90 research outputs found


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    This study aims to describe the analytical difficulty of speaking aspects of IV grade students at Bajur State elementary school, batukliang district, central Lombok regency in the 2021/2022 academic year and to determine the factors that cause analytical difficulty in speaking aspects of  IV grade students of Bajur state elementary school in the 2021/2022 academic year. This type of research uses descriptive research. This research was conducted at SDN Bajur with the research subjects being all IV student of SDN Bajur totaling 38 students. Data collection techniques used  in this study were questionnaires and interviews. The results of the study indicate that the IV students of SDN Bajur speaking difficulty are categorized as “cuffable” because they are in the 41-60% category. Factors that cause difficulty speaking fourth grade students at Bajur state elementary school are internal factors. Which are caused by lack of confidence in students which makes students less motivated to learn and external factors. Namely they are still carried away by using their own ragional language because of the habit of using their local language when talking to other people interlocutors

    Fenomena Game Higgs Domino Island Pada Kalangan Masyarakat Produktif Di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Game Higgs Domino Island mulai dirilis 12 November 2018 di apilikasi PlayStore maupun AppStore dan merupakan game online yang sangat populer di Indonesia termasuk di Kota Pekanbaru. Adanya transaksi jual beli koin game membuat arah tujuan dalam bermain menjadi berubah, awalnya game Higgs Domino Island dijadikan sebagai sarana hiburan namun saat ini justru dijadikan mata pencaharian bagi sebagian pemainnya. Karena dalam bermain memerlukan pembelian koin, kebanyakan pemainnya adalah kalangan masyarakat produktif yang telah memiliki pekerjaan dan menghasilakan nilai ekonomis. Untuk menemukan pemain maupun agen jual beli koin game dapat ditemukan dibeberapa tempat seperti di group facebook, warung harian, pos ronda maupun konter pulsa. Dalam perkembangannya, transaksi jual beli koin game Higgs Domino Island mulai terindikasi kepada perjudian, hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan adanya beberapa penangkapan agen koin game oleh pihak berwajib dibeberapa wilayah di Indonesia seperti di Aceh Timur, Rokan Hulu dan Lhokseumawe.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis motif, pemaknaan dan pengalaman komunikasi kalangan masyarakat produktif dalam bermain game Higgs Domino Island di Kota Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi Alfred Shutz. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari lima orang pada kalangan masyarakat produktif di Kota Pekanbaru yang dipilih menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yakni observasi partisipan, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pertama, motif kalangan masyarakat produktif dalam bermain game Higgs Domino Island di Kota Pekanbaru terdiri dari motif karena yakni hobi, rasa penasaran, percaya diri dan lingkungan sosial. Sedangkan motif untuk yakni hiburan, uang dan rasa senang. Kedua, pemaknaan terhadap game dikategorikan menjadi tiga yakni game keberuntungan, game menghasilkan uang dan game merugikan. Ketiga, pengalaman komunikasi dibagi menjadi dua bentuk yakni pengalaman komunikasi interpersonal dikategorikan menjadi dua yakni pengalaman komunikasi menyenangkan berupa adanya penerimaan dari keluarga, lingkungan sosial dan antara sesama pemain. Sedangkan pengalaman komunikasi tidak menyenangkan berupa adanya cacian, tekanan dan perselisihan antara sesama pemain. Bentuk kedua yakni pengalaman komunikasi intrapersonal dikategorikan menjadi dua yakni kesadaran diri karena telah kecanduan game Higgs Domino Island dan penyesalan diri karena telah banyak dirugikan berupa uang, waktu dan kesehatan

    The implementation of temporary endowment in Kuwait

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    Temporary waqf is a restricted endowment for a specific duration. This paper examines Kuwait Law of Waqf and the contemporary implementation of temporary waqf in Kuwait. The research shows that Kuwait law of waqf allowed the application of all types of waqf as temporary, the duration of waqf should not exceed sixty years and no more than two layers of generations. This paper proposes to encourage other Islamic countries to implement this concept of temporary waqf as an alternative benefit

    The Implementation of Temporary Endowment in Kuwait

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    Temporary waqf is a restricted endowment for a specific duration. This paper examines Kuwait Law of Waqf and the contemporary implementation of temporary waqf in Kuwait. The research shows that Kuwait law of waqf allowed the application of all types of waqf as temporary, the duration of waqf should not exceed sixty years and no more than two layers of generations. This paper proposes to encourage other Islamic countries to implement this concept of temporary waqf as an alternative benefit.[Konsep wakaf sementara adalah wakaf yang dibatasi masa berlakunya selama periode waktu tertentu. Makalah ini mendiskusikan Undang-Undang Wakaf Kuwait dan implementasi wakaf sementara di Kuwait. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perundang-undangan di Kuwait membolehkan penerapan wakaf sementara ini dalam semua jenis wakaf, dengan batasan tidak boleh melebihi 60 tahun dan melewati dua generasi. negara-negara Islam lainnya disarankan dapat menerapkan konsep wakaf sementara ini sebagai alternatif perluasan manfaat wakaf.

