51 research outputs found

    Genetic Diversity And Stock Structure In Teleosts Of Interest To Fisheries

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    La sopravvivenza delle specie ittiche è messa a rischio dall’elevato sforzo di pesca e dai cambiamenti climatici in atto. Per poter sviluppare nuove strategie di gestione e conservazione delle risorse alieutiche è necessario conoscere la struttura genetica delle specie e capire come esse reagiscono al sovrasfruttamento e ai cambiamenti climatici. La struttura genetica di due specie d’interesse commerciale nel bacino del Mediterraneo, il “rossetto” (Aphia minuta) e l’acciuga (Engraulis encrasicolus), è stata analizzata in questo studio. I risultati hanno mostrato un’evidente strutturazione in stock genetici distinti sia per A. minuta, nel Mar Mediterraneo, sia per E. encrasicolus, all’interno del Mar Adriatico. È stato inoltre osservato che lo stock adriatico di acciughe ha subito rilevanti fluttuazioni demografiche negli ultimi 40 anni, con un crollo nel 1987. Analisi genetiche su campioni appartenenti a una serie storica temporale hanno mostrato una riduzione di diversità genetica consecutiva al crollo demografico e un valore di taglia effettiva della popolazione (Ne) molto più basso rispetto alla taglia censita (Nc). Ciò dimostra che l’acciuga è una specie estremamente sensibile alle fluttuazioni demografiche determinate sia dall’attività di pesca che dai cambiamenti ambientali. Infine, per capire come i pesci reagiranno ai cambiamenti climatici attuali e futuri, si è valutato in che modo una specie sensibile a variazioni di temperatura ha reagito ai cambiamenti climatici del passato. A tale scopo, analisi genetiche sono state eseguite su reperti ossei sub-fossili di Salmo trutta provenienti da una colonna stratigrafica comprendente il periodo di transizione climatica avvenuto tra Pleistocene e Olocene. I risultati hanno mostrato una netta corrispondenza tra abbondanza di resti negli strati, variazioni nella diversità genetica e fluttuazioni climatiche, dimostrando che i cambiamenti climatici hanno influenzato tale specie a livello genetico, biologico ed ecologico.Fishing activities and environmental changes can impact fish species of commercial interest at genetic level, making them more prone to the extinction. In order to understand the current population structure and how over-exploitation and future climate changes could affect fish species, it is important to develop correct management and conservation strategies. With this aim, the genetic structure of two Teleosts of commercial interest within the Mediterranean area, the transparent goby (Aphia minuta) and the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), was analysed. The results obtained revealed a pronounced genetic structure in the Mediterranean Sea for A. minuta and within the Adriatic Sea for E. encrasicolus. The European anchovy stock has fluctuated greatly during the last 40 years, with a total collapse in 1987. A temporal genetic analysis on historical samples was performed to evaluate if demographic fluctuations could affect this species at genetic level. The results obtained have demonstrated a loss of genetic diversity after the demographic collapse in 1987 and an effective population size (Ne) lower than census size (Nc), showing that the survival of E. encrasicolus could be negatively affected by demographic fluctuations due to fishing activities and/or environmental changes. Finally, sub-fossil bones of Salmo trutta, coming from a stratigraphic succession dating back to Pleistocene-Holocene transition, were genetically analysed to show the impact of past climatic fluctuations on temperature sensitive species and evaluate how they could respond to present and future climatic changes. The results obtained have highlighted a correspondence between frequency of remains in the deposit, variation in mtDNA genetic diversity and climatic fluctuations, demonstrating that climate changes can affect this species at genetic, biological and ecological level

    The stuffed crocodile of "Castel Nuovo" in Naples (Italy): new insights from ancient DNA and radiocarbon

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    In the present study, a stuffed crocodile displayed for centuries at the "Castel Nuovo" (New Castle) in Naples was radiocarbon dated and examined using ancient DNA analysis. The specimen was classified as Crocodylus niloticus based on its large body size and the mitochondrial DNA haplotype obtained, already described for a living population in Lake Nasser (Egypt). Radiocarbon analysis indicated an age of 585 ± 40 14C year BP, which coincides with the end of the Middle Ages. These results are commented in the light of Medieval religious symbolism and ancient legends which link the crocodile to the history of Naples during the mid-fifteenth century. The data obtained seem to confirm the explanation found in an old guidebook to Naples, according to which the stuffed crocodile was offered by a soldier returning from Egypt as an ex-voto to the image of the "Madonna del Parto" in the chapel of the castle. In addition, the radiocarbon dating shows that the individual analysed could be the oldest taxidermied vertebrate in Europe

