21 research outputs found

    Implementation of Management Functions in Economic Recovery in the Tourism Village of Babalan Lor Village

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    This article was written to find out about the implementation of the economic recovery management function in the tourist village of Babalan Lor Village, Bojong District. Hence, the information can be deciphered regarding the implementation of economic recovery carried out by the residents of the tourist village in Babalan Lor Village. The problem of this study was how the strategy was applied by the tourism village community in recovering the economy through the management function. The method used in this study was a qualitative approach as the qualitative components include observation, interviews, and literature research. The results of the study showed that the residents of tourist village carry out a management function; they are the principles of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling as a strategy in recovering the economy

    Cyber Resilience Evaluation Using Cyber Resilience Review Framework at University XYZ

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    Cyber resilience is about protecting data and information owned by University XYZ and adapting business processes at University XYZ to ensure service continuity when cyber threats occur. However, University XYZ never evaluates its practices to implement security and data management. University XYZ needs to know its maturity level based on cyber resilience evaluation to improve its cyber resilience. Therefore, this research was carried out to evaluate cyber resilience at University XYZ using the Cyber Resilience Review (CRR) assessment by evaluating ten cyber resilience domains. The evaluation covers academic services that use the University XYZ academic information system. The evaluation process will be held through an interview with the process owner. The interview questions are based on CRR assessment. After the evaluation, we found that none of the domains in University XYZ had yet reached Maturity Indicator Level (MIL)-1. In addition, the overall performance percentage for each CRR domain had not yet reached 100%. An improvementrecommendation for each domain has also been made, containing guidance for implementing incomplete and noncommitted practices. University XYZ can implement cyber resilience practices according to recommendations so that the implementation process can run optimally, even thoughcyber threats occur from time to time

    Pelatihan Penggunaan Database MYSQL Berbasis CMD Kepada Siswa SMA Di Bogor

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    Adapun tujuan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini tidak hanya sebagai pengenalan ilmu database ke pesantren, tetapi PKM ini bertujuan sebagai pedoman bagi siswa di Al Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School Parung Bogor. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman yang semakin canggih, kita diharuskan untuk mengikuti teknologi pada era digitalisasi. Permasalahan yang diangkat pada pengabdian ini adalah pengenalan database untuk mengolah data dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang telah ada solusi yang ditawarkan pada pengabdian ini adalah pembelajaran database menggunakan MySQL berbasis command prompt dengan banyaknya aplikasi yang telah dibuat dan memudahkan pekerjaan manusia dalam menjalankan segala sesuatu. Semakin berkembangnya teknologi informasi ini sangat membantu dalam segala hal dalam bidang apapun yang memiliki manfaat yang sangat banyak. Contohnya dalam pengumpulan data tidak lepas dari penggunaan DBMS (Database Management System). DBMS (Database Management System) yang bertujuan untuk mempermudah dalam hal penyimpanan data maupun dalam hal manipulasi data,  dalam penggunaan DBMS ini cukup kompleks. Oleh karena itu, kami berinisiatif mengajarkan pengetahuan tentang cara membuat database menggunakan MySQL berbasis command prompt kepada para siswa SMU Al Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School Parung Bogor. Adapun nantinya yang akan diajarkan adalah membuat database, menghapus database, mengupdate database dan memasukan data kedalam database dengan perintah yang ada pada MySQL. Diharapkan dari pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini peserta dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dalam memanfaatkan teknologi khususnya dalam membuat database mnggunakan MySQL. Kata-kata kunci: Pengenalan basis data, MySQL berbasis command prompt, Mengolah basis data


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    Nature tourism in the city of Pagar Alam should be kept clean and beauty, so that tourists both from Indonesia and abroad to come on holiday to the bustling city of Pagar Alam. Pagar Alam as Nature Tourism destination in South Sumatra should be more active in promoting the city is and add to the existing facilities for the convenience of visitors. Therefore designed a media campaign in the form of the encyclopedia, which presents the complete information about the nature of tourism in the city of Pagar Alam. Encyclopedia provides information and photograph the sights, to make visitors interested in coming to the City of Pagar Ala

    Rancangan Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Framework COBIT 2019 (Studi Kasus: PT XYZ)

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    Abstrak: Tata kelola teknologi informasi fokus pada teknologi informasi, sistem, manajemen kinerja dan resikonya.Kerangka kerja COBIT 2019 digunakan dalam melakukan penerapan tata kelola teknologi informasi. PT XYZ diambil bertujuan mengetahui kualitas layanan, kinerja manajemen, serta resiko pada perusahaan dengan melihat pada referensi dari laporan tahunan PT XYZ dan menganalisis nilai capability level serta maturity level. Setelah dilakukan analisis terhadap 11 design factor, didapatkan bahwa ada 5 proses domain yang memiliki nilai diatas 75% yaitu BAI02, BAI03, BAI06, DSS02, dan DSS04 kemudian dilanjutkan dengan core model evaluation dan diperoleh hasil nilai capability level masing- masing yaitu BAI02 memiliki nilai capability pada level 2; BAI03 memiliki nilai capability pada level 1; BAI06 memiliki nilai capability pada level 1; ). DSS02 memiliki nilai capability pada level 2; dan DSS04 memiliki nilai capability pada level 2, maka nilai maturity level keseluruhan dari PT XYZ adalah 1, capability level dapat ditingkatkan dengan melakukan aktivitas yang belum dilakukan oleh perusahaan sampai dengan mencapai nilai fully untuk tiap level.   Kata kunci: capability, COBIT, maturity, tata kelola, teknologi.   Abstract: Information technology governance focuses on information technology, systems, performance management and risk. The 2019 COBIT framework is used in implementing information technology governance. PT XYZ was taken to determine the quality of service, management performance, and risk to the company by looking at the references from the PT XYZ annual report and analyzing the capability level and maturity level. After analyzing 11 design factors, it was found that there were 5 domain processes that had values ​​above 75%, namely BAI02, BAI03, BAI06, DSS02, and DSS04 then continued with core model evaluation and the results obtained for each capability level, namely BAI02 had a value. capability at level 2; BAI03 has capability value at level 1; BAI06 has a capability value at level 1; ). DSS02 has capability value at level 2; and DSS04 has a capability value at level 2, so the overall maturity level of PT XYZ is 1, the capability level can be increased by doing activities that the company has not done until it reaches the full value for each level.   Keywords: capability, COBIT, governance, maturity, technology

