420 research outputs found


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    Jenis pelanggaran dalam Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah menurut Undang-undang ada 3 jenis, namun dari segi materinya, terdapat enam macam, yakni: Pelanggaran pidana pemilu (tindak pidana pemilu); Sengketa dalam tahapan/proses pemilu; Pelanggaran administrasi pemilu; Pelanggaran Kode Etik;  Perselisihan hasil pemilu; dan Sengketa hukum lainnya.  Adapun proses penyelesaian sengketa pelanggaran pilkada oleh KPU antara lain mengikuti mekanisme penyelesaian pelanggaran administrasi pemilihan umum sebagaimana diatur melalui Keputusan KPU, Nomor 25 Tahun 2013, yang antara lain adalah: Pelaporan, Pihak pelapor dan terlapor Pelanggaran Administrasi Pemilu adalah KPU, KPU Provinsi/KIP Aceh, KPU/KIP Kabupaten/Kota, PPK, PPS, PPLN, KPPS/KPPSLN secara berjenjang termasuk sekretariat masing-masing; dan Tahapan Penyelesaian; dengan tahapan: menerima laporan, meneliti laporan; melakukan klarifikasi; melakukan kajian; dan mengambil keputusan. Sedangkan sanksi hukum yang bisa dijatuhkan adalah perintah penyempurnaan prosedur; perintah perbaikan terhadap Keputusan atau hasil dari proses; teguran lisan; peringatan tertulis; diberhentikan/tidak dilibatkan dalam kegiatan tahapan; atau pemberhentian sementara. Terhadap Peserta Pemilu yang terlambat menyampaikan Laporan Saldo Awal Dana Kampanye dan Laporan Penerimaan dan Pengeluaran Dana Kampanye dikenakan sanksi, dengan membuat Berita Acara bagi Peserta Pemilu yang tidak menyerahkan Laporan; dan menerbitkan Keputusan Pemberian Sanksi. Kata kunci: Pelanggaran, Pemilukada,KPU

    The Role of Internal Audit in Enhancing Accountability in Tertiary Institutions in Kogi State, Nigeria

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    The focus of this paper is to critically examine the role of internal audit in enhancing accountability in tertiary institutions in Kogi-State Nigeria with a view to finding out the extent to which effective internal audit role is of significant benefit to public sector management or could be used as an instrument to improve public sector management. The survey method of generating data were employed and data were collected via a well-structured and tested questionnaires administered on the staff of internal audit department of some selected tertiary institutions in Kogi State as well as the review of available documents and records. The data collected were analyzed using the descriptive statistics and ANOVA through the use of SPSS 20.0 version. The analysis of the responses gathered revealed that internal auditors are not independent from management in the course of performing their duties. The study therefore recommends that internal auditors should be independent from management through promulgation of the law that would guarantee internal auditor’s independence via recognition of the ethics guiding the accounting profession in order to promote accountability.Keywords: Auditing, Internal Auditing, Internal Auditor, Accountability, Internal Control System, Public Sector

    Experimental Investigation of Solar Powered Reverse Osmosis Desalination

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    Pollution and over exploitation of groundwater aquifer and surface water have led to a decrease of quality and availability of natural water resource in many regions. This situation has led to elevated total dissolved solids (TDS) beyond standards and facilitates toxic metals accumulation and other problems like staining and/or precipitation. One of the treatment options for an elevated total dissolved solution is desalination using a solar driven reverse osmosis system. The northern part of Ethiopia has short rainy season and long dry weather with clear sky radiation. Solar radiation ranges from 5.46 kWh/m2/day in August to 6.82 kWh/m2/day in April, with an average of 6.09 kWh/m2/day.This paper deals with application of reverse osmosis, driven by desalination system using solar energy, to supply safe drinking water for the rural areas of northern Ethiopia. Reverse osmosis due to its low energy consumption is one of the best desalination alternatives. Solar powered reverse osmosis system was developed and installed at Mekelle University. The main components are photovoltaic panels, two DC powered pumps, carbon filters, and flow meters. The system made to operate in a variable power, flow, and pressure considering the naturally varying irradiance throughout the day. The entire process of irradiation potential measurements, the amount of energy generated using solar panel, and the amount of TDS is discussed. The feed water with nearly constant TDS around 2800 ppm from the study area has reduced to fairly constant TDS of about 100 ppm after desalination. The average desalination capacity of the system is 50 litres per hour.Keywords: Carbon filter; Desalination; Flow meter; Reverse osmosis; Photovoltaic cells, Ethiopia