    CHNS analysis towards food waste in composting

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    High food waste generation in Malaysia that reached up to 15, 000 tonnes per day assign for major problems towards environment, economy and social aspect. Alternative method had been studied for the past years, but composting was seen among the best possible solution to treat this matter. Composting not only has an environmentally method but it also produces a valuable end product that will benefit in agricultural sector. Further studies had been done in this paper to represent their macro and micro nutrient quality as well as their bioavailability towards plant and the analysis of data collected in both CHNS analyser and mathematical method using ultimate analysis. This study also applied enhanced composting process with its segregation, drying, grinding and standard aeration time. Each container has been rotated for 5 minutes yet different resting time was applied which are 25, 55, 155 minutes namely A, B, C and D within 2 hours period. Result shown that overall Carbon (C), Nitrogen (N) and Sulphur (S) concentration increases as the higher aeration was applied while the Hydrogen vice versa. The highest elemental percentage distribution recorded is carbon (31%) while the lowest recorded is S (0.115%). The data collected from Ultimate Analysis was seen not applicable to be use as it has the same content as food waste after composting. The compound molecular formula recorded was C29H7N5S. Regarding ratio of carbon to nitrogen results, it was found that it ranged from 5.39 to 5.71% for different compost treatment under study, where the lowest value of C and N ratio (5.39%) for sample C and the highest value (5.71%) was obtained for sample B with all has the same C/N ratio which is 6: 1 which suitable range in application of soil amendment. Therefore, this study found a significant relationship between chemical factors and compost formation which contribute to better analysis, especially to food waste management

    Analysis of students design activities towards biomimicry conceptual design

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    The creation of a new idea is crucial in many aspects of thinking. An improvement in method of thinking process these days has been producing a lot of novelty in design circumstances. Design thinking is often and very much influenced by design work. Nowadays, there are many research fieldworks use design thinking process to explain certain arising problems. In this study, we use Biomimicry as an approach to develop students’ design activities. Biomimicry study was highlighted when many solutions have been successfully implemented using this method in various fields of work nowadays. Biomimicry was originally formed by two different Greek root words which are “bios‟ meant life and “mimesis” which means imitate. Now, many have started to recognize the importance of inspirations of nature since a lot of researches have been conducted to understand. Conceptual framework is the basis of understanding in any study or research. This study will be utilising properties specified in the frame work which has been produced in developing the research methods. By using two aspects of study methods which are questionnaire and drawing test as a medium for experimentation and analysis

    Deskripsi Komparatif Iuran Pengelolaan Irigasi (IPI) di Saluran Induk Daerah Irigasi Jatiluhur Jawa Barat

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    Air penting bagi kehidupan termasuk bagi usahatani untuk mmneingkatkan produksi dan pendapatan petani. Namun jika irigasi tidak terpelihara maka usahatani padi sawah mnejadi kurang maksimal. Jaringan irigasi tersier di Saluran Induk (SI)  Daerah Irigasi (DI)  Jatiluhur yang terbagi ke dalam SI Tarum Barat, Utara dan Timur cukup bervariasi tingkat kerusakan dan pemeliharaannya oleh para petani. Untuk itu para petani membayar Iuran Pengelolaan Irigasi (IPI) di tingkat jaringan tersier, IPI ini beragaman di masing-masing saluran induk tergantung pda kesepakatan petani dengan ulu-ulu. Selain saluran induk, IPI pun tergantung musim tanam (rendeng dan gadu) karena besaran IPI sangat ditentukan oleh karakteristik petani di masing-masing SI, luas lahan, produktivitas hasil dan harga jual padi. Karena itu, diduga terdapat keragaman IPI antara saluran induk dan dimasing-masing Saluran Induk pada setiap musim rendeng dan gadu

    The discovery of physical properties of food waste in composting process.

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    Composting as a method of solid waste management should be given attention. It gives means of producing a valuable end product, by treating of organic wastes in an environmentally friendly method which does not release any hazardous chemical which can affect human health without causing a major disruption to the surrounding ecosystem. Nevertheless, the issue of time-consuming arises and this correspond to the sink of market demand. The optimized pre-composting process was done through drying, grinding and controlled aeration resulted in the fast-compost formation and cost-effective. This study aimed to discover the physical properties of food waste in composting process. The controlled parameter of the composting which is aeration time where pre-composting processes applied was drying and grinding. The manipulated parameter of composting process happened within two durations: rotation and rest. Each container has been rotated for 15 minutes yet different resting time was applied which are 15, 25, 50, 150 minutes namely A, B, C and D. The data collection has been done in hourly basis for the total of 72 hours. Based on the statistical analysis, results show that mass reduction of samples (A=38.6%, B=32.6%, C=24.6%, D=22.6%). The compost temperature ranged between (23°C - 39°C) while the compost pH was (5.12 – 5.85). Peak level of surrounding temperature was (35.7°C) while surrounding relative humidity (53%) in normal condition. Among the highest moisture content was (52.63%) while the lowest discovered in sample D (24.81%) respectively. Results show that with the longer the aeration time, the better physical properties of compost formed. The obtained data will provide evidence on its significances application to the agencies, the public and the industrial player to cope up with this major environmental threat. This study found a significant relationship between physical factors and compost formation which contribute to better analysis, especially to food waste management

    Car detection using cascade classifier on embedded platform

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    Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) help reducing traffic accidents caused by distracted driving. One of the features of ADAS is Forward Collision Warning System (FCWS). In FCWS, car detection is a crucial step. This paper explains about car detection system using cascade classifier running on embedded platform. The embedded platform used is NXP SBC-S32V234 evaluation board with 64-bit Quad ARM Cortex-A53. The system algorithm is developed in C++ programming language and used open source computer vision library, OpenCV. For car detection process, object detection by cascade classifier method is used. We trained the cascade detector using positive and negative instances mostly from our self-collected Malaysian road dataset. The tested car detection system gives about 88.3 percent detection accuracy with images of 340 by 135 resolution (after cropped and resized). When running on the embedded platform, it managed to get average 13 frames per second with video file input and average 15 frames per second with camera input