84 research outputs found

    Extraction of basil by supercritical carbon dioxide (Ocimum basilicum L.) and modeling of the extraction system

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    U okviru ove doktorske disertacije, proučavana je ekstrakcija bosiljka (Ocimum basilicum L.) primenom postupka hidrodestilacije, Soxhlet ekstrakcije i ugljendioksidom u superkritičnom stanju. Određen je sadržaj etarskog ulja u drogi (0,565%), a primenom GC/MS(FID) metoda određen kvalitativni i kvantitativni sastav detektovanih komponenata. Identifikovane komponente svrstane su u nekoliko grupa (monoterpeni, seskviterpeni i njihovi oksidovani derivati). Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju da je dominantno jedinjenje etarskog ulja bosiljka linalool (50,09%), i da ono pripada linaloolskom hemotipu (hemotip A). Ispitan je uticaj temperature (40-60°C) i pritiska (100–300 bar) superkritičnog ugljendioksida na promenu prinosa ekstrakta. Utvrđeno je da se kumulativni prinos ekstrakta povećava sa porastom pritiska ekstrakcije, dok u zavisnosti od temperature, prinos ekstrakcije zavisi od gustine rastvarača i napona pare komponenata u ekstraktu. Primenom sukcesivne (frakcione) superkritične ekstrakcije izvršeno je frakcionisanje, a dobijeni ekstrakti upoređivani u pogledu prinosa, kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog sastava. Ispitivanja hemijskog sastava CO2 ekstrakta (GC/MS i GC/FID) pokazala su da ekstrakti pored komponenata etarskog ulja sadrže i druga lipofilna jedinjenja (voskove, masna ulja, masne kiseline, fitosterole i sl.). Dominantne komponente u svim ispitivanim ekstraktima su linalool, eugenol i δ-kadinen, dok su α-bergamoten, germakren D, γ-kadinen, β-selinen i spatulenol komponente sa manjim saržajem. Na osnovu eksperimentalnih rezultata kinetike superkritične ekstrakcije izvršeno je modelovanje ekstrakcionog sistema bosiljak – superkritični CO2, primenom tri modela (Kandiah i Spiro, Brunner i Esquivel i sar.). Na osnovu srednjih vrednosti relativnog odstupanja modelovanih i eksperimentalnih vrednosti prinosa ekstrakcije, utvrđeno je da model Kandiah i Spiro pokazuje prihvatljivo slaganje, dok ostali modeli pokazuju lošije slaganje eksperimentalno određenih i modelom izračunatih prinosa ekstrakta. U završnoj fazi rada ispitan je antioksidativni potencijal etarskog ulja i CO2 ekstrakata, primenom DPPH metode. Najveću antioksidativnu aktivnost pokazao je ekstrakt dobijen na 100 bar, 60°C (IC50 = 18,93 μg/ml), koja je 5 puta veća od antioksidativne aktivnosti etarskog ulja bosiljka.In this study, the extraction of basil (O. basilicum L.) ussing the hydrodistillation process, Soxhlet extraction and supercritical extraction with carbon dioxide were investigated. The content of essential oil was determined (0,565%), and the qualitative and quantitative composition of detected coumpound was made by GC/MS(FID). The identified coumpounds were classified into five groups (monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and their oxidative derivates). The results of investigation shows that the dominant compound of basil essential oil is linalool (50,09%), and that it belongs to linalool chemotype (chemotype A). The influence of temperature (40-60°C) and pressure (100–300 bar) of supercritical carbon dioxide on extraction yields were studied. It was determined that the total yield of extract increases with the increaseing of extraction pressure, while the influence of temperature on the yield depends on the density of the solvent and vapor pressure of components in the extract. Fractional supercritical fluid extraction was performed, and obtained extracts were compared regarding of yield, and the qualitative and quantitative composition of the extract. Chemical analyses of CO2 extract by GC/MS and GC/FID showed that extract contains, besides essential oil componentes, other lipophilic compounds (waxes, fatty oils, fatty acids, phytosterols, etc.). The few compounds were dominant in all analyzed basil extracts: linalool, and to a lesser extent eugenol, δ-cadinene, α-bergamotene, germacrene D, γ-cadinene, β-selinene and spathulenol. Based on the experimental results of the extraction kinetics, a modeling of basil – supercritical CO2 extraction system was performed, using three models (Kandiah and Spiro, Brunner, and Esquivel et al.). Based on the average values of the relative deviations of modeled and experimental values of extraction yield, it was found that the model Kandiah and Spiro shows acceptable agreement, while other models show lower agreement of the experimentally determined and model calculated extraction yield. In finale phase of work the antioxidant potential of essential oil and CO2 extracts were examined, using DPPH method. The highest antioxidant activity showed CO2 extract obtained at 100 bar, 60°C (IC50 = 18,93 μg/ml), which is 5 time higher then antioxidant activity of basil essential oil

