from the single proanthocyanidins identified, nonameric and decameric proanthocyanidins were found to have the highest values for the antioxidant capacity. The degree of polymerization associated with each molecular weight fraction was further confirmed using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry coupled with reverse-phase liquid chromatography. The online NP-HPLC-DPPH method can be used as qualitative and quantitative analysis of condensed proanthocyanidins and the simultaneous elucidation of the biological activity of proanthocyanidins in complex mixtures

    Körper - Asche - Natur: ĂŒber Transformationen des Leichnams durch Krematoriumsbau und Feuerbestattung vom spĂ€ten 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart

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    Die EinfĂŒhrung der modernen Feuerbestattung im spĂ€ten 19. Jahrhundert bildet die bedeutendste ZĂ€sur im Bestattungswesen der letzten Jahrhunderte. Zum Durchbruch verhalfen ihr ein in sich verwobenes FaktorenbĂŒndel aus stĂ€dtischem Bevölkerungswachstum, Raumnot auf den Friedhöfen und wachsender SensibilitĂ€t fĂŒr hygienische Probleme. Es ermöglichte im spĂ€ten 19. Jahrhundert den Bau der ersten Krematorien. Auf allgemeine Weise begĂŒnstigend wirkten der technische Fortschritt und vor allem der wachsende Bedeutungsverlust der Kirchen. Im frĂŒhen 20. Jahrhundert fand die Feuerbestattung vor allem in breiten Arbeiterkreisen als preisgĂŒnstige Bestattungsart hohe Resonanz. DarĂŒber hinaus verĂ€nderte die Feuerbestattung das Erscheinungsbild der Friedhöfe im Allgemeinen und die Grabgestaltung im Besonderen, da AschengrĂ€ber erheblich weniger Raum als ErdgrĂ€ber benötigen. In der Folgezeit entfalteten sich vielfĂ€ltige Formen der Aschenbeisetzung, unter anderem Rasenbestattungen und Gemeinschaftsanlagen. Neuerdings ist die Feuerbestattung auch Grundlage diverser Formen der Naturbestattung (Seebestattung, BestattungswĂ€lder). Insgesamt hat sie die Grundlagen fĂŒr die sich ausdifferenzierende Bestattungskultur des frĂŒhen 21. Jahrhunderts geschaffen

    La cultura europea de los cementerios. Pasado y presente

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    Friedhöfe sind seit Jahrhunderten zentrale Orte der Trauerkultur. Sie sind SchauplĂ€tze von Ritualen am konkreten Ort der Bestattung. DarĂŒber hinaus haben sie eine hohe symbolische Bedeutung – denn Friedhöfe sind Orte des GedĂ€chtnisses. Die GrabstĂ€tte bedeutete gesellschaftliche IdentitĂ€t auch nach dem Tod. Mit Grabdenkmal, Grabbepflanzung und Grabbesuchen gibt es einen festgefĂŒgten Rahmen. Diese Traditionen setzten voraus, dass der Kreis der Hinterbliebenen, namentlich der Familie, in der Regel ĂŒber mehrere Generationen vor Ort ansĂ€ssig war. So lĂ€sst sich Friedhofskultur als eine immaterielle „GedĂ€chtnislandschaft“ lesen, die Zeugnis ablegt von kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen und historischen VerĂ€nderungen. Friedhofskultur sagt etwas aus ĂŒber Bestattungs- und Trauertraditionen in verschiedenen Epochen - welche Muster dabei entwickelt wurden und in welcher Beziehung sie zur jeweiligen Gesellschaft standen. Friedhofskultur speichert Biografien, MentalitĂ€ten, Religionen und Glaubensformen, gesellschaftliche Strukturen, Geschlechterbeziehungen sowie nicht zuletzt lokale und regionale Spezifika. So kann die Friedhofskultur als Geschichte eines Raumes interpretiert, der im Lauf der Zeit je nach historischem und gesellschaftliche Kontext immer wieder neu gedeutet wurde. Friedhöfe sind zu einer „Schatzkammer“ von Kultur und Gesellschaft geworden.    The article offers an overview of the culture of the European cemetery since the Middle Ages and the changes that this central place of memory has undergone. The first two points are about the burial inside of the churches in the Modern Age and the relocation of the cemeteries outside the walls. The third point describes the movement of park-type cemeteries in the 19th century. In the next section, the culture of the bourgeois tomb of this era is discussed. Point five is devoted to cremation and deals in depth with the burial of ashes. In point six the current exterritorialization is examined using the example of natural burials. Finally, the seventh point describes the new trends in cemetery culture.El artículo ofrece una visión general de la cultura del cementerio europeo desde la Edad Media y de los cambios que ha experimentado este lugar central de la memoria. Los dos primeros puntos tratan sobre el enterramiento en el interior de las iglesias en la Edad Moderna y la reubicación de los cementerios extramuros. El tercer punto describe el movimiento de los cementerios tipo parque en el siglo XIX. En la siguiente sección, se discute la cultura de la tumba burguesa de esta época. El punto cinco está dedicado a la cremación y se profundiza sobre el entierro de las cenizas. En el punto seis se examina la exterritorialización actual utilizando el ejemplo de los entierros naturales. Finalmente, el punto séptimo describe las nuevas tendencias en la cultura del cementerio

    Kulturwissenschaften und Freiberufler*innentum

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    Norbert Fischer fĂŒhrt Grenzen und Potenziale der besonderen Bedingungen der Freiberuflichkeit in der Kulturwissenschaft auf. Er kommt jedoch zu dem Schluss, dass diese auch eine Chance darstellen kann, wenn die Rahmenbedingungen optimiert werden. Er schließt mit der Hervorhebung der besonderen Qualifikation von Kulturwissenschaftler*innen zur reflexiven Durchdringung und Gestaltung der Welt. Norbert Fischer states that self-employment can be a chance for cultural scientists, if the framework is optimized. While some cultural scientists often feel precariously exposed, Fischer concludes that they have a specific qualification. This particular qualification makes their work invaluable for comprehensive scientific analasys and positive shaping of the world
