2,452 research outputs found
The Importance of Being Earnest: The green economy and sustainable development in China. Asia Policy Brief 2012/02, November 2012
China's past economic development model has not been sustainable, at least in environmental terms. In recent years, the Chinese government has dedicated considerable time, planning energy, policy and rhetoric to "green" issues. However, there is a risk that this trend will be stalled by struggles related to pending economic problems and the upcoming leadership transition. Consequently, the international community should acknowledge China’s achievements in terms of environmental policy and cooperation as one way of serving the global public interest
“Green Growth” or “System Transition”? Competing Discourses of China’s Past Economic Success and Future Perspectives
Der Wechsel der Partei- und Regierungsführung in China im Winter 202/3 wurde von der Erwartung begleitet, dass damit auch ein Wechsel in der Wirtschaftspolitik einhergehen würde. Insbesondere hofften viele Ökonomen, dass sich die neue Führungsriege wieder verstärkt ordnungspolitischen Reformen und einer Stärkung der Marktkräfte zuwenden würde, und sprachen entsprechend von einer „zweiten Transformation“. Im Mittelpunkt des Artikels steht die Frage, wie die konkurrierenden wirtschaftspolitischen Denkschulen in der Vergangenheit die Wirtschaftspolitik der Regierung beeinflusst und im Zusammenspiel mit der entsprechenden internationalen Agenda auf die Nachhaltigkeitspolitik der chinesischen Regierung gewirkt haben und welche Schlüsse sich daraus für die Nachhaltigkeitspolitik der neuen Führungsriege ergeben
Kalkuliertes Risiko? China und die WTO
'Mit dem Abschluß der bilateralen Verhandlungen zwischen den USA und der VR China ist im November 1999 der Beitritt Chinas zur Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) in greifbare Nähe gerückt worden. Obwohl noch weiterer Verhandlungsbedarf besteht, ist es möglich, daß die VR China im Laufe des Jahres 2000 in die WTO aufgenommen wird. Womit erklärt sich der plötzliche Verhandlungserfolg nach 14 Jahren Verhandlungszeit? Welche Motive und Zielsetzungen verbindet die chinesische Regierung mit dem Beitritt, und was hat die wichtigsten Verhandlungspartner der VR China, die USA und die Europäische Union bewogen, dem Beitritt zuzustimmen? Ausgehend von dieser politischen Einordnung prüft der vorliegende Bericht die Inhalte und ökonomischen Implikationen des Beitritts für die chinesische Wirtschaft.' (Textauszug)'The conclusion of the bilateral talks between the U.S. and the People's Republic of China in november 1999 made Chinas joining the World Trade Organisation (WTO) an imminent possibility. Although further negotiations will still be required, China could be granted membership of the WTO in the course of the year 2000. Why this sudden success alter 14 years of talks? What are the Chinese government's motives and what objectives is it pursuing with its application to join, and what has moved Chinas most important counterparts at the negotiating table, the U.S. and the European Union, to agree to China becoming a member? On the basis of these political terms of reference, the present report reviews the material content and the economic implications of membership of the WTO for the Chinese economy.' (extract
Redistribution reaction on a six-fold coordinated Sn(IV) atom and reactions towards axially unsymmetric substituted Sn(IV) porphyrins
Abstract Investigations of the Kocheshkov redistribution reaction were performed on the six fold coordinated tin(IV) atom using the axially coordinated Sn(IV) meso-tetra-phenylporphyrin system with axially trans di-chloro and trans di-acetylido substituted derivatives. The immobile four dentate porphyrin ligand enables the detailed investigation of these typically complex reaction systems on higher coordinated tin(IV) species. The thermally activated reaction displays an equilibrium. Further on, a series of axial unsymmetrically substituted Sn(IV) porphyrins are selectively synthesized and described
A boa fé na Convenção de Viena de 1980 sobre compra e venda de mercadorias
