30 research outputs found

    Twórczość naukowa Cezarego Kunderewicza

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Operation investigations of steam cycle in experimental micro-binary power plant

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    Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych Politechnika ŁódzkaInstitute of Turbomachinery, Lodz University of TechnologyPoniższy artykuł przedstawia analizę numeryczną układu rurociągów parowych doświadczalnej mikrosiłowni binarnej. Analizie poddano stan pracy normalnej obiegu parowego. Omówiono wyniki obliczeń dla naprężeń pochodzących od masy własnej rurociągu, ciśnienia wewnętrznego i przemieszczeń termicznych.The article presents numerical analysis of steam pipelines in Experimental Micro - Hybrid Power Plant. Normal operation condition for steam cycle has been analyzed. Results of stress analysis from dead load and thermal expansion have been discussed

    Uprawnienia mieszkańców jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w zakresie dostępu do informacji publicznej

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    The text tries to answer a question which information is to be recognized as public information, whereby local communities and/ or self-government should share the information if requested by citizens. More than that, the text aims to present the rule of disclosure and access to public information as well as ways of implementing them in local governments. It is also worth to debate when public information is recognized as processed and what an internal document is, if it is also recognized as public information. In consequence, a requirement to prove a special social interest, when applying for the processed information, also becomes a significant issue. Finally, authors raise a question what to do when an organ which is obliged, in this case a self government unit, rejects an access to such information or when one deals with its inaction in that field. Due to a generality of those regulations and lack of legal definitions of many instruments, including the term of public information, it is necessary to present a doctrine and judgments on that issue.The text tries to answer a question which information is to be recognized as public information, whereby local communities and/ or self-government should share the information if requested by citizens. More than that, the text aims to present the rule of disclosure and access to public information as well as ways of implementing them in local governments. It is also worth to debate when public information is recognized as processed and what an internal document is, if it is also recognized as public information. In consequence, a requirement to prove a special social interest, when applying for the processed information, also becomes a significant issue. Finally, authors raise a question what to do when an organ which is obliged, in this case a self government unit, rejects an access to such information or when one deals with its inaction in that field. Due to a generality of those regulations and lack of legal definitions of many instruments, including the term of public information, it is necessary to present a doctrine and judgments on that issue

    Study of the structure, magnetic, thermal and electrical characterisation of ZnCr2Se4: Ta single crystals obtained by chemical vapour transport

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    The new series of single-crystalline chromium selenides, Ta-doped ZnCr2Se4, was synthesised by a chemical vapour transport method to determine the impact of a dopant on the structural and thermodynamic properties of the parent compound. We present comprehensive investigations of structural, electrical transport, magnetic, and specific heat properties. It was expected that a partial replacement of Cr ions by a more significant Ta one would lead to a change in direct magnetic interactions between Cr magnetic moments and result in a change in the magnetic ground state and electric transport properties of the ZnCr2xTaxSe4 (x = 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12) system. We found that all the elements of the cubic system had a cubic spinel structure; however, the doping gain linearly increased the ZnCr2xTaxSe4 unit cell volume. Doping with tantalum did not significantly change the semiconductor and magnetic properties of ZnCr2Se4. For all studied samples (0 x 0.12), an antiferromagnetic order (AFM) below TN~22 K was observed. However, a small amount of Ta significantly reduced the second critical field (Hc2) from 65 kOe for x = 0.0 (ZnCr2Se4 matrix) up to 42.2 kOe for x = 0.12, above which the spin helical system changed to ferromagnetic (FM). The Hc2 reduction can lead to strong competition among AFM and FM interactions and spin frustration, as the specific heat under magnetic fields H < Hc2 shows a strong field decrease in TN

    Pre-operative high-dose-rate brachytherapy in early-stage cervical cancer: long-term single-center results

