49 research outputs found


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    Information technology is rapidly conquering the world, permeating all spheres of human activity. Education is not an exception. An important direction of information of education is the development of university management systems. Modern information systems improve and facilitate the management of all types of activities of the institution. The purpose of this paper is development of system, which allows automating process of formation of accounting documents. The article describes the problem of preparation of the educational process documents. Decided to project and create the information system in Microsoft Access environment. The result is four types of reports obtained by using the developed system. The use of this system now allows you to automate the process and reduce the effort required to prepare accounting documents. All reports was implement in Microsoft Excel software product and can be used for further analysis and processing.Информационные технологии стремительно покоряют мир, проникая во все сферы человеческой деятельности. Образование не стало исключением. Важным направлением информатизации образования является развитие систем университетского менеджмента. Современные информационные системы улучшают и облегчают управление всеми видами деятельности учреждения. Целью предлагаемой работы является разработка системы, позволяющей автоматизировать процесс формирования отчетных документов. В статье описывается проблема подготовки документов учебного процесса. Было принято решение о проектировании и создании информационной системы в среде Microsoft Access. В качестве результата показаны 4 типа отчетов, полученные при использовании разрабатываемой системы. Применение данной системы уже сейчас позволяет автоматизировать процесс и сократить трудозатраты на подготовку отчетных документов. Все отчеты реализуются в программном продукте Microsoft Exсel и могут быть использованы для дальнейшего анализа и обработки

    Stochastically Fluctuating Black-Hole Geometry, Hawking Radiation and the Trans-Planckian Problem

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    We study the propagation of null rays and massless fields in a black hole fluctuating geometry. The metric fluctuations are induced by a small oscillating incoming flux of energy. The flux also induces black hole mass oscillations around its average value. We assume that the metric fluctuations are described by a statistical ensemble. The stochastic variables are the phases and the amplitudes of Fourier modes of the fluctuations. By averaging over these variables, we obtain an effective propagation for massless fields which is characterized by a critical length defined by the amplitude of the metric fluctuations: Smooth wave packets with respect to this length are not significantly affected when they are propagated forward in time. Concomitantly, we find that the asymptotic properties of Hawking radiation are not severely modified. However, backward propagated wave packets are dissipated by the metric fluctuations once their blue shifted frequency reaches the inverse critical length. All these properties bear many resemblences with those obtained in models for black hole radiation based on a modified dispersion relation. This strongly suggests that the physical origin of these models, which were introduced to confront the trans-Planckian problem, comes from the fluctuations of the black hole geometry.Comment: 32 page


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    Aim: to improve the results of treatment of patients with local recurrence of colon cancer and evaluate effectiveness of the combined treatment.Materials and methods. From 1997 to 2012 in SRCC 71 consecutive patients underwent combined surgery for local recurrence of colon cancer. Of these patients 38 (53.5%) had surgical treatment with intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Sixty-five (91.5%) patients had locally advanced recurrent tumor. Localization of local recurrence in patients who underwent combined operations, was as follows: in the area of colonic anastomosis - in 11 (15.5%) patients; in the bed of the removed tumor - in 19 (26.8%); in the area of colostomy - in 10 cases (14.1%); in the stump of distal colon after obstructive procedures - in 31 (43.6%) patients. Mean operative time was 270 ± 45 minutes and mean blood loss - 430 ± 80 ml.Results. Postoperative complications were observed in 6 (9.8%) of 61 patients. There was no mortality. Sixty-four (90.1%) patients were followed-up, 34 (53.1%) patients of which are currently alive with no signs of the relapse of the disease. Effectiveness of intraperitoneal chemotherapy was evaluated. Repeated local recurrence occurred in 5 (14.3%) of the 35 followed-up patients who underwent intraperitoneal chemotherapy, and in 6 (20.7%) of the 29 followed-up patients who received surgery alone (p = 0.2). Distant metastases were found in 9 (25.7%) and in 5 patients (17.2%) patients, respectively (p = 0.17), and peritoneal carcinomatosis in 1 (2.9%) and 4 (13.8%) cases, respectively (p = 0.09). Disease-free 5-year survival rate in patients who received intraperitoneal chemotherapy was 57.1%, and in patients received only surgical treatment - 48.3% (p = 0.15).Цель исследования: улучшение результатов лечения больных с местными рецидивами рака ободочной кишки; оценка эффективности комбинированного лечения. Материалы и методы. С 1997 по 2012 годы включительно в ГНЦК 71 пациенту были выполнены комбинированные операции по поводу местных рецидивов рака ободочной кишки. Из них у 38 (53,5 %) пациентов хирургическое лечение было дополнено интраоперационной внутрибрюшной химиотерапией. У 65 (91,5 %) рецидивная опухоль имела местно-распространенный характер. Локализация местных рецидивов у больных, перенесших комбинированные операции, была следующей: в зоне межкишечного анастомоза — у 11 (15,5 %) пациентов; в ложе удаленной опухоли — у 19 (26,8 %); в области колостомы — у 10 (14,1 %); в культе отключенной кишки — у 31 (43,6 %) больного. Средняя продолжительность операций составила 270 ± 45,0 минут, средняя кровопотеря — 430 ± 80,0 мл. Результаты. Послеоперационные осложнения отмечены у 6 (9,8 %) из 61 пациента. Летальных исходов не было. Прослежена судьба 64 (90,1 %) пациентов, из них в настоящее время живы без признаков возврата заболевания 34 (53,1 %) больных. Проведена оценка эффективности внутрибрюшной химиотерапии. Повторные местные рецидивы развились у 5 (14,3 %) из 35 прослеженных больных, которым проводилась внутрибрюшная химиотерапия, и у 6 (20,7 %) из 29 прослеженных пациентов, получивших только хирургическое лечение (р = 0,2). Отдаленные мета-стазы выявлены у 9 (25,7 %) больных и 5 (17,2 %) пациентов сравниваемых групп (р = 0,17), а канцероматоз брюшины в 1 (2,9 %) и 4 (13,8 %) случаях (р = 0,09). Безрецидивная 5-летняя выживаемость у больных, которым проводилась внутрибрюшная химиотерапия, составила 57,1 %, при изолированном хирургическом лечении — 48,3 % (р = 0,15)

