96 research outputs found

    The effect of stage of regrowth on the physical composition and nutritive value of the various vertical strata of kikuyu (Cenchrus clandestinus) pastures

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    A plot study was conducted at the Gatton Research Dairy, Queensland, Australia, to quantify the effects of 5 regrowth periods (9, 11, 14, 16 and 18 days) and 4 vertical strata on the composition and nutritive value of kikuyu (Cenchrus clandestinus) pastures using a block factorial design with 4 replicates. Pasture samples were analyzed for crude protein (CP), ethanol-soluble carbohydrates (ESC), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (aNDFom), in vitro indigestible neutral detergent fibre (iNDF240) and minerals. Metabolizable energy (ME) was then calculated from the concentrations of other nutrients. Regardless of the stage of regrowth, stems were located mainly in the bottom 1 or 2 strata, while leaves were present mainly in the top 2 or 3 strata. CP, ESC and ME declined, but aNDFom, ADF and iNDF240 increased with stage of regrowth and from top to bottom of the swards (P<0.05). While herbage quality variables were affected by both factors, vertical stratum had a much larger impact on quality than stage of regrowth. These results indicate that grazing management of kikuyu pastures should be based not only on stage of regrowth but also on level of defoliation, as both have strong impacts on the nutritive value of the consumed forage

    Origins of the Quantum Efficiency Duality In the Primary Photochemical Event of Bacteriorhodopsin

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    Experimental and theoretical evidence is presented which suggests that two distinct forms of light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin may exist. We propose that these two forms have characteristic photocycles with significantly different primary quantum yields. INDO-PSDCI molecular orbital procedures and semiempirical molecular dynamics simulations predict that one ground state geometry of bR undergoes photochemistry with a primary quantum yield, Ί1, of ~ 0.27, and that a second ground state geometry, with a slightly displaced counterion, yields Ί1 ~ 0.74. This theoretical model is supported by the observation that literature measurements of Ί1 tend to fall into one of two categories- those that observe Ί1 ~ 0.33 or below, and those that observe Ί1 ~ 0.6 or above. The observation that all photostationary state measurements of the primary quantum yield give values near 0.3, and all direct measurements of the quantum yield result in values near 0.6, suggests that photochemical back reactions may select the bacteriorhodopsin conformation with the lower quantum yield. The two photocycles may have developed as a natural biological requirement that the bacterium have the capacity to adjust the efficiency of the photocycle in relation to the intensity of light and/or membrane electrochemical gradient

    A Theoretical Investigation of the One– and Two–photon Properties of Porphyrins

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    The one‐ and two‐photon properties of free base porphin, free base porphin dianion, and the 2,4‐substituted diformyl and divinyl analogs of these molecules are studied using a semiempirical SCF‐MO formalism (CNDO‐π‐SCF‐MO‐PSDCI) including extensive single and double configuration interaction. Strongly two‐photon allowed states are predicted to lie in the Soret region as well as in the region between the Soret and visible bands. A number of the two‐photon allowed states in the Soret region are predicted to have two‐photon absorptivities exceeding 100×10−50 cm4 s molecule−1 photon−1. The calculations indicate that the visible (Q) states are well characterized by the four orbital model, whereas the Soret (B) states contain significant contributions from configurations comprised of other orbitals. The inclusion of extensive double configuration interaction significantly reduces the Soret‐visible (B–Q) splitting, increases the Qx–Qy splitting, and yields calculated oscillator strengths for the Qbands in better agreement with experiment than values calculated using single CI alone. The effects of conjugation into the porphyrin macrocycle are predicted to be more significant than inductive effects on macrocycle π orbitals due to substituent polarity. The 〈Qx‖r‖S0〉 and 〈Qy‖r‖S0〉 transition moment vectors are predicted to lie approximately through adjacent pyrrole rings in 2‐ and 4‐monoformyl free base porphin dianions and approximately through adjacent methine bridges in 2,4‐diformyl free base porphin dianion

    Cold adaptation drives population genomic divergence in the ecological specialist, Drosophila montana

