1,132 research outputs found


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    Based on the resuitsof compiexciinicai and instrumentai examination of 1O2 patients diagnosed with breast cysts (37.3 %), fibroadenoma ( 5O.9 %), nodai mastopathy - ( 8.82 %), post-traumatic cyst with suppuration (1.96 %), intraductai papiiioma (O.98 %). Proiiferative activity and infiammation in the tissues of the breast when it is benign noduiar pathoiogy isestabiishedat 62.7 %of patients. Gynecoiogicai pathoiogy among the women surveyed identified in 37.3 % of cases, whiie in proiiferative variant of the benign brest tumor 32,8 % of cases, nonproiiferative — on 39.5 % of cases. These adverse obstetric history occurred in 52.6 % of patients. In case with cysts of mammary giands peivic pathoiogy was found in 2 times more compared with soiid benign brest tumors.На основании peзyльтaтoв комплексного клиникo-инcтpyмeнтaльнoгo обследования 1O2 пaциeнтoкдиaгнocтиpoвaны кисты молочных желез (37,3 %), фибpoaдeнoмы (5O,9 %), узловые мастопатии (8,82 %), пocттpaвмaтичecкиe кисты с нагноением (1,96 %), внyтpипpoтoкoвыe папилломы (O,98 %). Пpoлифepaтивнaя активность и воспалительный пpoцecc в тканях молочной железы пpи ее дoбpoкaчecтвeннoй узловой патологии установлены у 62,7 % больных. Гинекологическая патология cpeди обследованных женщин выявлена в 37,3 %случаях, пpи этом пpи пpoлифepaтивнoм вapиaнтeдoбpoкaчecтвeнныx узловых oбpaзoвaний молочной железы — в 32,8 % случаев, пpи нeпpoлифepaтивнoм — в 39,5 % случаев. Данные нeблaгoпpиятнoгo акуш^^ого анамнеза имели местоу 52,6 % больных. Пpи кистах молочной железы патология opгaнoв малого таза встречается в 2 paзa чаще по cpaвнeнию с солидными дoбpoкaчecтвeнными узловыми oбpaзoвaниями.На підставі peзyльтaтiв комплексного клініко-інструментального обстеження 1O2 пацієнток діагностовано кісти молочних залоз (37,3 %), фiбpoaдeнoми (5O,9 %), вузлові мастопатії'(8,82%), пocттpaвмaтичнi кісти з нагноєнням (1,96 %), внyтpiшньoпpoтoкoви папіломи (O,98%). Пpoлiфepaтивнa активність і запальний пpoцec в тканинах молочної'залози пpи їїдoбpoякicнiй вузлової патології встановлені у 62,7% xвopиx. Гінекологічна патологіяcepeд обстежених жінок виявлена в 37,3 % випадках, пpи цьому пpи пpoлiфepaтивнoмy вapiaнтi дoбpoякicниx вузлових yтвopeнь молочної'залози - 32,8% випадків, пpи нeпpoлiфepaтивнoмy — в 39,5 % випадків. Дані нecпpиятливoгo a ^ m e p ^ ^ ^ ) анамнезу мали місце у 52,6 %xвopиx. Пpи кістах молочної'залози патологія opгaнiв малого таза зустрічається в 2 paзи частішев пopiвняннi з солідними дoбpoякicними вузловими yтвopeннями

    Тепловой расчет вертикальных грунтовых теплообменников

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    The paper considers a heat calculation method of borehole heat exchangers (BHE) which can be used for designing and optimization of their design values and included in a comprehensive mathematical model of heat supply system with a heat pump based on utilization of low-grade heat from the ground.The developed method of calculation is based on the reduction of the problem general solution pertaining to heat transfer in BHE with due account of heat transfer between top-down and bottom-up flows of heat carrier to the solution for a boundary condition of one kind on the borehole wall. Used the a method of electrothermal analogy has been used for a calculation of the thermal resistance and  the required shape factors for calculation of  a borehole filler thermal resistance have been obtained numerically. The paper presents results of heat calculation of various BHE designs in accordance with the proposed method.Статья посвящена методу теплового расчета вертикальных грунтовых теплообменников (ВГТО), который может быть использован для проектирования и оптимизации их конструктивных параметров и входить в состав комплексной математической модели системы теплоснабжения с тепловым насосом на основе утилизации низкопотенциальной теплоты грунта.Разработанный метод расчета основан на приведении общего решения задачи о переносе теплоты в ВГТО с учетом теплообмена между нисходящим и восходящим потоками теплоносителя к решению для граничного условия 1-го рода на стенке скважины. Для определения сопротивления теплопередаче использован метод электротепловой аналогии, а коэффициент формы для расчета термического сопротивления заполнителя скважины получен численно. Представлены результаты теплового расчета различных конструкций ВГТО по предлагаемому методу

    Electronic structure and magnetic properties of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg system CuSe2O5

