545 research outputs found

    AGRITIL - Nutrient loss model for agriculture - Modelling soil, organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus losses from Norwegian agricultural areas to water

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    This report describes the development of models to calculate losses of soil particles, phosphorus, nitrogen and organic carbon from agricultural land to first order streams. The results from the models serve as input data to the TEOTIL model which estimates the net losses from agriculture and all other sources. The agricultural models (AGRITIL) were calibrated for catchments in the Agricultural Environmental monitoring programme and are limited by the availability of data for different regions in Norway.AGRITIL - Nutrient loss model for agriculture - Modelling soil, organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus losses from Norwegian agricultural areas to waterpublishedVersio

    Studie über die Ausbildung von Tierärzten in den Lebensmittelfächern - ein europäischer Vergleich

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    Vergleich der Ausbildung von Tierärzten im Fachbereich Lebensmittelhygiene an den europäischen veterinärmedizinischen Bildungsstätte

    Multiple perspectives on symptom interpretation in primary care research

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    BACKGROUND: Assessment and management of symptoms is a main task in primary care. Symptoms may be defined as 'any subjective evidence of a health problem as perceived by the patient’. In other words, symptoms do not appear as such; symptoms are rather the result of an interpretation process. We aim to discuss different perspectives on symptom interpretation as presented in the disciplines of biomedicine, psychology and anthropology and the possible implications for our understanding of research on symptoms in relation to prevalence and diagnosis in the general population and in primary care. DISCUSSION: Symptom experiences are embedded in a complex interplay between biological, psychological and cultural factors. From a biomedical perspective, symptoms are seen as possible indicators of disease and are characterized by parameters related to seriousness (e.g. appearance, severity, impact and temporal aspects). However, such symptom characteristics are rarely unambiguous, but merely indicate disease probability. In addition, the GP’s interpretation of presenting symptoms will also be influenced by other factors. From a psychological perspective, factors affecting interpretation are in focus (e.g. internal frame of reference, attention to sensations, illness perception and susceptibility to suggestion). These individual factors cannot stand alone either, but are influenced by the surroundings. Anthropological research suggests that personal experiences and culture form a continuous feedback relationship which influence when and how sensations are understood as symptoms of disease and acted upon. SUMMARY: The different approaches to symptom interpretation imply that we need to be cautious and conscious when interpreting survey findings that are based on symptom prevalence in the general population or in primary care. These findings will reflect a variety of interpretations of sensations, which are not equivalent to expressions of underlying disease. Furthermore, if diagnosis of disease is based exclusively on the presence of specific symptom characteristics, we may risk reinforcing a dualistic approach, including medicalisation of normal phenomena and devaluation of medically unexplained symptoms. Future research in primary care could gain from exploring symptoms as a generic phenomenon and raised awareness of symptom complexity

    The salt curve revisited - Electrostatic charges govern the viscoelastic properties of micellar solutions

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    In ionic surfactant micelles, interactions among surfactant monomers, their counterion, and additives are fundamental to tune molecular self-assembly and thus the rheological properties (see Figure 1). Here we propose a combination of 1H-NMR, integrated small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and small-angle X-ray scattering, and rheology to probe the molecular arrangements of the individual molecules within the micelle and the resulting flow properties [1, 2]. Shifts in the 1H-NMR signal show the penetration of counterions and additives into the micellar surfactant structure while SANS and SAXS determine specific intramicellar length scales and intermicellar interactions. SANS signals are sensitive to the contrast between the solvent (deuterium) and the hydrocarbonic tails in the micellar core (hydrogen) and SAXS access the inner structure of the polar shell because the headgroups, counterions, and penetrated salt have higher electron densities compared to the solvent and to the micellar core. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Reumatoidartriidi patsientide haigestumus tuberkuloosi enne ja pärast bioloogilise ravi kasutuselevõttu Eestis: kahe perioodi võrdlus