    Acceptance of initial spectacle prescription for children in their first-year at primary school

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    OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a adesão dos escolares do primeiro ano do ensino fundamental ao uso do primeiro par de óculose identificar barreiras ao uso da correção óptica. MÉTODOS. Foi realizado um estudo transversal descritivo em população de 62 escolares do primeiro ano do ensino fundamental da cidade de Santana do Ipanema (Alagoas) que tiveram a prescrição do primeiro par de óculos durante a realização da Campanha "olho no Olho-2002". Para a escolha da armação dos óculos utilizou-se um kit composto por armações de três tamanhos (pequeno, médio e grande), um modelo com cor sugestiva para o sexo feminino, um sugestivo para o sexo masculino e outro unissex. Após 3 meses da entrega dos óculos, voltou-se as escolas públicas, em data previamente marcada, quando as crianças responderam a um questionário com questões abertas sobre a melhora ou piora da visão com os óculos, razões do não uso dos óculos, frequência do uso dos óculos, razões de gostar ou não dos óculos, comentários sobre o que os seus colegas de classe e seus pais pensam sobre o uso dos óculos e se tem familiar usuário de óculos. Para o processamento dos dados foi construído um banco de dados com o software Access do Office 2000. As análises estatísticas foram feitas com o programa SPSS 10.0. RESULTADOS: A idade, o sexo, ter familiar usuário de óculos e AV sem correção menor do que 1,0 em ambos os olhos, ou AV sem correção 1,0 em pelo menos um dos olhos, não influenciaram na adesão ao uso dos óculos. Os comentários dos colegas de classe sobre o uso de óculos foram principalmente negativos (45,16%), enquanto o dos pais foram principalmente positivos (79,03%). O gostar dos óculos influenciou na adesão ao uso dos óculos. As razões apontadas pelos que não gostaram dos óculos foram dificuldade de ajuste da armação no rosto e preconceito dos colegas de classe. CONCLUSÃO: A adesão ao primeiro par de óculos tem pouco a ver com a melhora da AV e muito com o mundo social da criança. Os principais fatores relacionados com a adesão parecem ser uma armação de óculos bem adaptada à face e a aprovação pelos colegas estudantes.PURPOSE:To evaluate the acceptance of initial spectacle wear by children in their first year at a public primary school, andto identify barriers in the use of optical correction. METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study was performed. The study group consisted of 62 children in their first year at primary school in the town of Santana do Ipanema (State of Alagoas, Brazil). The children had been referred to ophthalmological examination following visual acuity (VA) screening in "Olho no Olho-2002" (Eye to Eye - 2002), a public health campaign jointly sponsored by the Brazilian Ministry of Health and the Brazilian Ophthalmologic Council. The children chose spectacle frames from a kit containing small, medium and large sizes, in three fashionable designs aimed at girls, boys and a unisex style. Three months after spectacle delivery the children were asked to fill in a questionnaire on: vision improvement or worsening after wearing the spectacles; reasons for and against wearing them; frequency of spectacle wear; reasons for liking or disliking the spectacles; peers, parents and relatives opinion on spectacle wear and how many, if any, relatives/family members wore spectacles. A database for processing the results was built using Access Office 2000 software. Statistical analysis were performed with SPSS 10.0 program. RESULTS: Age, sex, spectacle-wearing relatives, uncorrected VA under 1.0 (20/20) in both eyes and uncorrected 1.0 (20/20) VA in at least one eye did not affect acceptance. Comments from peers about spectacles were unfavourable in 45.16% of cases while those from parents were favourable in 79.03%. Enthusiasm for wearing spectacles favoured acceptance. Poor frame to face adjustment and peer disapproval were the main reasons cited for spectacle rejection. CONCLUSION: Vision improvement apparently bears no relation to acceptance. Rather, good frame fit and peer approval seems to be the determinant factors for spectacle wear

