41 research outputs found

    O direito penal argentino e os desafios da participação do cidadão como direito humano

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    The right to public participation is a human right with robust content (not limited to electoral participation), however, criminal law in Argentina is debated, created, modified and applied without a strong intervention of the citizenship. This is despite the existence of institutional and informal mechanisms that seek to enforce the right to public participation. In this work we propose to investigate the scope of public participation on the law enforcement procedures, the participation in judicial cases and the jury trial. To this end, firstly (I), we will analyze and contextualize the scope of the right to participation in the field of international human rights law. Then (II), we will evaluate whether or not the institutional channels of participation in the criminal field (and in general) are sufficient in light of human rights standards. This will lead us to analyze (III) certain non-institutionalized channels of participation. Finally (IV), we will set out the challenges facing Argentina's criminal law in order to comply with the scope of public participation from a human rights perspective.El derecho de participación ciudadana es un derecho humano con contenido robusto (no limitado a la participación electoral), sin embargo, las normas penales en Argentina se debaten, crean, modifican y aplican sin intervención robusta de la ciudadanía. Esto pese a que existen vías institucionales y canales informales que buscan dar cumplimiento a este derecho. En este trabajo nos proponemos indagar los alcances de la participación ciudadana en los procesos de sanción de leyes, en la participación en casos judiciales y el juicio por jurados. Para esto, en primer lugar (I), analizaremos y contextualizaremos los alcances del derecho de participación en el ámbito del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos. Luego (II), evaluaremos si los canales de participación institucionales en el ámbito penal (y en general) son o no suficientes a la luz de las exigencias en materia de derechos humanos. Esto nos llevará a analizar (III) ciertos canales de participación no institucionalizados. Por último (IV), plantearemos los desafíos que enfrenta el derecho penal argentino para dar cumplimiento a los alcances de la participación ciudadana desde un enfoque de derechos humanos.Le droit à la participation citoyenne est un droit humain avec un contenu solide (non limité à la participation électorale), cependant, les réglementations pénales en Argentine sont débattues, créées, modifiées et appliquées sans intervention solide des citoyens. Ceci malgré le fait qu'il existe des canaux institutionnels et des canaux informels qui cherchent à se conformer à ce droit. Dans ce travail, nous proposons d'étudier la portée de la participation citoyenne aux processus de sanction des lois, à la participation aux affaires judiciaires et au procès par jury. Pour cela, en premier lieu (I), nous analyserons et contextualiserons la portée du droit de participation dans le domaine du droit international des droits de l'homme. Puis (II), nous évaluerons si les canaux de participation institutionnelle dans la sphère criminelle (et en général) sont ou ne sont pas suffisants au regard des revendications des droits de l'homme. Cela nous amènera à analyser (III) certains canaux de participation non institutionnalisés. Enfin (IV), nous présenterons les défis auxquels le droit pénal argentin est confronté pour se conformer à la portée de la participation citoyenne du point de vue des droits de l'homme.O direito à participação cidadã é um direito humano com conteúdo robusto (não limitado à participação eleitoral), no entanto, as regulamentações criminais na Argentina são debatidas, criadas, modificadas e aplicadas sem a intervenção robusta dos cidadãos. Isso apesar de existirem canais institucionais e canais informais que buscam o cumprimento desse direito. Neste trabalho propomos investigar o alcance da participação do cidadão nos processos de sanção de leis, na participação em processos judiciais e no julgamento por júri. Para isso, em primeiro lugar (I), analisaremos e contextualizaremos o alcance do direito de participação no campo do Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos. Em seguida (II), avaliaremos se os canais de participação institucional na esfera criminal (e em geral) são ou não suficientes à luz das demandas de direitos humanos. Isso nos levará a analisar (III) alguns canais de participação não institucionalizados. Finalmente (IV), apresentaremos os desafios enfrentados pelo direito penal argentino para cumprir o âmbito da participação cidadã desde uma perspectiva de direitos humanos

