36 research outputs found

    Tumor venéreo transmissível canino com localização primária e única em cavidade oral

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    O tumor venéreo transmissível (TVT) pode ser observado na cavidade oral de cães, sem a associação com lesões genitais, sendo assim caracterizado como extragenital e primário. Todavia esta forma possui uma reduzida prevalência. O trabalho objetivou a descrição de um TVT oral primário em canino. Um cão apresentava o histórico de tumor bucal. O animal foi submetido ao exame físico, realizando citologia da neoformação oral. Optou-se pela administração do sulfato de vincristina (0,75 mg/m  2, a cada sete dias, com um total de seis sessões) e prednisolona (1 mg/kg, a cada 24h por sete dias seguido de redução progressiva da dose). Constatou-se um tumor na parte rostral da mandíbula e outro na hemimandíbula direita. O exame citológico diagnosticou TVT de padrão misto. Esta neoplasia não estava presente na genitália externa do animal ou em outras localizações anatômicas. Logo, caracterizou-se o TVT oral como uma forma extragenital e primária. Após a sexta sessão do sulfato de vincristina e finalizada a administração da prednisolona, houve remissão total dos tumores. Deve-se incluir o TVT como diagnóstico diferencial de outras neoformações orais de cães, pois apesar da possibilidade de semelhança macroscópica, ocorre distinção de prognóstico e tratamento

    Squamous cell carcinoma of mammary gland in domestic cat

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    Background: In the feline species, 80% to 93% of neoplasias in the mammary gland are malignant, being the majority carcinomas. Among them, there is the mammary squamous cell carcinoma, which amounts to a very rare neoplasm in the domestic cat, with considerable potential for malignancy. This study aimed to report a case of squamous cell mammary carcinoma in the feline species. Case: A female cat, mixed breed, ten years old, presented history of skin lesion. The cat had been spayed two years before, but with previous administration of contraceptives. At the physical examination, it was observed ulcer between the caudal abdominal mammary glands. The occurrence of skin or mammary neoplasia was conceived. The following complementary tests were requested: complete blood count, serum biochemical profi le (renal and hepatic), chest radiographs, abdominal ultrasound, and incisional biopsy of the ulcerated region periphery, followed by classic histopathology. The lesion histopathology was compatible with squamous cell carcinoma of the mammary gland. Due to such a diagnosis, bilateral mastectomy was recommended. The material obtained during the surgical procedure was sent for anatomopathological analysis. Microscopically, surgical margins infi ltration and a regional lymph node were verifi ed. The owner was advised of the need for complementary therapies and medical monitoring of the cat. However, there was no return. It is noteworthy that the animal’s physical and laboratory examinations showed no neoplasia in other regions, being the squamous cell carcinoma of the mammary gland considered primary.\ud Discussion: The malignant mammary neoplasia genesis in feline species, in general, seems to be related to steroid hormones. The ovariectomized females are less likely to develop the disease when compared to intact cats, but there is no protective effect of surgery on those spayed after two years of age regarding the appearance of the neoplasia. Thus, at the time the reported patient was ovariectomized, this effect no longer occurred. The synthetic progestins regularly used to prevent estrus increase by three times the risk of breast carcinomas onset. In humans, there is no clear defi nition of the etiology and pathogenesis of mammary squamous cell carcinoma. However, it has been suggested its association with extreme forms of squamous metaplasia present in pre-existing mammary adenocarcinoma, besides cysts, chronic infl ammations,\ud abscesses and mammary gland adenofi bromas. In a hypothetical way, this etiology could also be related to the feline mammary carcinoma, although, for the case at issue, the exogenous and endogenous hormonal infl uence should not be excluded. It has been reported that mammary squamous cell carcinomas in cats are classifi ed in grades II and III (ie, moderately and poorly differentiated, respectively). Thus, they are considered tumors with more unfavorable prognosis. However, the monitoring of the clinical course, in order to evaluate possible recurrence of the neoplasia and metastases to distant sites, was not possible as the animal under discussion did not return. The squamous cell carcinoma is the most common skin tumor in feline species, despite the primary location in the mammary gland. It is, therefore, important to differentiate squamous cell carcinoma originated in the breast from histological types derived from skin. The description of this special and rare feline mammary carcinoma is important due to its particular characteristics and potential for malignancy

    Celulite juvenil canina: Estudo retrospectivo (2009-2016)

