1,577 research outputs found

    Notes for a comparative research on self-help housing policies in Latin America

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    Análise termomecânica da região do Alto de Vitória

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    Nidificación del ostrero común (haematopus palliatus) en el estuario de Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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    Se estudiaron diversos aspectos de la nidificación del Ostrero Común (Haematopus palliatus) en dos áreas (islote y continente) en el estuario de Bahía Blanca, durante dos temporadas reproductivas consecutivas. Hubo sincronía en la puesta de los huevos en ambas áreas y en los dos años de estudio, ocurriendo en un período de 20?30 días. El tamaño promedio de la nidada fue similar en las dos áreas, con una moda de dos huevos, mientras que nidadas de tres huevos fueron halladas únicamente en el islote. Los huevos fueron más grandes (más largos y de mayor volumen) en el continente. La perturbación por la presencia humana, con un mayor impacto en el continente, sería el principal condicionante de la mayor densidad de parejas y de nidos hallada en el islote. El mayor grado de cobertura vegetal y la cercanía a la línea de marea de tormenta en los nidos del islote podrían estar vinculados a la protección de los huevos frente a potenciales ataques por parte de predadores.Nesting of the american oystercatcher (haematopus palliatus) in the Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina. Several aspects of the reproduction of the american oystercatcher (haematopus palliatus) were studied in two areas (continent and islet) in the bahía blanca estuary during two consecutive breeding seasons. Laying dates were synchronous in each area and in both years, occurring in a period of 20–30 days. Mean clutch size was similar in both areas, with a mode of two eggs, while nests with three eggs were only found in the islet. Eggs were bigger (larger and more voluminous) in the continent than in the islet. Human disturbance, with a greater impact on the continent, could explain the higher density of pairs and nests found on the islet. Higher plant cover and proximity to the storm line in the islet nests could be associated to the protection of eggs from the potential attacks by predators.Fil: Simonetti, Pia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía (i); Argentina;Fil: Fiori, Sandra Marcela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía (i); Argentina; Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia; Argentina;Fil: Botté, Sandra Elizabeth. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia; Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía (i); Argentina;Fil: Marcovecchio, Jorge Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Bahia Blanca. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografia (i); Argentina; Universidad Tecnologica Nacional; Argentina; Universidad FASTA "Santo Tomas de Aquino"; Argentina

    Nesting of the American Oystercatcher (haematopus palliatus) in the Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina

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    Se estudiaron diversos aspectos de la nidificación del Ostrero Común (Haematopus palliatus) en dos áreas (islote y continente) en el estuario de Bahía Blanca, durante dos temporadas reproductivas consecutivas. Hubo sincronía en la puesta de los huevos en ambas áreas y en los dos años de estudio, ocurriendo en un período de 20–30 días. El tamaño promedio de la nidada fue similar en las dos áreas, con una moda de dos huevos, mientras que nidadas de tres huevos fueron halladas únicamente en el islote. Los huevos fueron más grandes (más largos y de mayor volumen) en el continente. La perturbación por la presencia humana, con un mayor impacto en el continente, sería el principal condicionante de la mayor densidad de parejas y de nidos hallada en el islote. El mayor grado de cobertura vegetal y la cercanía a la línea de marea de tormenta en los nidos del islote podrían estar vinculados a la protección de los huevos frente a potenciales ataques por parte de predadoresSeveral aspects of the reproduction of the American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) were studied in two areas (continent and islet) in the Bahía Blanca estuary during two consecutive breeding seasons. Laying dates were synchronous in each area and in both years, occurring in a period of 20–30 days. Mean clutch size was similar in both areas, with a mode of two eggs, while nests with three eggs were only found in the islet. Eggs were bigger (larger and more voluminous) in the continent than in the islet. Human disturbance, with a greater impact on the continent, could explain the higher density of pairs and nests found on the islet. Higher plant cover and proximity to the storm line in the islet nests could be associated to the protection of eggs from the potential attacks by predators.Fil: Simonetti, Pia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía (i); ArgentinaFil: Fiori, Sandra Marcela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía (i); Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Botté, Sandra Elizabeth. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía (i); Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Marcovecchio, Jorge Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía (i); Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Bahía Blanca; Argentina. Universidad FASTA "Santo Tomas de Aquino"; Argentin

