660 research outputs found

    Chapter El viento de la luna di Antonio Muñoz Molina: spazio terrestre e spazio lunare a confronto

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    Published in 2006, El viento de la luna is one of Muñoz Molina’s latest novels. Set in Mágina, a little town in the Andalusian province, in 1969, it’s the story of a boy of thirteen year old fascinated by the events of Apollo XI and its landing on the moon. His observation of the earth and the moon expresses an image of the reality made by a strange mixture of the present and the past, during the last years of Franco’s dictatorship. The inverted point of view proposed along the novel through the eyes of the boy opens a new and courageous way of seeing and perceiving events: with such a perspective, the moon looks at the earth and allows the consciousness of a new meaning and a new dimension about life

    Juegos de perspectivas: historia y ficción en "El viento de la luna" de A. Muñoz Molina

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    This work analyses the novel El viento de la luna, published in 2006 by Muñoz Molina: it is the story of a thirteen-year-old boy who lives in Mágina, fascinated by the Apollo XI space mission and by the adventures of its commander, Neil Armstrong. Through his point of view, the historical reality of 1969 acquires private nuances. At the same time, the exchange of the perspective between earth and moon plays an essential role in the novel, which becomes in this way a song of love of the author towards his country and towards literature, the real consolation and meaning of experiences.Este trabajo analiza El viento de la luna, novela de 2006 de Muñoz Molina: es la historia de un chico de trece años que vive en Mágina, pequeña ciudad de provincia y que, fascinado por la misión espacial del Apolo XI y por las aventuras de su comandante, Neil Armstrong, asiste, más o menos consciente, al nacimiento de una nueva época. A través del punto de vista del protagonista, la realidad histórica de 1969 adquiere matices privados; al mismo tiempo, el cruce de miradas entre tierra y luna va a desempeñar un papel esencial en la novela, que se convierte en un canto de amor del autor hacia su país y hacia la literatura, fuente de consolación y sentido último de las experiencias

    El necio bien afortunado de Salas Barbadillo y su traducción italiana

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    Este trabajo analiza la traducción italiana de una novela de 1621 de Salas Barbadillo, El necio bien afortunado, publicada en Venecia en 1634 con el título Lo sciocco ignorante avventurato. Obra muy peculiar dentro de la producción de Salas Barbadillo, la traducción italiana nunca se ha estudiado y se ha mencionado únicamente en unas ocasiones por su coincidencia con la primera traducción italiana del Buscón de Quevedo. Su examen puede en cambio revelarse interesante y proporcionarnos ulteriores informaciones en el terreno de la recepción de la literatura áurea española.This work analyzes the Italian translation of the novel El necio bien afortunado, published in 1621 by Salas Barbadillo, published in Venice in 1634, with the title Lo sciocco ignorante avventurato. Very peculiar work within the production of Salas Barbadillo, the Italian translation has never been studied and it was just mentioned because of its coincidence with the first Italian translation of Quevedo's Buscón. It is a very interesting text which can provide further information in the field of the reception of the Spanish golden literature

    Gonzalo de Céspedes y Meneses entre imitación y experimentación

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    Entre la vasta pléyade de novelistas del siglo XVII, una voz interesante es la de Gonzalo de Céspedes  y Meneses (Talavera de la Reina, 1585 – Madrid, 1638), novelista e historiador poco conocido y estudiado en la actualidad, que gozó en su tiempo de cierta popularidad. Su producción se compone de una media docena de títulos que la crítica se ha apresurado a clasificar dentro de las grandes corrientes de la época sin apenas reparar en el carácter experimental que demuestra. En particular, en la colección de novelas cortas Historias peregrinas y ejemplares (Zaragoza, 1623) y en la novela Varia fortuna del soldado Píndaro (Lisboa, 1626) es evidente el influjo de las Novelas ejemplares, así como la intención del escritor talaverano de seguir los pasos de Cervantes. Este tipo de enfoque puede ser un primer paso hacia el conocimiento y el estudio de un autor menor, consciente de su arte, que en la imitación de Cervantes busca y experimenta modalidades narrativas originales.Among the vast galaxy of seventeenth-century novelists, an interesting voice is that of Gonzalo de Céspedes y Meneses (Talavera de la Reina, 1585 - Madrid, 1638). A novelist and a historian little known and studied today, he enjoyed in his time some popularity. His production consists of a half dozen titles that criticism has been quick to classify as mainstream, with little or no attention to the experimental nature they show. In particular, in the collection of short stories Historias peregrinas y ejemplares (Zaragoza, 1623) and in the novel Varia fortuna del soldado Píndaro (Lisbon, 1626) the influence of Novelas ejemplares and the writer’s intention to follow Cervantes’ steps become evident. This type of approach can be a first step towards the knowledge and study of a lesser author, conscious of his art, who through  Cervantes’ emulation, is looking for and experiencing new and original narrative modes