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    Purpose: The aim of the study was to report the outcomes of pre-operative high-dose-rate brachytherapy (pHDRBT), followed by hysterectomy in patients with early cervical cancer. Material and methods: From January, 1998 to December, 2003, 113 women with IB1, IB2, and IIA1 cervical cancer (according to International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics [FIGO] 2018) were treated with pHDR-BT, and 6 to 8 weeks later followed by radical hysterectomy. Patients found to have positive lymph nodes, residual cervical cancer, involved parametria, or lymphovascular space invasion (LVSI) received post-operative adjuvant therapy. Results: Post-operatively, 81.4% of patients had a complete response to pHDR-BT in the cervix, and 18.6% had residual cervical cancer. Failures occurred in 11/113 (9.7%) patients (all were stage IIA1), with pelvic recurrences in 5/113 (4.4%) and distant metastasis (DM) in 6/113 (5.3%). The 5- and 10-year disease-free survival (DFS) rates were 100% for IB1 and IB2, and 86.4% and 81.3% for IIA1, respectively. Lymph node involvement and/or residual cervical cancer correlated with worse DFS. Two vesicovaginal fistulas were observed (one in a patient treated only with pHDRBT and one in a woman, who underwent adjuvant external-beam radiotherapy [EBRT]). Two rectovaginal fistulas and one case of proctitis were observed in patients treated with adjuvant EBRT. Conclusions: pHDR-BT in early cervical cancer is well-tolerated and effective in sterilizing tumor cells in the cervix. The growing number of publications in this area may help define an optimal therapeutic scheme, but randomized trials are required to determine the best candidates for this treatment modality. In our opinion, cervical cancer patients with FIGO stage IIA1 are not good candidates for pHDR-BT, and could be given this treatment only after rigorous selection, including assessment with state-of-the-art imaging, due to higher probability of treatment failure

    Kwestia wycofania wojsk sowieckich z Afganistanu (1985-1989)

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    Rywalizacja supermocarstw USA oraz ZSRR na obszarze Afganistanu z uwzględnieniem państw trzecich. Klęska wojsk sowieckich, która doprowadziła do ich wycofania z Afganistanu. Konsekwencją wycofania był m.in upadek ZSRR w 1991 r

    Conditions of existence and moral of Soviet Army in Afghanistan (1979–1989). Outline of the problem