    Synergistic antibacterial effect of statins with the complex {[1-(4-bromophenyl)-3-phenyltriazene N3-oxide-κ2 N1 ,O4] (dimethylbenzylamine-κ2 C1 ,N4)palladium(II)}

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    The treatment of infections caused by resistant microorganisms represents a big challenge in healthcare due to limited treatment options. For this reason, the discovery of new active substances which are able to perform innovative and selective actions is of great impact nowadays. Statins and triazenes (TZC) have consolidated as a promising class of compounds, characterized by the expressive biological activity, especially antimicrobial activities. The aim of this study was to assess the in vitro synergistic antibacterial effect of the association of statins and a new TZC complex {[1-(4-bromophenyl)-3-phenyltriazene N3- oxide-κ2 N1 ,O4 ](dimethylbenzylamine-κ2 C1 ,N4 )palladium(II)} (Pd(DMBA)LBr) against American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) strains and clinical isolates. The complex and the statins showed bacterial activity of all tested strains and clinical isolates, evidencing that TZC complexion with metals can be promising. Simvastatin showed synergy when associated to the complex (FICI≤0.5), being the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 16 µg mL-1 found in 6 samples. Thus, it is possible to infer that the association between Pd(DMBA)LBr and simvastatin consists of an alternative to increase the pontential of these compounds, since statins have low toxicity

    Vaginal noise: prevalence, bother and risk factors in a general female population aged 45–85 years

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    Item does not contain fulltextINTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: Vaginal noise (VN) is a symptom of pelvic floor (PF) dysfunction and has been described in a few studies. No other risk factors have been described besides parity and pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Underlying mechanisms of VN are unclear. Aims of this study were to describe prevalence, bother and relation between VN and PF (muscle)(dys)function. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed on a general population of 2,921 women (aged 45-85 years). Questionnaires were filled in by 1,397 women, and 800 were selected at random to undergo vaginal examination for POP Quantification and PF muscle function assessment. Chi-square tests, Student's t test and multivariate logistic regression were performed (P < 0.05). RESULTS: Response rate was 62.7%. Prevalence of VN was 12.8%; 72.1% reported only a little bother. Odds ratios for parity and solid stool were high. CONCLUSIONS: VN was strongly related to many symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction, but it was only causing a little bother

    Phase Equilibrium For Systems Composed By High Unsaturated Vegetable Oils + Linoleic Acid + Ethanol + Water At 298.2 K

