344 research outputs found

    Characterization and structural performance in bending of CLT panels made from small-diameter logs of loblolly/slash pine

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    The main objective of this work was to study the structural viability of using small-diameter logs of Uruguayan Loblolly/Slash pine, mainly from thinning operations, to design cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels. A visual grade named “CTH” (coniferous thinning) was proposed, and 45 specimens of sawn timber boards were tested, resulting in 51% lower bending strength than that of the minimum strength class C14. Subsequently, 20 CLT panels were manufactured and experimentally tested, the results showed that the bending strength of the CLT panels was 43% above that of the individual layers. Additionally, the structural performance of the CLT panels for use in floors was calculated, and the thickness-span relationship depending on strength class and imposed load are presented. Results showed than the use of CTH timber to design CLT floors implies a volume (m3/m2) 17% higher than that using C24 timber

    Modificación del procedimiento de levantamiento de inmunidad parlamentaria con prevalencia del principio de igualdad ante la ley (Chiclayo, 2018)

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    El presente trabajo enmarca una adecuada relevancia jurídica constitucional, por lo que procuramos la modificación del procedimiento de levantamiento de inmunidad parlamentaria que se ha establecido dentro del texto de la Carta política peruana. La institución de la inmunidad parlamentaria debe estar regulada de forma que no se confronte con uno de los principios que dotan al ordenamiento su carácter constitucional, éste es el de igualdad ante la ley, por lo que, es imprescindible que se establezcan parámetros para su aplicación, promoviendo a su vez la igualdad legal. Asimismo, es posible ver en la práctica del actual procedimiento de levantamiento de inmunidad que se puede observar la elusión de la justicia ordinaria por parte de los congresistas, que se produce a través de las decisiones tomadas en el Congreso y que esconden intereses políticos de por medio, ocasionando impunidad de aquellas autoridades legislativas que no se someten a la acción penal de la jurisdicción ordinaria

    Characterization of Cattle Farms for Rural Extension Work in Ecuador I. Determination of the main heterogeneities

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    ABSTRACTEighty-two cattle farmers were surveyed to determine the main variables involved in cattle farm heterogeneity for rural extension work in Chunchi canton, Chimborazo province, Ecuador. The dimension reduction method suggested by Cabrera  et al.  (2004) was applied. Eight factors derived from the study: PCA (4) was made  to variables invest-ment in pastures and monthly milk income (F1); cattle fattening time (F2); total area (F3), and related farm members (F4). Whereas MCA (4) included variables missing indispensable service and applicability of state of the art techno l-ogy on the farm (D1); personnel in emergency situations (D2); breed or crossbreds (D3), and farm technology (D4)

    Characterization of Cattle Farms for Rural Extension Work in Ecuador II. Classification

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    The aims of this paper were to classify cattle farms by multivariate statistics, and to characterize the groups of cattle farms of two parishes in Chunchi canton, Chimborazo province, Ecuador, for rural extension work. The factors achieved in the reduction of dimensions (8) were used to make hierarchical clustering analysis based on the Ward´s method, with an Euclidean distance cut of 15. Four groups were made and named after the appearance frequency. The groups were characterized using the central tendency and frequency distribution. Group 4 was superior in terms of area, though all the farms studied may be regarded as small, according to the classification of the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC). The number of trees was lower in group 2, suggesting interest in intensification based on space. Group 4 had more cows, thus recurring to concentrated feeds more often. Group 1 reported the need for more training. It was concluded that groups 1 and 3 required greater support from the rural extension system; whereas group 4 showed traits of numerical superiority of the variables. Accordingly, an efficiency study of the groups identified is suggested

    Intensification of Agricultural Systems and their Relation to Production and Efficiency. Results of Application

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    Agriculture is facing new challenges, on one hand is the need to increase food production; on the other, a more efficient use of natural resources, biofuels and production of raw materials. Both make agriculture a priority to industrial progress, which have determined new changes in the way intensification processes are implemented to meet the sector´s demands without causing land overuse. This review evaluates the bases for intensification of agricultural systems and their relation to production and efficiency. Additionally, the results from implementation of the Cuban experience are presented. In that context, the current intensification trends were defined, and other different criteria in terms of sustainability were explained. It was concluded that there are different criteria, trends or priorities regarding agriculture intensification; therefore, more than confrontation, conciliation must prevail. The strategy must be directed to an application based on each sector´s particulars, taking sustainability as the common principle of production

    Caracterización del haz de neutrones de una fuente radiactiva de 241AM-9BE por medio de contadores proporcionales