    Preclinical studies of antiviral activity of the RPH-137 fusion protein and molnupiravir against COVID-19

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    Finding effective and safe medicines to fight SARS-CoV-2 infection is an urgent task. RPH-137 is an original trap fusion protein against SARS-CoV-2 virus. It comprises the angiotensin-converting enzyme type 2 extracellular domain and the human IgG1 Fc fragment.The aim of the study was to carry out a preclinical evaluation of the efficacy of RPH-137 and molnupiravir against SARS-CoV-2 infection.Materials and methods: the authors analysed RPH-137 expressed in a stable CHO cell line and molnupiravir used as an active pharmaceutical ingredient. Drug-mediated inhibition of virus-induced cytotoxicity was assessed in Vero cell culture. In vivo efficacy assessments were performed in Syrian hamsters. The animals were infected intranasally with SARS-CoV-2 (PIK35 clinical isolate) in the dose of 5 log TCID50. The authors evaluated body weight measurements, lung–body weight ratios, and lung histopathology findings and determined viral RNA levels in oropharyngeal swabs by RT-PCR using the amplification cycle threshold (Ct). The statistical analyses involved one- and two-way ANOVA, Student's t-test, and Mann–Whitney test.Results: RPH-137 and molnupiravir inhibited the cytopathic effect of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero cells; the EC50 values of RPH-137 amounted to 4.69 μg/mL (21.3 nM) and 16.24 μg/mL (73.8 nM) for 50 TCID50 and 200 TCID50, respectively, whereas the EC50 values of molnupiravir were 0.63 μg/mL (1900 nM) for both doses. Intramuscular RPH-137 (30 and 80 mg/kg) had no effect on the infection process in Syrian hamsters. The comparison with the challenge control group showed that intraperitoneal RPH-137 (100 mg/kg) had statistically significant effects on a number of parameters, including a 27% reduction in inflammation and a 30% reduction in the total lesion area of the lungs by Day 7. Intragastric molnupiravir (300 mg/kg twice daily) significantly inhibited SARS-CoV-2 infection.Conclusions: both RPH-137 and molnupiravir inhibited the cytopathic effect of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero cells. In Syrian hamsters, molnupiravir demonstrated a more pronounced inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infection than RPH-137. However, RPH-137 had statistically significant effects on a range of parameters. This offers additional perspectives for further research