    Susceptibility of dried berries to infestation by Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in correlation with total sugar content: Poster

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    By assessing the degree of resistance of stored products to infestation by insect pests and correlating it with physical, chemical and nutritional characteristics of products, we could gain a real insight in these pests feeding preferences, and consequently in their biology and ecology. The aim of this study was to assess the degree of resistance of five dried berry species (strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, black chokeberry and cranberry) to infestation caused by the major pest of dried berries, Plodia interpunctella. Susceptibility was rated based on the Index of susceptibility (IS) for insect development and the Susceptibility rating. Dried cranberries were absolutely resistant to infestation by P. interpunctella (IS = 0) - no larvae reached the adult stage. Four other dried berry species were also resistant (IS ranged 2.01 – 2.44). In other words, dried cranberries are very unsuitable food for P. interpunctella, while other four tested species were slightly more suitable. The content of total sugars in dried berries varied from 24.2% (black chokeberry) to 72.8% (strawberry), but important correlation between IS and total sugar content was not found. By analysing feeding preferences of P. interpunctella, we can undertake different pest-management strategies for protection of stored dried fruits.By assessing the degree of resistance of stored products to infestation by insect pests and correlating it with physical, chemical and nutritional characteristics of products, we could gain a real insight in these pests feeding preferences, and consequently in their biology and ecology. The aim of this study was to assess the degree of resistance of five dried berry species (strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, black chokeberry and cranberry) to infestation caused by the major pest of dried berries, Plodia interpunctella. Susceptibility was rated based on the Index of susceptibility (IS) for insect development and the Susceptibility rating. Dried cranberries were absolutely resistant to infestation by P. interpunctella (IS = 0) - no larvae reached the adult stage. Four other dried berry species were also resistant (IS ranged 2.01 – 2.44). In other words, dried cranberries are very unsuitable food for P. interpunctella, while other four tested species were slightly more suitable. The content of total sugars in dried berries varied from 24.2% (black chokeberry) to 72.8% (strawberry), but important correlation between IS and total sugar content was not found. By analysing feeding preferences of P. interpunctella, we can undertake different pest-management strategies for protection of stored dried fruits

    Efficacy of Echium spp. water extracts as post-harvest grain protectants against Plodia interpunctella

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    Water extracts of three plant species of the genus Echium (E. italicum L., E. vulgare L. and E. rubrum Jacq.) were tested under laboratory conditions for their activity as potential post-harvest grain protectants against Plodia interpunctella (Hubner, 1813) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larvae. Antioxidative activity and total phenolic, flavonoid and tannin contents in plant extracts were determined. The larvicidal assays were conducted with the local population of P. interpunctella from Central Serbia on kernels of Takovoanka winter wheat cultivar. The experiment was set as factorial 3x3x3x3 block design type. Three groups of larvae of different maturity were used. The larvae were exposed to three different concentrations of water extracts (1%, 2% and 5%) of three listed plant species. Mortality was registered daily during 96 hours and the efficacy was calculated using Schneider-Orelli's formula. The largest number of dead larvae was recorded in the treatment of 1% extract of E. italicum on youngest group, after 72 and 96 h. Extracts of E. vulgare and E. rubrum did not show high larvicidal effect

