2,728 research outputs found

    Global existence for diffusion-electromigration systems in space dimension three and higher

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    We prove existence of global weak solutions for the Nernst-Planck-Poisson problem which describes the evolution of concentrations of charged species X1,...,XPX_1, ..., X_P subject to Fickian diffusion and chemical reactions in the presence of an electrical field, including in particular the Boltzmann statistics case. In contrast to the existing literature, existence is proved in any dimension. Moreover, we do not need the assumption P=2P = 2 nor the assumption of equal diffusivities for all PP components. Our approach relies on the intrinsic energy structure and on an adequate nonlinear and curiously more regular approximate problem. The delicate passing to the limit is done in adequate functional spaces which lead to only weak solutions

    Matériaux composites aéronautiques hautes températures à matrice bismaléimide renforcée

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    Aeronautics use more and more composite materials to reduce structures weight, in order to improve performance and to limit fuel consumption. Polymer matrix composite materials represent today more than 50% of last generation civil aircrafts structure (A350, B787). Most of thermoset matrices are epoxies with service temperatures below 110°C for long time services. To further optimize the composite part ratio, it is now necessary to use those materials in structural parts exposed to higher temperatures, for instance, near engines. Among high performance thermoset matrices, bismaleimides offer potential in service temperature up to at least 200°C, but their brittleness makes them non-suitable for structural applications. Epoxy-based composite materials have gone through improvements, increasing their toughness by mixing with soluble and non-soluble thermoplastics to hold in delamination crack propagation. Starting with methods and knowledge from epoxies toughening strategies, this work is dedicated to develop toughened bismaleimide systems and to identify relevant parameters to reach this aim.Les structures aĂ©ronautiques font de plus en plus appel aux matĂ©riaux composites pour allĂ©ger les structures dans le but d’amĂ©liorer leurs performances et de limiter la consommation de carburant. Les composites Ă  matrice organiques reprĂ©sentent aujourd’hui plus de 50% de la structure des avions civils de derniĂšre gĂ©nĂ©ration (A350 et B787). Les matĂ©riaux utilisĂ©s sont essentiellement des composites Ă  matrice Ă©poxy avec des tempĂ©ratures d’utilisation en service continu pour de longues durĂ©es ne dĂ©passant pas 110°C. Continuer Ă  augmenter cette part de matĂ©riaux composites passe par leur introduction dans des zones plus chaudes, proches des rĂ©acteurs ou des turbines. Les matĂ©riaux composites Ă  matrice bismalĂ©imides sont compatibles avec des tempĂ©ratures d’application d’au moins 200°C, mais sont trĂšs sensibles aux impacts et prĂ©sentent une fragilitĂ© beaucoup trop importante pour des piĂšces de structure. Les composites Ă  matrice Ă©poxy ont fait l’objet de dĂ©veloppements pour amĂ©liorer ces propriĂ©tĂ©s, en incorporant dans les formulations des thermoplastiques solubles et insolubles qui ont pour effet de freiner la propagation des dĂ©laminages induits par des impacts. En s’inspirant des mĂ©thodologies et des connaissances acquises sur les formulations Ă©poxys, l’objectif de ces travaux est de dĂ©velopper des systĂšmes rĂ©actifs de type bismalĂ©imide Ă  propriĂ©tĂ©s optimisĂ©es et d’identifier les paramĂštres clĂ© pour y parvenir

    A Model for Genome Size Evolution

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    International audienceWe present a model for genome size evolution that takes into account both local mutations such as small insertions and small deletions, and large chromosomal rearrangements such as duplications and large deletions. We introduce the possibility of undergoing several mutations within one generation. The model, albeit minimalist, reveals a non-trivial spontaneous dynamics of genome size: in the absence of selection, an arbitrary large part of genomes remains beneath a finite size, even for a duplication rate 2.6-fold higher than the rate of large deletions, and even if there is also a systematic bias toward small insertions compared to small deletions. Specifically, we show that the condition of existence of an asymptotic stationary distribution for genome size non-trivially depends on the rates and mean sizes of the different mutation types. We also give upper bounds for the median and other quantiles of the genome size distribution, and argue that these bounds cannot be overcome by selection. Taken together, our results show that the spontaneous dynamics of genome size naturally prevents it from growing infinitely, even in cases where intuition would suggest an infinite growth. Using quantitative numerical examples, we show that, in practice, a shrinkage bias appears very quickly in genomes undergoing mutation accumulation, even though DNA gains and losses appear to be perfectly symmetrical at first sight. We discuss this spontaneous dynamics in the light of the other evolutionary forces 123 2250 S. Fischer et al. proposed in the literature and argue that it provides them a stability-related size limit below which they can act