    Development of Harmonized COVID-19 Occupational Questionnaires

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    Harmonized tools and approaches for data collection can help to detect similarities and differences within and between countries and support the development, implementation, and assessment of effective and consistent preventive strategies. We developed open source occupational questionnaires on COVID-19 within COVID-19 working groups in the OMEGA-NET COST action (Network on the Coordination and Harmonisation of European Occupational Cohorts, omeganetcohorts.eu), and the EU funded EPHOR project (Exposome project for health and occupational research, ephor-project.eu). We defined domains to be included in order to cover key working life aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Where possible, we selected questionnaire items and instruments from existing questionnaire resources. Both a general occupational COVID-19 questionnaire and a specific occupational COVID-19 questionnaire are available. The general occupational COVID-19 questionnaire covers key working life aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the domains: COVID-19 diagnosis and prevention, Health and demographics, Use of personal protective equipment and face covering, Health effects, Work-related effects (e.g. change in work schedule and work–life balance), Financial effects, Work-based risk factors (e.g. physical distancing, contact with COVID-19-infected persons), Psychosocial risk factors, Lifestyle risk factors, and Personal evaluation of the impact of COVID-19. For each domain, additional questions are available. The specific occupational COVID-19 questionnaire focusses on occupational risk factors and mitigating factors for SARS-CoV2 infection and COVID-19 disease and includes questions about the type of job, amount of home working, social distancing, human contact (colleagues, patients, and members of the public), commuting, and use of personal protective equipment and face coverings. The strength of this initiative is the broad working life approach to various important issues related to SARS-CoV-2 infection, COVID-19 disease, and potentially future pandemics. It requires further work to validate the questionnaires, and we welcome collaboration with researchers willing to do this. A limitation is the moderate number of questions for each of the domains in the general questionnaire. Only few questions on general core information like ethnicity, demographics, lifestyle factors, and general health status are included, but the OMEGA-NET questionnaires can be integrated in existing questionnaires about sociodemographic and health-related aspects. The questionnaires are freely accessible from the OMEGA-NET and the EPHOR homepages

    Доклинические исследования противовирусной активности гибридного белка RPH-137 и молнупиравира в отношении COVID-19

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    Finding effective and safe medicines to fight SARS-CoV-2 infection is an urgent task. RPH-137 is an original trap fusion protein against SARS-CoV-2 virus. It comprises the angiotensin-converting enzyme type 2 extracellular domain and the human IgG1 Fc fragment.The aim of the study was to carry out a preclinical evaluation of the efficacy of RPH-137 and molnupiravir against SARS-CoV-2 infection.Materials and methods: the authors analysed RPH-137 expressed in a stable CHO cell line and molnupiravir used as an active pharmaceutical ingredient. Drug-mediated inhibition of virus-induced cytotoxicity was assessed in Vero cell culture. In vivo efficacy assessments were performed in Syrian hamsters. The animals were infected intranasally with SARS-CoV-2 (PIK35 clinical isolate) in the dose of 5 log TCID50. The authors evaluated body weight measurements, lung–body weight ratios, and lung histopathology findings and determined viral RNA levels in oropharyngeal swabs by RT-PCR using the amplification cycle threshold (Ct). The statistical analyses involved one- and two-way ANOVA, Student's t-test, and Mann–Whitney test.Results: RPH-137 and molnupiravir inhibited the cytopathic effect of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero cells; the EC50 values of RPH-137 amounted to 4.69 μg/mL (21.3 nM) and 16.24 μg/mL (73.8 nM) for 50 TCID50 and 200 TCID50, respectively, whereas the EC50 values of molnupiravir were 0.63 μg/mL (1900 nM) for both doses. Intramuscular RPH-137 (30 and 80 mg/kg) had no effect on the infection process in Syrian hamsters. The comparison with the challenge control group showed that intraperitoneal RPH-137 (100 mg/kg) had statistically significant effects on a number of parameters, including a 27% reduction in inflammation and a 30% reduction in the total lesion area of the lungs by Day 7. Intragastric molnupiravir (300 mg/kg twice daily) significantly inhibited SARS-CoV-2 infection.Conclusions: both RPH-137 and molnupiravir inhibited the cytopathic effect of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero cells. In Syrian hamsters, molnupiravir demonstrated a more pronounced inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infection than RPH-137. However, RPH-137 had statistically significant effects on a range of parameters. This offers additional perspectives for further research.Поиск эффективных и безопасных лекарственных средств для борьбы с коронавирусной инфекцией, вызванной вирусом SARS-CoV-2, является актуальной задачей. RPH-137 – оригинальный гибридный белок-ловушка вируса SARS-CoV-2, состоящий из внеклеточного домена ангиотензинпревращающего фермента 2 типа и Fc-фрагмента IgG1 человека.Цель работы: доклиническая оценка эффективности RPH-137 и молнупиравира в отношении инфекции, вызванной SARS-CoV-2.Материалы и методы: RPH-137 получали в стабильной линии клеток китайского хомячка. В работе использовали субстанцию молнупиравира. Изучение ингибирования вирус-индуцированной цитотоксичности проводили в культуре клеток Vero. В исследовании эффективности in vivo сирийских хомячков заражали интраназально SARS-CoV-2 (вариант ПИК35) в дозе 5 lg ТЦД50. Оценивали массу тела, массовый коэффициент и гистологическую картину легких. В орофарингеальных мазках измеряли содержание вирусной РНК методом ОТ-ПЦР по показателю порогового цикла амплификации Ct. Статистическая обработка: однофакторный и двухфакторный дисперсионный анализ (ANOVA), t-тест Стьюдента, критерий Манна–Уитни.Результаты: RPH-137 и молнупиравир ингибировали цитопатическое действие вируса SARS-CoV-2 в культуре клеток Vero: для RPH-137 EC50=4,69 мкг/мл (21,3 нМ) и 16,24 мкг/мл (73,8 нМ) для доз 50 ТЦД50 и 200 ТЦД50 соответственно, для молнупиравира EC50=0,63 мкг/мл (1900 нМ) для обеих доз вируса. RPH-137 при внутримышечном введении в дозах 30 и 80 мг/кг не оказывал влияния на развитие инфекции у сирийских хомячков. RPH-137 при внутрибрюшинном введении в дозе 100 мг/кг показал статистически значимый эффект по ряду параметров по сравнению с животными контрольной группы (контроль заражения), в том числе вызывая снижение воспалительного процесса и общей площади поражения легких на 7 сут на 27 и 30% соответственно. Молнупиравир при пероральном введении в дозе 300 мг/кг 2 раза в сутки значимо подавлял развитие инфекции, вызванной SARS-CoV-2.Выводы: RPH-137 и  молнупиравир ингибируют цитопатическое действие вируса SARS-CoV-2 в культуре клеток Vero. У сирийских хомячков введение молнупиравира демонстрировало более выраженное подавление инфекции, вызванной SARS-CoV-2, по сравнению с RPH-137. Однако RPH-137 проявлял статистически значимое действие по ряду параметров, что открывает перспективы для его дальнейшего изучения.