    Mejoramiento físico e integración social en Río de Janeiro: el caso Favela Bairro

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    Favela Bairro es el programa de mayor escala de implementación en asentamientos marginales de Latinoamérica. Ganó reconocimiento internacional como un ejemplo de la nueva generación de programas de mejoramiento de vivienda y medio ambiente con el objetivo principal de reducir la pobreza urbana y la exclusión social. Este artículo, basado en investigaciones realizadas por los autores, examina los conceptos centrales que informaron a Favela Bairro y las formas en como fueron operacionalizados. El estudio fue realizado a partir de la identificación de siete características que distinguen a esta generación emergente de políticas de vivienda y mejoramiento. El articulo argumenta que los procesos de participación y democratización son centrales para que esta nueva generación de iniciativas para la reducción de la pobreza puedan conseguir un impacto sustantivo en su escala y sean duraderos en el tiempo. De todas maneras, como se demostró en el caso de Favela Bairro, permanece extremadamente problemático para el gobierno implementar proyectos que devuelvan significativamente el poder de decisión a las comunidades de pobres urbanos y, aun más difícil, la institucionalización de mecanismos de participación de la sociedad civil como una parte central de la reforma y de la democratización del estado

    Flebolitos en la región maxilofacial: un desafío para el diagnóstico por imágenes. Una revisión

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    Vascular alterations or disorders of the blood and / or lymphatic vessels have their own characteristics, the identification of calcifications being a correct parameter to be able to make a proper diagnosis. The objective of the study was to describe the radiographic characteristics of phleboliths, and whether they represent a challenge for diagnosis. according to the literature reviewed in the Medline (PubMed) database, Scielo, Google Scholar and some specialized journals. Phleboliths were found to have very particular radiographic characteristics, with concentric radiolucent and radiopaque images that resemble rings. However, not all the presentations are similar, this makes the diagnosis misleading with other calcifications in this region, such as sialoliths where their appearance is usually similar. Furthermore, there is the relationship with vascular anomalies and hemangiomas. finally, the evidence points to very specific characteristics of this lesion, and it is necessary to individualize each case, due to the differences that exist from one patient to another. Las alteraciones o trastornos vasculares de los vasos sanguíneos o linfáticos presentan características propias, y la identificación de calcificaciones es un parámetro adecuado para realizar un diagnóstico certero. El objetivo del estudio fue describir las características radiográficas de los flebolitos y determinar si representan un desafío para el diagnóstico radiológico. Según la literatura revisada en las bases de datos de Medline (PubMed), SciELO, Google Escolar y algunas revistas especializadas del área, se determinó que los flebolitos tienen características radiográficas muy particulares, de imágenes concéntricas radiotransparentes y radiopacas que semejan a anillos. Sin embargo, no todas las presentaciones son similares, esto hace el diagnóstico engañoso por otras calcificaciones en esta región, como los sialolitos, cuyo aspecto suele ser parecido. A su vez, está la relación con anomalías vasculares y hemangiomas. Finalmente, la evidencia describe características muy propias de esta lesión, pero es necesario individualizar cada caso, por las diferencias que existe de un paciente a otro. &nbsp

    Sistema Financeiro da Habitação e programas habitacionais alternativos: diagnóstico e perspectivas

