8 research outputs found

    Ekonomska analiza proizvodnje pšenice na porodičnim gazdinstvima

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    Serbian agricultural producers are currently facing a large number of challenges which have a significant influence on their business activities. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of existing family farms business activities is the only way to improve their profitability and enhance competitiveness in such conditions. Bearing this in mind, the objective of this research is to emphasize an importance of the economic analysis of wheat production on family farms and to contribute successfully to the formulation of the answers to questions if and under which conditions the wheat production is profitable. In order to have a complete insight into investigated problem subject, investigations were carried out on selected family farms. Collected data were processed using calculation procedure for the purpose of determination of main economical indicators of the success of wheat production. Based on realized financial results it can be concluded that with the selling price of 10,000.00 diners per ton, only family farms which have achieved yield of over 7.5 t/ha with adequate level of investments are profitable. Since realized average yield of wheat on family farms in the Republic of Serbia in 2009 was 3.58 t/ha and level of investment necessary for realization of this yield, it is clear that the majority of family farms had loss in wheat production. The results of this study suggest that the economic status of the wheat production depends on the yield and achieved sales price, as well as on the amount of applied production factors and price level for their purchasing.Poljoprivredni proizvođači u Srbiji suočavaju se sa velikim brojem izazova koji prete da značajno ugroze njihovo poslovanje. Jedini put za poboljšanje profitabilnosti i unapređenje konkurentnosti u takvim uslovima je kontinuirano praćenje i ocenjivanje ostvarenih rezultata. Imajući to u vidu u radu je izvršena ekonomska analiza proizvodnje pšenice na porodičnim gazdinstvima, a sve u cilju što uspešnijeg formulisanja odgovora na pitanje da li je i pod kojim uslovima ova proizvodnja profitabilna. Kako bi se istraživana problematika što potpunije sagledala izvršena su istraživanja na odabranim porodičnim gazdinstvima. Prikupljeni podaci obrađeni su pomoću kalkulativnog računskog postupka u svrhu utvrđivanja osnovnih ekonomskih pokazatelja uspešnosti proizvodnje pšenice. Na osnovu ostvarenih finansijskih rezultata može se konstatovati da uz prodajnu cenu od 10,000 dinara po toni profitabilnu proizvodnju imaju samo ona gazdinstva koja su uz odgovarajući nivo ulaganja ostvarila prinos veći od 7,5 t/ ha. Imajući u vidu da je ostvareni prosečan prinos pšenice na porodičnim gazdinstvima u Republici Srbiji u 2009. godini 3,58 t/ha i potreban nivo ulaganja za njegovo ostvarenje onda je sasvim jasno da je najveći broj gazdinstava ostvario gubitak u proizvodnji pšenice. Rezultati sprovedenog istraživanja sugerišu da je ekonomski položaj ove proizvodnje uslovljen visinom ostvarenog prinosa i ostvarenom prodajnom cenom, kao i količinom primenjenih činilaca proizvodnje i nivoom cena za njihovo pribavljanje

    Promena strukture setve u funkciji unapređenja konkurentnosti porodičnih gazdinstava usmerenih na finalnu proizvodnju utovljene junadi

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of sowing structure on family farm competiveness using the model of family farm directed at the final production of fattened beef cattle in the conditions of unchanged estate size. Applying a partial budget analysis, it was examined whether the decision on buying alfalfa hay or mercantile maize on the market and changing the sowing structure was economically justified and under what conditions using additional procedure of sensitive analysis. Applying this approach, it was investigated to what extent that decision contributed to improving the family farm profitability. The results of the conducted research show that the decision on buying mercantile maize mainly contributes to improving competitiveness of family farms directed at the final production of fattened beef cattle compared with the decision on buying alfalfa hay. It is the consequence of the fact that buying mercantile maize on the market will enable sowing structure changes, that is, buying mercantile maize will make the area free, which according to some conservative estimations, can be used for the production of sufficient amounts of alfalfa and silage maize for fattening of additional 19 head, whereas buying alfalfa hay will make the area free, which can be used for production of sufficient amounts of mercantile and silage maize for fattening of additional 6 head. In addition, it is shown that more rational way of organizing family farms directed at the final production of fattened beef cattle can additionally use available land resources and in that way increase profitability and improve competitiveness.Cilj ovog rada je da se u uslovima nepromenjene veličine poseda na modelu porodičnog gazdinstva usmerenog na finalnu proizvodnju utovljene junadi ispita uticaj promene strukture setve na konkurentnost porodičnog gazdinstva. Primenom diferencijalne kalkulacije ispitano je da li je odluka o kupovini sena lucerke ili merkantilnog kukuruza i promeni strukture setve ekonomski opravdana, a dodatnim postupkom senzitivne analize i pod kojim uslovima. Primenjujući ovakav pristup utvrđeno je u kojoj meri ova odluka utiče na konkurentnost gazdinstva. Rezultati sprovedenog istraživanja pokazuju da odluka o kupovini merkantilnog kukuruza u većoj meri doprinosi unapređenju konkurentnosti porodičnih gazdinstava usmerenih na finalnu proizvodnju utovljenih junadi u odnosu na odluku o kupovini sena lucerke. To je posledica činjenice da kupovina merkantilnog kukuruza na tržištu omogućava promene u strukturi setve tj. da se kupovinom merkantilnog kukuruza oslobađa površina na kojoj je prema nekim konzervativnim procenama moguće proizvesti dovoljno lucerke i silažnog kukuruza za tov dodatnih 19 grla, dok se kupovinom sena lucerke oslobođa površina na kojoj je moguće proizvesti dovoljno merkantilnog i silažnog kukuruza za tov dodatnih 6 grla. S tim u vezi, pokazano je da uz racionalniji način organizovanja porodična gazdinstva usmerena na finalnu proizvodnju utovljene junadi mogu dodatno iskoristiti raspoložive zemljišne resurse i na taj način poboljšati profitabilnost i unaprediti konkurentnost