    Analisis Lama Penyimpanan Kemplang Ikan Palembang yang Diproses dengan Panas dari Gelombang Mikro dan yang Digoreng

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    Palembang fish crackers have a thick characteristic with a strong fishy aroma. Puffing of the thick fish cracker requires particular technique, for example the deep-frying techniques should use two different heating temperatures to obtain good quality of crackers. Another alternative method is to use heat from microwaves. One of the disadvantages of crackers that are processed with heat from the microwave is the easiness of the crackers lose its crispness. This study aimed to analyze the shelf-life of fish crackers puffed by microwave heat and deep-frying technique in some types of packaging. The research design was a factorial completely randomized design with two factors namely the type of packaging (polypropylene, nylon, metalized plastic) and type of crackers (microwaved and fried). Analysis of variance showed that all treatments have a significant effect on water content.  The indicator used for the prediction of shelf-life is water content. The water content changes during storage at room temperature for all treatments followed a first-order kinetic with the lowest k value for fish cracker packed in metalized plastic packaging with 57 days storage time (microwavable fish crackers) and 45 days (fried fish crackers

    Comparative study of antireflection coating materials for solar thermal collectors

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    Locally available absorber and antireflection coating materials for solar thermal collectors have been assessed and tested for performance compared to ordinary commercial black paint used in solar water heaters and solar cookers. Absorber plates made of aluminum and iron sheet metals coated with blackboard paint, commercial black paint, and black ABRO spray were prepared. These materials were tested for thermal performance on a natural circulation flat plate solar water heater and plastic bottles. Comparison has been made separately for both absorber material and coating materials which showed that the iron sheet and black ABRO spray to have the highest absorptance. On a clear sky radiation of 973.5W/m2, a maximum stagnation temperature of 99.2°C and 107.5°C is achieved on the black ABRO spray painted aluminum sheet metal and iron sheet metal respectively. This is because ABRO black paint has the highest absorptance for wavelengths of below 2.5μm and low thermal emittance for wavelengths above 2.5μm. During the testing of solar water heaters, an increase in temperature of 14.9°C at the outlet from absorber plate and 7.5°C at the surface of storage tanker has been achieved when using ABRO black spray. This is attributed to the highest absorptance for wave lengths of below 2.5μm and low thermal emittance for wave lengths above 2.5μm of ABRO black paint. As can be concluded, iron sheet metal which is cheap and easily available is best for solar thermal applications and provides significant benefit in cost reduction. Furthermore, the cost for ABRO black paint is similar to other coating materials and it can easily be applied on the surface of absorber materials.Keywords: Thermal collectors, Antireflection, Absorptance, Ethiopia


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    The objective of this research was to analyze the physical and mechanical characteristics of particle board of different size of rice husks particle with the addition of paraffin.  The research used Factorial Completely Randomized Design that consisted of two treatment as factors, and each factor consisted of three levels.  Each combination of treatment was replicated three times.  The first factor was the size of rice husks particle (1.70 mm, 1.40 mm, 1.18 mm) and the second factor was the addition of paraffin (0%, 2%, 4%) based on dry weight of rice husks.  The parameters were the density, moisture content, thickness swelling, modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, and internal bond.  The results showed that the treatment combination between the particle size of 1.18 mm and the paraffin addition of 4% (A3B3) was the best treatment with the density of 438 kg/m3, moisture content of 9,04%, thickness swelling of 0,86%, modulus of elasticity of 28,33 N/mm2, modulus of rupture of 0,22 N/mm2, and internal bond of 0,12 N/mm2.  Keywords : Particle board, rice husk, paraffi