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    This paper presents a synthesis of the main conclusions of the research "housing finance system: short-term perspectives, impacts on the housing sector and alternative orms of housing production”, sponsored by DEPEA/CEF and carried out by IEI/UFRJ, during the period january/1987 - august/1988. The broad scope of the issues included in this discussion led to of examine the question of housing finance in Brazil in such a way as to integrate, on the one habd, the actual economic and financial aspects of the question -— that is, thinking the different entities of the SFH. As financial institutions and, therefore, affected by the behaviour of the main macroeconomic variables - and, on the other hand, the housing question itself. In this case, attention was given both to the formal housing market and to the problems related to the housing provision for the lower income classes.O presente texto apresenta uma síntese das principais conclusões da pesquisa "Sistema Financeiro da Habitação: Acompanhamento da Conjuntura, Impactos sobre o Setor Imobiliário e Formas Alternativas de Produção Habitacional", contratada pelo DEPEA/CEF e desenvolvida no âmbito do IEI/UFRJ, no período de janeiro/1987 a agosto/1988. A amplitude do tema abordado revela a preocupação em examinar a questão do financiamento habitacional no Brasil de tal maneira a integrar, por um lado, a questão econômico-financeira propriamente dita - ou seja, entendendo as diversas entidades componentes do SFH enquanto instituições financeiras e, portanto, afetadas pelo comportamento das principais variáveis macroeconômicas - e, por outro lado, a questão da moradia - sendo que, nesse caso, a atenção está voltada tanto para o setor "de mercado" como para a problemática da chamada “habitação popular"

    Extensive genetic diversity, unique population structure and evidence of genetic exchange in the sexually transmitted parasite <i>Trichomonas vaginalis</i>

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    Background Trichomonas vaginalis is the causative agent of human trichomoniasis, the most common non-viral sexually transmitted infection world-wide. Despite its prevalence, little is known about the genetic diversity and population structure of this haploid parasite due to the lack of appropriate tools. The development of a panel of microsatellite makers and SNPs from mining the parasite's genome sequence has paved the way to a global analysis of the genetic structure of the pathogen and association with clinical phenotypes. Methodology/Principal Findings Here we utilize a panel of T. vaginalis-specific genetic markers to genotype 235 isolates from Mexico, Chile, India, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Italy, Africa and the United States, including 19 clinical isolates recently collected from 270 women attending New York City sexually transmitted disease clinics. Using population genetic analysis, we show that T. vaginalis is a genetically diverse parasite with a unique population structure consisting of two types present in equal proportions world-wide. Parasites belonging to the two types (type 1 and type 2) differ significantly in the rate at which they harbor the T. vaginalis virus, a dsRNA virus implicated in parasite pathogenesis, and in their sensitivity to the widely-used drug, metronidazole. We also uncover evidence of genetic exchange, indicating a sexual life-cycle of the parasite despite an absence of morphologically-distinct sexual stages. Conclusions/Significance Our study represents the first robust and comprehensive evaluation of global T. vaginalis genetic diversity and population structure. Our identification of a unique two-type structure, and the clinically relevant phenotypes associated with them, provides a new dimension for understanding T. vaginalis pathogenesis. In addition, our demonstration of the possibility of genetic exchange in the parasite has important implications for genetic research and control of the disease

    Psychological Distress, Family Support and Employment Status in First-Year University Students in Spain

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    Mental disorders are consistently and closely related to psychological distress. At the start of the university period, the relationship between a student's psychological distress, family support, and employment status is not well-known. The aims of this study were: To determine the prevalence of psychological distress in first-year university students and to analyze its relationship with family support and the student's employment status. Data from 4166 first-year university students from nine universities across Spain were considered. The prevalence of psychological distress was obtained using the GHQ-12, a valid and reliable screening tool to detect poor mental health. To analyze the relationship between psychological distress, family support, and employment status, logistic regression models were fitted. Regarding the prevalence found, 46.9% of men and 54.2% of women had psychological distress. In both genders, psychological distress levels increased as family support decreased. Among women, psychological distress was associated with their employment status. The prevalence of psychological distress among first-year university students in Spain is high. In addition, family support, and employment status for women, could be factors to take into account when developing psychological distress prevention strategies at the beginning of the university period.This study was funded by the National Drug Plan from the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality of Spain (Codes: 2010|145 and 2013|034)