    Endothelial Dysfunction in Appendicitis

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    In an inflammation, including appendicitis, vascular adequacy is required to supply anti-inflammatory substances and nutrition due to inflamed tissue remodeling. Normal tissue has balanced tissue regeneration and tissue destruction from apoptosis. While in inflammation, inflammatory substances tend to cause tissue destruction and lead to necrosis. This requires the tissue to increase cell regeneration to maintain tissue homeostasis in the appendix, induced mainly by oxygenation, nutrition, growth factors, and mainly anti-inflammatory substances that are obtained with vascular adequacy. This process needs active vascularization that can be achieved with neovascularization to ensure good vascularization to the tissue lacking from vascular damage. The ability of neovascularization is mainly related to growth factors acting in the endothelium and inducing neovascularization process. This mechanism is impaired in the process of inflammation by inflammatory substances causing endothelial dysfunction. As stated that vascular adequacy is related to growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) that may differ from one person to another, external and internal factors plays role in affecting individualized difference in adapting to inflammatory process, the expression of the VEGF may be a novel distinction to cut-off requirements of inflammation process in appendicitis would be self-limiting or continue to cause tissue necrosis and perforating appendicitis that urges surgical treatment to encounter the unstoppable inflammatory process in the appendix


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    ABSTRAK Pada Dinas Pemuda, Olahraga dan Pariwisata (DPOP) Kota Balikpapan, teknologi informasi kerap digunakan pada kegiatan operasional pegawai. Namun, tidak semua kegiatan operasional pegawai telah diakomodasi oleh teknologi informasi. Salah satunya yaitu proses administrasi tamu yang datang ke DPOP Balikpapan yang masih menggunakan buku tamu. Waktu yang cukup lama dapat terjadi dalam proses perekapan tiap bulannya dari pihak DPOP Balikpapan. Selain itu, human error juga kemungkinan besar akan terjadi jika proses administrasi tamu masih berbasis kertas karena proses perekapan data secara manual. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian di DPOP Balikpapan dengan merancang dan membangun Sistem Informasi Buku Tamu (SI-KUTA) berbasis website khusus untuk DPOP Balikpapan dengan metode Personal Extreme Programming (PXP). Metode  PXP memungkinkan terjadinya komunikasi yang baik antara pengembang laman web dengan klien. Implementasi metode PXP sangat cocok digunakan pada penelitian ini dikarenakan kebutuhan klien yang dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu seiring dengan jalannya proses pengembangan sistem. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa implementasi dari aplikasi SI-KUTA yang dapat digunakan oleh pegawai DPOP Balikpapan. Dengan dibuatnya aplikasi SI-KUTA, pegawai DPOP Balikpapan khususnya Subbagian Umum dapat dengan mudah merekap, menghitung dan menyimpan data-data pengunjung DPOP Balikpapan. ABSTRACT At the Balikpapan City Youth, Sports and Tourism Office (DPOP), information technology is often used in employee operational activities. However, not all employee operational activities have been accommodated by information technology. One of them is the administration process of guests coming to DPOP Balikpapan who are still using guest books. This certainly requires quite a long time in the recording process each month from the DPOP Balikpapan. In addition, human error is also likely to occur if the guest administration process is still paper-based due to the manual data recording process. Therefore, research was conducted at DPOP Balikpapan by designing and building a Website-based Guest Book Information System (SI-KUTA) specifically for DPOP Balikpapan using the Personal Extreme Programming (PXP) method. The PXP method allows for good communication between the website developer and the client. The implementation of the PXP method is very suitable to be used in this study because the client's needs can change at any time along with the course of the system development process. The results of this research are the implementation of the SI-KUTA application that can be used by Balikpapan DPOP employees. With the application of SI-KUTA, DPOP Balikpapan employees, especially the General Subdivision, can easily recap, calculate, and store DPOP Balikpapan visitor data

    Implementation of Business Continuity Planning Methodology in Making Business Continuity Planning Documents at PT. XYZ

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    PT. XYZ is a company engaged in the communication sector. As a company with a national scale, PT. XYZ has various risks that must be faced, ranging from natural disasters, human disturbances, and disruption due to technology. The existence of disruption risks can disrupt the company's operational activities. A business continuity plan document is created to find out what steps the company must take to minimize damage due to disruption. Making a business continuity plan or BCP starts from the project initiation stage, risk assessment, business impact analysis, mitigation strategy development, plan development, training, testing, auditing. The results obtained from this research are in the form of BCP documents used by PT. XYZ in response to a disturbance. With the BCP, PT. XYZ can respond to a disruption that occurs and quickly restore business operations