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    Taust. Bioloogilise ravi (BR) kasutuselevõtt reumaatiliste haiguste korral on võimaldanud saavutada oluliselt paremaid ravitulemusi. BRi probleemiks on patsientide suurenenud vastuvõtlikkus infektsioonidele ja sagenenud haigestumine tuberkuloosi (TB). Eesmärgid. Võrrelda TB-haigestumust reumatoidartriidi (RA) haigetel enne ja pärast BRi kasutuselevõttu Eestis; kirjeldada TB esinemist BRi saavatel RA-patsientidel. Meetodid. Eesti Haigekassa andmete alusel koostati valim isikutest, kellel aastatel 2004–2017 oli diagnoositud RA koodidega M05 ja M06.0. RA-patsientidel registreeritud TB-juhud leiti linkimisel tuberkuloosiregistriga. Üldrahvastiku TB-haigestumuse hindamiseks kasutati tuberkuloosiregistrit ja Eesti Statistikaameti andmebaasi. Leiti RA-patsientide TB-haigestumus ajavahemikul 2000–2007 ja 2008–2016. Arvutati RA-patsientide vanuse ja soo järgi standarditud TB-haigestumusmäär võrreldavatel perioodidel. Bioloogilise ravi registrist saadi teave TBsse haigestunud RA-patsientide BRi kohta. Tulemused. RA-patsientide üldarv haigekassa andmebaasis oli 5040. Ühe aasta keskmine TB-haigestumus 100 000 RA-patsiendi kohta oli 24,8 perioodil 2000–2007 ja 30,9 perioodil 2008–2016. RA-patsientide standarditud haigestumusmäär (võrreldes üldrahvastikuga) oli 77% (95% usaldusvahemik 41–143) perioodil 2000–2007 ja 200% (95% usaldusvahemik 118–338) perioodil 2008–2016. Bioloogilist ravi sai kolm TBsse haigestunud RA-patsienti. Järeldused. Üldrahvastiku TB-haigestumuse vähenemise foonil on TB-haigestumus RA-patsientidel perioodide 2000–2007 ja 2008–2016 võrdluses suurenenud. Perioodil 2008–2016 oli RA-patsientide TB-haigestumus suurem üldrahvastiku TB-haigestumusest. RA-patsientide TB-haigestumuse suurenemine võib olla seotud BRi kasutuselevõtuga

    Selbstermächtigung und Selbstorganisation als Schlüssel für nachhaltige Lern- und Transformationsprozesse in der Region Römerland Carnuntum

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    The region Römerland Carnuntum (Lower Austria) is located between the metropolitan areas of Vienna andBratislava and benefits from dynamic demographic and economic development. However, these processes ofgrowth and rapid change are accompanied by specific challenges that are controversial and much-discussed within the region. The question comes up, how a high level of quality of life can be secured in the future and how a transformation towards sustainability can be initiated and established. Since traditional instruments of spatial planning, structural policy, and regional development increasingly show deficits in the face of such complex, multidimensional challenges, the region has set itself the goal of breaking new ground in cooperation, self-organisation, and self-empowerment, within the framework of which the actors in the region become self-organized, collaborative and long-term carriers of sustainable learning and transformation processes in the region. This article describes the structure of the project and highlights, in particular,challenges related to the committee 'Zukunftsrat Römerland Carnuntum', as a basis for self-empowerment, self-organisation and transformative learning as well as to the start-up phase of the transdisciplinary collaboration.First insights after almost one year of project runtime show, that therepresentative composition of the Zukunftsrat, and especially the random selection of citizens proved to be difficult. Nevertheless, the projekt benefits from outstanding commitment and a high willingness to participate on the part of the regional population

    Se alquila 'alejamiento' turĂ­stico sobre cementerio indio

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    La noticia aparecĂ­a hace unos meses en losmedios: en el barrio de Poble Sec (Barcelona) estaban construyendo un edificio con seis apartamentos plurifamiliares de madera dirigidos a un mercado de turismo responsable. La promotora de estos apartamentos explicaba que se oponĂ­a al "turismo de borrachera" y a la "masificaciĂłn de los barrios" y que apostaba por otros valores como son la "ecologĂ­a" y lo "social". Todo un manifiesto[...] La notĂ­cia apareixia fa uns mesos en losmedios: al barri de Poble Sec (Barcelona) estaven construint un edifici amb sis apartaments plurifamiliars de fusta dirigits a un mercat de turisme responsable. La promotora d'aquests apartaments explicava que s'oposava al 'turisme de borratxera' i de la 'massificaciĂł dels barris' i que apostava per altres valors com sĂłn la 'ecologia' i el 'social'. Tot un manifest[...
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