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    Funding: UK Natural Environment Research Council (Grant Number(s): NE/L501852/1, NE/P000592/1); Academy of Finland (GrantNumber(s): 267244, 268214, 322980), Ella ja Georg Ehrnroothin SÀÀtiö.Detecting signatures of ecological adaptation in comparative genomics is challenging, but analysing population samples with characterised geographic distributions, such as clinal variation, can help identify genes showing covariation with important ecological variation. Here, we analysed patterns of geographic variation in the cold-adapted species Drosophila montana across phenotypes, genotypes and environmental conditions and tested for signatures of cold adaptation in population genomic divergence. We first derived the climatic variables associated with the geographic distribution of 24 populations across two continents to trace the scale of environmental variation experienced by the species, and measured variation in the cold tolerance of the flies of six populations from different geographic contexts. We then performed pooled whole genome sequencing of these six populations, and used Bayesian methods to identify SNPs where genetic differentiation is associated with both climatic variables and the population phenotypic measurements, while controlling for effects of demography and population structure. The top candidate SNPs were enriched on the X and fourth chromosomes, and they also lay near genes implicated in other studies of cold tolerance and population divergence in this species and its close relatives. We conclude that ecological adaptation has contributed to the divergence of D. montana populations throughout the genome and in particular on the X and fourth chromosomes, which also showed highest interpopulation FST. This study demonstrates that ecological selection can drive genomic divergence at different scales, from candidate genes to chromosome-wide effects.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Meat Feeding Restricts Rapid Cold Hardening Response and Increases Thermal Activity Thresholds of Adult Blow Flies, Calliphora vicina (Diptera: Calliphoridae)

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    Virtually all temperate insects survive the winter by entering a physiological state of reduced metabolic activity termed diapause. However, there is increasing evidence that climate change is disrupting the diapause response resulting in non-diapause life stages encountering periods of winter cold. This is a significant problem for adult life stages in particular, as they must remain mobile, periodically feed, and potentially initiate reproductive development at a time when resources should be diverted to enhance stress tolerance. Here we present the first evidence of protein/meat feeding restricting rapid cold hardening (RCH) ability and increasing low temperature activity thresholds. No RCH response was noted in adult female blow flies (Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy) fed a sugar, water and liver (SWL) diet, while a strong RCH response was seen in females fed a diet of sugar and water (SW) only. The RCH response in SW flies was induced at temperatures as high as 10°C, but was strongest following 3h at 0°C. The CTmin (loss of coordinated movement) and chill coma (final appendage twitch) temperature of SWL females (-0.3 ± 0.5°C and -4.9 ± 0.5°C, respectively) was significantly higher than for SW females (-3.2 ± 0.8°C and -8.5 ± 0.6°C). We confirmed this was not directly the result of altered extracellular K+, as activity thresholds of alanine-fed adults were not significantly different from SW flies. Instead we suggest the loss of cold tolerance is more likely the result of diverting resource allocation to egg development. Between 2009 and 2013 winter air temperatures in Birmingham, UK, fell below the CTmin of SW and SWL flies on 63 and 195 days, respectively, suggesting differential exposure to chill injury depending on whether adults had access to meat or not. We conclude that disruption of diapause could significantly impact on winter survival through loss of synchrony in the timing of active feeding and reproductive development with favourable temperature conditions

    University continuing education in a neoliberal landscape: developments in England and Aotearoa New Zealand

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    This paper explores how changing higher education policies and funding, influenced by neoliberalism, are impacting on university adult and continuing education in England and Aotearoa New Zealand. The downhill trajectory of English university continuing education in the first decade of the twenty-first century is compared with the apparent buoyancy of the situation in New Zealand during the same period. The paper discusses some of the contextual factors which may have contributed to sustaining continuing education in New Zealand, against the tide of developments elsewhere, and in spite its subjection to the influence of neoliberal policies since the 1980s. These factors include: an ethos of public dissemination of knowledge, an acknowledgement of the universities’ role as ‘critic and conscience’ of society, a broad commitment to educational equality and an approach which has been strategic as well as pragmatic. The paper describes developments in one New Zealand continuing education department between 2006 and 2010 as it experiences further institutional and political change. The author concludes that, in spite of having demonstrated considerable resilience, the current structures and activities of continuing education departments in New Zealand are as fragile as they have been shown to be in England. Possible responses to the current situation are discussed and ‘radical hope’ (Brookfield 2005) is advocated as the university-based adult educators’ response in difficult times. Radical hope, founded on critical theory, involves recognising and challenging the assumptions of neoliberalism, as well as critical praxis (Carr and Kemmis 1986), and a reaffirmation on the part of academics and adult educators of the political nature of adult education (Freire 1972; Crowther et al 2005; Martin 2008; Wallace 2008)
