227 research outputs found

    The Intelligent System of the Hearing Investigation

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    This paper describes a prototype of the intelligent system of the hearing investigation developed by the Tver State Technical University. The problem of automatic diagnostics, considered as the recognition problem of object not completely determined on set of the diseases classes’ descriptions, is discussed. The management strategy of the hearing investigation is proposed

    Demand-side solutions for climate mitigation: Bottom-up drivers of household energy behavior change in the Netherlands and Spain

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    © 2019 The Authors Households are responsible for 70% of CO2 emissions (directly and indirectly). While households as agents of change increasingly become a crucial element in energy transitions, bottom-up mechanisms facilitating behavioral change are not fully understood. A scientific understanding of individual energy use, requires eliciting factors that trigger or inhibit changes in energy behavior. This paper explores individual energy consumption practices and behavioral aspects that affect them. We quantitatively study the determinants of three energy actions: (1) investments in house insulation, solar panels and/or energy-efficient appliances, (2) conservation of energy by changing energy-use habits like switching off unused devices or adjusting house temperature, and (3) switching to green(er) electricity sources. To address this goal, we conduct a comprehensive survey among households (N = 1790) in two EU regions: Overijssel, the Netherlands and Navarre, Spain. We use probit regression to estimate how behavioral factors, households’ socioeconomic characteristics and structural attributes of dwellings influence energy related actions. Our analysis demonstrates that awareness and personal and social norms are as important as monetary factors. Moreover, education and structural dwelling factors significantly affect households’ actions. These results have implications for governmental policies aimed at reducing residential CO2 footprints and facilitating demand-side solutions in a transition to low-carbon economy

    Algunos problemas prácticos de traducción relacionados con el concepto de “traducción filológica” (en el ejemplo de la traducción de las obras de C. Simon del francés al ruso)

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    The purpose of this paper is to put forward a hypothesis about the “philological translation” of literary texts of increased complexity and test it on the material of specific works. Based on the material of Russian and foreign translation studies, this paper formulates the concept of “philological translation” in the appendix to a specific publishing project within the series “Literary monuments” published by the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and considers the most important practical aspects of the problem of adequate translation of literary texts of increased complexity. The analysis of the translation of two works by the representative of the French New Novel Claude Simon illustrates clearly the example of a “philological translation”. In the course of the study, the authors came to the conclusion that a philological translation implies an appeal to a text that is classical in its richness, complexity, and significance in world literature. The commercial potential of translating such a text is not obvious and requires the publisher to give up short-term profitability, the translator to give up routine work that fits into a predetermined time frame, and the reader to give up focusing on non-problematic (non-conflict, uncomplicated), linear, one-time reading/consumption of the book in favor of re-reading/savoring.El propósito de este trabajo es presentar una hipótesis sobre la “traducción filológica” de textos literarios de mayor complejidad y probarla en el material de obras específicas. Basado en el material de los estudios de traducción rusa y extranjera, el documento formula el concepto de "traducción filológica" en el apéndice de un proyecto editorial específico dentro de la serie "Monumentos literarios" publicada por el Instituto de Literatura Mundial de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia, y considera los aspectos prácticos más importantes del problema de la traducción adecuada de textos literarios de mayor complejidad. El análisis de la traducción de dos obras por el representante de la Nueva Novela francesa Claude Simon ilustra claramente el ejemplo de una “traducción filológica”. En el curso del estudio, los autores llegaron a la conclusión de que una traducción filológica implica una apelación a un texto que es clásico en su riqueza, complejidad y significado en la literatura mundial. El potencial comercial de traducir un texto de este tipo no es obvio y requiere que el editor renuncie a la rentabilidad a corto plazo, que el traductor renuncie al trabajo de rutina que se ajusta a un marco de tiempo predeterminado y que el lector deje de centrarse en lo no problemático (no conflicto, sin complicaciones), lineal, lectura / consumo de una sola vez del libro a favor de volver a leer / saborear

    Association between atopic and non-atopic diseases at children.

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    Ассоциация между атопическими и неатопическими аллергическими болезнями у детей. Абатуров А.Е., Дитятковский В.А., Науменко Н.В., Кулиева А., Бовсуновская К., Филатова И.А. В статье приведены данные анализа ассоциации между болезнями, составляющими атопический марш (АМ) у детей – атопическим дерматитом (АД), сезонным аллергическим риноконьюнктивитом (САРК) и круглогодичным аллергическим ринитом (КАР), бронхиальной астмой (БА) – с неатопическими аллергическими болезнями – острой и рецидивирующей крапивницей (ОК/РК), отёком Квинке (ОКв), а также болезнями пищеварительной системы (ПС) – функциональными расстройствами билиарной системы (ФРБС) и реактивным панкреатитом (РП). Определены ассоциации между АД, АМ и пищевой аллергией (ПА) у детей, что зафиксировано в виде прямой корреляционной связи. Определена прямая ассоциация между хроническими инфекционными заболеваниями верхних дыхательных путей и САРК, КАР и БА. Подтверждено отсутствие связи между атопическими и неатопическими аллергическими болезнями. Выявлены ассоциации между ФРБС, РП и неатопическими аллергическими болезнями у детей – ОК/РК, ОКв