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    For the following work, we used a radioactive source 241Am-9Be the INGEOMINAS’ s Radiation Metrology Laboratory, a shadow cone made with paraffin and lead, a irradiation facility and a closed television circuit. Based on the size of the radioactive source, the irradiator geometry and the shape of the output radiation beam, we calculated theoretically the equivalent dose rate at the calibration point. Similarly, direct measurements were made with the proportional counter neglecting scattered radiation and comparing results, which showed the physical parameters characterizing the source such as: activity, neutron emission, flow rate and dose equivalent rate.En el siguiente trabajo se utilizó una fuente radiactiva de 241Am-9Be del laboratorio de Metrología de las radiaciones de INGEOMINAS, un cono de sombra hecho de parafina y plomo, un búnquer y un circuito cerrado de televisión. Con base en las dimensiones de la fuente radiactiva, la geometría del contenedor y la forma de salida del haz de radiación, se calcuó  teóricamente la tasa de dosis equivalente en el punto de calibración. De igual manera, se hicieron medidas directas con el contador proporcional despreciando la radiación dispersa y se compararon los resultados, los cuales arrojaron los parámetros físicos que caracterizan la fuente tales como: actividad, emisión neutrónica, tasa de fluencia y tasa de dosis equivalente

    Determinación de la enfermedad residual mínima como factor pronóstico para la estratificación de riesgo en las leucemias linfoblásticas infantiles

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    Estudiar de la Enfermedad Residual Mínima (ERM) como factor pronostico en las leucemias Infantiles agudas, para una correcta estratificación de pacientes en grupos de riesgoCONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI


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    Down Syndrome (DS) is a genetic disease that results in the presence of an extra 21st chromosome, which is why it is commonly called trisomy 21, this chromosomal abnormality may increase the risk of certain complications or may also present abnormalities that affect the pulmonary function, airway changes in DS patients can promote viral infections, which exacerbates the impact of Covid-19 in these patients. Therefore, this study aimed to present a deeper knowledge to the reader about how Covid-19 affects individuals with Down syndrome. This is an integrative literature review, whose data collection was carried out at the base: PubMed, in the period of May 2021 by crossing the following descriptors: Covid-19 and Down Syndrome (Down Syndrome). Articles from 2020 to 2021, with full text, in English, Portuguese or Spanish, were included in this review, and those that did not address the topic were excluded. Six studies concluded that Covid-19 patients with Down Syndrome (DS) are more likely to worsen the disease, with infections and longer hospital stays. Two studies also pointed to an increased risk of death from Covid-19 compared to people without DS. A study warned that patients with this profile should be considered at high risk for severe disease progression, in this case the child (4 months) was hospitalized and required oxygen support, being discharged after 10 days of hospitalization. Through the results, it is clear that Covid-19 has a negative and comprehensive impact on individuals with Down Syndrome, so that when they become ill, the clinical repercussions on these patients are too serious.El Síndrome de Down (SD) es una enfermedad genética que resulta en la presencia de un cromosoma 21 extra, por lo que comúnmente se le llama trisomía 21, esta anomalía cromosómica puede aumentar el riesgo de ciertas complicaciones o también puede presentar anomalías que afecten al pulmón. función, los cambios de las vías respiratorias en pacientes con SD pueden promover infecciones virales, lo que agrava el impacto de Covid-19 en estos pacientes. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo presentar un conocimiento más profundo al lector sobre cómo Covid-19 afecta a las personas con síndrome de Down. Se trata de una revisión integradora de la literatura, cuya recogida de datos se realizó en la base: PubMed, en el periodo de mayo de 2021 cruzando los siguientes descriptores: Covid-19 y Síndrome de Down (Síndrome de Down). En esta revisión se incluyeron artículos de 2020 a 2021, con texto completo, en inglés, portugués o español, y se excluyeron aquellos que no abordaron el tema. Seis estudios concluyeron que los pacientes con Covid-19 con síndrome de Down (SD) tienen más probabilidades de empeorar la enfermedad, con infecciones y estadías hospitalarias más prolongadas. Dos estudios también señalaron un mayor riesgo de muerte por Covid-19 en comparación con las personas sin síndrome de Down. Un estudio advirtió que los pacientes con este perfil deben ser considerados de alto riesgo de progresión grave de la enfermedad, en este caso el niño (4 meses) fue hospitalizado y requirió soporte de oxígeno, siendo dado de alta a los 10 días de internación. A través de los resultados, queda claro que Covid-19 tiene un impacto negativo y global en las personas con Síndrome de Down, por lo que cuando se enferman, las repercusiones clínicas en estos pacientes son demasiado graves.A Síndrome de Down (SD) é uma condição genética que resulta na presença de um cromossomo 21 a mais, devido a isso é comumente chamada de trissomia 21, está anormalidade cromossômica pode aumentar o risco de certas complicações como também podem apresentar anormalidades que afetam a função pulmonar, as alterações das vias aéreas em pacientes com SD podem promover infecções virais, o que exacerba o impacto do vírus causador da Covid-19 nestes pacientes. Por isso, esse estudo objetivou a apresentação de um conhecimento mais profundo ao leitor sobre como o vírus causador da Covid-19 afeta os indivíduos com síndrome de Down. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, cujo levantamento de dados foi realizado na base: PubMed, no período de maio de 2021 mediante o cruzamento dos seguintes descritores: Covid-19 e Síndrome de Down (Down Syndrome). Foram incluídos nesta revisão artigos de 2020 a 2021, com texto completo, em Inglês, Português ou Espanhol, e excluídos aqueles que não abordavam o tema. Seis estudos chegaram à conclusão de que pacientes com Covid-19 com Síndrome de Down (SD) têm maiores chances de agravamento da doença, com infecções e maior hospitalização. Dois estudos apontaram também um maior risco de morte por Covid-19, em comparação a pessoas sem SD. Um estudo alertou que pacientes com esse perfil devem ser considerados de alto risco para progressão severa da doença, no caso em questão a criança (4 meses) foi internada e necessitou de suporte de oxigênio, recebendo alta após 10 dias de internação. Mediante os resultados, percebe-se que a Covid-19 impacta de forma negativa e abrangente os indivíduos com Síndrome de Down, de modo que ao ficarem doentes, as repercussões clínicas nesses pacientes são demasiadas grave