    Shadow epitaxy for in-situ growth of generic semiconductor/superconductor devices

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    Uniform, defect-free crystal interfaces and surfaces are crucial ingredients for realizing high-performance nanoscale devices. A pertinent example is that advances in gate-tunable and topological superconductivity using semiconductor/superconductor electronic devices are currently built on the hard proximity-induced superconducting gap obtained from epitaxial indium arsenide/aluminium heterostructures. Fabrication of devices requires selective etch processes; these exist only for InAs/Al hybrids, precluding the use of other, potentially superior material combinations. We present a crystal growth platform -- based on three-dimensional structuring of growth substrates -- which enables synthesis of semiconductor nanowire hybrids with in-situ patterned superconductor shells. This platform eliminates the need for etching, thereby enabling full freedom in choice of hybrid constituents. We realise and characterise all the most frequently used architectures in superconducting hybrid devices, finding increased yield and electrostatic stability compared to etched devices, along with evidence of ballistic superconductivity. In addition to aluminium, we present hybrid devices based on tantalum, niobium and vanadium. This is the submitted version of the manuscript. The accepted, peer reviewed version is available from Advanced Materials: http://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201908411 Previous title: Shadow lithography for in-situ growth of generic semiconductor/superconductor device

    Effect of high oxygen deficiency in nano-confined bismuth sesquioxide

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    Bismuth sesquioxidein its cubic form, i.e.delta-Bi2O3,is the fastest oxygen ionic conductor knownwith important applications in energy technologies.However, the material is unstable asit undergoes to high-density polymorphic transitionsand degradation. In this work, we show that delta-Bi2O3can be stabilized both at high and low temperatures (T < 775°C) under low oxygen partial pressure (pO2< 10-5atm), where the material is nanostructured in multi-layered thin film coherent heterostructures with yttriumstabilized zirconia(YSZ).DFT calculation confirms sucha form of metastability, also showingthat highoxygen defect concentration favorsthe cubic phase.Moreover, high oxygen deficiencyin the nanoionics leadsto an unexpected“two-regime” conductivitywith high values(sigma> 1 S cm-1at 600 °C)at high pO2and lowerionic conductivity (sigma~0.1 S cm-1at 600 °C) at low pO2.Ionic conductivity at low pO2occurs with high activation energy (Ea > 1.5 eV), suggestingthusa drastic decrease in mobility for high concentration of defects

    Multi-Span Steel–Concrete Bridges With Anti-seismic Devices: A Case Study

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    Seismic protection for structures in general, and bridges in particular, is very complex. Indeed, any analysis of bridges with fluid viscous dampers and shock transmitting devices must be completed using a sophisticated finite element (FE) model. Furthermore, a large number of factors must be accurately considered and followed in order to effectively and efficiently protect human life. When dealing with complex structures, as is the case of the viaduct under examination, which contains numerous devices, the starting point is an assessment of the consistency of fluid-viscous dampers and shock transmitters integrated with bearings. This paper, a case study of design and static-dynamic testing procedures on multi-span steel–concrete viaduct provided with fluid viscous dampers and shock transmitters devices, deals directly with this process. To these ends, the FE modeling of the viaduct required an updating procedure model to ensure optimization. Those viaducts built during the "Caltagirone Project," can be defined as works of great interest due both to the construction methods adopted and to the techniques of stress control during the seismic stage. The design process allowed a rectification of those seismic issues deriving from structural irregularities (altimetric and planimetric), as well as from the high seismicity of the area. The analyses were carried out using a Capacity Design approach, employing non-linear seismic dissipative devices integrated as supports while validating that the substructures are maintained substantially elastic. For this reason, the piers were modeled on their non-linear behavior using Takeda's hysteretic model. Moreover, fluid viscous dampers and shock transmitters integrated with bearings were designed in accordance with the substructures' different stiffness; this partially dissipates those stresses induced by earthquakes, in order to keep the deck and the substructures substantially elastic, establishing a Life-Safety Limit State condition (at the Ultimate Limit State—ULS). The verifications carried out demonstrated the capability of structures to withstand stresses under the Collapse Limit State (CLS) condition without damage and at the same time to ensure the curvature capability from the piers. The comparisons between experimental and numerical results together with the demanding qualification tests carried out by this study demonstrate that the hydraulic devices are an efficient solution to assess seismic stresses induced on the viaduct and in its substructures, confirming the reliability of the aforesaid devices, thus ensuring better structural safety