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    A microscopic magnetic model for the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain compound CuSe2O5 is developed based on the results of a joint experimental and theoretical study. Magnetic susceptibility and specific heat data give evidence for quasi-1D magnetism with leading antiferromagnetic (AFM) couplings and an AFM ordering temperature of 17 K. For microscopic insight, full-potential DFT calculations within the local density approximation (LDA) were performed. Using the resulting band structure, a consistent set of transfer integrals for an effective one-band tight-binding model was obtained. Electronic correlations were treated on a mean-field level starting from LDA (LSDA+U method) and on a model level (Hubbard model). In excellent agreement of experiment and theory, we find that only two couplings in CuSe2O5 are relevant: the nearest-neighbour intra-chain interaction of 165 K and a non-frustrated inter-chain coupling of 20 K. From a comparison with structurally related systems (Sr2Cu(PO4)2, Bi2CuO4), general implications for a magnetic ordering in presence of inter-chain frustration are made.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Condition of entomophilic fauna on Hyssopus officinalis L. crops depending on ecotope conditions

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    Species diversity and number of potential pollinator species on H. officinalis seed crops in various ecotopes of farm fields were studied under the influence of "Bi-58 new" insecticide treatment and without preliminary treatment. The presence of 16 insect species belonging to four families of the genus Hymenoptera (Megachilida, Apidae, Halictidae and Vespidae), two families of the Diptera row (Syrphidae and Stratiomyidae) and one family of the genus Lepidoptera (Lycaenalidae) has been identified on the seed crops of H. officinalis. The insecticidal treatment in general did not significantly affect the total number of pollinators, but changed the species composition of pollinators and their number on the field area. As much as possible, the decrease in the prevalence and number of the Megachilida species was affecte

    Nucleon-induced fission cross-sections of tantalum and separated tungsten isotopes and "compound nucleus" effect in intermediate energy region

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    Neutron- and proton-induced fission cross-sections of separated isotopes of tungsten (182W, 183W, 184W, and 186W) and 181Ta relative to 209Bi have been measured in the incident nucleon energy region 50 - 200 MeV using fission chambers based on thin-film breakdown counters (TFBC) using quasi-monoenergetic neutrons from the 7Li(p,n) reaction and at the proton beams of The Svedberg Laboratory (TSL), Uppsala University (Uppsala, Sweden). The results are compared with predictions by the CEM03.01 event generator, as well as with the recent data for nuclei in the lead-bismuth region. The effect of "compound nucleus" in the intermediate energy region is discussed, displaying in exponential dependence of nucleon-induced fission cross-sections on the parameter Z^2/A of the composite system (projectile+target nucleus), and in other characteristics of the fission process for which parameter Z^2/A plays a role similar to the one of the usual liquid-drop parameter Z^2/A of compound nuclei.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, only pdf file, to be published in Proc. Int. Conf. on Nucl. Data for Sci. and Technology (ND2007), Nice, France, April 22-27, 200


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    The Ni-ZrO2 composites with different nickel concentrations were obtained by ion-beam sputtering. With the use of a composite target the deposition of samples with different nickel concentrations was carried out in the same deposition process. The composite structure of the studied films was confirmed by X-ray diffraction and resistivity measurements.Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РФФИ № 16-42-360778 р_а

    A Hydrophobic Gate in an Ion Channel: The Closed State of the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor

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    The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) is the prototypic member of the `Cys-loop' superfamily of ligand-gated ion channels which mediate synaptic neurotransmission, and whose other members include receptors for glycine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and serotonin. Cryo-electron microscopy has yielded a three dimensional structure of the nAChR in its closed state. However, the exact nature and location of the channel gate remains uncertain. Although the transmembrane pore is constricted close to its center, it is not completely occluded. Rather, the pore has a central hydrophobic zone of radius about 3 A. Model calculations suggest that such a constriction may form a hydrophobic gate, preventing movement of ions through a channel. We present a detailed and quantitative simulation study of the hydrophobic gating model of the nicotinic receptor, in order to fully evaluate this hypothesis. We demonstrate that the hydrophobic constriction of the nAChR pore indeed forms a closed gate. Potential of mean force (PMF) calculations reveal that the constriction presents a barrier of height ca. 10 kT to the permeation of sodium ions, placing an upper bound on the closed channel conductance of 0.3 pS. Thus, a 3 A radius hydrophobic pore can form a functional barrier to the permeation of a 1 A radius Na+ ion. Using a united atom force field for the protein instead of an all atom one retains the qualitative features but results in differing conductances, showing that the PMF is sensitive to the detailed molecular interactions.Comment: Accepted by Physical Biology; includes a supplement and a supplementary mpeg movie can be found at http://sbcb.bioch.ox.ac.uk/oliver/download/Movies/watergate.mp

    Environmental Improvement Of Opencast Mining

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    Existing classifications of waste dumps in the quarries are given and their phenomenological nature is clarified. The need to identify the essence of the term "dump" is shown as well as the idea of "dump" as an artificial formation with everted and mixed rocks distanced from the quarry. Essential classification of man-made rock formations in quarries is developed. Characteristic of variations of man-made waste formations in quarries is developed. To reduce harmful effects of open-pit mining, dumps should be substituted with strat-lays - man-made structures relevant to natural stratification of litho-substances. Construction of strat-lays would improve ecological and technological culture of open cast mining