    Comparative clinical evaluation of progressive addition lenses in presbyopia

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar o desempenho clínico de lentes progressivas (LP) em présbitas amétropes, comparando LP Gradal Top® às LP que usavam. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um estudo clínico com 40 présbitas satisfeitos com seus óculos com adição <2,00D, atualizados e aviados com LP de várias marcas. Todos foram submetidos a exame oftalmológico completo e receberam os novos óculos com lentes progressivas Gradal Top® fornecidos sem custo por Carl Zeiss Vision do Brasil. As avaliações foram feitas em entrevista durante a qual se anotavam os resultados. Para a avaliação do desempenho clínico das LP foram utilizados três questionários. O primeiro foi respondido quando do fornecimento dos novos óculos e dizia respeito à avaliação das LP em uso. Os outros dois foram respondidos após 2 a 3 semanas de uso dos LP Gradal Top®. O desempenho visual foi avaliado com notas de 1 a 10, sendo consideradas a qualidade da visão de perto, intermediária e dinâmica (passagem da visão de perto para a intermediária), adaptação e satisfação geral com as LP e preferência entre as LP anteriores e as LP Gradal Top®. RESULTADOS: Em todos os itens constantes dos questionários o desempenho visual de Gradal Top® foi superior àquele das LP anteriores. Em comparação aos óculos que usavam, 33 présbitas (82,5%) preferiram Gradal Top® e 5 (12,5%) preferiram as LP anteriores. Para dois présbitas (5%) não houve diferença. CONCLUSÃO: Na maioria dos présbitas amétropes estudados as LP Gradal Top® demonstraram desempenho clínico superior às LP anteriormente usadas.PURPOSE: To study the clinical performance of progressive addition lens (PAL) Gradal Top®, Carl Zeiss Vision compared with other PAL lenses previously worn by presbyopic ametropes. METHODS: Forty presbyopes satisfied with their PAL spectacles (addition <2.00D) were included in the study. Following a complete ophthalmologic examination all presbyopes received new prescription glasses fitted with Gradal Top® PAL supplied by Carl Zeiss Vision Brasil at no cost. Evaluation occurred during an interview and the results were recorded in three different forms. The first form concerned the PAL formerly worn and was completed at delivery of the new glasses. The two remaining forms were completed two or three weeks after wearing Gradal Top®. The visual performance was graded from 1 to 10, and concerned near, intermediate and dynamic (shift from near to intermediate) visual acuity, patient adjustment to PAL and patient satisfaction. RESULTS: According to all variables on the record form, visual performance with Gradal Top® was better than with the previously worn PAL. Thirty-three patients (82.5%) preferred Gradal Top®, five patients (12.5%) preferred their former PAL and two patients (5%) showed no preference. CONCLUSION: For most of the studied patients Gradal Top® showed better clinical performance than the formerly worn PAL

    Mediterranean swordfish (Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758) population structure revealed by microsatellite DNA: genetic diversity masked by population mixing in shared areas

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    Background The Mediterranean swordfish stock is overfished and considered not correctly managed. Elucidating the patterns of the Mediterranean swordfish population structure constitutes an essential prerequisite for effective management of this fishery resource. To date, few studies have investigated intra-Mediterranean swordfish population structure, and their conclusions are controversial. Methods A panel of 20 microsatellites DNA was used to investigate fine-scale population structuring of swordfish from six main fishing areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Results This study provides evidence to reject the hypothesis of a single swordfish population within the Mediterranean Sea. DAPC analysis revealed the presence of three genetic clusters and a high level of admixture within the Mediterranean Sea. Genetic structure was supported by significant FST values while mixing was endorsed by the heterozygosity deficit observed in sampling localities indicative of a possible Wahlund effect, by sampling admixture individuals. Overall, our tests reject the hypothesis of a single swordfish population within the Mediterranean Sea. Homing towards the Mediterranean breeding areas may have generated a weak degree of genetic differentiation between populations even at the intra-basin scale

    Temporal and spatial genetic variation of Engraulis encrasicolus in the Adriatic Sea

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    Small pelagic fish play a key role in the marine ecosystem, controlling predator abundance and regulating primary production rates by foraging on plankton. Alterations induced at different ecological levels by fishing activities and/or environmental changes are affecting the reproductive success of several small pelagics, including European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), which is a major target of Adriatic mid-water trawl and purse-seine fisheries. In this study, we evaluated short-term genetic changes of the species in the Adriatic Sea by applying molecular markers in samples of three generations of European anchovy. Thirteen polymorphic microsatellite markers and a mitochondrial gene were used in cohorts of adults and larvae, collected at three sites in the north-east, central, and southern Adriatic Sea in 2015. Furthermore, temporal, and spatial genetic variation was assessed by comparing the above dataset with a sample of adult anchovy collected in 2012 at three sites close to those sampled in 2015. Expected heterozygosity was higher in adults than in larvae, suggesting a loss of genetic diversity and uneven reproduction. In addition, a comparison of the two datasets demonstrated a change in the anchovy population structure from 2012 to 2015. In the reproductive event of 2015, this change led the two main genetic stocks described in the Adriatic Sea to merge into one. We suggest that the population structure of European anchovy in the north-eastern Adriatic may be influenced by changes in environmental parameters and by periodic alterations in the temporal pattern of population connectivity