    Rijedak slučaj multifokalnog serpiginoidnog koroiditisa

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    Multifocal serpiginoid choroiditis is an infectious variety of serpiginous choroiditis. The disease is characterized by infectious etiology and overlapping clinical features in an intermediary form of acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy and serpiginous choroiditis. In a 33-year-old patient, bilateral multiple placoid partially confluent chorioretinal lesions were diagnosed after a febrile flu-like episode. On the right eye, there was a progressive decrease in visual acuity. Later, the lesions had a prolonged progressive devastating clinical course and widespread distribution of placoid lesions, and took the form of serpiginoid choroiditis. We conducted extensive laboratory work-up and ancillary investigation for granulomatous diseases such as tuberculosis and sarcoidosis, and the results were not consistent with these entities. Systemic medical work-up revealed a history of exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus, herpes simplex virus 1, varicella zoster virus and cytomegalovirus. The titer of Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM antibodies was positive. After serological analysis positive for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, systemic antibiotic therapy and anti-inflammatory doses of corticosteroids were administered. Improvement of visual acuity after the introduction of causal antibiotic therapy in combination with anti-inflammatory therapy confirmed our suspicion that Mycoplasma pneumoniae was the etiologic cause of multifocal serpiginoid choroiditis.Multifokalni serpiginoidni koroiditis je infektivna varijanta serpiginoznog koroiditisa. Bolest obilježava infektivna etiologija i preklapanje kliničke slike između akutnog oblika stražnje multifokalne plakoidne pigmentne epiteliopatije i serpiginoznog koroiditisa. Nakon epizode poput febrilne gripe bolesniku u dobi od 33 godine dijagnosticirane su bilateralne, brojne, plakoidne, djelomice konfluentne korioretinalne lezije. Na desnom oku vidna oštrina se progresivno smanjivala. Kasnije su lezije poprimile prolongirani, progresivni, razarajući klinički tijek i raširenu distribuciju plakoidnih lezija u obliku serpiginoidnog koroiditisa. Proveli smo opsežne laboratorijske testove i pomoćnu dijagnostiku za granulomatozne bolesti poput tuberkuloze i sarkoidoze, ali rezultati nisu potvrdili uzročnika. Daljnja sistemska medicinska obrada je pokazala povijest izlaganja virusu humane imunodeficijencije, herpes simpleksu, varičela zoster virusu i citomegalovirusu. Povišen je bio titar IgM antitijela na Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Nakon pozitivnih seroloških analiza na Mycoplasma pneumoniae primijenjena je sistemska antibiotska terapija i protuupalna doza kortikosteroida. Poboljšanje vidne oštrine nakon uvođenja uzročne antibiotske terapije u kombinaciji s protuupalnom terapijom potvrdilo je našu sumnju da je Mycoplasma pneumoniae bila etiološki uzročnik multifokalnog serpiginoidnog koroiditisa

    Distribution of the genus Galanthus L. (Amaryllidaceae) in Serbia

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    The distribution of species from the genus Galanthus in Serbia is presented, and notes on their taxonomy and ecology are given in the paper. To date, only two species from the genus are known to be present, namely G. nivalis and G. elwesii. Further research on delimitation of the taxa occurring in Serbia is needed


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    The first preliminary overview of the weevil (Colеoptera: Curculionoidea) fauna registered in the Ovčar-Kablar Gorge (western Serbia) is given. The field research was conducted in June and July 2016 at seven localities. Among a total of 62 identified species and 7 subspecies, 14 are recorded for the first time for the Republic of Serbia, including one Balkan endemic species (Cleopomiarus medius). One of the registered species (Sciaphobus caesius) is protected by the national regulations of the Republic of Serbia

    Comparative analysis of life span of imago Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) grown on three different types of nuts

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    Bakrenasti plamenac brašna (Plodia interpunctella, Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) predstavlja ekonomski najznačajniju štetočinu uskladištenih prehrambenih proizvoda. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi da li postoje razlike u dužini života imaga P. interpunctella gajenog na izlomljenim jezgrama oraha, lešnika i badema. Najduži životni vek od 7,69 dana imala su imaga gajena na orahu. Na bademu i lešniku ova vrednost se statistički značajno ne razlikuje, i iznosi 7,07 i 6,73 dana, po podlogama. Na osnovu rezultata možemo zaključiti da je orah najpogodniji supstrat za razviće P. interpunctella.Indian Meal Moth (Plodia interpunctella, Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) is one of the most important pests of stored food products. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of different nutrient medium (broken kernels of walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds) on life span of imago P. interpunctella. The longest life span (7,69 days) was recorded on walnut. On hazelnut and almond, this value was statistically not significantly different, amounting to 7,07 and 6,73 days, respectively. According to obtained results, it can be concluded that the walnut is the most suitable nutrient medium for the development P. interpunctella

    The response of weedy sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to nicosulfuron: an examination of vegetative parameters and acetolactate synthase activity

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    Genetic and morphological interpopulation variability of weed species is often responsible for variable responses to herbicides. As weedy sunflower, an invasive form of Helianthus annuus L., possesses high morphological and genetic variability, very different responses of its populations to herbicides can be expected. This species is one of the dominant weed species in row crops, including maize, in many European countries in which nicosulfuron is intensively used for weed control. There are little available data about the response of this sunflower form to nicosulfuron or of the interpopulation variability of its response to other herbicides. The responses of three weedy sunflower populations to nicosulfuron were studied in field dose-response experiments, and acetolactate synthase (ALS) enzyme activity at different herbicide concentrations was determined in vitro. Interpopulation variability in the response to nicosulfuron was confirmed. Populations WS2 and WS3 were more that 20-fold and 30-fold less susceptible to nicosulfuron, respectively, than population WS1, based on fresh weight, whereas the differences were not so prominent based on other parameters, including plant height, leaf area and ALS activity, and ranged from 2 to 12-fold

