1,744 research outputs found

    Volunteer work and domain satisfactions: evidence from Italy

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the determinants of three domain satisfactions, focusing on volunteer work supplied in official non-profit service associations. Design/methodology/approach – This paper uses the data from the Multiscopo Survey of Households (MSH) conducted by the Italian Central Statistical Office for the years 1993-1995-1998-2000 for empirical investigations with ordered probit and ordinary least square estimations. A statistical matching procedure to impute missing values on household income in MSH is also performed. Findings – The paper finds that volunteering is positively correlated with satisfaction with leisure, with relationships and economic well-being. These findings are interpreted as an indication that the benefits gained from volunteering are a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations as well as the production and consumption of relational goods. In addition, results for Italy confirm findings gathered from domain satisfaction studies for other Europe countries with some novel evidence. Originality/value – Studies on domain satisfactions have received much less attention than happiness and life satisfaction. The paper contributes to the literature by carrying out the first assessment of the socio-economic determinants of domain satisfactions in Italy from an economic perspective and the first empirical analysis on the relationship between volunteering and domain satisfactions. Overall, the value-added of the study is two-fold. First, it isolates empirically the reasons by which unpaid labour supply may be associated with individual life satisfaction. Second, it validates the empirical results of the few previous studies on domain satisfactions for some European countries using cross sectional and longitudinal dat

    Formal and Informal Volunteering and Health in Mediterranean Europe

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    In this paper, we compare the correlation among formal and informal volunteering and self-perceived health across Mediterranean European countries after controlling for socio-economic characteristics, housing features, neighborhood quality, size of municipality, social and cultural participation and regional dummies. We find that informal volunteering has a significant, positive correlation with self-perceived health in France, Spain, Greece and a significant, negative relationship in Italy

    Friends and Symptom Dimensions in Patients with Psychosis: A Pooled Analysis

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    PMCID: PMC3503760This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Friends and Symptom Dimensions in Patients with Psychosis: A Pooled Analysis

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    Background Having friends is associated with more favourable clinical outcomes and a higher quality of life in mental disorders. Patients with schizophrenia have fewer friends than other mentally ill patients. No large scale studies have evaluated so far what symptom dimensions of schizophrenia are associated with the lack of friendships. Methods Data from four multi-centre studies on outpatients with schizophrenia and related disorders (ICD F20-29) were included in a pooled analysis (N = 1396). We established whether patients had close friends and contact with friends by using the equivalent items on friendships of the Manchester Short Assessment of Quality of Life or of the Lancashire Quality of Life Profile. Symptoms were measured by the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale or by the identical items included in the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. Results Seven hundred and sixty-nine patients (55.1%) had seen a friend in the previous week and 917 (65.7%) had someone they regarded as a close friend. Low levels of negative symptoms and hostility were significantly associated with having a close friend and contact with a friend. Overall, almost twice as many patients with absent or mild negative symptoms had met a friend in the last week, compared with those with moderate negative symptoms. Conclusions Higher levels of negative symptoms and hostility are specifically associated with the lack of friendships in patients with psychotic disorders. These findings suggest the importance of developing effective treatments for negative symptoms and hostility in order to improve the probability of patients with schizophrenia to have friends

    Sheep husbandry in the early Neolithic of the Pyrenees: new data on feeding and reproduction in the cave of Chaves

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    Sheep predominate the Early Neolithic faunal assemblages in the Iberian Peninsula. Their exploitation for meat and milk production made them key to the economy of these early farming societies. Management of sheep breeding season and feeding in the context of the local environment were decisive in obtaining these livestock products. This work focuses on these aspects through stable isotope and dental microwear analyses on sheep teeth from the cave of Chaves (Huesca, Spain). The results show the existence of “out of season” (autumn/early winter) sheep births in the Early Neolithic, contrasting significantly with spring lambing prevailing in Neolithic husbandries elsewhere in Europe and confirming the antiquity of a western Mediterranean characteristic in this regard. Furthermore, little changes in sheep diet throughout the year have been documented, as far as could be evidenced from stable carbon isotope ratios and dental microwear. Only two individuals showed higher variability in diet on a seasonal scale with possible contribution of C4 plants, possibly from grazing in the valley steppes at lower altitudes. Overall the results suggest good adaptation of sheep to the Pyrenean mid-altitude environment and strong zootechnical knowledge of the earliest shepherds in this area