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    A celulite juvenil (CJ) é uma doença vesiculopustular incomum que acomete cães principalmente na faixa etária inferior aos quatro meses. Este trabalho analisou o perfil epidemiológico, clínico e terapêutico da CJ em cães a partir da casuística do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, referente aos anos de 2009 a 2016. Cinco casos foram diagnosticados, incluindo quatro cães (80%), sem raça definida e com idade média de dois meses e 22 dias, e um da raça Rottweiler (20%) com 38 meses de idade. O período evolutivo médio das lesões foi de 16 dias e os principais sinais clínicos observados foram edema, pápulas, pústulas e secreção ótica bilateral. O diagnóstico foi confirmado por citologia (80%) e histopatologia (20%). Em todos os animais, o tratamento consistiu de cefalexina, administrada por 30 dias, e prednisolona, por três semanas. A terapia otológica tópica foi incluída quando necessária. Em quatro casos o desfecho clínico foi favorável. A CJ é uma dermatopatia rara que merece atenção especial dos clínicos veterinários.Juvenile cellulitis (JC) is an uncommon vesiculopustular disease that affects dogs, especially those under four months of age. The aim of the present study was to characterize the epidemiological, clinical, and therapeutic profile of JC based on clinical records of canine patients treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, between the years 2009 and 2016. A total of five cases were diagnosed. Four dogs presented at an average age of two months and 22 days and were crossbred; the other dog was a rottweiler aged 38 weeks. The average time of evolution of the disease was 16 days, and the main clinical signs were edema, papules, pustules, and bilateral ocular discharge. The diagnosis was confirmed by cytology in four animals and by histopathology in only one patient. For all dogs, the treatment was based on cephalexin, administered for 30 days, and prednisolone for three weeks. Otological therapy was included when necessary. Four cases had a favorable outcome. JC is a rare dermatopathy that deserves special attention from veterinary practitioners

    Acute Myeloid Leukemia in a Dog Chronically Infected with Leishmania spp. and Other Infectious Agents

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    Background: Rare studies have described the association of hematopoietic tumors and canine visceral leishmaniosis, however the association between the parasitary disease and neoplasia is still not well established in dogs. Thus, the aim of the present study was to report a case of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in a dog infected by Leishmania spp. and otherinfectious agents.Case: A 8-year-old, male Poodle, was brought to the Veterinary Hospital from Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido. The dog had a history of recurrent tick-borne diseases, such as anaplasmosis, over the previous ten months. On physical examination, pale mucosa, enlargement of popliteal lymph nodes, onychogryphosis, purulent nasal discharge, and bilateralblepharitis with purulent discharge were observed. The dog was skinny and infested with ticks. The blood cell count revealed normocytic, normochromic anemia and leukocytosis (38.000/mm3) with neutrophilia (30.020/mm3). Serum biochemical tests demonstrated hyperproteinemia due to hyperglobulinemia, hypoalbuminemia, and an albumin:globulin ratio of 0.30. The immunochromathographic test for leishmaniasis was negative. The alterations observed in the bone marrow cytological analysis were suggestive of AML, and Anaplasma spp., Hepatozoon spp., and amastigote forms of Leishmania spp. were observed inside bone marrow cells. After diagnosis, a decision to euthanize the animal was made.Discussion: Few studies have demonstrated the presence of hematopoietic neoplasia in dogs chronically and simultaneously infected with multiple pathogens. A case of multiple myeloma in a dog associated with infection by Ehrlichia canis, A. phagocytophilum, L. infantum, and Dirofilaria immitis is described. Another study reported B-cell lymphoma in a dog with E. canis and Histoplasma capsulatum infection. The pathogenesis of AML in the reported dog might be associated with continuous antigenic stimulation and chronic inflammation caused by the infectious agents. The pathological changes in bone marrow caused by Leishmania are well described, and different combinations of hypoplasia, hyperplasia, or dysplasia of all hematopoietic lineages can occur. The inflammation and chronic stimulation of hematopoiesis can lead to an increased risk of changes in the genetic material of the hematopoietic precursor cells. Thus, there is an increased chance of generation of mutated clones, resulting in hematopoietic malignancies. Immunosuppression is a common condition present in numerous types of neoplasia, especially in those with hematopoietic origins, which increases the vulnerability to opportunistic diseases. In humans, the presence of concomitant neoplasia and leishmaniasis is well documented, However, there are very few veterinary medicine studies on the association between neoplasia and canine visceral leishmaniosis. Cases of hematopoietic tumors, such as multiple myeloma, and multicentric, cutaneous, and cardiac lymphomas, have been described in dogs with leishmaniasis. To the best of our knowledge, this is possibly the first report implicating pathogens of the genera Leishmania, Anaplasma and Hepatozoon as contributors in the etiopathogenesis of AML in the studied animal. Based on all clinical and laboratory findings, we theorize that the prolonged antigenic stimulation and chronic inflammationcaused by the infectious agents played a crucial role in the development of leukemia in the dog.Keywords: myeloproliferative disorder, hemoparasites, canine leishmaniasis