    Supersymmetric renormalization prescription in N = 4 super-Yang--Mills theory

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    Using the shadow dependent decoupled Slavnov-Taylor identities associated to gauge invariance and supersymmetry, we discuss the renormalization of the N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory and of its coupling to gauge-invariant operators. We specify the method for the determination of non-supersymmetric counterterms that are needed to maintain supersymmetry

    Polymorphism of terthio-phene with surface confinement.

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    The origin of unknown polymorphic phases within thin films is still not well understood. This work reports on crystals of the molecule terthio-phene which were grown by thermal gradient crystallization using glass-plate substrates. The crystalline domains displayed a plate-like morphology with an extended lateral size of about 100 ”m, but a thickness of only a few ”m. Specular X-ray diffraction patterns confirmed the presence of a new polymorph of terthio-phene. Crystal structure solution from a single crystal peeled from the film revealed a structure with an extremely large unit-cell volume containing 42 independent molecules. In contrast to the previously determined crystal structure of terthio-phene, a herringbone packing motif was observed where the terminal ends of the molecules are arranged within one plane (i.e. the molecular packing conforms to the flat substrate surface). This type of molecular packing is obtained by 180° flipped molecules combined with partially random (disordered) occupation. A densely packed interface between terthio-phene crystallites and the substrate surface is obtained, this confirms that the new packing motif has adapted to the flat substrate surface

    Micromechanisms of fracture propagation in glassy polymers

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    While most glassy polymers are nominally brittle at macroscopic scales, they are known to exhibit plastic deformation in indentation, scratching, and microcutting when the loaded region is sufficiently small. The same applies to the micrometer size process zone at the tip of a propagating crack. While the presence and approximate size of this microscale plastic zone is well described by the Dugdale model, the prediction of the toughness of these materials is not possible without accounting for the details of the local large strain field and the work hardening behaviour of these polymers, which can be inferred from their response to compressive tests. Strain localization mechanisms such as crazing or shear banding should also be taken into account to properly model toughness. Finally, viscoplastic creep plays a major role in determining the dependence of the toughness on crack propagation velocity, as well as the important difference between the initiation and propagation toughness, which is responsible for the occurrence of a characteristic stick-slip propagation under some loading conditions. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Social network analysis of white-tailed deer scraping behavior: Implications for disease transmission

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    Host contact structure affects pathogen transmission in host populations, but many measures of host contact do not distinguish contacts that are relevant to pathogen transmission from those that are not. Scrapes are sites for chemical communication by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) during the breeding season and potential sites of transmission of prions, the causative agent of chronic wasting disease (CWD). Scrape-related behaviors vary in their probability of transmitting prions to or from the environment, suggesting that behavior be combined with contact structure to better reflect potential heterogeneity in prion transmission at scrapes. We recorded visits and behaviors by deer at scrapes throughout DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge, Nebraska in 2005 and 2006. We recorded 2013 interactions by 169 unique identifiable males and 75 females. Adult males performed the most scrape-related behaviors and spent the most time at scrapes, especially smelling the overhanging branch (70%), smelling the scrape (59%), licking/grasping the overhanging branch (44%), and scraping (36%). We used social network analysis to test the effect of behavior on indirect contact networks among deer at scrapes. By weighting edges based on the frequency and duration of behaviors, we produced networks representing sources of variation in scrape use and compared these networks to evaluate the effects of behavior on network contact structure. Social networks based on scrape-related behavior were highly connected and dependent upon the frequency, duration, and type of behavior exhibited at scrapes (e.g., scraping, interacting with a scrape or overhanging branch, rub-urinating, grazing) as well as the age of the deer. Accounting for contact frequency produced networks with lower variation in contact, but higher ability to facilitate contact among disparate groups. Including behavior when defining edges did not preserve the network properties of simpler measures (i.e., unweighted networks) suggesting that heterogeneity in behaviors that affect transmission probability is important for inferring transmission networks from contact networks. High connectivity through indirect contacts suggests that scrapes may be effective targets for management. Adult male deer had the highest connectivity, suggesting that management strategies focused on reducing their interaction with scrapes through density reduction or behavioral modification could reduce the connectivity of indirect contact networks