    A Probable Neoceratopsian Manus Track from the Nanushuk Formation (Albian, Northern Alaska)

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    We report a likely neoceratopsian manus track from an exposure of the Nanushuk Formation along the Colville River in northern Alaska. The track described here containts the impressions of five digits, arranged as an arc, which identify this specimen as a manus. Details of the impression suggest that it is neoceratopsian rather than ankylosaurian. The length of the chord of the arc of the track is approximately 25 cm, which is half the size of manus tracks found west of Denver, Colorado, USA attributed to the 10 m long Maastrichtian Triceratops. The Nanushuk Formation is a succession of complexly intertonguing marine and nonmarine strata interpreted as shelf, deltaic, strandplain, fluvial, and alluvial overbank deposits. Deposited in the foreland basin north f the Brooks Range, the rock unit is present throughout most of the northern foothills belt and subsurface of the central and western North Slope coastal plain. Fossil and radiometric data place outcrop within the Albian. If the identification of the track is correct, this is one of the earlies occurrences of neoceratopsians from North America. The occurrence of this track in Alaska substantiates the biogeographic model of faunal exchange between Asia and North America through a Cretaceous land bridge known as Beringia.Presentamos una probable huella de mano atribuida a neoceratopsido de un afloramiento de la Formación Nanushuk a lo largo del río Colville, en el norte de Alaska. La huella descrita contiene la impresión de cinco dígitos, dispuestos en arco, que identifican este especimen como una mano. Los detalles de la impresion sugieren que se trata de un neoceratopsido mas que de un ankilosaurio. La longitud de la cuerda del arco de la huella es aproximadamente de 25 cm, lo cual es la mitad del tamano de las huellas de mano encontradas al oeste de Denver, Colorado, EE.UU, y atribuidas a Triceratops, un taxon de unos 10 m de largo de edad Maastrichtiense. La Formacion Nanushuk es una sucesion de capas de origen marino y no marino complejamente interdigitadas e interpretadas como depósitos de plataforma, deltaicos de playas progradantes, fluviales y de overbank aluvial. Depositada en una cuenca de antepais al norte del Brooks Range, la unidad de roca esta presente a lo largo de la mayor parte de la franja septentrional de colinas, y en el subsuelo de la zona central y occidental, de la llanura costera de North Slope. Los fosiles y los datos radiometricos situan este afloramiento en el Albiense. Si la identificación de la huella es correcta, es una de las apariciones más tempranas de neoceratopsidos en Norteamaerica. La aparición de esta huella en Alaska apoya el modelo biogeográfico de intercambio faunístico entre Asia y Norteamerica a traves de un puente de tierra cretacico conocido como Beringia

    Frequency dependence of hysteresis curves in conducting magnetic materials

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    An extension of the hysteresis model has been developed that takes into account the effects on the hysteresis curves of eddycurrents in electrically conducting media. In the derivation presented it is assumed that the frequency of the applied field is low enough (or the thickness of the material medium small enough) that the skin effect can be ignored so that the magnetic field penetrates uniformly throughout the material. In this case, the dc hysteresis equation is extended by the addition of a classical eddy‐current‐loss term depending on (i) the rate of change of magnetization with time, (ii) the resistivity of the material, and (iii) the shape of the specimen; and on an anomalous (or excess) eddy‐current‐loss term which depends on (dB/dt)3/2. In the limit, as the frequency of the magnetic field tends to zero, the frequency‐dependent hysteresis curve approaches the dc curve

    Leucocyte-and platelet-rich fibrin block: Its use for the treatment of a large cyst with implant-based rehabilitation

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    The management of critical-size bone defects is still demanding. Recently, autologous platelet concentrates in combination with bone substitute have been applied and reported in a few studies. Our aim is to report the healing of a critical-size alveolar bone defect treated with a new bone regeneration technique by means of L-PRF and L-PRF blocks. A 45-year-old woman presented a large cystic lesion; the extraction of three teeth, a cyst removal procedure, and bone regeneration procedures with L-PRF and L-PRF blocks were planned. The L-PRF block was prepared by mixing a bone substitute with a piece of L-PRF membrane and liquid fibrinogen. Additionally, after bone healing an implant-based rehabilitation was optimally performed. On the basis of the positive results, in terms of bone healing and tissue regeneration in a large bone defect, the application of LPRF and L-PRF blocks, in agreement with the scarce literature, is suggested as a feasible procedure in selected cases