    Numerical simulation of fatigue crack paths in orthopedic plates

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    This study is aimed to explain the behaviour of different orthopedic plate designs, under uniaxial bending, with cracks initiated in the stress concentration areas. Extended finite element method (XFEM) in ANSYS software was used for simulating the fatigue crack growth in 5 orthopedic plates with different geometries. Results for crack length vs, plate geometry indicated plate D as the best option regarding residual life. Crack paths are analysed in all 5 plates to explain such a behaviour, indicating benefits of initial crack growth into length, followed by growth into depth

    Suitability of Poaceae seeds for Plodia interpunctella development: Presentation

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    One of the most important pests of stored grains is Plodia interpunctella (Hübner), whose larvae feed primarily on germinal part of the kernels, causing a reduction of seed germination and seed viability. This is detrimental for seeds of high category. However, seeds of different species within the same taxonomic family have different morphology (thickness of seed-coat, presence or absence of palea, palea loose or firmly attached to the seed etc.), which affects the susceptibility of seeds to P. interpunctella attack. The hypothesis was that seed hardness and the absence of palea could also significantly influence the life history of this pest. We assessed the suitability of different seeds from family Poacae (maize, wheat, barley, oats, ray, forage sorghum (variety), forage sorghum (hybrid), Sudan grass and millet) for P. interpunctella development and seeds susceptibility to pest attack (expressed in Susceptibility index –SI). The following parameters were monitored: larval mortality, adult emergence, mean developmental duration (from egg to adult) and female fecundity. Observations were carried out weekly, for 49 days. Data were statistically analyzed using Duncan’s multiple range Test. The highest larval mortality, the lowest number of emerged moths and the lowest fecundity were recorded on millet, Sudan grass and forage sorghum (variety and hybrid). However, the shortest larval development (27.8 days) and the highest fecundity (109.5-115.6 eggs) were on standard laboratory diet, maize and wheat. Morphometric measures of moths indicate that on unsuitable mediums like millet, Sudan grass, and different sorghum varieties the body lengths were statistically significantly shorter (0.5-0.6 cm) compared to other treatments (0.8-0.9 cm). According to the SI, the most susceptible were maize, wheat, barley, oats and ray, while moderately resistant were Sudan grass and millet. Testing kernel hardness and continuous improving of kernel resistance to storage insect pests could provide lower losses in stored grain quality and quantity.One of the most important pests of stored grains is Plodia interpunctella (Hübner), whose larvae feed primarily on germinal part of the kernels, causing a reduction of seed germination and seed viability. This is detrimental for seeds of high category. However, seeds of different species within the same taxonomic family have different morphology (thickness of seed-coat, presence or absence of palea, palea loose or firmly attached to the seed etc.), which affects the susceptibility of seeds to P. interpunctella attack. The hypothesis was that seed hardness and the absence of palea could also significantly influence the life history of this pest. We assessed the suitability of different seeds from family Poacae (maize, wheat, barley, oats, ray, forage sorghum (variety), forage sorghum (hybrid), Sudan grass and millet) for P. interpunctella development and seeds susceptibility to pest attack (expressed in Susceptibility index –SI). The following parameters were monitored: larval mortality, adult emergence, mean developmental duration (from egg to adult) and female fecundity. Observations were carried out weekly, for 49 days. Data were statistically analyzed using Duncan’s multiple range Test. The highest larval mortality, the lowest number of emerged moths and the lowest fecundity were recorded on millet, Sudan grass and forage sorghum (variety and hybrid). However, the shortest larval development (27.8 days) and the highest fecundity (109.5-115.6 eggs) were on standard laboratory diet, maize and wheat. Morphometric measures of moths indicate that on unsuitable mediums like millet, Sudan grass, and different sorghum varieties the body lengths were statistically significantly shorter (0.5-0.6 cm) compared to other treatments (0.8-0.9 cm). According to the SI, the most susceptible were maize, wheat, barley, oats and ray, while moderately resistant were Sudan grass and millet. Testing kernel hardness and continuous improving of kernel resistance to storage insect pests could provide lower losses in stored grain quality and quantity