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    This work reports experimental liquid-liquid equilibrium data for model systems composed by refined vegetable oils + linoleic acid + ethanol + water at 298.2 K. The experimental data were used for adjusting parameters of the NRTL and UNIQUAC models. Global deviations between calculated and experimental data not higher than 1 % were obtained for all systems, showing the good descriptive quality of the models. © 2006 American Chemical Society.5111521Rodrigues, C.E.C., Antoniassi, R., Meirelles, A.J.A., Equilibrium data for the system rice bran oil + fatty acids + ethanol + water at 298.2 K (2003) J. Chem. Eng. Data, 48, pp. 367-373Rodrigues, C.E.C., Pessôa Filho, P.A., Meirelles, A.J.A., Phase equilibrium for the system rice bran oil + fatty acids + ethanol + water + γ-oryzanol + tocols (2004) Fluid Phase Equilib., 216, pp. 271-283Thomopoulos, C., Méthode de desacidification des huiles par solvant sélectif (1971) Rev. Fr. Corps Gras, 18, pp. 143-150Kim, J., Godber, J., King, J., Prinyawiwatkul, W., Inhibition of cholesterol autoxidation by the nonsaponifiable fraction in rice bran in an aqueous model system (2001) J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 78, pp. 685-689Kale, V., Katikaneni, S.P.R., Cheryan, M., Deacidifying rice bran oil by solvent extraction and membrane technology (1999) J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 76, pp. 723-727Bhattacharyya, A.C., Majumdar, S., Bhattacharyya, D.K., Refining of FFA rice bran oil by isopropanol extraction and alkali neutralization (1987) Oléagineaux, 42, pp. 431-433Shah, K.J., Venkatesan, T.K., Aqueous isopropyl alcohol for extraction of free fatty acids from oils (1989) J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 66, pp. 783-787Fachini, S., Samazzi, S., Behavior of alcohol in presence of olive oil which is acid (1925) Ind. Olii Grassi, 4, pp. 31-33Schlenker, E., Removal of fatty acids by means of alcohol (1931) Chem. Umsch. Geb. Fette, Oele, Wachse Harze, 38, pp. 108-110Batista, E., Monnerat, S., Kato, K., Stragevitch, L., Meirelles, A.J.A., Liquid-liquid equilibrium for systems of canola oil, oleic acid and short-chain alcohols (1999) J. Chem. Eng. Data, 44, pp. 1360-1364Batista, E., Monnerat, S., Stragevitch, L., Pina, C.G., Gonçalves, C.B., Meirelles, A.J.A., Prediction of liquid-liquid equilibrium for systems of vegetable oils, fatty acids and ethanol (1999) J. Chem. Eng. Data, 44, pp. 1365-1369Gonçalves, C.B., Batista, E., Meirelles, A.J.A., Liquid-liquid equilibrium data for the system corn oil + oleic acid + ethanol + water at 298.15 K (2002) J. Chem. Eng. Data, 47, pp. 416-420Gonçalves, C.B., Meirelles, A.J.A., Liquid-liquid equilibrium data for the system palm oil + fatty acids + ethanol + water at 318.2 K (2004) Fluid Phase Equilib., 221, pp. 139-150Amagase, H., Petesch, B.L., Matsuura, H., Kasuga, S., Itakura, Y., Intake of garlic and its bioactive components (2001) J. Nutr., 131, pp. 955S-962SMolero Gómez, A., Pereyra López, C., De La Martínez Ossa, E., Recovery of grape seed oil by liquid and supercritical carbon dioxide extraction: A comparison with conventional solvent extraction (1996) Chem. Eng. J., 61, pp. 227-231Abou-Gharbia, H.A., Shehata, A.A.Y., Shahidi, F., Effect of processing on oxidative stability and lipid classes of sesame oil (2000) Food Res. Int., 33, pp. 331-340(1988) Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 3rd Ed., , AOCS: Champaign, IL(1998) Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 5th Ed., , AOCS: Champaign, IL(1979) Standard Methods for the Analysis of Oils, Fats and Derivatives, 6th Ed., , part 1 (sections I and II)Paquot, C., Ed.Pergamon Press: OxfordMarcilla, A., Ruiz, F., García, A.N., Liquid-liquid-solid equilibria of the quaternary system water-ethanol-acetone-sodium chloride at 25°C (1995) Fluid Phase Equilib., 112, pp. 273-289Se, R.A.G., Aznar, M., Liquid-liquid equilibrium of the aqueous two-phase system water + PEG 4000 + potassium phosphate at four temperatures: Experimental determination and thermodynamic modeling (2002) J. Chem. Eng. Data, 47, pp. 1401-1405Magnussen, T., Rasmussen, P., Fredenslund, A., Unifac parameter table for prediction of liquid-liquid equilibria (1981) Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 20, pp. 331-339Stragevitch, L., D'Avila, S.G., Application of a generalized maximum likelihood method in the reduction of multicomponent liquid-liquid equilibrium data (1997) Braz. J. Chem. Eng., 14, pp. 41-52Antoniosi Filho, N.R., Mendes, O.L., Lanças, F.M., Computer prediction of triacylglycerol composition of vegetable oils by HRGC (1995) Chromatographia, 40, pp. 557-562Ceriani, R., Meirelles, A.J.A., Simulation of continuous deodorizers: Effects on product streams (2004) J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 81, pp. 1059-1069Ceriani, R., Meirelles, A.J.A., Predicting vapor-liquid equilibria of fatty systems (2004) Fluid Phase Equilib., 215, pp. 227-23