    PIODERMITE PROFUNDA POR Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis EM CUTIA (Dasyprocta sp.)

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    As dermatopatias bacterianas representam uma proporção significativa das patologias dos roedores. Todavia, em cutia (Dasyprocta sp.), um roedor de porte médio com distribuição geográfica desde a América Central até a América do Sul, não se conhecem relatos de agentes bacterianos isolados de processos inflamatórios cutâneos. O presente trabalho objetivou a descrição de um caso de piodermite profunda por Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis em uma cutia (Dasyprocta sp.) com histórico de lesão cutânea. Após exame físico, prescreveram-se antibiótico e anti-inflamatório. O tratamento foi interrompido e o animal veio a óbito, sendo encaminhado para necropsia e obtendo-se amostras para cultura bacteriana e exame histopatológico. Os achados de necropsia revelaram alopecia, eritema, celulite, crostas e úlceras, na face ventral da cabeça. A superfície de corte do tegumento mostrou secreção purulenta e caseosa, sendo que a cultura bacteriana isolou o C. pseudotuberculosis. A histopatologia cutânea diagnosticou um quadro de piodermite profunda. Em virtude do reduzido conhecimento das piodermites em cutias (Dasyprocta sp.), tornam-se necessárias maiores investigações sobre a etiopatogenia da doença. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, doença dos roedores, pioderma

    Serological survey of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii in shelter-housed cats infected with feline immunodeficiency virus, Brazil

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    Felines play a leading role in the epidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection, but there is scarce information about the epidemiology of Neospora caninum, particularly in feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-infected cats. Cats seropositive to T. gondii do not usually show symptoms unless they are immunosuppressed, such as FIV-infected cats. The same relationship remains poorly known for N. caninum, although it has been associated with neurological disorders in HIV-infected people. Since FIV-infected cats are prone to develop encephalitis of unknown etiology, this study aimed to evaluate the presence of specific antibodies to T. gondii and N. caninum in a shelter for stray cats naturally infected with FIV. A total of 104 serum samples from cats living in a shelter, located in São Paulo city (Brazil), was assessed for T. gondii and N. caninum specific antibody by indirect fluorescent-antibody test (IFAT). Of the 104 cats, 25 (24%) were infected with FIV and, aside from these, 8 (32%) had antibodies against T. gondii (titers from 16 to 128). Only 1 (4%) of the FIV infected cats had antibodies against N. caninum, which was the first record of coinfection. Among the FIV-naïve cats, 11 (14%) were positive for T. gondii (titers from 16 to 256) and only 1 (1.2%) had antibodies against N. caninum. Serologically positive reactions to T. gondii and N. caninum were not correlated with age or sex (p>0.05), and there was no correlation between FIV and the occurrence of anti-T. gondii or anti-N. caninum antibodies (p>0.05). Further studies encompassing larger cat populations from different origins and locations are essential to clarify the prevalence of T. gondii and N. caninum antibodies in FIV-positive cats.Os felinos têm um papel importante na epidemiologia da infecção por Toxoplasma gondii, mas pouco se sabe sobre a epidemiologia da infecção por Neospora caninum em gatos, particularmente em gatos infectados com o vírus da imunodeficiência felina (FIV). Gatos soropositivos para Toxoplasma gondii geralmente não apresentam sintomas a não ser que estejam imunossuprimidos, como gatos infectados com FIV. A mesma relação ainda é pouco conhecida para N. caninum, embora tenha sido associada a distúrbios neurológicos em pessoas infectadas pelo HIV. Considerando que gatos infectados com FIV são propensos a desenvolver encefalite de etiologia desconhecida, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a presença de anticorpos específicos para T. gondii e N. caninum em gatos infectados com FIV. Um total de 104 amostras de soro de gatos residentes em um abrigo na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, foram avaliadas para a presença de anticorpos contra T. gondii e N. caninum pelo teste de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI). Dos 104 gatos, 25 (24%) estavam infectados com FIV e destes 8, (32%) tinham anticorpos contra T. gondii (titulação entre 16 e 128). Apenas 1 (4%) dos gatos infectados com FIV apresentava anticorpos contra N. caninum, sendo este o primeiro registro dessa coinfecção. Entre os gatos não infectados com FIV, 11 (14%) foram positivos para T. gondii (titulação entre 16 e 256) e apenas 1 (1,2%) tinha anticorpos contra N. caninum. A reação sorologicamente positiva para T. gondii e N. caninum não foi correlacionada com a idade ou sexo (p> 0,05), nem houve correlação entre FIV e ocorrência de anticorpos para T. gondii ou N. caninum (p> 0,05). Estudos subsequentes abrangendo populações maiores de gatos de diferentes origens e locais são essenciais para esclarecer a prevalência de anticorpos contra T. gondii e N. caninum em animais acometidos por FIV.