    Systemic inflammatory status predict the outcome of k-RAS WT metastatic colorectal cancer patients receiving the thymidylate synthase poly-epitope-peptide anticancer vaccine

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    TSPP is an anticancer poly-epitope peptide vaccine to thymidylate synthase, recently investigated in the multi-arm phase Ib TSPP/VAC1 trial. TSPP vaccination induced immune-biological effects and showed antitumor activity in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients and other malignancies. Progression-free and overall survival of 41 mCRC patients enrolled in the study correlated with baseline levels of CEA, immune-inflammatory markers (neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio, CRP, ESR, LDH, ENA), IL-4 and with post-treatment change in p-ANCA and CD56dimCD16brightNKs (p < 0.04). A subset of 19 patients with activating k-ras mutations showed a different immune-inflammatory response to TSPP as compared to patients with k-ras/wt and a worse outcome in term of PFS (p = 0.048). In patients with k-ras/mut, inflammatory markers lost their predictive value and their survival directly correlated with the baseline levels of IL17/A over the median value (p = 0.01). These results provide strong hints for the design of further clinical trials aimed to test TSPP vaccination in mCRC patients

    Genetic Diversity And Stock Structure In Teleosts Of Interest To Fisheries

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    La sopravvivenza delle specie ittiche è messa a rischio dall’elevato sforzo di pesca e dai cambiamenti climatici in atto. Per poter sviluppare nuove strategie di gestione e conservazione delle risorse alieutiche è necessario conoscere la struttura genetica delle specie e capire come esse reagiscono al sovrasfruttamento e ai cambiamenti climatici. La struttura genetica di due specie d’interesse commerciale nel bacino del Mediterraneo, il “rossetto” (Aphia minuta) e l’acciuga (Engraulis encrasicolus), è stata analizzata in questo studio. I risultati hanno mostrato un’evidente strutturazione in stock genetici distinti sia per A. minuta, nel Mar Mediterraneo, sia per E. encrasicolus, all’interno del Mar Adriatico. È stato inoltre osservato che lo stock adriatico di acciughe ha subito rilevanti fluttuazioni demografiche negli ultimi 40 anni, con un crollo nel 1987. Analisi genetiche su campioni appartenenti a una serie storica temporale hanno mostrato una riduzione di diversità genetica consecutiva al crollo demografico e un valore di taglia effettiva della popolazione (Ne) molto più basso rispetto alla taglia censita (Nc). Ciò dimostra che l’acciuga è una specie estremamente sensibile alle fluttuazioni demografiche determinate sia dall’attività di pesca che dai cambiamenti ambientali. Infine, per capire come i pesci reagiranno ai cambiamenti climatici attuali e futuri, si è valutato in che modo una specie sensibile a variazioni di temperatura ha reagito ai cambiamenti climatici del passato. A tale scopo, analisi genetiche sono state eseguite su reperti ossei sub-fossili di Salmo trutta provenienti da una colonna stratigrafica comprendente il periodo di transizione climatica avvenuto tra Pleistocene e Olocene. I risultati hanno mostrato una netta corrispondenza tra abbondanza di resti negli strati, variazioni nella diversità genetica e fluttuazioni climatiche, dimostrando che i cambiamenti climatici hanno influenzato tale specie a livello genetico, biologico ed ecologico.Fishing activities and environmental changes can impact fish species of commercial interest at genetic level, making them more prone to the extinction. In order to understand the current population structure and how over-exploitation and future climate changes could affect fish species, it is important to develop correct management and conservation strategies. With this aim, the genetic structure of two Teleosts of commercial interest within the Mediterranean area, the transparent goby (Aphia minuta) and the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), was analysed. The results obtained revealed a pronounced genetic structure in the Mediterranean Sea for A. minuta and within the Adriatic Sea for E. encrasicolus. The European anchovy stock has fluctuated greatly during the last 40 years, with a total collapse in 1987. A temporal genetic analysis on historical samples was performed to evaluate if demographic fluctuations could affect this species at genetic level. The results obtained have demonstrated a loss of genetic diversity after the demographic collapse in 1987 and an effective population size (Ne) lower than census size (Nc), showing that the survival of E. encrasicolus could be negatively affected by demographic fluctuations due to fishing activities and/or environmental changes. Finally, sub-fossil bones of Salmo trutta, coming from a stratigraphic succession dating back to Pleistocene-Holocene transition, were genetically analysed to show the impact of past climatic fluctuations on temperature sensitive species and evaluate how they could respond to present and future climatic changes. The results obtained have highlighted a correspondence between frequency of remains in the deposit, variation in mtDNA genetic diversity and climatic fluctuations, demonstrating that climate changes can affect this species at genetic, biological and ecological level