    Herramientas para la implementación del sistema integrado de gestión para el sector secundario dedicado a construcción

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    La implementación de un Sistema de Gestión Integrado (SGI) bajo las normas ISO 45001, ISO 9001 e ISO 14001 puede ser de gran beneficio para una empresa constructora. - ISO 45001: Esta norma establece los requisitos para un Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SST) efectivo, con el objetivo de prevenir lesiones, enfermedades y muertes relacionadas con el trabajo. Al implementar esta norma, la empresa podrá demostrar su compromiso con la seguridad y salud de sus trabajadores, lo que puede mejorar la productividad y reducir los costos relacionados con accidentes laborales. - ISO 9001: Esta norma establece los requisitos para un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad (SGC), con el objetivo de garantizar la calidad de los productos y servicios que ofrece la empresa. Al implementar esta norma, la empresa podrá mejorar la satisfacción del cliente, la eficiencia de los procesos y la rentabilidad del negocio. - ISO 14001: Esta norma establece los requisitos para un Sistema de Gestión Ambiental (SGA), con el objetivo de minimizar el impacto ambiental de las actividades de la empresa. Al implementar esta norma, la empresa podrá demostrar su compromiso con la sostenibilidad ambiental, lo que puede mejorar su reputación y reducir los riesgos legales y financieros asociados a la contaminación y el cambio climático. En resumen, la implementación de un SGI bajo estas tres normas puede ayudar a la empresa constructora a mejorar su seguridad y salud laboral, la calidad de sus productos y servicios, y su desempeño ambiental, lo que puede generar beneficios económicos, sociales y ambientales a largo plazoThe implementation of an Integrated Management System (SGI) under the ISO 45001, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards can be of great benefit to a construction company. - ISO 45001: This standard establishes the requirements for an effective Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OSH), with the aim of preventing work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths. By implementing this standard, the company will be able to demonstrate its commitment to the safety and health of its workers, which can improve productivity and reduce costs related to work accidents. - ISO 9001: This standard establishes the requirements for a Quality Management System (QMS), with the aim of guaranteeing the quality of the products and services offered by the company. By implementing this standard, the company will be able to improve customer satisfaction, process efficiency and business profitability. - ISO 14001: This standard establishes the requirements for an Environmental Management System (EMS), with the aim of minimizing the environmental impact of the company's activities. By implementing this standard, the company will be able to demonstrate its commitment to environmental sustainability, which can improve its reputation and reduce the legal and financial risks associated with pollution and climate change. In summary, the implementation of an IMS under these three standards can help the construction company to improve its occupational health and safety, the quality of its products and services, and its environmental performance, which can generate economic, social, and environmental benefits to long ter

    Economic and Productive Characterization of Dairy Units Integrated to the Municipal Cattle Raising Program (PROGRAM) in the Province of Camagüey, Cuba.

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    The economic and productive behaviors  of dairy units were characterized between 2009 and 2013, integrated to the Municipal Cattle Raising Program (PROGRAM).Ten dairy farms were chosen in the study, grouped in four agricultural enterprises of Camagüey.  The main principle of the experiment was to achieve food self-sufficiency  in the farms. The study was divided into three stages: (I) characterization of limitations by a farm diagnostics; (II) proposal and incorporation of technologies; (III) follow up and evaluation of results. The analysis included economic and productive indicators suggested by the Ministry of Agriculture. Forage balances were made, and  a  pasture-forage arrangement was set up, according to the results provided by the REGPAST software. The methodology established by Toro (2011) was used for characterization  in  three stages:  variable reviewing  and selection,  Principal  Component Analysis, and Conglomerate Analysis. The results showed an increase of economic and productive indicators at the end of the stage, which helped determine system behavior. Moreover, all the indicators selected were included in some components, which explains the 89 % of total variability. Accordingly, three groups of dairy units were set up, corresponding with the development programs for each, with mean values of 1 553.0 kg per hectare for  the first group; 874.25 kg, for the second; and 1 361.67 kg, in the third group