    Freqüência de ácaros em cães e gatos no município de Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte

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    Os ectoparasitos são causadores de dermatopatias nos animais domésticos, acometendo, freqüentemente, cães e gatos e podendo assumir um possível potencial zoonótico. Assim, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo descrever a ocorrência de ácaros, causadores de sarnas, em cães e gatos, no município de Mossoró, estado do Rio Grande do Norte. O estudo foi conduzido entre fevereiro de 2002 a janeiro de 2007, no qual foram coletadas amostras de 503 animais (entre cães e gatos), através de raspados cutâneos, individualmente identificados e diagnosticados no Laboratório de Parasitologia Animal da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA). A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio de freqüência absoluta e relativa. Em relação aos cães, 77 (18,6%) apresentaram alguma espécie de ácaro, com 70 (90,9%) positivos para Demodex canis e 7 (9%) acometidos por Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis, enquanto que, em gatos, os positivos representaram 26 (28,5%) animais, com presença de 18 (69,2%) felinos com Notoedres cati, 4 (15,3%) positivos para S. scabiei e 4 (15,3%) com Lynxacarus radovskyi. Os caninos e felinos estudados apresentaram ácaros distintos

    Atypical Mannheimiosis in captive rheas (Rhea americana)

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    Mannheimia haemolytica (MH) is a major cause of respiratory disease in bovine complex (BRDC) that causes great economic losses. To this day, there are no reports of birds affected by this bacterium. The present report describes an atypical outbreak of mannheimiosis in captive rheas (Rhea americana). Mannheimia haemolytica (MH) é uma das principais causas da doença do complexo respiratório dos bovinos (DCRB) que causa grandes perdas econômicas. Até os dias atuais, não há relato de aves acometidas por tal bactéria. Relata-se um surto atípico de mannheimiose em emas em cativeiro (Rhea americana)

    Multiple Cartilaginous Exostoses In A Pediatric Dog

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    Background: Multiple cartilaginous exostosis (MCE) is a rare neoplastic disease in dogs that is characterized by the presence of osteochondromas in multiple bones. MCE is a disorder of development during growth and maturation, the real etiology of which has yet to be elucidated, but is believed to have a genetic basis. Usually affected animals have a history of a palpable mass on the bone surface, causing anatomical deformities and compression of adjacent structures. Since MCE is a rare neoplastic disease in dogs it may be difficult to recognize in the clinic. The aim of this study was to report a case of MCE in a pediatric dog.Case: A female 4-month-old Rottweiler dog with a history of bone neoformation on the left hind limb, anorexia, weight loss, and difficulty walking received clinical care. The disease had its initial onset 2 months prior. At physical examination, the animal showed paresis of the hind limbs and a bony tumor on the lateral part of the left tibia. A complete blood cell count and serum biochemical profile were obtained. The only abnormality diagnosed was hyperproteinemia due to hyperglobulinemia. Other diagnostic tests were not authorized and the animal was euthanized. At the necropsy, an intrathoracic neoformation was observed from the sixth to the eighth rib on the right antimer. Some tumors were also observed on the fourth lumbar vertebra and between the first and the second sacral vertebra, and a left tibial tumor, which had been observed at physical examination. The sagittal section of the spine revealed the presence of extradural compression of the spinal cord due to vertebral proliferations with compression of the nerve roots. All of the proliferations had macroscopic similarities, being firm, sessile, irregular, and with complete adherence to deep planes. Tumor samples were submitted to histopathological analysis and the tissue morphology was compatible with osteochondroma. Based on the clinical, necroscopical, and histopathological findings, a diagnosis of MCE was established.Discussion: In MCE, animals less than one year of age are the most frequently affected, as was observed in the case reported. Clinical signs in MCE usually result from poor bone and cartilaginous anatomical formations and from compression of adjacent tissue structures. In the described patient, the proliferations located in the vertebrae and tibia and the consequent compression of nerve roots and nerves caused the neurological deficits. Unlike in canines, the etiology of MCE in humans is already well established and it is classified as an autosomal dominant genetic disorder. The diagnosis is usually obtained through the association of clinical examination with radiographic and histopathological findings. However, in the animal studied, since it was not possible to perform radiographs, confirmation was obtained only after performing histopathological examination of the neoformations, which is considered the standard for the diagnosis of MCE. Although it corresponds to a benign neoplastic process affecting dogs during their growth stage, it may significantly decrease the animal’s quality of life. In this situation, the prognosis of MCE is considered to be reserved to bad, and animals are often referred for euthanasia, as occurred in the animal under discussion, due to the progression of neurological dysfunction. Early recognition of MCE in routine pet hospital practice is of fundamental importance in order to properly institute treatment and monitoring