    On the Distribution of Kurepa’s Function

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    Kurepa’s function and his hypothesis have been investigated by means of numerical simulation. Particular emphasis has been given to the conjecture on its distribution, that should be one of a random uniform distribution, which has been verified for large numbers. A convergence function for the two has been found

    History of exposure to dopaminergic medication does not affect motor cortex plasticity and excitability in Parkinson's disease

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    Objective: Little is known whether and how chronic exposure to dopaminergic treatment alters physiological mechanisms in Parkinson's disease (PD). Methods: Two clinically similar groups of PD patients, one consisting of drug-naive patients and another of patients already on chronic dopaminergic medication (when off medication), were compared to each other and to a control group. Plasticity and excitability of the hand primary motor cortex of the more affected side were evaluated using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) techniques. Results: There was little difference between two patient groups, and both groups showed similar differences in comparison to controls: decreased facilitatory sensory-motor plasticity (as measured by paired associative stimulation [PAS] protocol), impaired short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI), and diminished slope of input-output curves at higher TMS intensities. The exception was that 30 min after PAS, intracortical facilitation (ICF) was significantly reduced in drug-naive patients, whereas it changed much less in other two groups. Conclusions: Chronic exposure to dopaminergic drugs does not affect substantially the features of motor cortex excitability and plasticity in PD. There is little interaction between plasticity and excitability features of motor cortex in PD. Significance: Reduced response to facilitatory PAS protocol, reduced SICI, and reduced slope of the input-output curve at higher TMS pulse intensities, seem to be physiological markers for the presence of the pathological disease process in PD. Long term treatment does not seem to change the underlying physiology of the disease

    Differences in Angular Photogrammetric Soft-Tissue Facial Characteristics among Parents and Their Offspring

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    Background and objectives: The objective of this study was to determine if the angular photogrammetric analysis of soft-tissue characteristics can determine similarities between parents and their offspring in the Serbian population. Materials and Methods: A total of 15 families (52 participants) met the participation criteria of this study and their facial profile images were analyzed using the ImageJ software. Subjects were divided into groups of mothers and fathers and four groups of children (divided according to their age and gender). In total, twelve angular measurements were made on the standardized digital images of the profiles of the participants and the obtained data were compared using one-way ANOVA. Results: The obtained results showed that there were statistically significant differences in the values of the nasal and cervicomental angles, as well as the angle of the total facial convexity, between the group of fathers, on one side, and groups of male/female children, on the other. Conclusions: This work represents the first photogrammetric analysis of facial soft-tissue characteristics of children and adults in the Serbian population. The data suggest that there are much more similarities between the facial soft-tissue angles of fathers and their male offspring. Furthermore, mothers tend to have statistically insignificant differences in angle sizes, compared to both male and female offspring

    Genetic, chemical, and physical predispositions of new maize inbred lines and hybrids with efficient photosynthesis

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    This study confirmed our hypothesis that new maize inbred lines and hybrids derived from them had a dominant property of an efficient photosynthetic model. This property is successfully used in breeding programmes, modern technologies of the seed, and commercial maize production. This statement is supported by the results displayed on the erect position of the top leaves of new maize inbred lines and photosynthetic and florescence parameters: the change of the delayed chlorophyll fluorescence intensity during its course and dynamics, the Arrhenius criterion for the determination of critical temperatures (phase transition temperatures) and the activation energies, as a measure of conformational changes in chloroplasts and the thylakoid membrane. Furthermore, a grain structure including its physical and chemical parameters of new maize inbred lines and hybrids was analysed in the present study. In addition, relevant breeding, seed production and technological traits, properties and parameters of new maize inbred lines and maize hybrids were observed in the present study. The overall presented results show that properties of new inbred lines and maize hybrids are based on the nature of conformational and functional changes that occur in their chloroplasts and thylakoid membranes, as well as, on progressive effects in modern breeding, contemporary hybrid seed production, and the commercial maize production. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 03E211, 03E22, 142025, TR-20003, TR-20007, TR-20014

    Carbon stable isotope composition of modern and archaeological Cornelian cherry fruit stones: a pilot study

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    The carbon stable isotope content of Cornelian cherry stones collected from wild tree stands in Serbia, SE Europe, was measured using elemental analyser-isotope ratio mass spectrometry, with the aim of recording natural carbon isotope composition of the fruit stones and its possible variation. The results show a significant variation in the carbon isotope values; we identified several environmental factors that, along with a number of other possible determinants, likely contributed to this variation. The obtained data are compared with the measurement of carbon isotope content of an archaeological specimen of Cornelian cherry stone discovered at the Neolithic site of Vina (ca. 5600-4500 BC) in Serbia. Notwithstanding the limitedness of the data and the complexity surrounding carbon fractionation and the isotopic variation, it is suggested that the differences/similarities in carbon isotope ratios between modern and archaeological Cornelian cherry stones, when measured for much larger assemblages, could potentially offer a glimpse into growing conditions of Cornelian cherry trees in the past

    Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis

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