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    Information technology is rapidly conquering the world, permeating all spheres of human activity. Education is not an exception. An important direction of information of education is the development of university management systems. Modern information systems improve and facilitate the management of all types of activities of the institution. The purpose of this paper is development of system, which allows automating process of formation of accounting documents. The article describes the problem of preparation of the educational process documents. Decided to project and create the information system in Microsoft Access environment. The result is four types of reports obtained by using the developed system. The use of this system now allows you to automate the process and reduce the effort required to prepare accounting documents. All reports was implement in Microsoft Excel software product and can be used for further analysis and processing

    Use of cotton textiles coated by ir(III) tetrazole complexes within ceramic silica nanophases for photo-induced self-marker and antibacterial application

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    This study was aimed at the production and characterization of coated cotton textiles with luminescent ceramic nanophases doped with cationic Ir(III) tetrazole complexes. We confirmed that SiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) do not affect the phosphorescent properties of the complexes that maintain their emission (610 and 490 nm). For the first time we transferred the luminescence feature from nanosol to textile surface, highlighting the advantages of using nanosilica as an encapsulating and stabilizing matrix. The optimized Ir@SiO2 suspensions were homogenously applied onto the cotton surface by dip-pad-dry-cure technique, as proved by the 2p-fluorescence microscope analysis. Once we verified the self-marker properties of the Ir(III) complex, we observed an excellent washing fastness of the coating with a very limited release. SiO2 in the washing water was quantified at maximum around 1.5 wt% and Ir below the inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) detection limit of 1 ppm. A Franz cell test was used to evaluate any possible ex-vivo uptake of Ir@SiO2 nanoparticles across human skin tissues, showing that epidermis and dermis stop over 99% of Ir, implying a reduced impact on human health. The light-induced antimicrobial potential of the Ir@SiO2 were assessed toward both Gram(-) and Gram(+) bacteria. The results encouraged further developments of such functional textiles coated by self-markers and antibacterial active nanophases

    Input Information in the Approximate Calculation of Two-Dimensional Integral from Highly Oscillating Functions (Irregular Case)

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    Nowadays, methods for digital signal and image processing are widely used in scientific and technical areas. Current stage of research in astronomy, radiology, computed tomography, holography, and radar is characterized by broad use of digital technologies, algorithms, and methods. Correspondingly, an issue of development of new or improvement of known mathematical models arose, especially for new types of input information. There are the cases when input information about function is given on the set of traces of the function on planes, the set of traces of the function on lines, and the set of values of the function in the points. The paper is dedicated to the improvement of mathematical models of digital signal processing and imaging by the example of constructing formulas of approximate calculation of integrals of highly oscillating functions of two variables (irregular case). The feature of the proposed methods is using the input information about function as a set of traces of function on lines. The estimation of proposed method has been done for the Lipschitz class and class of differentiable functions. The proposed formula is based on the algorithm, which is also effective for a class of discontinuous functions