    Pengembangan Prototype Leg Split Machine 2in1

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk yaitu prototype leg split machine 2 in 1 (dua fungsi) untuk membantu melakukan split sekaligus mengukur kemampuan split. Selain itu juga bertujuan untuk mencari tahu tingkat keefektifan alat dalam melatih dan mengukur split atlet. Secara khusus tujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan suatu produk berupa alat/ media untuk melatih kemampuan split atlet sekaligus mengukur kemampuan split atlet secara mandiri. Bentuk yang telah dibuat terlebih dahulu divalidasi oleh 2 orang ahli, 1 ahli materi, 1 ahli media, dimana persentase validitasnya adalah 90%-95%. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development / R&D). Manfaat dari penelitian ini untuk membantu efektifitas dan efisiensi pelatih dalam melakukan program latihan split. Dari hasil uji coba kelompok kecil terhadap 5 orang atlet Siahaan Gymnastic dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan Prototype Leg Split Machine 2n1 sudah memenuhi kriteria layak digunakan. Persentase validasi dari angket yang telah dibagikan kepada responden menunjukkan bahwa 90%-95%. Hasil uji kelompok besar terhadap 11 orang atlet Siahaan Gymnastic bahwa Prototype Leg Split Machine 2 in 1 tersebut sudah memenuhi kriteria layak digunakan. Persentase validitas dari angket yang telah dibagikan kepada sampel menunjukkan bahwa 90%-98%. Dapat disimpulkan Prototype Leg Split Machine 2n1 tersebut efektif dan efisien untuk melatih sekaligus mengukur kemampuan split atlet baik dan alat yang diguakan sangat menarik, karena hal tersebut sangat penting dalam latihan agar latihan tersebut tidak membosankan serta jadi bahan masukan setiap para pelatih di seluruh Indonesi

    Economics of Rice Production in Ibi Local Government Area, Taraba State, Nigeria

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    This study focused on the economics of rice production in Ibi LGA, Taraba State, Nigeria. Primary data were collected from 150 respondents through the use of multi-stage random sampling techniques with the aid of structured questionnaire. The statistical tools used to analyze the data were descriptive statistics, profitability model and multiple regression analytical technique were used. The socio-economic characteristics of the respondents indicates that; 52 % were male, 95% were below 60 years of age, 73% were married, 94% had less than 10 persons in their households, 89% had one form of education or the other, 81% had experience of less than 10 years. The total variable cost of the rice farming was ₦111,140 with labour and fertilizer having the highest share (30% and 29%) respectively, the total fixed cost was ₦32,165, gross margin and gross income was ₦322,445 and ₦465,750 respectively and for every naira invested, 2.25 naira was returned. The regression analysis revealed double-log as best fit with high F-value (196.5) and significant at 1% level and R2 of 0872. Age, education, experience, cooperative membership, gender, fertilizer, agrochemicals and labour were significant parameters. Insecurity, poor quality seeds, inadequate finance, pest and diseases, poor storage facilities, and insufficient supply of inputs were the significant parameters affecting rice production at different levels. It is concluded that rice farming in the study area was profitable and viable. It is recommended that rice farmers are to engage in engage into cooperative activities and inputs should be supplied to them in good time for optimum production

    Motor deficits and recovery in rats with unilateral spinal cord hemisection mimic the Brown-Séquard syndrome

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    Cervical incomplete spinal cord injuries often lead to severe and persistent impairments of sensorimotor functions and are clinically the most frequent type of spinal cord injury. Understanding the motor impairments and the possible functional recovery of upper and lower extremities is of great importance. Animal models investigating motor dysfunction following cervical spinal cord injury are rare. We analysed the differential spontaneous recovery of fore- and hindlimb locomotion by detailed kinematic analysis in adult rats with unilateral C4/C5 hemisection, a lesion that leads to the Brown-Séquard syndrome in humans. The results showed disproportionately better performance of hindlimb compared with forelimb locomotion; hindlimb locomotion showed substantial recovery, whereas the ipsilesional forelimb remained in a very poor functional state. Such a differential motor recovery pattern is also known to occur in monkeys and in humans after similar spinal cord lesions. On the lesioned side, cortico-, rubro-, vestibulo- and reticulospinal tracts and the important modulatory serotonergic, dopaminergic and noradrenergic fibre systems were interrupted by the lesion. In an attempt to facilitate locomotion, different monoaminergic agonists were injected intrathecally. Injections of specific serotonergic and noradrenergic agonists in the chronic phase after the spinal cord lesion revealed remarkable, although mostly functionally negative, modulations of particular parameters of hindlimb locomotion. In contrast, forelimb locomotion was mostly unresponsive to these agonists. These results, therefore, show fundamental differences between fore- and hindlimb spinal motor circuitries and their functional dependence on remaining descending inputs and exogenous spinal excitation. Understanding these differences may help to develop future therapeutic strategies to improve upper and lower limb function in patients with incomplete cervical spinal cord injurie
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