1,104 research outputs found

    LegalHTML: semantic mark-up of legal acts using web technologies

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    We introduce here LegalHTML, an extension of the HTML language thought for representing legal acts. LegalHTML has been conceived in the context of an exploratory study conducted for the Publications Office of the European Union, with the objective of overcoming the proliferation of formats for the electronic redaction of legal acts, dedicated to different steps of the editorial process (e.g. first draft, content editing, proof reading, introducing semantics, publishing) and of realizing a model and a language that could bind all processes and exigencies under a common umbrella. LegalHTML satisfies these requirements by providing an explicit domain language addressing all structural aspects of an act, such as articles, paragraphs, items, references and an associated ontology (foreseeing both inline annotations through RDFa and explicit RDF code within script elements) providing rich semantics to describe the editorial and jurisdictional history of the act and to insert references to entities of the domain. Being based on HTML, presentation is also offered by the same language, an aspect missing from all most notable standards for the legal domain. Furthermore, LegalHTML addresses consolidation of an act and its subsequent modifications into a single document using a tree-based representation of the original content and of its modified versions. Finally, alongside the language & ontology, we implemented a CSS stylesheet for the default rendering of LegalHTML documents and a JavaScript file imbuing documents with an API supporting TOC generation, footnote cross-references and the said point-in-time visualization of consolidated legal acts

    LIME: Towards a Metadata Module for Ontolex

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    The OntoLex W3C Community Group has been working for more than a year on realizing a proposal for a standard ontol-ogy lexicon model. As the core-specification of the model is almost com-plete, the group started development of additional modules for specific tasks and use cases. We think that in many usage scenarios (e.g. linguistic enrichment, lo-calization and alignment of ontologies) the discovery and exploitation of linguis-tically grounded datasets may benefit from summarizing information about their linguistic expressivity. While the VoID vocabulary covers the need for general metadata about linked datasets, this more specific information demands a dedicated extension. In this paper, we fill this gap by introducing LIME (Linguistic Metadata), a new vocabulary aiming at completing the OntoLex standard with specifications for linguistic metadata.

    A new coupling solution for G3-PLC employment in MV smart grids

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    This paper proposes a new coupling solution for transmitting narrowband multicarrier power line communication (PLC) signals over medium voltage (MV) power lines. The proposed system is based on an innovative PLC coupling principle, patented by the authors, which exploits the capacitive divider embedded in voltage detecting systems (VDS) already installed inside the MV switchboard. Thus, no dedicated couplers have to be installed and no switchboard modifications or energy interruptions are needed. This allows a significant cost reduction of MV PLC implementation. A first prototype of the proposed coupling system was presented in previous papers: it had a 15 kHz bandwidth useful to couple single carrier PSK modulated PLC signals with a center frequency from 50–200 kHz. In this paper, a new prototype is developed with a larger bandwidth, up to 164 kHz, thus allowing to couple multicarrier G3-PLC signals using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) digital modulation. This modulation ensures a more robust communication even in harsh power line channels. In the paper, the new coupling system design is described in detail. A new procedure is presented for tuning the coupling system parameters at first installation in a generic MV switchboard. Finally, laboratory and in-field experimental test results are reported and discussed. The coupling performances are evaluated measuring the throughput and success rate in the case of both 18 and 36 subcarriers, in one of the different tone masks standardized for the FCC-above CENELEC band (that is, from 154.6875–487.5 kHz). The experimental results show an efficient behavior of the proposed coupler allowing a two-way communication of G3-PLC OFDM signals on MV networks


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    Dairy producers should improve their activity with modern production techniques/technologies to meet the requirements of a stricter consumer market. In this sense, crop and livestock systems integration represents an interesting alternative for using the dairy farm available resources. This paper analyses the use of anaerobic digestion as basis for supplying energy, fertilizers and feed needs of a farming unit, by means of digestion products usage: biogas, which can be used in energy conversion systems to provide the required energy for processing/conservation equipment for milk and other farming products; and effluent, that can be used as a replacement for chemical fertilizers and for aquatic plants/fish feeding. Fossil fuels replacement by biogas can be classified as a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project, and economic resources obtained by carbon credits commercialisation may support the required production modernisation. The paper analyses the anaerobic digestion process, evaluating biogas in medium-scale dairy farms, as well as the quantification of carbon credits generated by introducing proper manure and culture remains management