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    Afghan war 1979–1989 had four stages: occupation, offensive, „afganization” of the conflict and withdrawal. Soviet occupation in Afghanistan by 40. Soviet Army in the years 1979–1989 revealed a lot of problems in the army. This article describes two very important factors of the battlefield in Afghanistan. First of them were difficult conditions of Soviet soldiers existence in Afghanistan. Because of insufficient number of buildings in Afghan garrisons, Soviet soldiers very often had to live in the tents. Problem was most severe in winter, because tents had no heating. Soviet supply lines were frequently attacked by resistance. Soviet soldiers were often sick because of shortage of fresh water, expired food, for example from year1956 with 1,5 year best before date, shortage of fruits and meat. In Soviet hospitals in Afghanistan conditions of existence were very bad. Soviet surgeons and nurses had very difficult job due to low quality of surgical sutures. Nurses often had to take threads from parachutes, clean them and use to sew up wounds. Second important factor described in the article was morale of Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan. High morale was among parachute and Specnaz units only. Those soldier fought to the bitter end. In the same time morale of majority of the Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan was very low. Soviet officers very often were corrupt and drank vodka easy to buy in afghan shops called dukans. Soviet conscripted soldiers faced different problem – drugs. Afghans knew that Soviet soldiers liked hashish and often did barter exchange for stolen Soviet tinned food, fuel, medicines or car parts. Sometimes even weapons changed owners. In Afghanistan drugs were present everywhere. Cases of desertion due to violence were another problem for Soviet Army in Afghanistan. Officers sometimes bullied conscripted soldiers. Most violence cases was between sergeants and conscripted soldiers, but also among conscripted soldiers only. Official Soviet data in Afghanistan confirms death of 14 453 soldiers. In Afghanistan 311 Soviet soldiers were reported as missing during Soviet occupation this country. Part of the missing soldiers escaped to mujahedeen and later fought in the Afghan resistance units against Soviet Army in Afghanistan.Wojna afgańska w latach 1979–1989 miała cztery fazy: zajęcie Afganistanu, podjęcie działań ofensywnych, „afganizacja” konfliktu oraz wycofanie wojsk. Sowiecka okupacja Afganistanu przez 40. Armię Radziecką w latach 1979–1989 pokazała wiele problemów tej armii. Artykuł ten opisuje dwa bardzo ważne czynniki pola bitwy w Afganistanie. Pierwszym były złe warunki życia żołnierzy radzieckich w Afganistanie. Brakowało budynków w afgańskich garnizonach, żołnierze bardzo często musieli przebywać w nieogrzewanych namiotach. Sowieckie linie zaopatrzenia były często atakowane przez ruch oporu. Radzieccy żołnierze byli chorzy, ponieważ nie było świeżej wody, żywność była stara, np. z 1956 r. z terminem ważności półtora roku, brakowało owoców, mięsa. Złe warunki panowały w sowieckich szpitalach. Sowieccy chirurdzy i pielęgniarki mieli trudną pracę, gdyż nici chirurgiczne miały złą jakość. Pielęgniarki musiały brać nici ze spadochronów, czyścić je i używać do szycia ran. Drugim czynnikiem było morale Sowietów w Afganistanie. Wysokie miały tylko oddziały spadochroniarzy i Specnazu. Ich żołnierze walczyli do śmierci. Morale większości żołnierzy sowieckich w Afganistanie było bardzo niskie. Sowieccy oficerowie często byli zepsuci, pili wódkę kupowaną w afgańskich sklepach – dukanach. Sowieccy żołnierze poborowi mieli inny rodzaj problemu – narkotyki. Afgańczycy wiedzieli, że sowieccy żołnierze lubili haszysz i często wymieniali go barterowo na kradzioną radziecką puszkowaną żywność, paliwo, leki czy części samochodowe, czasami zaś na broń ręczną. W Afganistanie narkotyki były obecne wszędzie. Innym problemem Armii Radzieckiej w Afganistanie były dezercje z powodu przemocy. Oficerowie czasami znęcali się nad żołnierzami z poboru. Najwięcej przemocy było między sierżantami i żołnierzami poborowymi oraz samymi poborowymi. Oficjalne radzieckie dane potwierdziły śmierć w Afganistanie 14 453 żołnierzy. W Afganistanie zaginęło 311 sowieckich żołnierzy podczas okupacji tego kraju. Część z zaginionych uciekło do mudżahedinów. Później walczyli oni w oddziałach afgańskiego ruchu oporu przeciwko Armii Radzieckiej

    Communal economy as an instrument of sustainable development in the community on the example of Władysławowo

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    The aim of the article is to indicate that communal economy can be an instrument of sustainable development. Therefore, at the outset sustainable development is described along with its role in community performance. It is correlated with further divagations on communal economy and implementation of community duties neglecting procurement law. The article concludes by casus of the city community of Władysławowo and some general remarks on the issue. The text is based on Polish and international legal literature. Legal acts quoted are valid as at August 20th of 2013.Europejska Wyższa Szkoła Prawa i Administracji w Warszawi


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    Tekst wprowadza do tematyki samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce. Na wstępie przedstawia rys historyczny i aktualny model samorządu terytorialnego. W trzeciej części definiuje gminę, wskazuje jej umocowanie prawne i przedstawia jej ogólną charakterystykę. Cześć czwarta tekstu skupia się na zadaniach gminy, tak zleconych jaki i własnych, zarówno obligatoryjnych jak i fakultatywnych. Pracę uzupełniają liczne przykłady funkcjonowania samorządów, głównie z województwa pomorskiego, które to autor umieścił w przypisach. Całość bazuje na literaturze prawa administracyjnego i samorządowego oraz aktach prawnych aktualnych na dzień 31 września 2013 roku.The text in an introduction to the issues of local government in Poland. At the beginning it presents historical sketch and current model of local government. The third part defines community, indicates its legitimacy and presents general characteristics. Fourth part of the text focuses on community’s delegated and own task and duties, both obligatory and facultative. The text is supplemented with several examples mostly of communities from Pomorskie Region given in footnotes. All bases on administrative and communal law literature and acts of law valid on September 31st of 2013