    Morphometric Alteration of Intestinal Epithelium of Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Submitted to the Technique of Enteropexy

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    Background: Due to the numerous complications that enteropexy may cause in domestic animals and humans, this study aimed at investigating the microscopic level, the damage generated by this technique in mice, in order to investigate the morphometric changes caused by enteropexy technique in rats.Materials, Methods & Results: Eighteen Wistar rats were submitted to surgical technique of enteropexy. To evaluate intestinal disorders they were euthanized at 30 (Group I), 60 (group II) and 90 (group III) days after the procedure. The animals were perfused with 2.5% glutaraldehyde and 4% paraformaldehyde for the removal of intestinal fragments for analysis in conventional microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. In classical histopathology, group I presented mild lesions with necrosis of the epithelium and infiltration of mononuclear cells. After 60 days, extensive ischemic necrosis area was observed, characterized by the denudation of epithelium cells and cellular debris in the lumen surface and loss of intestinal crypts. After 90 days (group III) lesions were evident and were characterized by strong coagulative necrosis of epithelial cells and intestinal crypts. Under electron microscopy, group I showed early fusion of the adjacent intestinal walls. After 60 days there was adherence of luminal stenosis and intestinal walls. In group III loss of epithelium and substitution of necrotic tissue were identified.Discussion: In the current study it was noticed microscopically that the groups had inflammatory reactions to foreign bodies. It is known that the sutures, independent of manufacture, behave as foreign bodies that induce tissue inflammation of the recipient organism and could harm the scar repair. Among the surgical threads, the nylon type (which was chosen for the current experiment) is indicated in the approach tissues in general and bandages, including cardiovascular, ophthalmic and neurological procedures. This category wire induces minimal inflammation of the receptor tissue. In studies of the histopathological analysis of the tissue reactions produced by the wire implant or nylon thread clamp in rats, it was observed that when the local action of two implants were compared, inflammation showed qualitatively similar responses, although they had different characteristics regarding their course. Inflammation is proportional to the proliferation of fibroblasts and the presence of fibrous tissue around the suture. This quote confirms the analyzed samples, in which, in all postoperative times showed inflammatory process, although at different magnitudes. Surgical research in laboratory animals has expanded in recent decades, mainly due to better anesthetic support, the sophistication of infrastructure, material for perioperative continuous monitoring and an incessant search for species that reproduce human morbid conditions. The main focus of these studies have been improving the knowledge about the pathophysiological mechanisms of disease, undertake therapeutic trials with new drugs, studying biomarkers and evaluate new techniques to be applied prospects in man. The most common sites of occurrence of intestinal are ileocolic intussusception junction and jejunojejunal segment. The enteroplication has been used to reduce the occurrence of intussusception, promoting the adhesion of the adjacent serosa layers of intestinal segments and thereby decreasing intestinal motility, their applicability is reported in humans, dogs and cats. The enteropexy technique causes morphological changes in intestinal epithelium of rats, evidenced in conventional and electron microscopy, progress with the passing of time the procedure