O presente trabalho visa abordar a boa-fĂ© objetiva na Convenção de Viena de 1980 sobre compra e venda de mercadorias. Para tanto, valeu-se de pesquisas bibliográficas, cujos objetos de pesquisa foram obras literárias, legislação, jurisprudĂŞncia e artigos. No desenvolver do trabalho buscou-se verificar a importância e as caracterĂsticas dos contratos internacionais, especialmente o de compra e venda de mercadorias. Nesse contexto, estudou-se a Convenção de Viena que tem como objetivo proporcionar um uniforme, equitativo e moderno regime aos contratos internacionais de compra e venda de mercadorias e, em consequĂŞncia, promover o desenvolvimento do comĂ©rcio internacional ao remover obstáculos e estabelecer segurança jurĂdica Ă s relações negociais, bem como minimizar os custos de transação envolvidos nas operações. Vimos que, em 4 de março de 2013,o Governo brasileiro depositou o instrumento de adesĂŁo Ă Convenção, tambĂ©m chamada, CISG, passando suas regras a serem aplicáveis em territĂłrio nacional a partir de 1Âş de abril de 2014. Na parte mais diretamente relacionada ao objeto do trabalho, buscou-se verificar o sentido da boa-fĂ© dentro da Convenção. Foi visto, ainda, que o artigo 7Âş encontra-se no centroda questĂŁo interpretativa da CISG, sendo esta regra silenciosa em relação aos mĂ©todos propriamente ditos de interpretação. PorĂ©m, ela coloca umadiretiva clara – levar em conta o caráter internacional da Convenção – e uma finalidade: a uniformização de sua aplicação e o respeito da boa-fĂ©.Em seguida, verificou-se que o sentido da referĂŞncia Ă boa-fĂ© Ă© bastante controverso. Para alguns a boa-fĂ© Ă© entendida como standard jurĂdico, para outros a boa-fĂ© Ă© um instrumento de interpretação da convenção e nĂŁo de interpretação dos dispositivos contratuais.This study aims to describe the objective good faith in the Vienna Convention of 1980 on the purchase and sale of goods. To this end, the literature research was made, using literary, legislation, jurisprudence and articles. The development of this essay pursues to verify the importance and characteristics of international agreements, especially the purchase and sale of goods. In this context, the Vienna Convention was studied, which aims to provide a uniform, equitable and modern regime to international contracts of sale of goods and, consequently, promote the development of international trade by removing obstacles and establish legal security for business relationships, and minimize transaction costs involved in the operations. On March 4, 2013, the Brazilian Government deposited the instrument of accession to the Convention, also called, CISG, through their rules to be applicable in Brazilian territory from April 1st, 2014. Regarding to the work object, it attempted to verify the meaning of good faith within the Convention. It was seen also that Article 7 is at the heart of interpretation of CISG issue, been this rule silenced by the proper methods of interpretation. But it puts a clear directive - take into account the international character of the Convention - and one purpose: to standardize their application and respect of good faith. Then, it was found that the reference direction to good faith is quite controversial. For some good faith is understood as a legal standard for others, good faith is an interpretation instrument of the Convention and not the interpretation of contractual instruments
Mobile air quality studies (MAQS) in inner cities: particulate matter PM10 levels related to different vehicle driving modes and integration of data into a geographical information program
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Particulate matter (PM) is assumed to exert a major burden on public health. Most studies that address levels of PM use stationary measure systems. By contrast, only few studies measure PM concentrations under mobile conditions to analyze individual exposure situations.
METHODS: By combining spatial-temporal analysis with a novel vehicle-mounted sensor system, the present Mobile Air Quality Study (MAQS) aimed to analyse effects of different driving conditions in a convertible vehicle. PM10 was continuously monitored in a convertible car, driven with roof open, roof closed, but windows open, or windows closed.
RESULTS: PM10 values inside the car were nearly always higher with open roof than with roof and windows closed, whereas no difference was seen with open or closed windows. During the day PM10 values varied with high values before noon, and occasional high median values or standard deviation values due to individual factors. Vehicle speed in itself did not influence the mean value of PM10; however, at traffic speed (10 -- 50 km/h) the standard deviation was large. No systematic difference was seen between PM10 values in stationary and mobile cars, nor was any PM10 difference observed between driving within or outside an environmental (low emission) zone.
CONCLUSIONS: he present study has shown the feasibility of mobile PM analysis in vehicles. Individual exposure of the occupants varies depending on factors like time of day as well as ventilation of the car; other specific factors are clearly identifiably and may relate to specific PM10 sources. This system may be used to monitor individual exposure ranges and provide recommendations for preventive measurements. Although differences in PM10 levels were found under certain ventilation conditions, these differences likely are not of concern for the safety and health of passengers
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