    Periodicity of professional pedagogical education within bachelor’s and master’s programmes in natural sciences

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    The article provides grounding and a methodological macro-development basis for a system periodic model of professional pedagogical education within bachelor's and master’s programmes in natural sciences. In the abovementioned context, periodicity is regarded as a universally applicable procedural basis for multilevel continuous professional pedagogical education in the sphere of natural sciences. A key category of system periodic model of professional pedagogical education within bachelor's and master’s programmes in natural sciences is a didactic cycle characterised by purposefulness, internal system integrity, dynamism, iterativity, controllability and hierarchy of levels based on phase logic. Didactic cycle is represented as a dual procedure of development of subject-subject relations oriented to correlation changes of self-balancing systems depending on quantitative augmentation in a form of grasping of content of professional pedagogical education within bachelor's and master’s programmes in natural sciences to qualitative personal transformations. Realisation of the hierarchy position is realised as macro-didactic, mesodidactic and micro-didactic cycles within the structure of a system model. Their attributive signs are goals, peculiarities of learning activity within the process of subject-subject dialogic interaction, types of solved tasks and performance. We have defined and characterised specificity of phases of didactic cycle: initiatives and perspectives, designing, implementation, assessment of results.peer-reviewe

    Association between atopic and non-atopic diseases at children.

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    The paper presents the data of the association analysis bet­ween the diseases composig the atopic march (AM) in children – atopic dermatitis (AD), seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis (SARC) and perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR), bronchial asthma (BA), with non-atopic allergic diseases – acute and recurrent urticaria (AcU/RecU), Quincke edema (QE), and also with diseases of the digestive system (DS) – functional disorders of the biliary system (FDBS) and reactive pancreatitis (RP). The association between AD and food allergy (FA) in children has been determined, which is recorded as a direct association. A direct association was established between chronic infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract and the PAR as well as BA. The lack of association between atopic and non-atopic allergic diseases had been confirmed. The association between FDBS and RP and non-atopic allergic diseases in children had been determined – AcU/RecU, QE

    "AHIMSA" principle in the religious and cultural practices of ancient and contemporary India

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    The paper is focused on the development of the ahimsa principle and its specifics in the ideology of ancient and contemporary India, in its religious and cultural practice

    Identification of a Response Amplitude Operator for Ships

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    At the European Study Group Mathematics with Industry 2012 in Eindhoven, the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN) presented the problem of identifying the response amplitude operator (RAO) for a ship, given input information on the amplitudes of the sea waves and output information on the movement of the ship. We approach the problem from a threefold perspective: a direct least-squares approach, an approach based on truncated Fourier series, and an approach using low-dimensional measures of the RAO. We give a few recommendations for possible further investigations

    Physical constraints of cultural evolution of dialects in killer whales

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    Data collection was supported by a variety of organizations, including the Russian Fund for the Fundamental Research (Grant No. 15-04-05540), the Rufford Small Grants Fund, Whale and Dolphin Conservation, the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Grant No. SFRH/BD/30303/2006), Russell Trust Award of the University of St. Andrews, the Office of Naval Research, the Icelandic Research Fund (i. Rannsóknasjóður), the National Geographic Society Science and Exploration Europe (Grant No. GEFNE65-12), Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre, the Canadian Ministry of Fisheries and Oceans, and the North Gulf Oceanic Society.Odontocete sounds are produced by two pairs of phonic lips situated in soft nares below the blowhole; the right pair is larger and is more likely to produce clicks, while the left pair is more likely to produce whistles. This has important implications for the cultural evolution of delphinid sounds: the greater the physical constraints, the greater the probability of random convergence. In this paper the authors examine the call structure of eight killer whale populations to identify structural constraints and to determine if they are consistent among all populations. Constraints were especially pronounced in two-voiced calls. In the calls of all eight populations, the lower component of two-voiced (biphonic) calls was typically centered below 4 kHz, while the upper component was typically above that value. The lower component of two-voiced calls had a narrower frequency range than single-voiced calls in all populations. This may be because some single-voiced calls are homologous to the lower component, while others are homologous to the higher component of two-voiced calls. Physical constraints on the call structure reduce the possible variation and increase the probability of random convergence, producing similar calls in different populations.PostprintPeer reviewe