    Ceratectomia fotorrefrativa (PRK) com mitomicina C a 0,02% para correção de grau acentuado de astigmatismo hipermetrópico composto secundário a cirurgia de ceratotomia radial (RK) Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) with mitomicyn C 0,02% for the management of high degree of hyperopic astigmatism following radial keratectomy

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    Descrever o efeito da cirurgia fotorrefrativa (PRK) associada ao uso de mitomicina C a 0,02% para correção de grau acentuado de astigmatismo hipermetrópico composto apresentado após cirurgia de ceratotomia radial (RK) realizada há 12 anos.<br>To describe PRK with mitomicyn C effects for the management of high-degree hyperopic astigmatism following Radial Keratectomy performed 12 years ago

    Análise quantitativa e qualitativa do filme lacrimal nos pacientes submetidos a PRK e LASIK com femtossegundo

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    Objetivo: Analisar a secre&#231;&#227;o lacrimal, colora&#231;&#227;o da superf&#237;cie ocular e estabilidade do filme lacrimal em indiv&#237;duos submetidos &#224; cirurgia de PRK e LASIK com laser de femtossegundo (femto LASIK). M&#233;todos: Vinte olhos de 10 pacientes submetidos &#224; t&#233;cnica de Femto LASIK e 11 olhos de 6 pacientes submetidos &#224; t&#233;cnica de PRK foram estudados de forma prospectiva, longitudinal e intervencionista. Tempo de rotura do filme lacrimal (TRFL), teste de Schirmer basal e colora&#231;&#227;o da superf&#237;cie ocular com lissamina verde foram analisados no pr&#233;-operat&#243;rio (pr&#233;), no 15&#186; e no 30&#186; dia p&#243;s-operat&#243;rio (15&#186; p&#243;s e 30&#186; p&#243;s, respectivamente). Resultados: Agrupando todos os olhos, observou-se que o TRFL reduziu-se de forma estatisticamente significante no 15&#186; p&#243;s em rela&#231;&#227;o ao valor pr&#233;-operat&#243;rio (p=0,025), mantendo-se reduzido no 30&#186; p&#243;s (p= 0,001); n&#227;o houve diferen&#231;a estatisticamente significativa entre o 15&#186; p&#243;s e o 30&#186; p&#243;s (p=0,219). No teste da lissamina verde, houve aumento significativo desse escore, no 15&#186; p&#243;s em rela&#231;&#227;o ao per&#237;odo pr&#233;-operat&#243;rio (p=0,021), havendo, posteriormente, redu&#231;&#227;o no 30&#186; p&#243;s (p=0,010). No teste de Schirmer basal, n&#227;o foi detectada mudan&#231;a estatisticamente significante ao longo dos tr&#234;s momentos (p=0,107). Comparando-se os testes TRFL, lissamina verde ou Schirmer basal, nos dois grupos estudados (PRK e LASIK), n&#227;o houve diferen&#231;a estatisticamente significante em nenhum dos tr&#234;s momentos (pr&#233;, 15&#186; p&#243;s e 30&#186; p&#243;s). Conclus&#227;o: Evidenciou-se altera&#231;&#227;o do filme lacrimal nos pacientes submetidos &#224; cirurgia refrativa, quando foram utilizados os testes de TRFL e lissamina verde. Nas duas t&#233;cnicas empregadas, n&#227;o houve diferen&#231;a estatisticamente significante de altera&#231;&#227;o do filme lacrimal, quando comparadas entre si (PRK e LASIK)