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    This paper presents the experimental validation of a simulation model for refrigerant mixtures flow through capillary tubes. To perform such validation it was built an experimental apparatus using a blow-down process. It was carried out preliminary tests for characterization of experimental parameters: actual capillary tube diameters; relative roughness; and the heat losses in subcooling/quality control system. It was obtained almost 200 experimental points for R-407C (a zeotropic mixture) and R-410A (a near azeotropic mixture). Complete data set for each point consists of the measured pressure and temperature profiles, mass flow rate and mixture composition, as well as subcooling/quality control system inlet and outlet temperatures and heater electric power consumption for tests with two-phase flow capillary tube inlet conditions. Comparison of simulation and experimental data show a good agreement. Main deviations are connected with the delay of vaporization phenomenon occurrence, experimentally verified by the authors

    Negative-pressure pulmonary edema presented with concomitant spontaneous pneumomediastinum: Moore meets Macklin

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    Negative-pressure pulmonary edema is an unusual complication mainly associated with general anesthesia. It is caused by excessive negative intrathoracic pressure following a deep inspiration against an acute airway obstruction. The resultant decreased intrathoracic pressure amplifies venous return to the right heart and increases pulmonary capillary wedge pressure that can be further amplified by massive sympathetic discharge due to hypoxia. The combination of increased venous return and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure favours the shift of fluid into the pulmonary interstitium with resultant pulmonary edema. Conversely, spontaneous pneumomediastinum (SP) results from alveolar rupture following an excessive positive intrathoracic pressure. The air leaks out of the alveoli and along the perivascular space toward the mediastinum. We experienced a case of negative pulmonary edema which presented in association with SP. Pneumomediastinum is probably caused by an excessive positive intrathoracic pressure for a subsequent expiration against a closed airway. In the present case, both complications resolved with conservative management


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    The goal of this work is to develop a preliminary analysis on the feasibility of using an alternative automotive air conditioning system based on the Brayton cycle, to be assembled using a turbocompression-intercooling system configuration available in the market. The first step of the analysis was a thermodynamic study to define the system capacity and parameters for selecting the system components. The next step was to select from turbocompressor maps a suitable model for the application, and to determine pressures/temperatures throughout the system in order to evaluate intercooler capacity and select a suitable model available in the market. The impact of the turbocompression system was also analyzed in engine performance. The proposed turbocompression system requires 1,7 kW from the engine, which is very similar to a conventional air conditioning system requirement. In terms of weight, this preliminary analysis indicated that the proposed system is about 1,0 kg heavier than the conventional system. The analysis indicated that the alternative system is about 56% more expensive than the conventional one, but on the other hand presents a 24% lower maintenance cost . Considering the results of the preliminary analysis, the proposed system is technically feasible for application in automotive air conditioning, but requires a design optimization process in order to reduce its weight and initial costs, which might allow lower maintenance costs to payback the alternative system

    Iron and liver diseases.

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    A mild to moderate iron excess is found in patients with liver diseases apparently unrelated to genetic hemochromatosis. Iron appears to affect the natural history of hepatitis C virus-related chronic liver diseases, alcoholic liver disease and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis by leading to a more severe fibrosis and thus aiding the evolution to cirrhosis.Ahigher frequency of mutations of the HFE gene, the gene responsible for hereditary hemochromatosis, is found in patients with liver diseases and increased liver iron than in normal patients. Patients with excess iron are potentially at a higher risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma. Iron depletion therapy could interfere with fibrosis development and possibly reduce the risk of liver cancer occurrence

    2.4-GHz single-ended input low-power low-voltage active front-end for zigbee applications in 90 nm CMOS

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    Congreso celebrado en Linkoping (Suecia) del 29 al 31 de Agosto del 2011.A 2.4-GHz CMOS single ended-input differential-output front-end built with a common source low noise amplifier (CS-LNA) and a switched transconductor mixer (SW-MIX) is presented. The circuit is designed and optimized to work in a ZigBee receiver. Since this is a low power consumption standard, a single-ended LNA is preferred over a fully-differential topology because it leads to lower cost in area and power consumption. Also, moderate and weak inversions regions were selected for the operation of the principal transistors. The front-end prototype has been implemented in a 90 nm RF process and occupies a chip area of 0.74 mm2 including on-chip inductors. Very competitive results are observed: a maximum conversion gain (CG) of 30 dB, a DSB noise figure of 7.5 dB, a maximum IIP3 of -12.8 dBm and IIP2 of 14.4 dBm while it consumes 4.7 mW from a 1.2 V supply.This work has been financed in part by FEDER funds through the SR2 project (Catrene2A105SR2 under the Avanza+ Spanish program TSI-020400-2010-55) and the Andalusian Government project P09-TIC-5386, and by the Spanish MAE-AECID grants program.Peer Reviewe
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